
Enemies Appear From Smoke

As school let's out, Goten walks alongside Trunks and Bulla.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Trunks asks.

As Goten shrugs, Bulla grabs his arm with a smile.

"Let's go shopping!" She suggests.

Goten laughs nervously.

"Uh- yeah, sure. What do ya say Trunks?" Goten asks.

But when he turns around, Trunks is no where to be found. Goten sighs, then turns to Bulla with a reluctant smile.

"Let's go shopping." Goten says.

Bulla grins excitedly and drags Goten to go to the mall.

While that's happening, Vegeta leaves the gravity room and is met by Bulma who admires Vegeta's body.

"Wow, hunny. You're looking pretty great today." Bulma says while blushing.

Vegeta smirks.

"Why thank you." Vegeta says.

Bulma then gets close to Vegeta, putting her hands on his chest.

"You know, the kids won't be home for awhile." Bulma says.

Vegeta's face turns red as he smiles at what Bulma is suggesting. At that moment, Vegeta senses something, grabbing Bulma, and moving out of the way of a ki blast that destroys the front of Capsule Corp.

"Bulma, are you alright?" Vegeta asks.

Bulma Let's out a cough from the smoke.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Bulma says.

Vegeta then looks outside, shocked at the sight of a Saiyan. Bulma looks up and see the samething, being shocked as well.

"Is he what I think he is?"

Vegeta scowls and flies outside to confront the Saiyan.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I hope you're ready to pay for blowing up my house." Vegeta says.

The Saiyan laughs devilishly.

"It's time... For my masters revenge."

Vegeta is confused when he hears this, but doesn't get a chance to ask questions, the Saiyan punches Vegeta in the face. Vegeta smirks, not taking even a little bit of damage from the attack.

"Nice try." Vegeta says.

He then fires a point blank ki blast to the Saiyan's chest, blowing him away. He is then even more confused when the Saiyan turns into black smoke.

"What the hell was that? He just turned into smoke. What the hells going on here?"

Meanwhile, Gohan is walking with Vidal.

"This is nice. I can't remember the last time we did this." Vidal says.

Gohan smiles.

"Yeah, guess I have been a bit busy lately." Gohan says rubbing the back of his neck.

Vidal cuddles Gohan's arm, causing him to blush.

"It's alright, we're here now." Vidal says.

At that moment, Gohan looks over and sees an Alien warrior glaring at him with an evil smirk. He then takes off his glasses and turns to his wife.

"Hey Vidal, could you give me a minute. There's something I have to take care of." Gohan says.

Vidal nods, then walks away. Gohan then disappears, confusing the mysterious alien warrior.

"Where did he go?" he asks.

At that moment, Gohan appears behind him.

"Ok, you have my attention. Wanna tell me what you want from me?" Gohan asks.

The mysterious warrior chuckles.

"I want your heart to bring to my master." The warrior says.

"Ok, and who's this master of yours?" Gohan asks.

The unknown warrior ignores the question and swings at Gohan, but the Saiyan easily dodges and fires a ki blast that takes out the warrior, turning him into smoke, just like the Saiyan who fought Vegeta.

"Somethings going on. I got a bad feeling about this."Gohan says.

Back with Goten, he tries stay awake while waiting for Bulla to finish trying on clothes. She soon walks out, wearing a beautiful red dress that stuns Goten.

"So, what do you think?" Bulla asks.

Gotens entire face turns bright red as he nervously smiles.

"You're... Beautiful." Goten says.

This surprises Bulla, smiling while also blushing. The two stare into each others eyes for a moment, before turning away and laughing.

"So, hey, I think we're done here, so I'm gonna change back into my regular clothes." Bulla Says

Goten rubs the back of his head, laughing out loud.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me, I'll just wait out here."

The two then go in opposite directions, both surprised and a bit excited by what just happened. Later on, Goten and Bulla walk out of the store, with Bulla holding multiple bags in her hand. Goten soon gets a call from Trunks and answers.

"Hey, Trunks. Man, you should came with us, it's actually not that bad shopping. You're missing out." Goten says.

"Never mind that, we got bigger things to worry about. I was taking a walk and all of a sudden, these three guys appeared from thin air and attacked me." Trunks says.

"What? Are you ok?" Goten asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, luckily these clowns aren't that tough. But the strange thing is, when I beat them, they turned into smoke. I didn't even use a Ki blast."

Goten thinks to himself for a moment, wondering what's going on.

"Alright, send me your location, I'll be there as soon as I can, maybe we can figure this out together."

"Ok, see you."

Goten hangs up and talks to Bulla.

"There might be trouble, I gotta go."

Bulla sighs

"So much for a shopping day. So where are we going?" Bulla asks.

Goten is confused.

"We?" Goten asks.

"Yeah, we."

Goten rubs the back of his head, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, it's just that- I mean, it could be dangerous, and... you could get...hurt." Goten says.

Bulla gets an offended look on her face.

"Son Goten, are you saying I can't hold my own in a fight?" Bulla asks.

"Well I-"

"Do I need to remind you that I am the daughter of The Prince of all Saiyan's?"

"No, of course not, it's all the guy ever talks about, but-"

"So then, why can't I come with you?" Bulla asks.

"....No reason." Goten says with a nervous smile

Bulla stares at Goten for a moment.

"Great. Now lead the way." Bulla says with a smile.

Goten sighs out of relief and the two fly away to where Trunks is, while Granolah secretly watches them.

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