
Ch. 73 The Hunters Edge

( Yuto Pov )

Kay:" Woah woah, I was watching the matches!! I was taking notes!!"

" Not anymore. Artoria pulled the sword from the stone."

Kay:" Wait, what!!? We need to tell Father!!"

" We can't. Well, send a letter to the old man. I'm sure he'll understand, but Artoria needs to rally followers and build strength to face vortigern."

" We need to travel with her to camelot. And take her to her rightful throne. We'll also be training along the way."

Kay:" Right!!"

" Come on, Merlin and Artoria are waiting."

Arriving at the gates, we met up with Merlin and Artoria, who had Caliburn scraped to her waist.

Merlin:" Well, let's go on an adventure!" He spoke excitingly.

" Sigh. come on." I said

Along our way towards Camelot, we trained and had some adventures along the way. Stopping bandits and helping others in need.

As the months passed, it was announced that Artoria or Arthur was the new king. As the months passed, Artoria began to stop showing any emotions around Merlin and Kay except for me when we're alone.

* Two months later,*

*Clank! Clank!*

The sounds of a hammer striking the hot iron were resounded through the room. I was in the blacksmith shop creating a new weapon since my spear broke in battle with a group of Saxons that tried to ambush us.

* Knock Knock*

" What is it!?"

Kay:" Arthur said that we're leaving in an hour."

" Sigh, really!? I thought it was supposed to be at dawn!"

* Clank *

Kay:" Merlim heard of a group of Saxon terrorizing a village."

" Alright, I'll just finish up here!"

* Pssssshhhh!!!*

Putting the hot iron in the water to cool it, then wrapped it with a cover.

I walked outside to see the sun setting down and walked to the city gates.

Arriving first, I waited for others to come. A couple of minutes later, Artoria arrived.

" It seems your uncle heard about you pulling caliburn. He's been sending more Saxon lately."

Artoria:" Sigh, I just need to wait to gather forces, and we'll be able to face him."

As Artoria finished speaking, she returned to her stoic face as she saw Merlin and Kay Arriving.

Merlin:" Aiyaa, I made a lot of money." He spoke with a happy smile.

Merlin has been going to gambling dens and buying everyone out of their money, clothes, and dignity. Though he wasn't able to defeat me.

" Really? Do you want to have a go, Merlin?""

Merlin:" Eh, ah no, thank you. I'm still recovering from the last game."

Kay:" Pft, Hahaha."

Arotria:" No time for jokes, we head out now." She stayed as she turned and walked away.

" Arthur, the village is the other way."

Arotria pivoted her foot in the right direction.

" Sigh, welp, let's go on another adventure."

Kay;" Mhm."

Following Artoria, it took us three hours to arrive at the village, and as we heard the details from the village head, we headed towards the forest where the Saxons were camping.

Spotting the campsite, I turned to look at Artoria.

" Well? what's the plan " My King"."

Although subtle Artoria gave me an annoyed stare before speaking.

Arthur:" The same plan as last time. Yuto supports us from behind with his bow. Merlin takes the stragglers, and Kay and I will take the front."

" Alright, fearless leader." I spoke as I jumped on a tree branch and took out the bow from my back, It was a gift from an old hunter I helped in our travels.

[ The Hunters Edge ] [ Rare ]

[ Headshots spread fear among surrounding enemies]

[ + 25 health for every kill ]

( Deception: A bow used in times of war, passed through generations, spreading fear across the battlefield for every kill without being seen. until there wasn't a next generation to pass it on as they have been killed.)

I earned this on a mission to hunt down the Saxon that killed the old man's grandson, who aspired to be a knight like his grandfather and his father, who died in the line of duty.

I took out an arrow and placed it on the string. Using total concentration breathing, I pulled the string back and aimed towards the strongest person I could find. I added a little bit of mana reinforcement on the arrow.

* Swoosh *

Releasing the string, I struck the Saxon in the head and peirce through his skull into another person's eye socket.

[ 25 exp ]

[ 25 exp ]

' Two in one!'

Seeing them paralyze in fear, Artoria and Kay used this chance to take them out. Artoria wielding Caliburn and Kay using his spear.

With great dexterity, I put another arrow on the bow and shot another Saxon before they could fight back.

Gaining exp again, I moved between the trees, and I started to take them out as they pissed themselves in fear.

Finally.killong all of them we recouped.

Merlin:" Aw man, I didn't have any fun."

" Stop pouting it weird."

Kay:" Ugh, I think that one just shit himself."

Arthur:" Let's go and deliver the news to the village."

Nodding, we followed her to the village. After completing this mission, we went back on the road towards Camelot.

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