
195: Information Extraction (Last)

At the same time, another realization struck him.

He could create the Defensive Rune himself by simply memorizing its design.

Wizardry was just like that. It had never demanded a deep level of comprehension about a subject to work. 

While spending time with Oliver, Val was enlightened about this simple truth. Not to mention, it wasn't a conclusion he came on his own without any evidence. It was backed by facts. After all, Oliver who didn't know the gravitational force of this world shouldn't be able to use anti-gravity wizardry as he didn't know he was experiencing 1g while standing still on the surface of the world and needed to exert a certain amount of soul power to break free from the gravitational pull, but he did it anyway based on something as simple as "Feeling."

Basically, to use any kind of wizardry, it was sufficient as long as one knew what to visualize. 

A deeper understanding, however, makes it more powerful!

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