
Chapter 13: Kunai and Chains

Chapter Thirteen – Kunai and Chains

"I don't know if there is justice in the Ninja world. We fight believing in our own justice. But if the enemy is doing the same, who is right?" - Uchiha Shisui

Naruto thought long and hard over Shisui's arguments for the rest of the day while considering if his words had some merit. She noted that Anko was trying to act civil, maybe it was for the sake of the mission, but some of the tension had finally been resolved too.

As she went to sleep Naruto realized she might be a little bias when it came to Orochimaru. He was her first true enemy. The first one who had posed a real life altering threat and had continued to get the better of her since their first meeting. Never had a word Naruto said affected him, unlike with most people there was just no middle ground between them.

It was frustrating having to listen to her teammates sleeping while her head refused to shut down and continued spinning with possibilities. What if she could get through to Orochimaru after all? She was trying to stop a lot of different conflicts from occurring but had no idea how to proceed. Why not start with the one right in front of her? Orochimaru was the one available to her, and so far she'd simply been plotting his murder, but there was another possibility; Give him a chance. An opportunity to explain himself.

Naruto grimaced at the mere thought, and yet the idea stuck with her. She had somehow understood Nagato even though he'd been the one to murder Jiraiya. Orochimaru had killed her Jiji, he'd taken away Sasuke and when she'd seen him again he was barely recognizable.

A person who could spread so much evil was unredeemable in Naruto's mind. But maybe that was her own subjective view on things. Hadn't Zabuza killed a whole classroom of children? Hadn't Pein evened Konoha with the ground? Hadn't she forgiven so many people for their past crimes? Could she try to do the same with Orochimaru?

No immediate answer came to her. Naruto was still troubled, but she swore she would test out the waters with Orochimaru. Try to hold less of a grudge from now on, no matter how hard it would be. She'd never been the vindictive type. Not for anyone except him.

It was curious why that was, and she was quite certain the answer was Sasuke. What had happened to him was inexcusable on so many levels, but if you looked at the whole picture Orochimaru played a very small part. Still, she couldn't help but blame him… The fact he oozed of "bad guy" didn't help either.

Naruto kicked impatiently at Hebimei's tail. The snake was tickling her foot and she was having enough trouble sleeping as it was. The snake was indifferent to Naruto's opinion about Orochimaru. In fact she had some bad words for the man herself. But apparently most snakes had problems with their summoners. Hebimei called it a way of showing affection, which meant she probably was under the illusion Naruto cared deeply for Orochimaru.

She cared deeply alright. She cared deeply about her utter contempt for him.

Naruto groaned and turned to her other side in an attempt at getting some sleep before it was her turn to sit guard again. Hebimei hissed as her head was squeezed into the futon and hit her ankle with the tip of her tail.

Only two hours until it was time to get up. Great…

The fourth day, the day of Choza's and Orochimaru's estimated return, saw no change in the weather, and as the morning passed into afternoon the two teams were growing restless. They hadn't heard anything at all. The summon hadn't returned, which in itself was concerning, though no one dared say it out loud.

Naruto found herself sitting with Anko during dinner time. Their food supply was dangerously low and all they had enough for was half a bowl of watery soup. They had boiled snow and used the water to thin out the soup. It didn't really fill their stomach, but it was the illusion of food.

They were nervous about tracking back to the wooded area where they could hunt. There could be enemies around, and if they all went and their sensei came back it would be bad.

Anko didn't dare send a summon to them either. If a snake suddenly popped up in a wrong situation it could give away their position. Only in emergencies would they send Hebimei for help.

Ebisu was restless, walking in circles and peeking up every other minute in the direction they all assumed their sensei would arrive from. But as the sky slowly started darkening their spirit fell further. Orochimaru and Choza had run into trouble or they were attempting to avoid trouble.

A discussion broke out that night, different ideas being thrown between the six children where none had a clue what to do.

