
Unshakable ideal

Red sunset. The lingering remains of the sun faintly illuminated the earth.

From somewhere, the sound of cars and motorcycles could be heard. It must be the time when people finish work and head back home.


In the midst of such hustle and bustle, a person stood alone in the abandoned park.

Looking up at the dimming sky, they quietly exhaled. Seeing that white figure, as white as snow, reminded them of the girl who had just left.

Illyasviel von Einzbern.

She was said to be the Master of Berserker, a young girl filled with mysteries. The words she had left behind, her final words, couldn't escape their mind.

Illya said that she came to this town to kill me and Kiritsugu. I couldn't believe there was a lie in those eyes devoid of emotions and that freezing cold expression. Assuming it to be true... why did she declare to kill not only me but also Kiritsugu?

As far as I know, there is no connection between Kiritsugu and Illya. However, my knowledge of Kiritsugu is limited to only five years. I don't know about his past before that, and since he started living with me, he has been going on trips multiple times. Perhaps something happened during those times.

Emiya Kiritsugu is a benefactor who saved my life, an unreliable foster father, and a hero I admire who fights for justice. My father, who always told me to be kind to girls... does that mean he engaged in acts that would invite a killing intent from a girl who is barely in her teens?


They cursed in frustration. Their meaningless voice echoed emptily in the deserted park.

Right now, I am completely ignorant about everything. About Kiritsugu, about Archer, about Illya. There are only things that I should know, yet I am too ignorant.

But... even for someone like me, there is one thing I know.

That girl Illyasviel—she must be someone who will understand if I talk to her.

If her goal is to defeat me, she could have summoned Berserker as soon as she arrived at this park. No, even without summoning a Servant, if she is a magus capable of controlling that Berserker, defeating me would be easy.

However, Illya didn't do that. She believed me when I said I wanted to talk, and not only that, she warned me about the danger of Archer, taught me about the Holy Grail War, and even offered me a way to step out of the stage of the Holy Grail War. She did all that for me, a Master she just met yesterday and who is her enemy.


But setting aside Illya's personality and intentions. There is no doubt that she is the Master of Berserker and a formidable obstacle. No matter how virtuous she may be, Archer, Saber, and Tohsaka will undoubtedly fight her without hesitation.

Then... can I do it?

I have decided to fight. I have decided to win the Holy Grail War. However, my motives are different from the other Masters. I want to stop any merciless methods that involve innocent third parties. That is the reason why Emiya Shirou fights... and that is not a reason to fight Illya.

They hesitated on what to do.

I can't fight Illya. But it would be foolish to remain defenseless like that night and be attacked by Berserker's fierce onslaught.

In that case... instead of Illya, I should defeat that giant. If Servants didn't exist, Masters would be nothing more than ordinary magi.

I know how difficult and roundabout that path is. Even with both Saber and Archer, we could only harm that invincible hero. Rather than turning him into an enemy, it would be much easier to target his Master. To challenge and defeat the great hero of Greek mythology head-on, that would be impossible unless you were a god.

If I don't want to fight Illya, there is no choice but to defeat him. In the end, I have come back to square one, but is there really no other way?

Shaking their head to unravel the tangled thoughts like a spiral, they realize that there are more pressing matters to attend to right now.

"Should I go home?"

With a sigh, they finally raise their heavy body. It's already late, and everyone else must have gone home. I can't afford to be any later and worry them.

...But before that, I should stop by the shopping district and buy ingredients for dinner.

If I come back late and there's no dinner, I will definitely incur Fujinee's displeasure. If I don't at least prepare dinner, I won't be able to prevent the tiger's rampage.

They will probably ask why I'm late... but for now, let's not talk to anyone about Illya. I met the enemy's Master, so it would make sense to tell Tohsaka and the others, but I still don't want to talk about it.

Today's Illya wasn't my enemy. Although she is a Master, she had certainly become my ally at that time. That's why... I shouldn't disclose that fact to anyone else.


"I'm back!"

Carrying the shopping bag, I enter my well-lit home through the front door. It had already become dark while I was wandering around the shopping district.

"Welcome back, Shirou. You're late today."

As I take off my shoes, Saber appears. But as I'm about to reply... I suddenly feel something strange. I can't sense any presence other than Saber's from inside the house.

I try to listen carefully, but I can't even hear any voices. And when I look down at my feet, there are clearly fewer shoes than there should be. I tilt my head and turn to Saber, who has come up to the entrance.

"Oh, there were some things... By the way, is Tohsaka not back yet?"

"Yes. Rin said she would be late today."

"I see. And Fujinee and Sakura, are they still not back either?"

As I ask that, a tinge of sorrow appears on Saber's elegant face. I can sense that something has happened from that expression.

"No, they just came back a moment ago... But we received a call saying that a member of the archery club collapsed at school, so both of them went to the hospital. They asked me to tell you that they won't be able to come back tonight."


I manage to catch the shopping bag that I almost dropped. The first thing that comes to mind is the blood-stained boundary field enveloping the school. Could it be that something has happened there?

...No. If that were the case, Saber wouldn't be here, and both Tohsaka and Archer would be on the move. But the timing of a student collapsing at school... can it really be considered a coincidence? Suppressing the momentary disturbance, I ask Saber again.

"Saber, did they say anything about that matter?"

"Not really. They were in a hurry, and they were concerned about the condition of the student... but-"

"I see..."

While talking to Saber, I enter the living room and place the shopping bag down.

...And as I look at the neglected shogi board, I remember that the other Servant is absent as well. The living room, where four people used to gather, feels unexpectedly empty.

Are they out drinking again? I glance towards the kitchen, but there is no one there either. Right now, there are only two people here—Saber and me.

"If it's Archer, he went to our school. He was curious about the state of the boundary."

