
Chapter 67

#Chapter 67


Charlotte and Aspen-01


None of the mythical or religious 'facts' in this chapter are true, please do not take them to heart.


Aspen's POV

/"Aspen/" I faintly hear someone call out

It's a woman.

Her voice sounds gentle, but far away.

/"Aspen/" they call out again, their voice becoming clearer

I feel a cluster of fingers running through my hair with such a gentleness that it unconsciously relaxes me.

I take in a deep breath of air as I finally gain control of my body.

/"Come on, that's it/" the voice soothes as I attempt to open my eyes

My vision is blurry at first and my eyeballs burn at the sudden gust of air that hits them.


I blink a few times, groaning at the bright light in my face.

A shadow is suddenly cast over my face due to someone moving their head in front of the bright light.

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