"We should go after them. If they're in trouble we have to help." Gai argued, his eyes intent on the extinct fire. They never burned a fire during night in fear of being spotted.

"No. We'll get attacked or lost. We don't know which route they took, and what if they return here only to find us missing? I say we send Hebimei." Countered a red nosed Shisui who shivered slightly from the cold wind.

"I don't think so. It could endanger them. Hebimei is only for emergencies." Anko told them exasperated for the tenth time.

"Then we should at least find more food. Most of our rations disappeared in the avalanche, and we barely have enough for breakfast for two people tomorrow. If we're just going to sit and wait we'll need more provision." Genma said dejectedly while shooting uncertain glances down into the valley stretching down from the mountain.

"It's too dangerous." Answered Ebisu and straightened his black glasses. They had been over these arguments before, and Naruto had no new idea for their current situation.

"You're in charge Anko… In the end you should make the call. What do you think is the best option?" Naruto asked eventually.

"We'll… I think we'll have to do without food tomorrow… We'll stay until tomorrow evening before we go look for food as a whole group. Nightfall will give us better cover, and it'll give sensei more time to return. After we have everything we need we'll return here and wait. But protocol states that after five days…" She trailed off and sighed heavily. "After four more days we are to abandon mission and return to Konoha. The countdown started this morning." She finished gravely.

"What?" Gai asked aghast.

"We're no higher ranked than Chūnin here. As leader I can't lead you into a territory with a suspected enemy base. There's also two genin amongst us who shouldn't even be this close to Kumo without supervision of a jōnin in the first place." Anko explained while massaging her temple in an attempt to think clearly.

"So we are to just abandon sensei?" Asked Genma disgusted. "Not even to check if there's something we can do? We have to go after them if they don't return in four days then."

"No." Anko replied coldly, her head snapping to the side and giving Genma the most intense look Naruto had ever seen on her face. "If sensei isn't back in four days then there's nothing we can do. All it would result in is everyone getting killed. Orochimaru-sensei is the strongest ninja I have ever met, and if he can't make it out than no one here will either. If they haven't returned in four days it's because they are already dead."

"Then let's go now." Gai said urgently, already looking as if he was about to start running. Shisui was nodding in agreement next to Gai, but Anko held up a hand to stop them.

"They might still return, and we're not splitting up. My task is to keep you five alive until they return, which I believe they will. I'm not letting you wander into a pointless death." Anko snapped exasperatedly.

"But-" Ebisu objected, glancing towards the path they suspected their sensei had taken.

"No but. Choza-sensei put me in charge, and a good thing too seeing as you guys are all overemotional pussies with no faith in your sensei. I believe whole heartedly that Orochimaru will return, and if Choza went with him than he'll come back too. I believe even if they were attacked just like Choza-sensei feared, that they'll still make it back alive. And when they do we're going to be here and not over complicate the mission further with lost or dead members." Anko said with such authority Naruto barely recognized her.

Naruto wasn't sure. She actually agreed with Anko and believed Orochimaru would come back any moment now, but she was worried about Choza. He had to be alright. He just had to…

After that no one had anything to add. Instead they went to pass the time in their own way. Shisui and Gai went with Genma to stand guard, while the rest busied themselves with different activities.

"That couldn't have been easy..." Said Naruto after half an hour of silence between the three.

Anko looked up and nodded mutely.

"If it means anything to you I believe you're right. Orochimaru is one tough cookie to crack. He'll probably be back any moment." Naruto said genuinely and a little sourly, causing Anko to crack a small smile.

For a moment they looked at one another before Naruto decided to be the mature one for once. "I'm sorry alright? I know I'm being harsh on Orochimaru, but it's difficult to fight my instincts… I've never been one to follow pure logic you know? I'm one to follow my gut, and something has always told me strongly to stay away from Orochimaru… But..." Naruto trailed off while Anko stayed silent, her mouth half open in surprise. "But I can see it's… somewhat... unfair. So I'll give him a chance... okay? I won't promise anything, but I'll try." Naruto muttered under her breath. Anko lit up like a lantern in the cold winter night.