As if sensing my question, Saber answers first. The content of her words was as expected.

Unlike Saber, who has been patrolling the city these past few days, Archer has been lounging around the house. But he is one of the Servants summoned for the Holy Grail War. It's natural for him to be concerned when he hears about an incident related to the war happening nearby.

"If he went to check on the boundary at this timing, then it's probably..."

"Yes. There is a high possibility that the incident is related to that boundary or the one who set it up. Shirou and Rin told me they interfered with the base of the boundary today. If the enemy Master lurking in the school noticed their movements, it wouldn't be strange for them to show some kind of reaction."

I see... Does that mean...?

Could it be that because we meddled with the boundary, an unrelated student got involved?

Certainly, we were expecting the culprit who set up the boundary to make some kind of move. But that was directed at us, the ones who touched the boundary. We never considered a situation where a third party would be involved.

Even if it's something that ordinary people can't sense, if there's a commotion at the school before the boundary is complete, it would hinder the movement of the culprit. That's why we predicted that the culprit would act behind the scenes... But to engage in an act that involves civilians within the same day, it was completely unexpected.

It's still just a hypothesis that this incident is related to the boundary... But if that's the case, then this culprit really hasn't thought things through. Their inexplicable actions that don't match their interests can only be attributed to acting on emotions.

What should I do?

I'm tempted to go and check on both the collapsed student and the school surrounded by the boundary.

But even I know that it would be meaningless to blindly move around at this point. Fujinee and Sakura went to the student's place, and Archer went to the school. The only thing I can do now is to wait for everyone's return here.


After school, I remember Shiji, who was acting suspiciously.

It's not yet confirmed, but could he be involved in this incident? What connection does my friend have with the Holy Grail War?

No, such questions don't matter. What I should focus on right now is the fact that Shinji Matou might stand in my way as an enemy. A friend I used to play with turning into a ruthless enemy who harms innocent people. Without the determination to confront that, I won't be able to uphold my ideals. A hero of justice is someone who saves a large number of people.

"...Shirou, is something wrong?"

Saber asks, perhaps suspicious of me as I stand there lost in thought. Her voice brings me back to reality.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll make dinner, so please wait, Saber."

Saber nods silently, and I turn my back to her and head towards the kitchen, lifting the shopping bag at my feet.

Lately, I've been lost in thought like this more often. It's not necessarily a bad thing to contemplate on things, but in my case, it's more of being troubled than just thinking. Endlessly worrying about the same things is a sign of immaturity.

The time for excuses has long passed. If I'm going to face the Holy Grail War head-on, I can't hesitate or remain troubled. As a Master, I should think about "how to fight" rather than "why I fight."


After finishing the dinner for the two of us, it's time for washing dishes.

Since Fujinee and Sakura aren't coming back, even though I made dinner for four people... and Tohsaka and Archer still haven't returned, Saber and I ended up having dinner together first. I am a bit worried that they haven't returned by this time, but if something happens to Tohsaka, it seems Saber, being a Servant, will sense it. As for Archer, it's even questionable if there's a need to worry. So, I should just quietly wait here.

...And so, while I was thinking about such things, I finished washing the dishes. Since there are only dishes for two people, it didn't take much time to wash them.

When there are six people, washing dishes becomes quite a task, so I had been considering introducing a dishwasher in our house. But perhaps it's unnecessary if everyone won't gather like tonight.

I place the dishes in the dish rack and head towards the living room. Saber is sitting properly in seiza, and I sit opposite her.



It's awkward.

Sitting here alone with a golden-haired beauty. If I were to put it into words, it might be an enviable situation. However, just sitting across from each other without saying a word feels uncomfortable.

Fujinee is the type to make noise even when alone, and Sakura has been coming to the house for a long time now, so she's practically like family. As for Tohsaka, we've had some acquaintance before.

But when I think about it, Saber and I don't have any common ground. Saber is Tohsaka's Servant, and I am Archer's Master. We are temporarily allied, but in reality, we should be enemies. Talking to that person...


There was something I had to ask Saber herself.

Fortunately, there's no one else here except Saber and me. If there's a question I don't want to be asked, there's no other time but now.

With that decision, my resolve solidifies. I lift my gaze from the desk and look straight into Saber's eyes.

"By the way... there's something I wanted to ask you, Saber."

"To me?"

Saber tilts her head slightly, still expressionless. I nod in response and continue speaking.

"I want you to tell me about Archer."


As soon as I asked, Saber's expression clouded.

Her eyes were hidden, seemingly pondering, and her lips were tightly sealed. It was evident that she was in anguish, as clear as day.

But I have to know this. As a Master, if I don't know anything about my own Servant... and even the Servant himself doesn't know about himself, the only way to obtain information about that golden man is to directly ask someone who knew him in the past.

Saber seemed to have some knowledge about Archer from the first time we met. Even without introducing himself, this girl concluded that the golden hero was the Archer-class Servant. Considering her excessive wariness towards Archer that has continued since then, there's no doubt that Saber has some information about Archer.

"...Yes, you're right. I should have told you, Shirou."

Furrowing her brow, deeply contemplating. As if having made a decision, Saber turns her gaze towards me.

Her serious expression makes me instinctively straighten my back. I had a feeling that what would be spoken from now on must not be missed, not a single word.

"I believe I have mentioned this before... but I participated in the Holy Grail War before. During the previous battle, I was summoned as the Servant of Emiya Kiritsugu."

"Eh? What... are you talking about?"

Wait a moment.

Why is Saber mentioning... Kiritsugu, that old man?

"I was Kiritsugu's Servant, that's what I said. I fought alongside him in the Holy Grail War and survived until the end."

"And then... The Servant who survived until the end of the previous battle... The one who stood before me on the last day was that golden Hero."

