
Ch 93: Only when You're Done

  Filming for Kiss in the Clouds was almost complete, and it had gone anything but smoothly.

  Minami's relationship with Aoi had become strained since their date at the club.

  He'd tried to explain that he wasn't doing anything to her and that his actions were completely innocent, but Yuu only scolded him for allowing her to become that intoxicated in the first place.

  Minami didn't want to see him romantically again after that either, so things had become awkward.

  During filming scenes together, Aoi, being the professional he was, didn't let it affect his performance, but Minami had struggled.

  She couldn't wait until filming was completed so she didn't have to be around him anymore.

  On top of that, she'd been sabotaged over and over again.

  Her shoes had been a size too small, she was sent to the wrong sets, given the wrong scripts and had even had her costumes torn.

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