
Chapter 44 Moorfolk (Extra)

In land beyond the walls was Moors the place a utopia for humans and magical beings like giants and Children of Forest lived with humans peacefully.

The place was beautiful and peaceful for the past thousand of year's they kept a distance from men on the other side of the wall and so called wildlings.

In this enchanting place, the inhabitants lived harmoniously, cherishing the gifts bestowed upon them by Eru and Yavanna. Their appreciation for life's wonders resonated through the realm, where enlightenment flourished not just in magic but in fields like medicine, architecture, alchemy, and more, all guided by the visions of Eru himself.

A new species born of the connection between Children of the Forest and humans. These beings possessed fiery red hair, pointed ears, and mystical tails. They were blessed with an innate bond with nature, and some even had the extraordinary ability to transform into any creature they had encountered.These beings were called Druids.

After the death of Theon Stark, the Tullys of Riverland and Arryn's of Vale gained some courage and started small skirmish wars.But they were quickly defeated by Jason Stark and Lucian Tepes, both had unique powers which was the only reason other enemies to halted any ideas of attacking North.

Jason Stark was a great King, while he has no issues with heir.But none of his children gained the ability of Wolfsblood.

But it did not stop them from becoming great warriors and his youngest son, Stoick II Stark was adventurous and curious.

He decided to embark on an expedition. He gathered two of his friends, Marn Gardener and Dorian Dayne, who were also eager to journey Beyond the Wall.

Throughout their expedition, they encountered various challenges, including harsh weather conditions, treacherous terrain, and encounters with wild creatures,Wildlings. Stoick II's leadership and bravery shone through as he guided his friends through the unknown.

Despite the dangers, their shared sense of camaraderie and determination kept them going. Marn's knowledge of the wilderness and Dorian's strategic thinking proved to be valuable assets during their journey.

As they delved deeper into the uncharted lands, they stumbled upon ancient ruins and relics that hinted at a rich history of civilizations long gone. Each discovery fueled their curiosity further, and they continued to press onward, eager to uncover the secrets of Beyond the Wall.

They mapped the area.But the journey was perilous and they lost some of there men.

During the time they fought wildlings, but they soon found out there were different tribes among the wildlings.

The once raiding the wall were the hostile tribes.

While many of the other tribes were peaceful and did not attack them.While they were wary of them and warned them to not approach them and it took Stoick some time to talk to them using it old North tongue to get them to open up and even then they were wary., most of them left them alone.

But they warned them about some tribes being dangerous by the free folk and the these hostile groups are these were the once that attacked and raided the wall.

Since they peaceful tribes had everything they needed near like they got abundant of animals to eat, which they was a gift from Eru.They did not did they care about going beyond the wall.

Dorian, Stoick II and Marn found these tribe had customs, traditions and society.While some of there customs.It was a huge find as fate led Marn, Stoick, and Dorian to an unexpected marvel - a hidden forest utopia concealed behind a shimmering magical barrier. As they stumbled upon this enchanted wonder, their hearts raced with excitement, and their eyes widened in amazement.

Stoick, Dorian and Marn we're in awe seeing the utopia was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Lush forests stretched as far as the eye could see, adorned with vibrant flora and fauna that seemed to dance with the gentle breeze. Mighty mountains towered majestically, their snow-capped peaks piercing the azure sky. Crystal-clear rivers meandered through the landscape, their murmurs a soothing melody that blended with the harmonious symphony of nature.

Marn, with his roots in the House of Gardener, felt an overwhelming connection with the enchanting beauty of the forest. Dorian, ever the dreamer, mused to his friend, "Imagine if we stumble upon this mystical forest in the middle of an icy wasteland. Who would believe such a tale?"

Stoick snorted skeptically, replying, "No one, I reckon."

Suddenly, a rustling noise broke the silence, and they turned to witness a surreal sight: humanoid tree-like giants emerged from the depths of the forest. These majestic beings were composed of intertwining roots and lush greenery, with faces that seemed to echo the grim visage of evil skulls. They carried tree-like spears and massive clubs, while some rode wild boar-like creatures akin to their own form.

Dorian, Stoick, Marn, and their group quickly tensed, gripping their weapons in readiness for battle. Yet, the sheer number of these magical creatures overwhelmed them. Some appeared to be colossal humanoid giants, adorned with downward-curving growths resembling horns, and concealing themselves below the ground beneath large bushes. Others displayed exceptional strength, wielding hammers, and standing ready to confront any intruders.

However, amid the tension, a commanding voice echoed through the forest, calming the fray. "Please, you are trespassing on our land. Put down your weapons."

All eyes turned to witness the emergence of creatures that legends were made of: Giants and Children of the Forest stepped forth from the foliage. Among them was a striking group with red hair, horns, pointed ears, and tails. These warriors stood poised with bows aimed, ready to take action if necessary. Their leader, unmistakably a Child of the Forest named Leaf, donned an intricate green dress made of meticulously woven leaves.

Dorian knew that this was their moment to explain themselves truthfully. He spoke with sincerity, "We are from the South of the Wall and stumbled upon this place by mistake."