"That's all I'm asking. Thanks. And I'm sorry for… yah' know." Anko replied and waved her hand carelessly in front of her. Naruto grinned, this was as close to a sincere apology she'd ever get from Anko. Ebisu was visibly uncomfortable about overheard their heart to heart and pretended to be very interested in sharpening his kunai.

"Good." Naruto said uncertainly and pushed her hands further into the pockets of her jacket, not sure what to say now. This counted right? They were friends again, right? It felt like it. Anko looked less stressed than earlier and her shoulders had sagged slightly.

"I heard Shisui-kun was top of his class." Said Ebisu abruptly after a long and awkward silence, making both girls look up with an eyebrow raised. "He seems well informed." Ebisu continued and nodded to himself. Naruto smiled wolfishly, realizing he was trying to break the tension in his own awkward way.

"Sure is that little Uchiha. I have no idea how he hides it so well. He's so normal most of the time. I never guessed he was hiding such a large brain. But then again his head is a bit large isn't it? Or maybe it's just those curls of his that make his head look too big for his body." Anko replied flippantly, Naruto chuckled and shook her head.

"I thought all Uchiha were pretty brainy." Naruto said and shrugged.

"Most Uchiha are. But you've clearly not spent much time around Obito." Anko retorted with a roll of her eyes. "I swear he's just as stupid as you are Naru. If you didn't look so different I'd swear you had the same parents. Both of you are orphans and all that, and you act so similar at times. Hyper energetic fools both of yah'."

Naruto laughed a little too loud, and hurriedly covered her mouth to stifle the sound. "We're not that bad." Naruto argued back.

"Not bad specifically, just highly annoying at times." Anko answered without missing a beat.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am so not."

"You so are too."

They continued for more than ten minutes, which was about the time they realized Ebisu had gotten up and fled long ago.

Shisui woke up early on the fifth day of waiting for Orochimaru. He sprang out of bed to see if their sensei had returned sometime in the night, though he couldn't shake the feeling he'd be disappointed.

Outside Naruto looked cold but pleased where she stood and gave a short summary of the night's event to Ebisu. Her chapped lips were formed in a wide smile, making her red cheeks puff out in pride. She'd caught a rabbit and was proudly showing it to Ebisu who was too hungry to scold her for leaving her post for five minutes.

They had split the shifts into six hour periods so no one would stay out too long and get too cold. Three people were constantly on the lookout at all times, but Naruto had this shift all on her own. Her shadow clones were truly a blessing at times like this.

Shisui wondered briefly how many animals lay dead underneath the snow after the avalanche and which ones would be the tastiest. But forced his mind quickly onto something else because he knew that thinking about food would only make him hungrier. There were still no signs of Orochimaru or Choza anywhere, and the fact that they were in no hurry to leave meant that their sensei had not returned.

It would be a sparse day, but he agreed that Anko had the most level headed plan out of the various options.

Anko would be joining him for the next guard shift together with Gai, and the three dropped breakfast all together to save their meagre portions for later. Naruto was over eager to start cooking the rabbit but Ebisu was putting on the breaks in an attempt to show her the correct way to skin the animal. All the while telling her there wouldn't be much food on the little creature. Not nearly enough for the six of them.

Shisui let them be and went to the east lookout. It had become his assigned spot whenever he was on guard duty. By now he knew the terrain so well it was easier to see if anything was out of place. Naruto had left behind a cracker where they usually sat, and Shisui smiled to himself as he picked it up.

He presumed Naruto had a few left and hidden one in her jacket and had saved it for him. While his spirit rose rapidly he sat down and ate as silently as he could. Sound moved faster than wildfire on a grassy field up here on the mountain. Especially if someone was downwind from him.

