


'So what did that make her?' She could feel the anxiety creeping into her slowly like shadows, gripping her from all sides.

Lucas who noticed this stood up and led her out the dining room, pulling her by her hand.

Lisa quietly followed him and they stopped right at the living room.

"Breath.."He stated.

"Oh my God"She wheezed and let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. She leaned on the wall for support still trying her best to process all the information thrown on her.

Lucas looked at the little deer in front of him and knew that she was having a hard time accepting that her family had anything to do with demons, mostly because her first encounter with them wasn't pretty.

He slowly approached her, each step he took was as light as a feather, stopping only an inch away from her. He couldn't help himself and his hand went to touch her cheeks, completely scattering her train of thoughts.

Blood rushed up Lisa's cheek as she was not used to the opposite sex been so close.

They both stared into each others eyes and slowly Lucas leaned forward making Lisa go completely still. Her heart thumped against her rib cage beating a million miles per hour and probably dancing.

Lucas took in her scent and his other hand clenched tightly. 'Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me?.' His gums itched and his fangs tried to come out forcing him to pull away from her.

"We need to go" He said hastily while running his hand through his hair, ruffling it in the process and Lisa's heart skipped a beat at this action.

"To where?"She asked him softly.

"To my world"A dark look passed over his eyes but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"But why?"She questioned him curiously. His world meant the underworld right?. The thought of going where every demon resided didn't exactly sound exciting.

"You're mother has been kidnapped by demons, and the first place to start searching for her will be the underworld. I doubt that they will hold your mother captive in the human realm. The human realm is quite small and they can easily be caught here."Replied Lucas.

"Can I come?"Both Lucas and Lisa turned to stare at Alex that overheard their conversation when coming from the dining.



Lisa pouted her lips and faced Lucas who was obviously on the opposing side.

"Why not, it will make things faster if we all go together."

"It's because I. DON'T. TRUST. HIM."He stressed each word emphasising the message.

"Come on please Lucas"She said blinking her cute brown eyes at him. If she was going to an unknown world, she at least needed someone she trusted there. She didn't get why he was refusing.

Lucas turned his face and muttered"Fine"

He knew that he could definitely not trust this demon claiming to be Lisa's brother. There is more that beats the eye. Even if a thought of harming Lisa crosses his mind, then his next forever bed will be the coffin. Something that intrigued him the most was what Lisa was. Because the little deer definitely didn't smell like a demon.

"How are we going to get there anyway?"She asked him and he grinned. Linking hands with her, he used his other hand and waved it in a circular motion without much effort and a beautiful shining portal came in view.

Alex stared in awe and couldn't believe what he just saw, this mysterious man simply waved his hand and a portal to the underworld appeared. Even for high level demons opening a portal was quite troublesome. Just who was this man his sister managed to lure?.

Lucas nudged Lisa to move towards the portal but she stood firmly in a position, watching the darkness that waited for her on the other side.

"Don't worry the underworld is not as dark as it seems"He said and continued"And if someone even thinks of touching a strand of hair on your head I will personally torture the person until he wishes for death. Which I won't grant easily."

Lisa gave him an awkward smile and thought 'Was that meant to comfort her?'.

If she wanted to find her mother she needed to do this. Having no other choice she stepped to the portal with Lucas beside her but stopped abruptly.

"Wait!"They heard someone shout and they all turned to see Joana panting heavily.

Lisa's face frowned in distaste when she sighted the person she least wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?"The anger was evident in her voice.

"I..I wanted to come to you and apologize, but I saw all this..."She held her hands in embarrassment.

Lisa knew what she meant by 'this.' It was the portal. But she didn't look to surprised.

"You knew didn't you?" she confronted Joana and her eyes widened in shock. Her brother had spoken in private to Joana a few times when Joana came over and she just thought that maybe he was developing some kind of interest in her. Who knew he would tell her this secret which he didn't even tell her, his sister.

"I was about to tell you, I just didn't find the-"She tried to explain but got cut off by Lucas.

"I would have loved to watch this drama going on but we don't have much time remaining before the portal closes, so maybe we can continue all this later"

"I want to come too"Joana said and Lucas eyes narrowed down at her.

'How interesting'He thought in his mind.

"Of course the more the merrier"He smiled at both Joana and Alex who in turn became wary of his presence each passing second and they gave each other a quick look but that didn't go unnoticed by Lucas.

Lucas acted as if he didn't see it and contacted Theodore telepathically, giving him some orders.

Lisa wasn't to keen on allowing Joana come with them but she brushed her feeling of unease away. Maybe she should forgive Joana.

Seeing that no one had anything else to say, Lucas gave them a go ahead and Alex stepped into the portal, shortly after, Joana entered and Lucas and Lisa entered the portal that closed with a zap in the human realm.

'Good bye home.'

Hello!!. I hope you are loving it so far. We are now going to a new setting. The underworld. I'm so excited!!

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