
Chapter 36: Love Triangle Between Fujiwara

Right before Fujiwara want to go out for a walk to the park and suddenly, Rei and Kosaka were following him from behind and same his sister are watching from the drone Kira had control of the stick and they keep follow him from the park.

Fujiwara: we'll I'm better to get going now and Kira please shoot me from behind my back

Kira: of course you got boss

Kosaka: wait...don't get too close to Fujiwara later he gets suspicious about us following him from the back

Kosaka Nao and Ozono Rei nodded at each other while Fujiwara started to jog at the park when Kosaka and Rei can see that he are so damn charming looking on his face.

Kosaka: senpai you are so charming from behind your back

Rei: Nao please focus on the mission here

Kosaka: right sorry I will focus but where is Senpai?

Meanwhile, Kosaka and Rei can see the drone that Kira was controlling the stick go left to right but it had fallen to the ground and had some blood drop at the drone Kira is very frustrated that the drone wasn't tracking anything for the Fujiwara.

Kira: god damn it where is the hell is he?

Marino: please calm down Kira and I hope he will be okay

Fujiwara: I am fine just a little help here would you Kira and Tenchan *kneel*

Inside back to the studio of Sakura and Yamasaki with Kira are looking at him with some great acting of his skills but it is not acting of him but it was real blood was deeply cut inside his shoulder and we can see that his bone was broken inside his shoulder arm.

Fujiwara: oh my god I leave them there and didn't return here

Ichinose: don't worry I will take them just teleport

Fujiwara: thank you so much, Agent Miku

When Fujiwara was seating on the sofa while Yamasaki was finding the first aid kit and suddenly, Ichinose was here with Kosaka and Rei who had seen that Fujiwara was injured on his shoulder while the first girl is coming over to him was Rei who is helping him but Kosaka Nao was giving up to become Fujiwara girlfriend as a promise.

Kosaka: Fujiwara I will let you go out with Rei I will allow it

Fujiwara: thank you but are you sure?

Kosaka: yes I am sure please take care of him for me there Rei

Later Kosaka Nao were going back to the Hinata studio and she left them with Fujiwara and the rest of the Sakurazaka46 with Nogizaka46 idol members too.

Ichinose: Ayame shall we go out for a walk inside the hallway

Ayame: sure I would love to Miku shall we go then

Nakashima: Aya I want you to show me a tour of the studio

Once Ogawa Aya grabbed Nakashima's hand and they left them while just have Fujiwara and Rei with Yamasaki were cleaning the wounded Kira's drone was destroyed by something it could get Future Vice's attention for some of the mystery thing who attack Fujiwara without any warning reason.

Kira: shall we show this evidence to Vice or Future Vice

Marino: of course it could make them so happy to solve some kind of new mystery problem

Future Vice: so what can we do to help both of you here?

Marino and Kira jumped scared of the Future Vice and Vice from the past self same with Yumiki who was here to meet them in the first place where they were greeted by each other just like some exchange idol picture.

Future Vice: can I see that Kira?

Kira: sure of course here you go

Vice: what the hell is that thing doing here in the year 2023?

Before Future Vice was most to touch that thing and Ichinose had teleported back to take that thing from Future Vice he know that it belong to Ichinose Miku aka Agent Miku who had last long not created the machine that had fallen from the future into a black hole and goes straight to this year of 2023.

Ichinose: why did my tech is falling from here to come to this planet?

Nagi: what are you saying is here Ichinose?

Vice: she was saying that her tech was her invention some super tech to stop the unknown but now the unknown is dead

Ichinose was walking toward her tech and out of the blue, it opened but everyone just saw that Ichinose had something to see in her vision back from the past and future were merged as one.

Ayame: hello...earth to Miku can you hear us?

Future Vice: please stop that let her see what the tech had shown her

Ayame: okay I will wait for you to finish

Without any sound coming from Ichinose Miku aka Agent Miku and she had finished seeing what she saw in the future and from the past self as her end of the world together with the future year 2046.

Ayame: Miku...are you okay?

Ichinose: wait...I need to calm down first and Future Vice can I borrow you for a while here, please

Future Vice: sure of course sorry Ayame let me talk to her

While Future Vice had to talk over to Ichinose Miku and he can have some of the same as his thoughts between this year and the year 2046 who are merging as one.

Future Vice: Agent Miku what did you see inside the tech

Ichinose: I can't explain but you can see for yourself by touching my shoulder

Future Vice: okay let me touch your shoulder

After Future Vice we're touching Ichinose's shoulder and suddenly, he let go of Ichinose shoulder and suddenly takes some trash bin and vomits some of his food that he is allergic that feels like sick by seeing the vision onto Ichinose shoulder Nagi sees that she are worried about him and she was saying that to him was that.

Nagi: senpai what did you see inside of Ichinose mind?

Future Vice: something you can't unseen

Nagi: so what did you mean by that, Senpai?

Before Ichinose and Future Vice can't imagine that the world are going to end of the world between the future and the past self are merged as one.

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