Saber's revelation sends a shiver down my spine.

To think that Kiritsugu, my father, was a Master and participated in the Holy Grail War... isn't surprising in itself. After all, the great fire ten years ago was caused by the Holy Grail War. It's not strange for my father, who was a magus, to have had some connection to it, even if it's related to the incident.

I'll ask about that later. What I need to know now is the information about my own Servant.

As Archer himself predicted, Saber had some acquaintance with him during the previous Holy Grail War. If they were in an adversarial relationship in the past, it makes sense why Saber was so cautious about Archer.

"Saber. So, do you also know who he really is?"

"...No, I don't know. In the previous battle, both I and Kiritsugu knew the true names and abilities of all the other Servants. However, when it came to that Archer, we couldn't grasp his true identity until the end. As an Heroic Spirit, everyone possesses a Noble Phantasm, a symbol that represents them. But that golden hero... he did not possess one."

"Huh? That doesn't make sense. After all, Archer..."

His battles with Lancer.

His battles with Berserker.

In both of those battles, Archer used weapons. Weapons filled with extraordinary magical energy, in shapes of dual swords and a large bow that wouldn't be possible in the modern era. And that golden armor with an incredible hardness that even blocked Lancer's magical spear. What are those if not Noble Phantasms?

"...It's going to be a long story, but I think I should talk about the appearance of Archer that I witnessed in the previous battle. That way, I can also answer your questions, Shirou."

With those words, Saber began to talk about the previous Holy Grail War, the one she experienced.

"In the previous battle, that Hero was summoned as Archer's Servant. From the very first battle, he appeared with great confidence ....However. The weapons he used were too abnormal. Just from what I could see, that Servant used more than fifty Noble Phantasms."

"Huh? Wait a minute, Saber. Aren't Noble Phantasms supposed to be limited to one per Heroic Spirit, maybe three at most? Having more than fifty... that's just..."

"It's strange, I agree. But I saw it with my own eyes, so there's no mistake.

That man had Noble Phantasms as numerous as there are. Rather than saying they don't exist, it would be more accurate to say that I couldn't determine which one was his true Noble Phantasm due to their overwhelming quantity. We couldn't decipher Archer's true name until the end because there were too many."

"Does that mean... it was like one sword splitting into many, or having many copies of the same sword?"

"No. Each of the Noble Phantasms he used was different. Of course, we considered the possibility that they were fakes, but if that were the case, it wouldn't explain the tremendous amount of magical energy... and above all, if they were fakes, there's no way they could defeat that... Heroic Spirit."

"It's unbelievable... that's what I think too, but with my own eyes, I saw it.

He possessed Noble Phantasms like they were water. Rather than saying they don't exist, it's more accurate to say that we didn't know which one was his true Noble Phantasm. The number was simply too large, and we couldn't see through Archer's true name until the end."

"So... a single sword splitting or having multiple copies of the same sword wasn't the case?"

"No. Every single Noble Phantasm he used was distinct. Although I did consider the possibility of them being counterfeits, if that were true, it wouldn't explain the massive amount of magical energy... Moreover, if they were fakes, there's no way they could defeat that... Heroic Spirit."

With an expression that seemed to say it was too hard to believe, Saber murmured, and then she began talking about the other Servants summoned in the previous Holy Grail War.

"Iskandar the Conqueror."

The great hero also known as Alexander, Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia who left his name in history, a figure everyone learns about in history classes.

It seems that in the previous Holy Grail War, he was summoned as Rider, just as expected due to his fame. He was also a powerful Servant.

The Noble Phantasm Rider used was originally a chariot enshrined in the temple of Zeus. However, in addition to that, he possessed an immeasurable Noble Phantasm.

Originally, it was an ability attributed to demons and spirits, an extraordinary power that locally rewrites the laws of the world. It is hailed as the magecraft that is closest to magic, called "Ionian Hetairoi, the Reality Marble of the King." Iskandar the Great used it as his strongest trump card.

The ability of his Reality Marble was to summon the Macedonian army that Iskandar the Great commanded in life. It was an ultimate Noble Phantasm that summoned a military force of tens of thousands of Heroic Spirits, far beyond any conventional evaluation.

The Servants summoned in the Holy Grail War are the embodiment of legendary Heroic Spirits. Even if there was only one, I know firsthand how powerful they can be.

Summoning them in the tens of thousands. The extent of the threat posed by that is beyond estimation. There shouldn't be anyone who can oppose such an incredible Noble Phantasm. Even if they were powerful Servants, there is no way they could overcome an army of tens of thousands, each possessing the power that threatens them.

"...But despite facing that Heroic Spirit. The Servant who emerged victorious without a scratch was Archer."

"That's a lie..."

After hearing Saber's story, I could only remain speechless.

Countless Noble Phantasms.

An abnormality that defeats exceptionally powerful Servants without even exhausting himself.

That... it's impossible. Is there really someone who can defeat the legendary Conqueror and tens of thousands of Heroic Spirits unharmed? Is that Servant, who doesn't even remember his true name, really such an extraordinary Heroic Spirit?

"Hey, Saber. Saber and Archer were the last ones standing in the previous battle, right? So, who was the one who won in the end?"

I was about to ask the continuation, but seeing Saber's downcast figure, I already knew the answer.


He couldn't win. Despite being inferior to that Berserker, Saber's power far surpasses both Lancer and the current Archer. Even with Saber, she couldn't achieve victory against the previous Archer.

In other words... inadvertently, the contents I told Illya a few hours ago hit the mark. If he hadn't lost his memories, that Servant was truly an extraordinary one.

As I stood there dumbfounded and Saber fell into silence, a heavy silence descended upon the living room where everyone fell silent. The only background sound was the ticking of the clock, echoing through the room.

