
Kon's Little Monster

As Kon kept going through all the cores, he was finding all sorts of little quirks he like. Like all the Elemental powers, nature not the periodic ones, and all the strengths and weaknesses of the other monster.

It helped Kon feel like he was playing a game really, trying to make sure his little monster didn't have any weakness and covered all th bases of short, medium and long range. He was planning on making variations, but they wouldn't have a single weaknes no one could pray on. Or at least one that he couldn't think of.

It was soothing to him,being able to dive into making something again. Always been a hands on learner and a perfectionist along with it. It's also why he couldn't play certain games in the old world due to glitches that the other side would use and abuse to gain the upper hand.

Regardless though as he kept going through the cores he went into a trance, just focusing on the cores itself and the strengths and weaknesses of each monster. He didn't even register all the unique monsters and the Rexes, just putting them aside after getting what he needed.

Finally going through even the big 3, and not even batting an eye. With all the Monster cores finally being done and gone through, he started to use magic to help speed up his thought process.

Magic circles and equations started appearing around Kon as he just was focused. The monsters on the floor were told to stay near Kon and keep him safe from any adventurers that were on the floor. Even Eevee stopped playing and walked near Kon, she was also interested in what he was doing.

It was just a small space with Kon and the magic circles and equations. He was doing mental calculations on the level of a super computer, as his mind was focused on only making the most of this project of his. It took a while, not an hour but almost for him to finish. By the time though he was finished, Kon looked at it. The Monster core he had made, it had no weakness, other than it can still get hurt. But every single normal weakness is not exploitable. Like skeletons with blunt damage or water monsters and electricity, it had no weakness like that. It would just take the smallest amount of damage each and every time it was hit.

And when he was filling it with magic for the Monster to take form, it took the form of a little black furball fox.

Kon wanted it to be his little mark for the Monster. And it was adorable too. Chili looking.

Kon: "What do you think dungeon. It can use anything it gets exposed to and learns extremely quickly. It's like a video camera, taking in everything and able to think what the best method of completing whatever it's supposed to do."

It was able to use magic, but it's special magic however was it's telekinetic magic. That was what Kon thought would be best for this little monster. With it being able to learn quickly and being able to control objects and even others if they're weak enough. It's little body is hiding a lot, with the skin being peirce resistant, so spears and arrows won't do much. It's fur being extremely cut resistant and it's tiny muscles being extremely dense, are able to shrug off any blunt damage. And the fur is also magic resistant too so it'll be able to shrug off anything and even absorb magic from the spells cast at it to fuel its own. And since it learns so fast it'll be able to fight any aggressor with relative ease after a bit. Being only minutes of fighting that is. Also being able to see how various people and parties fight, will be able to take weapons away from them or use the environment to their advantage. After all, why worry about weapons when you can rip a part of the Dungeon floor or walls or the rocks and pebbles around the place and use them as weapons.

The little black furball would be a menace. It's mainly black with a little white fox symbol on its forehead. Although that symbol wasn't as filled put as Eevee's was, being only having a single tail instead of all the tails that Eevee's has. It has completely black eyes, and instead of pupils it was like a shattered black glass put back together had made its place in the eye, white lines going across the whole eyes without ryhme or reason. Kon didn't exactly know why it did this, but left it as is. It just felt....right.

It also has a little puffy ring of fur that is like Eevee. He wanted it to be have a little bit of the two of them. Even if Eevee didn't do anything to actively help.

Kon: "I'll call you Neo. Since you're the first I've ever made truly my own. What do you think little one?" Kon said, completely attached to this new addition. Even though he knows that he, Kon can sense that the little fluff ball is a he, is going to be fighting adventurers and growing. But it's needed, and he's going to make sure this little guys lives. He also changed a little bit of Neo's fur to have little white tips at the ends of his ears and tail.

Kon: 'I don't really care if people put two and two together. Not like it'll really matter to me. I can always move my home deeper into the Dungeon. Or even make a new one outside in some far away place. Long as I have Eevee I'm gonna be alright.'

Kon put Eevee as his only family left. With his old family betraying him, he truly only saw Eevee as his family. The only one he really cared about.

If it became them against the world he'd make sure the world burnt to ashes. He can make another in its place.

With the new little super monster he created, he made another core, walked over to the waters edge and stepped in a ways. He made a little pedestal in the middle of the water. He didn't know really how the Dungeon was going to take it, but felt it was the right thing to do.

When he did it, he saw the core start to hover in the air above the pedestal. It slowly disappeared in front of his eyes, and he knew the Dungeon took it. He walked back to the edge to get out of the water, making sure to not get his tail wet. He got it wet before and it was like wearing wet socks. With a little rumbling next to Kon after he made it back to shore, out came another little black furball. The same as the one before. Though the lines were very different for where they sat inside their eyes. Giving them both unique patterns.

Kon: "Hey Eevee, do you want to go show these two around for a bit? It'll be fun, and seeing that you would like more friends that'll stay near ya, I think this'll be great." He said with a smile and Emerald Green Eyes with his success.

Eevee's eyes glowed with the thought. Kon wanted to have some time to himself. And this is an opportunity that gives him that chance. He wanted to just go sit in the water and think about everything. He has been through a lot with no time to really sink into his thoughts alone. Since he was always on the run in his last life trying his best to make something out of himself and it instead backfired, he just didn't know how he really felt about things. He hated his family, but at the same time misses them. He doesn't know what to do, other than wanting to break things and build things again.

All the time his fur changing from white to black and white again. His eyes, the whites turning completely black in one eye and the other normal, but his uncut jemstone like pupils were changing all colors possible.

Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, Pink, Gold, White And Black.

He just wanted to let his emotions play out, though he knows it'll end in him breaking something in the Dungeon if he falls too deep into his emotions. Wouldn't be the first time wouldn't be the last. Not that he cares about it like he used to.

If anyone wanted to bother him, whatever happens happens.

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