Noon passed slowly with a constant tension drifting on the cold wind. The uneasy atmosphere had become so constant it felt familiar by now, and Shisui couldn't help but feel bored despite his worry for their two still missing members. Naruto and Anko were certain Orochimaru would return, but they weren't sure about Choza.

Shisui cherished the cracker. Slowly. Taking tiny bites to make it last as long as possible. He finished the last crumbles almost two hours after he started his duty, and was about to stretch his legs when a shiver ran up his spine.

Curiously he turned around to see what caused the reaction, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. A bird was placed higher up on the mountain, above Anko's station on the rocky terrain. Maybe the animals were finally braving to check out the mountain again after the natural disaster they activated.

Thinking he'd been mistaken Shisui turned back. Before he understood what he was seeing he was shouting on top of his lungs. Something was coming at him, and it was coming at him fast.

The shurikens came straight at him from right ahead. Exactly where he'd been staring for the last couple of hours. With a wild sideways roll he managed to retreat behind the cover of his guard spot. The small rocks giving him some shelter but hardly enough.

He was sure everyone must have heard his shout, and now all he could do was try and get himself out of there. A group larger than he'd had time to count was running towards him, and he could feel a sting in his shin where he must have gotten grazed.

From up ahead he heard a girl scream, and the sound of blade against blade followed soon after. Cold horror seeped into his veins as he realized they were being attacked from more than one side.

He spun out of line of two shuriken that would've cut his leg off, and turned midair to send two of his own straight back at his attacker. The ninja jumped effortlessly out of danger, but Shisui continued on running. Now towards Anko. He was sprinting in zigzag, attempting to sidestep any flying shuriken or kunai.

Not a moment later he spotted her, Anko was hurrying away from her post. She halted when she spotted Shisui and her eyes widened comically at his pursuers.

Shisui had been able to count them when he'd thrown his shuriken, and knew he had no less than eight ninjas hot on his heel.

But Shisui was fast, truly fast, and not just for his age either. They were not gaining on him, and as Shisui forced chakra into every step he felt adrenaline take over.

Anko stopped in her tracks while going through a series of speedy hand signs and shouted loud enough for Shisui to catch the words. "Kinjutsu: Hidden Shadow Snake Hand."

Out of her arm sleeve came a swarm of snakes bursting out. All of them moving fast in Shisui's direction. The Uchiha felt relieved when they completely ignored him, understanding who the true enemy was. He caught up with Anko just as he felt his eyes readying to cast his own jutsu.

His arms formed the proper seal, and with deep concentration he stared into the eyes of their closest attacker. The man froze up as the genjutsu hit its mark, his mouth half open and his hand outstretched in an attack that had been halted in its track. Anko flew forward and slit his throat and the man fell with a gurgle. One of his comrades shouted in shock and fury.

Where exactly were the others? Snowy boulders obscured their view of their camp, but they could still hear sounds coming from the area. Shisui hoped desperately that everyone was alright. He had no idea who was at camp and who had been outside. Why had they separated so far? Had any of their enemies gotten caught in one of their traps? How many were they up against? And how the hell would they make it out alive from this?

These guys were for real. These guys wanted them dead and Shisui believed they could manage it. Crushing killing intent seeped into his skin from the captain, and he had never felt such fear. Their intent to kill them was as clear as if it was written on the wind around him.

At least Anko had his back, and it made him feel a little less hopeless. The snakes had halted his pursuers, but he could easily see that their attackers were at least Chūnin. If not higher ranked.

Their Kumo headband glinted in the winter sun and their garment looked new. They had not struggled as much as them to get here, which meant that most likely the base rumors were correct.

"They're just kids. All of them, captain. I don't think the Sannin came here." Said a voice to their left. Shisui's head involuntarily snapped to the side, spotting a tall slender woman holding a chokutō in her hand. He didn't see any blood on the shiny metal, which was a small relief in all the chaos.

