
Chapter 27: Monk

The cost of using Overwhelming is too large but maybe it's also because I used those 2 spells before. And I am not having that many negative thoughts so I think I still have 30% of my MP, maybe?

I focus on my Magic bracelet, and instantly feel as if some type of fluid has flowed into my body from it and now I feel full again.

I looked at the gem.

[Magic Gem (99%)]

Huh? Just 1% was used, is it because I am too low leveled and my Magic pool is too small? Anyways it's good that it has so much Magic stored inside. Now I just have to check if it fills up on its own or not.

I also checked out my new Job.


Effect: Increase Spirit (small), Increase MP (slight)

Skill: Heal]

You get the Monk Job while finishing Demons bare-handed. Punching to become a Bald Monk, don't tell me the routine for Monk's here is 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 10 Km run everyday.

Still this Heal skill alone is very powerful, I won't need any Nourishment Pills now. But for serious injuries a Monk's Heal won't help.

"Master, you were so fast! I almost couldn't see you" Roxanne says excitedly while approaching me

Listening to her I just stare at her speechlessly.

Roxanne is just such a freak. Even in that hyperspeed state she could follow my moments. I feel like Flash right now when Superman was able to follow his movements even when he was using speed force. I am just glad she is mine now.

"Roxanne, first let me tell you about the Magic spell I used. My Bloodline Powers allow me to change my Job to any other Job I might have. It's not just that, my Powers even allow me to have multiple Jobs at once" I tell Roxanne about my abilities while putting the Branch away.

"Change Jobs without going to a Temple? Multiple Jobs? … Master is so powerful!"

Roxanne was looking at me like I am her Idol. Well I feel like I should show off a bit more.

"Right now you just saw me using magic skill, now look at this" I take out the leaf I picked up which was the rare Demon drop and temporarily change my Warrior job to Herbalist.

'Crude Drug Creation'

The leaf turns into 10 small green pills in my hand. I give those pills to Roxanne.

"Antidote? Master is a Herbalist too?" Roxanne says while checking the pill.

"Every Job has some conditions you need to fulfill so you can acquire them. Do you remember I picked up this Leaf when it was dropped by the demon, I satisfied the condition to become a Herbalist back then. Everyone who has fulfilled this condition can potentially become Herbalist but they don't have Powers like me and so they have to go to a temple. If you don't have that job already, even temples can't help you" Even if Roxanne can't understand everything I am saying, I want her to just keep in mind some of these things.

"So Temples only change your Job to something you already have" Roxanne says while nodding her head along, not even questioning what I said.

"Like everyone who enters the Labyrinth gets the Explorer Job. You too Roxanne, have the Job Explorer" I told Roxanne remembering her list of inactive Jobs.

"But Roxanne's Job is Beast Warrior" Roxanne replies hearing me talk about her Job.

Hearing her reply I came to the conclusion that she probably didn't understand much of what I was saying.

"Let me change your Job to Explorer temporarily, you will understand my Powers much better if you have experienced them personally. By the way, my Powers only allow me to do this with people who are in my Party" I tell her thinking it will be easier to just show her.

"Okay Master" Roxanne's replies simply with no hesitation.

I am grateful for your trust Roxanne. I use Partylization and activate Party Job settings. I changed her Beast Warrior Level 6 to Explorer Level 1.

"I have changed your Job to Explorer. Do you feel anything different, Roxanne?" I asked her intrigued if she felt a drop in her Power going from Level 6 to Level 1.

"Explorer?" Umm … no Master I don't feel anything different" Roxanne replies in negative after a while.

"Try using Item Box Operations, you will get a chant in your mind"

The chants for skills and spells come into your mind for every Job, which is always in Brahim language. The same is true for me, but I use Incantation shortening or Omission so I don't have to become a chuunibyou.

"Yes Master, you are right! My Brahim isn't very good so I can't understand the words properly but I did get the chant in my mind. So Master, wants me to stay as an explorer now?" Roxanne asks in astonishment.

I can help her by telling her the correct pronunciation for the chant but there is no need for it right now. I changed her job back to Beast Warrior and deactivated Partylization.

"I can change your jobs whenever you want Roxanne so don't worry. See it's back to Beast Warrior now" I tell her so she doesn't worry much about which Job she has.

"Master is Amazing!" Roxanne replies while looking at me with respect.