"I'm back~"

A voice came from the entrance, interrupting my thoughts. After a brief pause, casual footsteps resounded through the hallway.

I raised my head and looked in the direction of the sound. Soon, a girl with twintails and a tall young man appeared.

"Sorry, we're a bit late. We just got back."

"Hmph. Is this how you welcome my return? You insolent mongrel."

"Sorry, sorry," said Tohsaka, sitting down nonchalantly in a corner of the room, showing no sincerity in her apology, while Archer, with a disgruntled expression, took his place at the head. Technically, I'm the master of this house, so why does our lodger act so arrogantly? I wish he would show a little restraint.

Both of them boldly took a seat, paying no mind to my stern gaze. Seeing me sigh, seemingly unbothered, Saber spoke up to change the mood.

"Rin, were you with Archer?"

"Yeah, we just happened to run into each other. Since we're going back to the same place anyway, we came back together."

"Um, speaking of which... I heard you went to check on the barrier. How was it?"

"Oh, that. There haven't been any significant changes in the barrier itself. As expected, it should activate in a few more days.

But... it wasn't completely normal either. There was a faint presence of a Servant at that school."

"...Archer, did you figure out who it was?"

"No. Either they sensed my presence and quickly disappeared, or they were never there to begin with. However, for an ordinary Servant, their departure from my perceptual range was too fast. It's possible that they sensed my coming... but if it was remote viewing or magic of that sort, there's no reason I wouldn't notice. In that case, the owner of that speed would be a Servant with a high agility, similar to Lancer."

Upon hearing "Lancer," I recalled the figure of that blue spearman.

The demonic lance that pierced my heart without any resistance, and the armor of Archer's that it penetrated, a lance that would surely slay any enemy once unleashed. Is that fearsome warrior once again appearing at the school?

The one who is said to be a highly skilled user of advanced Rune Magecraft, Cu Chulainn. A Servant with exceptional agility... Could it be that the enforcer of the barrier at the school is the same Heroic Spirit?

"Then, it's still Lancer after all..."

"No. That wasn't the work of Lancer."

Suddenly, Tohsaka, who had been listening to our conversation, interjected.

"If Lancer's true identity is Cu Chulainn, then the magic he uses is Rune Magecraft. However, the barrier erected at the school is not created with Rune Magecraft. I thought it might be some old, unknown runes, so I did some research... Today, when I inspected the school's curse marks, I became convinced. That barrier is enveloped in a different kind of mystery, separate from Rune Magecraft."

"If it's not a different kind of mystery... then what is the barrier made of?"

"I don't know. In fact, I wish someone would tell me if they knew. When it reaches the level of that barrier, it surpasses the realm of high-level magecraft... It might actually be some kind of Noble Phantasm."

Tohsaka grumbled in frustration. The fact that she had no leads about the barrier didn't sit well with her proud nature.

Saber, despite her appearance, also had a competitive spirit... It seemed that this master and servant were quite similar in that regard.

According to Tohsaka, many summoned servants have qualities similar to their masters. Tohsaka and Saber could be considered concrete examples of that.

However... if that were the case, it would mean that Archer and I also shared some similarities. But I couldn't fathom any common ground between the arrogant and presumptuous man and myself, who was just an inexperienced mage.

I glanced at Archer out of the corner of my eye... and once again, his golden eyes were directed at Saber. He couldn't possibly be unaware of that gaze, but Saber chose to ignore it. She must have realized that it was a waste of time to be concerned about such a meaningless gaze.

"Tohsaka, are you sure that the servant who erected the barrier wasn't Lancer?"

"Yes, I'm certain of that. It's a pity that we don't know more, though."

"In that case, we can narrow down the servant who set up the barrier. We currently know of four servants. However, neither I nor Archer have anything to do with that barrier. I don't think Berserker is capable of constructing a barrier, and it's not the work of the suspicious Lancer I suspected. That means the remaining servants are..."

"Caster, Rider, and Assassin."

"Caster is the most suspicious one, but I don't think it's her. She's the one causing gas leaks and gathering magical energy from people in the city. If that's the case, it's understandable why she's causing widespread incidents and meticulously covering her tracks. Caster, who is weaker in combat, wouldn't want to draw the attention of other servants. And Assassin is a servant specialized in assassination. I can't imagine that someone whose expertise is killing people would be capable of setting up such a barrier. In that case..."

"The culprit is Rider. Hmph... if that's the case, it also makes sense with that speed of his. Rider, the mounted warrior, compensates for his own lack of strength with his mount."

The conversation among the three continued without my input. In the end, while I remained silent, the culprit behind the barrier was determined.

I had only thought Lancer was suspicious... but if that wasn't the case, it was indeed highly likely that Rider was the true culprit.

From Saber's earlier story, I learned about the incredible capabilities of the Rider, the Conqueror summoned in the previous Holy Grail War. Compared to his abilities, that astonishing barrier still seemed realistic.

Just as Lancer excelled in magecraft, Rider, whom I had yet to see, might also have knowledge of magecraft, or perhaps he was constructing the barrier using the power of his Noble Phantasm. Regardless, even though we couldn't see the details yet, it was good news for us that we had at least identified the enemy's class.

"When you say Rider, does that mean he fights by riding some kind of vehicle? According to what Saber said, there was a Rider who rode a tank in the previous battle..."

"Yes. Not just tanks, but battleships and magical beasts as well. There might even be airplanes. Anyway, using such vehicles to fight is characteristic of the Rider servant."

"Vehicles, huh..."

I rubbed my chin, trying to think if there were any hints that could lead to his true identity assuming he was Rider. However, in the current situation where I didn't even know what he looked like, I couldn't obtain any further information. All that was left was to wait until we actually confronted the enemy.