Leaf observed the group carefully, conferring with her companions. Finally, she addressed Dorian, Stoick, Marn, and their group, "We understand, but please put down your weapons. I assure you, no harm will come to you."

Stoick, Dorian, and Marn exchanged uncertain glances, but after a silent agreement, they cautiously lowered their weapons.

They were then welcomed into the heart of the forest, where the air danced with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and unseen magical energies pulsed through the land. Luminescent butterflies weaved intricate patterns, leaving trails of sparkling dust in their wake, while the skies danced with birds adorned in resplendent plumage, their melodies harmonizing into a symphony of natural wonders.

Each step they took led to new discoveries: tranquil glades where shimmering pools mirrored the night sky like a celestial tapestry of stars, and cascading waterfalls flowed gracefully down moss-covered rocks. The water glimmered with ethereal luminescence, captivating the travelers in a reverie of tranquility.

As they ventured deeper into this realm, they encountered more Moorsfolk, a harmonious community of beings living in perfect harmony with nature.

Their homes were marvels of organic architecture, seamlessly blending with the surrounding landscape. Stoick, a descendant of Bran the Builder, couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking structures, each one seemingly an ode to nature's perfection.He couldn't help mutter"This is just beautiful."

Dorian, in awe of the peaceful and harmonious existence of the Moorsfolk, found himself immersed in a realm of wonder. Every step brought them closer to the heart of a civilization that thrived in perfect unity with the natural world.

Marn's attention was caught by a particular sight; a man with fiery red hair and pointed ears gracefully leaped off a building, only to transform into a magnificent hawk and soar into the boundless sky. Leaf, noticing their astonishment, explained, "Those with red hair and pointed ears are druids, children born of the union between humans and the Children of the Forest. They possess the unique ability called 'wild shape,' allowing them to transform into animals and other wondrous creatures found across the Realms and beyond."

The explorers listened in awe, as Leaf further elaborated, "After the Battle of the Long Night, the Children of the Forest and Giants suffered heavy losses. In recognition of our contributions to the war, Lord Eru and Lady Yavanna granted us this sanctuary as a safe haven."

Their fascination deepened when they learned about the humans residing in this magical land. Stoick couldn't contain his curiosity and inquired, "What about the humans here? Where did they come from?"

Leaf replied thoughtfully, "When the Wall was constructed, some unlucky individuals found themselves stranded north of its barrier. We offered them the chance to join us, but not everyone was willing. Those who chose to remain did so out of wariness towards us, while others bravely followed."

Stoick winced, contemplating the impact of his ancestor's decisions. He knew that haste to build the Wall and protect against the White Walkers had led to some mistakes, disregarding the people living beyond its borders.

Dorian's mind wandered into the depths of history, and he couldn't help but ask, "What about the green seers?"

Dorian had often heard tales of the enigmatic greenseers, blessed with greensight and warg abilities. They could peer through the ancient weirwoods' eyes, influence the creatures and plants around them, and perhaps even glimpse into the past and future.

Leaf's expression darkened as she replied, "The last green seer we once harbored attempted to seize control of our sanctuary through manipulation. Fortunately, Lady Yavanna's warning saved us, and we apprehended him, sealing him within a tomb."

Little did Leaf know that the tomb's enchantment would eventually weaken, allowing the imprisoned green seer a chance to escape. Weakened and desperate, he would search for a successor, ultimately finding one in Brynden Rivers. Brynden, infamous as one of King Aegon IV Targaryen's "Great Bastards" and known as "Aegon the Unworthy," would follow his predecessor's path, craving dominion over all. Yet, even he would meet his end at the hands of the children of the forest, imprisoned within the ancient roots of a sacred tree.

But for now Dorian, Marn and Stoick during their stay experienced the vibrant culture of the Moorsfolk. They were privileged to witness grand ceremonies celebrating the harmonious coexistence of humans, giants, children of the forest, and the natural world. These ceremonies culminated in breathtaking displays of elemental magic, turning the sky into a canvas of shimmering colors.

With each passing day in this magical realm, Stoick, Dorian, Marn, and their group found themselves drawn deeper into a world where wonders seemed boundless and the ties between the inhabitants and their surroundings were both captivating and profound. The Moorsfolk welcomed them as guests, offering a glimpse into a realm that seamlessly interwove myth and nature.


In the annals of history, the realm of the Moors stood shrouded in enchantment and mystique. Following its initial discovery, the allure of the land, with its mythical creatures and untold treasures, beckoned numerous adventurers and covetous thieves in pursuit of its ancient wonders. Alas, all endeavors to unveil its secrets were met with failure, as it became evident that only those favored by the ancient gods could traverse the mystical boundaries guarding the Moors.

Moreover, erudite scholars and venerable Maesters chronicled the emergence of a novel race within the Moors – the Druids. Renowned for both their distinctive visage and formidable powers, these enigmatic beings added a new chapter to the tapestry of the Moors' history.

-Scholar Barnes from Tower of North


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