
Chapter 57 Merlin's entry

Eru, seated upon his majestic throne in the celestial palace, stretched out his hands, commanding the fabric of existence to weave a new background for his next Avatar. This time, the chosen vessel was none other than the renowned Mage Merlin Emerys.

Merlin's lineage bore the weight of a tragic history, as he was raised by his grandparents, the self-exiled Valyrian Mages Balinor and Hunith. Their decision to sever ties with their homeland, Valyria, stemmed from witnessing the devastating consequences of its dark and forbidden practices. Having already suffered the loss of their own son and daughter-in-law to the malevolent forces that plagued their society, they resolved to safeguard their grandson at all costs.

Fearing that Merlin would meet a similar fate if they remained in Valyria, Balinor and Hunith embarked on a journey of exile, seeking refuge in the distant city of Braavos. In the shadow of the Titan, amidst the canals and labyrinthine streets, they hoped to find sanctuary and a chance for their grandson to grow without the looming threat of his heritage.

Merlin Valyrian was hailed as a prodigy in the art of magic, taught from a young age by his proud grandparents, Hunith and Balinor. They marveled at his mastery of elements, spellcraft, and alchemy, including his groundbreaking creation: Apparition, a form of teleportation.

Merlin enjoyed the love of his grandparents, it felt good to have such loving parental connection again.

At 15, Merlin possessed pale skin, sharp features, and silver hair tied back in a ponytail, his eyes holding both amusement and mischief. Gazing at the distant sea, he sensed the encroaching darkness of Valyria's fall even in his mortal form.

"I fear the fall of Valyria is imminent," Merlin murmured.

Balinor, Merlin's grandfather, joined him, noting, "Your grandmother mentioned your desire to explore the world."

Merlin nodded, and Balinor smiled knowingly. "I always knew you would venture beyond our walls someday."

As Balinor expressed concern about Merlin's departure, Merlin reassured him, "Don't worry, I'll Apparate back home every night."

Balinor chuckled. "I had no doubt you'd say that."

Balinor then quickly added"Now, lets go back inside before your grandmother become angry again."

Merlin chuckled and joined his grandfather, while his grandmother was reluctantly agreed for Merlin to travel around the world.

While on his travels through Essos, he felt powerful magical signature. Which was let out in constant outburst.

In the dimly lit chamber of the Slave Bid, Merlin, cloaked in shadow, navigated through the throngs of wealthy bidders. The air hummed with anticipation as opulent buyers vied for the most exotic and beautiful slaves.

Merlin, accustomed to the grim reality of slavery, ventured into this den of despair only when his magical powers surged uncontrollably among mortals.

His eyes, aglow with a golden hue, scanned the crowd until they locked onto a young girl with fiery red hair, her presence pulsating with untamed magic.

With a mere glance, Merlin was engulfed in a vision of her future: a woman, aged but timeless, with flawless porcelain skin and eyes that burned like coals. Her fiery mane cascaded down her back, adorned with intricate knots and beads, exuding an otherworldly allure.

Tall and slender, she possessed a grace that commanded attention, draped in flowing red robes that whispered of power. Around her neck, a choker of glistening rubies glinted in the flickering torchlight.

As recognition dawned upon him, Merlin breathed a name barely audible amidst the clamor of the auction house: "Melisandre."

Merlin wanted to change her future, as Merlin strides through the bustling slave market, the world around him seems to slow to a crawl. His eyes blaze with an otherworldly golden glow, and with a subtle gesture of his hand, the movements of every person in sight grind to a halt. Time itself seems to bend to his will, as if frozen in the moment.

The suspended droplets of water mid-fall, the ripples frozen in a pond, and the expressions of awe and disbelief etched upon the faces of those caught in his gaze.

But it's not just their bodies that are paralyzed; their minds too are ensnared by Merlin's power. Through his sheer force of will, he delves into their consciousness, freezing their thoughts and desires in an instant. It's as if the entire world has been put on pause, trapped within a moment of suspended animation.

Yet amidst the stillness, a small group of figures remains unaffected: they were the slaves.Who were slightly in awe and fear at the scene around them.

On the platform stood among them Melisandre, known as Melony of "Lot Seven," her gaze fixed upon Merlin with a mixture of wonder and anticipation. With a gentle smile, he extended his hand towards her.

"Would you like to come with me?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of warmth and reassurance.

Melisandre nodded eagerly, her voice barely a whisper as she replied, "Yes."

Turning his attention to the other slaves clustered nearby, Merlin's gaze softened with empathy. "And what about the rest of you?" he inquired, his words a beacon of hope in the midst of their despair. "Would you like to come with me as well? I can lead you to the temple of Ulmo, where you'll find sanctuary."

Fear mingled with uncertainty among the slaves, but at the mention of the temple of Ulmo, a flicker of hope ignited within them. Tears of relief welled up in their eyes as they nodded in unison, their voices a chorus of gratitude.

[A/N:Eru will create three spirits Gandalf, Saruman and OC(Morgan Freeman).They will join Merlin and form the Order of Wizards along with Melisandre, who is taken as a apprentice by Merlin(also she is obsessed with Merlin like Bellatrix, but much calmer)].

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