"...Looks like we've hit a dead end. Even though we've identified the servant's class, we still don't know their true identity. And if the master doesn't show up, there's nothing we can do."

"Archer, you mentioned earlier that you went to the school. Did you see anyone else suspicious besides that servant?"

Tohsaka asked, and Archer shook his head in denial. But... at the phrase "suspicious person," I had one person in mind.

"Hey, Tohsaka. Come to think of it, after I parted with you at the school, I saw a strange guy."

As soon as I said that, everyone's gaze focused on me. Feeling slightly pressured by the urging gazes of the three pairs of eyes, I decided to recount the events of after school.

Shinji's inexplicable behavior.

The curse marks at the archery dojo that I overlooked.

If those two were unrelated, then that was fine. However, considering the timing of the events that occurred today during the Holy Grail War, it would be too naive to think they had nothing to do with it.

"...I see. I had a feeling, but I never thought he would be the master."

Tohsaka muttered with a frustrated expression, as if she had bitten a bitter bug. Her tone indicated that she was already convinced that Shinji was the master.

However, I still believed that there wasn't enough evidence to conclude that Shinji was the one in control. Did Tohsaka have any other basis to believe that Shinji was the culprit?

"Tohsaka, do you have any idea? Something that makes you think Shinji is the master?"

"Yes. I had a hunch, so I went to the Matou house after school today."

"...Huh? Tohsaka, did you already know that Shinji was the master?"

Rin's words raised doubts, interrupting the conversation.

Until I brought it up, we hadn't mentioned Shinji. But it seemed like Rin had been suspicious of him from the beginning. If she had a reason to think that way, why didn't she tell me?

Not only me, but also the gazes of the other two were directed at Rin, who had a big question mark floating above her head.

"Didn't you say it? The Matou family was originally called Makiri and belonged to a fallen lineage of magi. Well, they've fallen out of favor now, and the current successor is said to not even possess Magic Circuits."

"...I never heard that."

"Oh, really?... Oops, I might have forgotten."

Muttering a word, Rin looked in the direction of the day after tomorrow and covered her mouth. There was an aura of regret, as if she had made a mistake.

...I've been thinking this for a while, but Rin is perfect yet has some gaps in her knowledge. The problem is that those gaps are quite fatal. Even with regards to the barrier, she only told me about it after we entered the school.

"Well... Anyway, because Shinji doesn't have any aptitude as a mage, I thought he was unrelated. But just to be safe, I conducted reconnaissance at his house today."

"So, what happened?"

"Jackpot. There was definitely the presence of a Servant inside that house."

"What...!? Why would you go alone to such a dangerous place?"

Saber's eyes blamed Rin for not taking me along. Rin waved her hand casually, dismissing the concern.

"I sent my familiar to scout, so it wasn't dangerous. Even if they noticed the familiar, they wouldn't be able to confirm who's controlling it.

But there's no doubt that there's a Servant in that house. I don't know how Shinji became the Master, but with the evidence we have so far, it's almost certain that he's the one in control.

But... even through the familiar, being able to sense the presence of a Servant is sloppy on the part of the Matou's barrier. Or maybe they're just that confident?"

Rin sighed in exasperation. I could see her in that state. However... I bypassed Rin and imagined the figure of another person.


I had prepared myself. When I saw Shinji at school and found those curse marks, I had a feeling that my friend might become an enemy.

That itself was shocking, but if she was trying to involve many people, I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. It was my duty as a friend and what a hero of justice should do.

But she had a sister. Does she know what her brother is doing?

I clenched my trembling fist and suppressed a faint fear as I spoke.

"...Rin. If Shinji is the Master... does Sakura also have something to do with the Holy Grail War?"

"I think that possibility is low. I don't sense the presence of a Master from her, and there's no sign of her having a Servant. In that sense, Shinji also doesn't have the presence of a Master, but that's an exception. He's probably not a regular Master. And if Sakura were the Master, we would have noticed despite seeing her every day. There's no way we wouldn't have."

"I see... That's a relief."

I sighed with relief and felt a weight lifted off my chest.

At the very least... Sakura was not involved in this foolish conflict. If she, as well as my kohai, were caught up in the Mage's War... I couldn't stay silent.

Sakura, who used to be dark and never smiled, has been smiling a lot lately. I couldn't allow her to go back to how she used to be. She deserves a peaceful and ordinary daily life.


Was it just my imagination? As soon as I felt relieved... Archer's lips seemed to curl up slightly.

I quickly looked at him, but his handsome face remained expressionless. Thinking that I must have mistaken, I returned my gaze to Rin.

"Rin, if Shinji is the Master, it might not be good to bring Sakura to this house... Well, I'll think about it later.

Just because the number of Masters has increased doesn't mean we can let our guard down. As far as I know, there's another Master hiding at the school. It's not impossible that the one who set up the barrier is that Master."

"Huh? The Master you mentioned at school yesterday, isn't that Shinji?"

"No, it's different. I didn't know until today that he was the Master. Just like Shinji and Shirou, Shinji also isn't emitting any magical energy, so I didn't notice.

But... besides that, I sense the presence of a Master from that school. We have to be careful about that too."

"So, there are two other Masters at the school besides us... That's troublesome."

When we gathered everyone's information, the situation was more chaotic than we initially thought.

We believed that there was only one Master at the school. So, if Rin and I teamed up, we could gain the advantage by exposing that person. But now that it's revealed that Shinji is a Master, though it's uncertain if he has a connection with the other Master, the fact that two Masters are hiding undermines our advantage. In this situation, we have to rethink our strategy.

The top priority is to remove the barrier set up at the school. For that, defeating the Master or Servant responsible is essential.

The Servant who set up the barrier is likely Rider. But without being able to determine if Shinji is Rider's Master or if the other Master has Rider, we can't just intervene with Shinji so easily.

