
chapter 17

Ari was driving slowly down the cramped road, cars littered the streets and fires were still burning large buildings with dead bodies scattered around the road. People who were walking around with limbs missing or dragging their guts around with them while aimlessly walking around.

Ari notices a house of a family she knew, the father was a blind soldier who retired for injuries to his eyes and had a son and a daughter, he had a trained seeing eye dog. She stops in front of the house and looks around for any sight of the family, when she noticed a couple of those dead people surrounding something. She cracks the window and she hears a dogs growl, she rolls the window down and puts a suppressor on her glock. Four bodies hit the ground, she watches the grey pit bull come out from behind the dumpster.

" well his dog has made it" Ari said to herself while watching the dog running back to the steps of the house, she watches it run up to the door and scratch the wood with its paw. The door cracked open and the dog went in, she couldn't see who opened the door and she was close to the family because of Kalae. The daughter was sixteen years old when she met them at the rehabilitation center that Kalae volunteered at, Ari got close with the teenage girl, her older brother was hardly there and Kalae said he got involved with a gang.

The teenager admitted to Ari that she had a crush on her, Ari was only four years older than her and also was in a relationship with Kalae.

Ari strummed her fingers on the steering wheel, she pulled the car into their driveway and exited the car while slinging her duffle bag over her back and grabbed her shotgun. She locks her truck and heads toward the door, she looks around making sure nothing was around and sees the blinds move for a second or two where someone could look through the planks of wood.

(" good thing Wei has disconnected the horns in the vehicles") Ari thought while sneaking up to the the first window she seen, the windows were all boarded up and several bodies littered the ground with trauma to their heads. Ari made her way to the front door, she tapped her knuckles quietly against the door She didn't hear any noise from the other side, she steps away from the door and tries to look for any movement up stairs.

" Carra its Ari come to the door" Ari whispered yelled at the door, she started walking way from the house and she heard the front door click open.

" Ari...it's really you" Carra said while tears ran down from her light blue eyes, Ari ran over to her and brushes her blonde hair away from her eyes.

" yes Carra I'm here sweetie" Ari said pulling Carra in a hug, a growl came from the street and a creature steps from around a parked car. It was walking on all fours with its nails scratching against the concrete, it had brown hair with bald patches throughout its fur. Its eyes were discharging a yellow pus, its teeth were made up of all large canines with drool leaking from its mouth.

" I'm guessing that use to be a dog" Ari said while they backed up toward the door, she pulled out her glock with the suppressor still attached to it and shot it three times in the head before it dropped.

Carra opens the door when eight more came out from different spots, all looked similar to the one she put down only different colors and breeds.

A loud roar caught her attention when she seen another four legged creature, it looked like it was turned inside out with some of its bones showing and its red muscles covering all the body. The thing was about 7 meters long and 6 meters in height, its jaws was so big it could probably bite her in half. Carra grabs Aris hand then pulls her inside the house, she puts three four by fours across the door and pushes a large cabinet in front of the door.

The pit was sitting there whimpering staring at the boarded up window to the left of the door, Carra pets the dogs head and attaches a short leash to it.

" Carra where is your father and brother at" Ari asked while looking through the peepholes that Carra made in the wood of each boarded up window.

" my brother hasn't returned, my.....my father was attacked by something that had some kind of tentacle come from its mouth and impaled into his stomach. It was about to attack me to when it tilted its head and sneered at us walking away, it even walked by my neighbors who made it to their car. I'm guessing that Mr. Wilson has ended up like my father since he had been attacked by one of those demons and I hope that his family was able to escape from him." Carra said while walking closer to Ari, she wraps her arms around Aris waist and lays her head on Aris shoulder.

" I've missed you so much I thought I'd never see you again" Carra said sobbing, Ari hugs her and coos in her ear. They move over to the couch to sit down, Ari makes Carra lay her head in her lap.

" Rest will be leaving in about an hour" Ari said while raking her hand through Carras hair.

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