
Chapter 5: Secrets of the God Tree

Emerging through the portal, Kaguya and Yukari found themselves confronted by an eerie sight. Towering above them, the imposing roots of the Divine Tree hung like a dark canopy, obstructing both light and air. The atmosphere within the depths of the hole felt dense and suffocating, intensified by the presence of hundreds of mummy-like figures. These figures, entwined within the roots, inspired a sense of dread and mystery in anyone who gazed upon them. The cocoons concealed a hidden secret, a truth that would send shivers down the spines of those who dared to explore its depths.

Undeterred by the horrific scene, Kaguya and Yukari floated calmly within the darkness. Their living forms stood out in stark contrast to the motionless figures that surrounded them. Kaguya's voice cut through the silence, breaking the eerie spell that hung in the air. "As you saw with your Byakugan, these cocoons contain humans," she explained to Yukari, her tone tinged with a mixture of regret and determination.

Kaguya hoped that her daughter wouldn't perceive her as a demon, but rather understand the necessity of her actions. The mummified figures would ultimately undergo a transformation, becoming mindless creatures under Kaguya's control—a desperate measure she had taken to ensure their survival.

Yukari absorbed her mother's words, comprehending the concept of amassing an army to face their enemies. "Do not worry, mommy. I understand your action and reasons for creating these white creatures. Let us hope my brothers never find out about this." Kaguya was grateful for her daughter's understanding, but beneath her relief, she knew these creatures were weak.

Yukari, curious yet analytical, voiced her concerns to her mother. "Mom, considering the immense power of your clan, will an army of mindless creatures truly be of assistance? They appear weak, and a mere burst of chakra from an Otsutsuki could rip them apart." Her words were sharp, laced with both curiosity and skepticism.

Kaguya acknowledged the truth in Yukari's observation. "You are right, my dear. That is why I have brought you here—to work on resolving this issue and to prepare you for the journey that lies ahead," Kaguya responded, her eyes brimming with pride and expectation. Yukari's curiosity piqued, wondering what sort of journey her mother had in store for her.

As Yukari awaited her mother's explanation, a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension coursed through her veins. She had never ventured beyond the safety of their home territory, and the prospect of stepping into the unknown both thrilled and daunted her. Sensing her daughter's mixed emotions, Kaguya placed a comforting hand on Yukari's shoulder, assuring her that this journey would unlock her full potential and prepare her for the challenges they would face. Trusting her mother implicitly, Yukari nodded in response.

Kaguya acknowledged that her taijutsu skills were not her strongest suit, as she preferred to engage in combat from a distance. She explained to Yukari that before delving into elemental manipulation, they would focus on a particular shinjutsu. Despite Kaguya's reassurance that Yukari didn't need to become stronger immediately, the young Otsutsuki felt compelled to give her best effort, driven by her determination to contribute to their cause.

Taking hold of Yukari's hand, Kaguya and her daughter gracefully floated up to the surface of the crater. Once they reached a suitable distance, Kaguya released her grip, allowing Yukari to float independently. The moment had arrived for Yukari to unleash her Byakugan and Rinnegan, activating her heightened vision and comprehension of chakra.

As Yukari complied, her eyes shimmered with a newfound intensity. In response, Kaguya's hand transformed into a gauntlet, pulsating with a surge of brilliant white chakra. With each graceful movement of Kaguya's hands, the air around them began to stir, disrupted by the sheer force of her chakra.

Yukari stood in awe as her mother's gauntlet struck out, piercing through the air with incredible speed and power. The impact of Kaguya's punch reverberated through the ground, causing the earth to crack and debris to scatter. The sheer devastation left Yukari astounded, realizing that her mother possessed an unimaginable level of strength. A shockwave rippled through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Unfazed by the carnage she had wrought, Kaguya smiled proudly at her daughter's stunned expression. She conjured multiple fists in the air, directing a flurry of blows that multiplied the destructive force of a single punch tenfold. This impressive display of power was known as the "Eight Gods Vacuum Attack," a technique that left Yukari in awe.

Kaguya nodded at the damage she caused, realizing that while she still had some grace, she wasn't at her best. Family life must have dulled her senses. Well, at least she's still got that motherly touch as she smiled. Overwhelmed by the spectacle before her, Yukari questioned whether she could truly learn and master such an extraordinary maneuver. Her mother's response was filled with confidence and love. "You can do it with practice, my dear. After all, you are my daughter," Kaguya assured her, beaming with pride.

Kaguya then drew attention to Yukari's familiarity with chakra, acquired through her extensive reading and possession of the Rinnegan. Instead of relying solely on the Rinnegan, Kaguya explained that Yukari would need to channel chakra into her entire hand. She demonstrated how chakra could be manipulated to take various forms, as exemplified by the gauntlet she had manifested.

With practice, Yukari would be able to spread her chakra to the surroundings, creating a barrage of gauntlets. However, this would require intricate chakra control, a skill that came naturally to the Otsutsuki clan. When Kaguya asked if Yukari had any questions, the young Otsutsuki shook her head, overcome with excitement. Pumping her fist in readiness, Yukari embraced the shinjutsu practice that lay before her.

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