In the end, we're back to the initial state where we have no choice but to wait for the enemy to make a move.


What should I do?

Although we've grown distant, Shinji is my friend. Perhaps if I talk to him, he'll understand.

Even if he is a Master, he's not a bad person. Even if Shinji is the one who set up the barrier, I can't imagine him committing such atrocities without any reason...

"Shirou. I hope you're not foolishly thinking about talking to Shinji."

And just as I was having such thoughts, Rin's voice interrupted me. I involuntarily stiffened at being seen through.

Rin, Archer, and even Saber were looking at me with emotionless eyes, as if mocking me for being foolish.

"Listen. Just because we're special, being a Master means we're enemies to other Masters by default. If you think you can talk to him, go ahead and try it. To them, it's no different than a duck carrying green onions. With such naive thoughts, you'll only end up wasting your life. It might be good for a normal person to avoid fighting, but you're already a Master. If you don't have the will to fight, you won't survive."

"That's not it. I..."

A voice, resembling Tohsaka's, admonished me. But reflexively, I couldn't continue beyond that.

A momentary pause. I took a breath and gathered my thoughts.

Sometimes, choosing to fight is necessary. However, I cannot allow myself to hurt or involve others in the process. A hero of justice is someone who helps others, not someone who harms them.

"I'm not avoiding a fight. But... I don't want anyone to get hurt because of it. Even if the opponent is a Master, if there's room for negotiation, I think we should take that path."

"You fool. Don't you realize your own contradictions, you mongrel."

In response to my words, Archer spat out contemptuously. I couldn't stand that and stared straight back at Archer, mocking me.

"What do you mean, Archer?"

"What? Don't you understand unless it's explained to you? Your beliefs and actions are all filled with deceit. Suppose we agree with your way of not hurting others. In that case, the action you should take is to prevent the threat that could harm others. Currently, that would be the destruction of that filthy barrier. To achieve that, it would be quickest to defeat the spellcaster. And... did you say Shinji or something? You know that he's the Master of that mongrel. In that case, that person should be eliminated without hesitation. If he's a criminal, then fine. Even if it's different, the enemy will still disappear. If you don't want to sacrifice the lives of countless mongrels, you have no choice but to deal with the Master one way or another. There's no reason to hesitate to slaughter that mongrel named Shinji. And yet, you're hesitating. What do you call this if not a contradiction?"


Archer's words pierced my heart like bullets. Because it was the truth, his harsh words rained down on me.

If I defeat Shinya, who is a Master, the threat of the Servant will disappear. With a fifty-fifty chance, the barrier that was set up at school will also vanish. To avoid involving people, that would be the right path.

But Shinya is my friend. If it were certain that he was the culprit, it would be a different story, but there's still uncertainty. To unilaterally condemn him, attack him... and even kill him, is that something I can do?

To abandon Shinya and save a large number of people. Who can I be proud of for following that path, betraying my friend?

Archer looked down on me with disdain as I fell silent. He continued to challenge me, criticizing my inability to respond.

"You really are hopeless. Your spirit of self-sacrifice has reached an abnormal level, not even recognizing your own contradictions. Shirou, are you saying that you fight to avoid hurting anyone?"

I was quietly asked by Saber, who had been observing my exchange with Archer. Without hesitation, I returned an affirmative answer to her emerald eyes.

How she interpreted it, I didn't know. Without averting her gaze from me, she blinked twice... and the golden-haired girl directed her eyes, filled with emotion, at me.

"I understand your conviction. However, I don't want you to take actions that would sacrifice your own life for it. Like you did to me before, I want you to stop doing things like risking your safety to help someone. If it were just helping people, that would be one thing, but jumping in front of a Servant is the same as suicide. Leave the Servants to me and Archer. Servants exist for the purpose of fighting, so there's no need to spare our wounds."

Saber spoke calmly. The coldness with which she declared herself as someone who fights, it made my blood boil.

"Damn it! If it means letting a girl get hurt, I'll fight for her myself!"


Saber was surprised, her eyes wide open. Her figure overlapped with that night.

On the night I fought Berserker, Saber was struck down by the giant. The wounds she suffered then were so severe that it would not be strange for her to have died. And yet, she still... even while writhing in pain, she tried to continue the fight. Unable to bear witnessing her bloodied form, I reflexively rushed in.

The weight of Saber's body that I held was surprisingly light. And because of that, I realized that this knight was just a girl.

I couldn't allow a girl to get hurt while she fought to protect helpless me. There was no reason to call someone like that a hero of justice. I would rather get hurt myself than let such a thing happen again.

"Honestly, you're completely hopeless. Even your self-sacrificing spirit has reached a certain abnormality. Saber, Shirou is saying that he'll fight himself rather than let you get hurt. I don't know why, but for him, the lives of others are more valuable than his own life. Even if it's a Servant."

Archer spoke with a sigh, as if exasperated. I could hear his muttered comment that there was no cure for stupidity.

With Tohsaka closing her mouth, silence fell in the living room. Saber, who had been silently observing the situation, eventually nodded once and raised her face from its lowered position.

"I understand. Shirou, if you're so determined to fight even at the risk of not hurting others, then there's one condition. As long as time allows, I want you to receive training with the sword from me. That way, your chances of survival will increase... and you will also come to understand the reality of a Servant's power more deeply."

In other words...

"Saber, are you saying that you'll train me?"

"Yes. Through training, Shirou will learn the realities of combat. That way, your way of thinking may also change."

Sword training, huh...

Even though I'll be trained by Saber, I don't think I'll be able to achieve anything in just one or two days. However, by understanding the nature of battle, I might become a little better prepared for future Servant battles.