"Finish up quickly here and help me out would yah'? There's a brat who can make way too many shadow clones over there. It's hard to find out which is the real one. Annoying child." She said and nudged her head in the direction of the camp. She then spotted her dead teammate in the snow, and her eyebrows furrowed in question.

"I'll be with you in a second." One of the ninjas answered in a deep voice. Probably the captain.

"We need to get to the others." Whispered Anko so close to his ear it was impossible to miss. Shisui nodded.

The snakes had been killed one by one, and Anko looked distraught at the bodies of two lying close to them. Shisui couldn't find it in him to have much sympathy. He was plenty thankful though. They had been given a moment to clear their heads and understand the situation better.

With renewed concentration Shisui readied another genjutsu. He needed to immobilize one of them long enough to get close. They probably wouldn't make the mistake of breaking up again though. The dead man had been too far away from the others to be saved when he'd been hit by Shisui's genjutsu.

An explosion from the camp shook his concentration, and they all saw a sea of Narutos get thrown up into the air along with rubble, snow and the corpse of half skinned rabbit. At least this meant Naruto was still able to fight back.

But they'd been distracted for too long. Two of the ninjas flew forwards, one of them slashed his blade at him and Shisui barely ducked in time, the blade taking a few snippets of hair in the process.

The attack caused his concentration to flare and pummel. He held in the urge to curse as the chakra gathered in his eyes dispelled violently while he avoided the ninjas attack.

His eyes stung in irritation while he rolled sideways to avoid another slash that would've taken his head off. The discomfort in his pupils didn't pass and he felt the urge to blink repeatedly, but that would be suicidal in a situation like this.

Unexpectedly the world around him blurred out in a sea of spinning colours, it was like he his eyes were rotating, making his surroundings turn around on its head. It lasted only a moment before it snapped back in to vivid clarity. And suddenly he could see clearer than ever, and it felt as if the world was moving slower than before.

The ninja's arm was still outstretched, trying to withdraw his arm after slashing out at Shisui. For some unexplainable reason he knew how his arm would move, and also where his open weak spot was.

It was as if eyes could track his enemy's movement before he'd done them.

Aiming fast Shisui struck out his fist, hitting the ninja right into his ribcage. Shisui free arm was already fishing up a kunai from his back pouch, and while the ninja crumbled together in pain he cruelly lodged it into the ninjas shoulder.

Shisui didn't get a break though. He was about to help Anko when two ninjas were upon him again. Thinking fast he jumped and twisted through the air, tracking the movement of their swinging kunai before landing softly just far enough away for them to reach.

Everything was so clear. It was like a fog had been clouding his vision his entire life, but now it had finally lifted.

"A little Uchiha, heh?" Said one of them with badly hidden fury in her voice.

The words mad him halt. Shisui realized suddenly what was making him see so well. His eyes… His Sharingan must have awakened.

Fighting down a bubbling sense of joy he tried to rile himself in again. This wasn't the time to get distracted. He had to keep his head in the game.

He knew this was both good and bad. Good because it made fighting easier. He had a new weapon to use to his advantage. But it was also bad because of the risk of using them. They would drain him of chakra, and Shisui had no idea what his limit was. This was the first time he had used them and he did not know the proper way of distributing them in battle.

Shisui saw Anko stumble backwards while clutching her bleeding arm. Her attacker was still alive, but was holding his arm in a similar fashion she was. What had gone down had been lost on Shisui in the middle of his own fight.

"Let us see how well your clan trained you, eh?" The captain said to Shisui, his voice curious as he started going through hand signs. Shisui could see them as if they were in slight slow motion, and was immediately counter attacking. He'd seen Naruto use similar signs only a week before.

"Suiton: Great Waterfall Technique!" The captain shouted.