"About that skill I used, it was called Overwhelming. It's a skill I got from the Hero job" feeling a bit embarrassed I changed the topic.

"Hero job? Master has a Hero Job?" Roxanne asks with her mouth wide open.

"Yes, it's a very Powerful Job" I look at her open mouth and notice her small pink tongue, ughh maybe I should activate the monk skill.

"Master, you should never tell anyone you have Hero Job! It is said that the First Emperor had Hero Job, so if they find out that someone else has Hero Job they will consider it treason" Roxanne tells me seriously

"Don't worry Roxanne, no one will know that I have Hero Job, just like no one was able to tell that I have multiple Jobs" I reply patiently in order to calm her worries.

That was also the reason why I dont keep Hero as my first job ever, there is no need to antagonize the Empire, yet.

"You saw how I fought with fists right? In the next fight with the demon, you will have to fight with fists just like me Roxanne" I instruct her about our next fight

"Okay Master" Roxanne replies while giving me her sword and shield to keep in the backpack.

"These experiments we are doing, it's for acquiring different jobs Roxanne. Like if you finish a demon bare handed than you will get the job Monk" I tell her so she knows that I am doing all this weird things for a reason and not just as a hobby.

"Monk? It is said that in Order to become a Monk, people train to defeat demons barehanded. If that's the case I could be able to do such a thing too" Roxanne replies while taking a boxing stance.

"Yes it will be very easy for you Roxanne, still I will weaken it with my magic and then you can finish it"

What a Joke, the demons can't even touch her and she is 5 level higher then it, so there is no need to worry.

"Thank you, Master" Roxanne replies happily.

"Wait a moment"

I open my level up reward for the new Monk Job's reward.

<Monk: 1 Level reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

Monk is a bit uncommon Job but still after the last Wizard's reward I wasn't that excited this time. I just mentally click yes.

<Basic Monk Pack acquired< p>

-Tranquil State(Active/Passive)>

A skill? I can get skills through the level up system? And as this is from the system I would be able to use them whenever I want, even if the class Monk isn't active.

I tried to click on the skill name in rewards and it opened another blue text box. I have tried this on all rewards but this is the first time this happened, maybe because it's a skill?

[Tranquil State(Active/Passive): The user can enter a state of self induced tranquility. If the user's psyche is attacked the ability will activate on its own]

Well I thought I would get some fighting techniques like Shaolin kung fu or something, but this skill isn't bad at all. It will definitely come in handy while fighting against demons in the higher floors who use mental status ailments.

"Let's go" After I finished checking the reward we moved ahead.

Roxanne soon takes me towards another Needle wood. While walking I move the points I added to strength back to intelligence.

As soon as we are near it, I point my Wand and use Fireball and count 5 seconds. This is another limitation of the Wizard Job, you can't multicast at once, even after firing a fireball I will have to wait for 5 seconds, it's the same for firestorm. For Firewall it's 10 seconds which is also the time the fire wall stays on the field.

The fire goes out and I fire the second fireball in succession. I am using Fire attacks as Needle wood is very weak against it. I want to check out other Magic spells too, but figured I would try it later, right now I should focus on leveling up.

Roxanne rushes ahead to attack before the fire is even out. But I guess I was wrong as her first punch connected exactly when the fire vanished.

The fight does interest me but now that I am on the sidelines, I can appreciate something much more interesting, Bouncing Balls. They go up and they go down, they again go up but gravity is a bitch so they have to come down again.

I was mesmerized by them, they have casted a hypnosis spell on me. But sadly the fight ended too soon. I just had to go and show off by using Magic, if I hadn't used it I could appreciate them for longer.

"I did it, Master" Roxanne replies while bringing me the Branch back.

While looking at them approaching me, I had a thought of going back to the Hotel right now, so I can appreciate them more closely. Shaking these thoughts away I took the branch and put it away.

"Yes Roxanne, you have successfully acquired the Monk Job" I told her after checking her Job setting.

"It's all thanks to you, Master" Roxanne replies with a smile

I was about to tell her to go towards the next demon when I realized that in front of the place where we met the Needle Wood, there was a dead end. Just the wall on this dead end looked a bit off to me.

Is this the famous Labyrinth Trap?

I just realized that Saitama is basically a monk.

A Long Chap btw

Avi2112creators' thoughts
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