If I can't do anything against Lancer or Berserker and just end up getting killed, there's no way I can help anyone. However, having the right mindset and resolve will make a difference in the outcome.

I don't have delusions of grandeur about defeating a Servant. But if I can even just handle a sword a little, perhaps I'll see a possibility of surviving.

"Hmm... Then I will train Shirou in magecraft. It's a problem that he can't even strengthen properly."

Tohsaka showed a smile, as if she had come up with a good idea. However, seeing her confident expression, I couldn't shake off my uneasiness.

Leaving me behind, Tohsaka and Saber continued their conversation. Unbeknownst to me, it had been decided that my training would begin tomorrow morning.

I didn't want to think about what kind of experience I would have to go through from tomorrow onwards. Archer, who was lightly smiling as if enjoying this situation, didn't seem like he would help the Master.


I let out a deep sigh. Why is it that even though they're talking about me, I'm being left out?

The conclusion I reached tonight was that sometimes humans need to give up, an important truth.


"Hey, Emiya. What the hell is going on?"

Late at night, a rough voice resounded in a space that should have been filled with tranquility.

On top of a hill, next to a graveyard where the dead slept, stood a church. It was the only source of light in this place enveloped in darkness and shadows.

Inside the dimly lit room, a thin man stood, radiating a sense of displeasure. His narrowed eyes were directed at the figure sitting in a chair, showing their back.

Whether he was focused on some task or not, the figure didn't turn around. The faint sound of scratching was the sound of a pen marking paper. After a while, the man who had been waiting impatiently clicked his tongue, and the figure writing the report noticed for the first time, as if saying so, and stopped moving their arm.

"Oh? What is it, Lancer?"

"Don't play dumb. You know about that 'Shadow,' don't you?"

The priest sitting at the desk, emitting an air that allowed no concealment, finally turned around.

"I don't know what you've seen, but my given task is to oversee the Holy Grail War. As for any other incidents, they are beyond my jurisdiction."

"Hah, you're a fox. That report you're writing right now is probably about that thing, right? I've been interested, so I've been surveying the city all day... The recent kidnappings, that thing is probably the cause. Moreover, the number of victims keeps increasing. Do you understand, Emiya? If things continue like this, the city will be devoid of people. In that case, the Holy Grail War will be the least of our worries."

The intense gaze of Lancer, filled with killing intent, and the expressionless face of the priest, turned towards Emiya Kirei. The combination of the two was an abnormality that shouldn't have been possible.

As Lancer himself stated, Kirei Kotomine's role was to oversee the Fifth Holy Grail War. His duty was to prevent the conflicts of the magi from being exposed to the public, establish the minimal framework, and smoothly manage the ritual known as the Holy Grail War.

In that case, it was strange in itself for the overseer to be with a Servant, regardless of which faction they belonged to. The overseer, who should have been neutral, should have kept his distance from all Masters and Servants. Naturally, this situation was not a coincidence but intentionally caused by Kirei Kotomine's intentions.

Lancer, after all, was a Servant summoned by a legitimate magus. She was an executor of the Mage's Association, an extraordinary being with combat capabilities approaching that of a Heroic Spirit. Her Master's name was Bazett Fraga McRemitz.

──However. A tragedy occurred while Lancer was distracted.

The priest of the church, who was supposed to be an old acquaintance of Lancer's Master, deceived him and cut off the arm with the Command Seals. By the time Lancer realized it, it was too late. He was forced into the position of having to recognize the man who had killed his own Master as his new Master due to the power of the Command Seals.

Since then, Lancer had been serving Kirei Kotomine. Although it was uncertain what this man, who claimed to be the overseer, was planning, Lancer had no intention of listening to the desires of a human who had betrayed his Master. While he obeyed orders, Lancer had no trace of loyalty towards this priest.

"Heh... Even as an Heroic Spirit, you are certainly something. I thought you had no interest in anything other than battle, but you're quite perceptive."

The priest looked up at his own Servant, still seated, with a sarcastic expression. Lancer's face was tinged with displeasure at his mockery.

"That's enough of your hiding. Do you think that thing only affects ordinary people? It doesn't matter whether it's Masters or Servants, they are irrelevant to that monster. That creature... had the audacity to try and devour me."

The mysterious shadow that attacked Lancer last night.

After retreating from the park, Lancer realized that the shadow was an extraordinary existence and began searching the city instead of returning to his stronghold, the church.

If he thoroughly searched the city, the footprints of the shadow could be easily found. Once they had encountered each other, this man wouldn't mistake the enemy's presence. The remnants of the shadows, which remained indiscriminately without any attempts to conceal themselves, could only be felt as traces of magical energy by those who didn't know their true nature. Lancer's sense of smell keenly detected these traces.

...And. In all the places where the presence of the shadows remained, it was immediately apparent with a little investigation that recent missing persons cases and gas leaks had occurred.

"That thing is sucking the life force out of the people in the city. In other words, it's indiscriminately seeking magical energy. It probably targeted me because it was after the magical energy that Servants possess. For now, it seems to be quiet, but if left alone, the damage will spread quickly. I don't know who or what it is, but magi and Servants won't be able to remain unscathed if they're attacked by it."

Lancer didn't go as far as to say that he didn't feel like he would come back alive.

Even if he were to be called cowardly because of it, he didn't mind. It would be foolish to face an otherworldly being that instinctively evoked the sense of 'death' without any assurance of survival.

Even Lancer, if the opponent were humanoid, had means to deal with them. His magical spear was an absolute nemesis to all living beings with a heart. Even if they were a Dead Apostle, they would decay before his power.

There was no need to fear beasts or monsters. Lancer had experience in exterminating countless monsters. Even if it were something like a snake or a scorpion, they couldn't become Lancer's enemy.

However... Even with Lancer, that was an extraordinary reaper, so to speak.

