
Chapter 156: Midgard Portal to Bifrost!

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"Seems like we've got ourselves a Sadako wannabe haunting the place. At least she didn't crawl out of a TV," Issei remarked casually as he approached the malevolent spirit. Restrained by his magical prowess, she could do nothing but emit her chilling hissing sound and gaze at them with an unsettling stare.

Curiosity piqued, Xenovia inquired, "What did you call her, Issei?"

Issei chuckled, "Oh, she just bears a striking resemblance to the vengeful ghost from that horror movie, 'The Ring.' My mom was pretty terrified of it."

Irina shook her head, adding, "Yes, Xenovia and I watched that movie after I taught her Japanese. It was quite creepy... No wonder the previous owner couldn't wait to sell the house."

"I'm surprised she hadn't met her demise already... Perhaps the spirit only targets men? Well, whatever the case may be, as long as this place maintains its spine-chilling reputation, we won't be bothered here," Issei shrugged.

The ghostly spirit stared intensely at him. If any trace of her humanity remained, she was undoubtedly trying to comprehend her predicament. Issei's complete lack of fear and immunity to her supernatural powers surely bewildered the entity as well.

"Alright, time for you to depart, ghost. Take your curse and leave my house," Issei stated nonchalantly as he swiftly disintegrated the malevolent spirit.

Xenovia couldn't help but smirk at the outcome. "If only all evil could be exorcised so effortlessly. We should thoroughly search the premises and ensure the house is properly cleansed."

"Yes, indeed... Girls, please handle that task while I'm gone. I'm going to open a portal and retrieve some belongings from my parents' house. Is there anything you need me to bring back for you?" Issei offered, preparing to open a portal.

Irina became flustered, her cheeks reddening. "W-wait... You can't just go through our clothes!"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to snoop around or anything. I'll be back within a few minutes. I want to ensure that all your belongings are safely removed before my parents return," Issei assured her, countering her concerns as he created a portal.

Before he could depart, Ingvild called out to him, "Are you sure it's alright for me to stay here with you for the time being?"

"Yes, I've already told you... Until we deal with this Ophis situation, you can stay here. Would you like me to retrieve your belongings as well?" he asked the half-devil.

Shaking her head, Ingvild replied, "No, I can retrieve my belongings from my apartment myself if you create a portal for me."

"I'll be right back then. Don't wander off too far. I have a protective barrier around the property now," Issei assured them before he departed.

"While we wait, let's thoroughly search the house to ensure there are no more surprises lurking," Xenovia suggested, taking charge.


Midgard Portal to Bifrost, Somewhere in Scandinavia

In the northern realms of Europe, Vali and Tiamat made their way towards the end of a magical rainbow, approaching the fabled Bifrost. Tiamat expressed her annoyance, shaking her head. "So Ophis expects us to convince Loki to hand over Jörmungandr? She doesn't seem to realize how lazy he is... or how much of an asshole Loki can be. This plan seems incredibly foolish."

Vali sighed, acknowledging the challenge ahead. "Convincing Loki to relinquish the Miðgarðsormr will prove even more difficult than convincing the dragon himself. He will undoubtedly expect substantial compensation."

"Why, though? Isn't Loki aligned with the Khaos Brigade?" Tiamat questioned, her confusion evident.

Vali remained silent for a moment as they traversed a slightly icy field, drawing closer to the end of the rainbow. Finally, she responded, "Loki claims to be with them, but who can truly trust a trickster god?"

Tiamat sighed, seeking further clarification. "Right, so remind me again, why are we heading to Bifrost? You do realize that the Norse God Heimdall constantly monitors these portals, don't you? The Norse Gods will be suspicious if we simply show up and request an audience with Loki."

"I am aware of that... However, Loki is currently in Asgard. It might be best to request an audience with the Aesir directly and inform them that we are searching for the Red Dragon Emperor," Vali suggested, shrugging.

"The Norse Gods aren't particularly fond of dragons, you know... And if the Shinto Gods were to spot us, it wouldn't be long before word spreads about Ophis gathering our kind. Do you truly believe this will go smoothly?" Tiamat expressed her concerns.

Vali frowned, contemplating the potential challenges. "If we're fortunate, we can enter and exit Asgard before any rumors circulate. Besides, aren't the Norse Gods on relatively good terms with your devil acquaintances? They should recognize who you are."

"Perhaps... to some extent," the blue-haired dragon reluctantly admitted.

Upon reaching Bifrost, they encountered a grand pedestal surrounded by eight pillars, each representing a different world from Norse mythology. The central ninth pillar marked their current location on Earth, also known as Midgard.

"Let's see... opening a connection to Asgard," Vali calmly announced as a magical portal materialized at the tip of the rainbow bridge.

Before they could approach the portal, a commanding voice reverberated around them, demanding, "By what right do you two seek entry into Asgard?"

"I am Vali Lucifer, the half-devil heir of the Lucifer Clan, and this is Tiamat, the Dragon Queen. We request an audience with the God Loki," Vali confidently replied.

Heimdall's voice resonated with doubt as he questioned their intentions, "For what purpose do you seek this audience?"

"We seek his wisdom regarding the Red Dragon Emperor," Vali improvised on the spot.

Heimdall appeared hesitant, but eventually relented with a warning, "Very well... You shall be granted your audience. Adhere to the rules of Asgard and refrain from causing any trouble. We shall keep a watchful eye on you for any signs of mischief."

"Thank you," Vali expressed her gratitude as she and Tiamat confidently stepped towards the portal on the rainbow bridge. In a dazzling flash of light, they were transported into the legendary realm of Asgard.


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