Not a human, nor a beast. That shadow didn't fit any of the demonic natures that Lancer knew. Therefore, Lancer had no means to deal with that shadow.

If he made a single wrong choice, Lancer wouldn't have been able to return alive that night. He didn't even want to imagine what would happen if he were captured by that shadow.

"No need to worry, Lancer. Regardless of whoever is controlling that 'shadow,' it is unlikely that it intends to endlessly devour humans. Besides, if the damage is limited to this extent, the church and we alone can handle it without any problems. Compared to Gilles de Rais from last time, it's still easier to deal with."

...Even so. This calmness of the priest greatly annoyed Lancer.

"Kirei. Don't tell me you're saying we should just leave it alone?"

"Hmm, if you understand, then it's simple. You should continue monitoring the other Servants."

An order that implied not to do anything unnecessary. Unable to conceal his anger any longer, Lancer bit his lip.

For him, as a hero, the fact that ordinary people were involved was already too displeasing. Moreover, the situation did not stop there.

Since that shadow had targeted him, there was a high possibility that it would appear before Lancer again. Not just Lancer, but if that 'shadow' was seeking magical energy, other Servants would also become targets. If that happened, his wish would not come true.

Originally, Cu Chulainn responded to the summoning of the magus to fight against strong opponents. It would be a buzzkill to have unnecessary interruptions in his own battles. Furthermore, a being that sought to even overturn the stage of his own battles was something he couldn't overlook.



"Hehe, a falling out, I see. Despite being the relationship between a Master and a Servant, you two don't get along very well."


With a grinding of teeth, Lancer stepped forward towards the priest. At that moment, a third voice echoed in the space that was supposed to be just the two of them.


In the blink of an eye, Kotomine and Lancer moved. The experienced executor and the legendary hero didn't flinch in the face of unexpected situations.

The priest, with his robes fluttering, drew a bladeless sword. The blue Lancer manifested his magical spear in his hand. Their actions were directed at the source of the mysterious voice, as if perceiving it as an enemy.

"Oh my, I hope you won't be so cautious. I didn't come here to fight today, you see."

A seductive female voice filled the room from an unknown source. As the two warriors remained on guard, the source gradually revealed itself.

In the center of the room, a human figure emerged, as if rising up from the floor. The misty-like shadow eventually took the form of a person.

Wrapped in a purple robe, with the face hidden by a hood, no discernible features could be seen. However, the faint glimpse of the lips beneath the hood hinted at a hidden beauty.

In the woman's hand, she held an ancient and luxurious staff made of tin. Its bewitching, shimmering radiance evoked a sense of wickedness.

"You, Caster...!"

Lancer glared at the witch with his piercing gaze. In response to his gaze, the witch's lips formed a smile.

"It's been a few days, hasn't it, Lancer? But unfortunately, I have no use for a lowly dog like you. I have business with... yes, you over there. Kirei Kotomine, was it?"

Ignoring the infuriated Lancer, Caster turned her attention to Kotomine. The priest, who appeared as the overseer rather than Lancer, was puzzled by the unexpected gaze.

If the appearance of a Servant in this neutral territory, the church, was abnormal, it was even more puzzling that the target seemed to be the overseer instead of Lancer.

At any rate, they couldn't make a move from their side against an opponent who didn't show any intention to fight. Without letting their guard down, Kotomine kept his hand on the Black Keys, ready to channel magical energy at any moment, and calmly spoke up.

"Well, it's rare for me to have a guest. Normally, I would gladly welcome you, but unfortunately, this place is a non-interference zone for Servants. Those who break the rules as the overseer must be penalized."

"You claim to be the overseer? Please don't make me laugh, Master of Lancer. Weren't there the teachings of your faith that stated, 'Thou shall not lie'?"

"You are quite knowledgeable, Caster. Even though you are not my master's disciple, it's quite impressive that you are well-informed about the Ten Commandments. However... unfortunately, in my sect, that phrase is preceded by the condition 'concerning thy neighbor.' And I don't think you, who are not of this world, fall under the category of 'neighbor.'"

"You have a way with words. But do you think you can deceive me with such fallacious arguments?"

Instead of exchanging words, the two continued to trade not thorns, but poisonous words.

A meaningless and hollow argument that often shifted the focus. However, both sides understood that this was just a prelude. Caster had her own plans beyond this, and Kotomine hoped for an opportunity to break free from this situation. Different strategies were being plotted in their respective minds.

Only Lancer stood in a place away from the two, but he, too, as a Servant, was not standing there without a plan. He carefully measured the distance, ready to wield his spear at Caster in an instant.

"Well then, shall we get to the main topic?"

Unaware of Lancer's killing intent, Caster casually announced. In response to her atmosphere, Kotomine lowered the Black Keys.

Without explicitly stating it, it was a gesture to indicate that he was willing to engage in conversation. Seeing that, the witch's smile deepened according to her expectations. As for Lancer, he had no intention of moving on his own unless commanded by his Master.

Feeling the attention of the audience focused on her, Caster calmly opened her beautiful lips.

"To put it bluntly... Would you like to form an alliance with me?"


─ Here, the tide of the battle shifts.

With all seven actors assembled, what will be performed? A comedy or a tragedy?

Normally, the outcome is clear. The actors who take the stage kick down and destroy the others for their own desires. Sometimes they form alliances, sometimes they betray. The mad feast continues until only one person remains.

But this time, the stage is already different. Although it closely resembles reality, if there is a distortion, it can no longer be called perfect. The more perfect the original, the slightest crack spreads into a significant wound. Where will that spreading wound ultimately lead?

Countless ambitions stir restlessly. Numerous Heroic Spirits gathered together. What will they all lead to...? Right now, no one knows.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts
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