"Katon: Great Fire Annihilation!" Shisui cried out a second before his attacker. His flame thrower burst from his mouth, colliding so hard with the water technique that steam erupted from the impact, clouding the area in mist while snow and water evaporated from the heat.

He kept it strong though he knew he was at a disadvantage. Water beat Fire. But while he sucked at Doton techniques, Katon was a different story.

Shisui had known them for years, and with the Sharingan it became easier than ever. He focused on his chakra restores, feeling his eyes burn brighter at the feel of fire blowing continuously from his mouth.

"Keep it up, Shisui!" Anko shouted encouragingly next to him, seeing much more from her angle than what Shisui did from the middle of the inferno. But the water jutsu was still pressing against his fire. It wasn't getting through.

Forcing more chakra into his mouth and brain he swung the fire from side to side, melting more snow on the sides. A new layer of thick steam clouded their view when Shisui finally stopped.

Not waiting to catch his breath, he spun around and gripped Anko's wrist. "Now is our chance." He whispered as loudly as he dared before tugging her after him. Anko nodded and quickly set out more snakes to intersect anyone chasing them.

Together they sprinted towards the camp while the fog masked their movement.

Naruto was doing her best, she really was, but it wasn't enough. Whoever she was up against had her cornered, and Ebisu was of no help. He was a short range fighter, and there was no way she'd allow him anywhere near these guys.

They were far from the most dangerous opponents of her life, but her form wasn't optimal yet. Her limited amount of attacks were not ideal for the situation.

Two of her clones had joined Genma as he caught up with Gai. Eventually one had been dispelled by an enemy ninja, but not before she knew they had found each other in the middle of the battle.

Now she prayed to Kami that Anko and Shisui had found each other too. Two was better than one in this situation, and right now she didn't have time to go look for them.

There had been ten opponents but four had pursued Gai and Genma. Leaving six for Naruto and Ebisu. Naruto had hoped it would be easy, but these guys were mostly ninjutsu specialists. Her wind chakra was regularly dispelled, so she suspected one of them could absorb chakra too.

She looked worriedly over her shoulder to where Ebisu had finally found his courage. He had been shaking from head to toe for a while now. "I'm s-sorry, Naruto-chan. I'll help from n-now on. I-I can use some genjutsu." He said hurriedly and looked up at the commotion in front of them.

To keep them at a distance Naruto was pouring out clones. Her current skill set was far from adequate for this type of battle, and she knew she might have to use some of the techniques she technically shouldn't know.

"I'll go for the lady over there. You make a genjutsu so she'll aim that chokutō in the wrong direction." Naruto whispered back to him. Ebisu nodded, his face serious as Naruto readied herself. Creating a clone she immediately started working on the Rasengan.

This would not be easy to explain when this was over…

Shisui and Anko broke into the camp just as a flash went off. The woman who'd asked for help earlier came flying straight at them. It looked like Naruto had attached an explosion tag to her stomach, and the woman had been propelled backwards by the force.

All they could do was sidestep so the woman wouldn't collide straight into them.

Ebisu shouted in relief at the sight of them, and Naruto smiled widely. "Guys! You're alright!" Naruto yelled, but was distracted as a kunai flew straight at her head. She ducked just in time and was forced to focus on her battle. They were separated by five ninjas blocking their path, and Shisui hoped Naruto and Ebisu would be able to distract them for now.

Their own group was keeping up with them, and had already made their way through Anko's snakes. This would either be a long and tiresome battle, or it would end painfully quickly.

Naruto's clones were a great distraction, but she had been correct in assuming one of them was absorbing chakra. A short, blonde man used blades to suck up chakra, and whenever he threw one close to any of them they would get their chakra sucked out. Whenever Naruto tried making clones the man threw a new weapon, causing the chakra she was going to use on a clone to be forced out of her.

Two were adapt at lightning ninjutsu, and three favored water. The rest used weapons, but they were older and stronger than any of them were.

Gai and Genma managed to fight their way back to the camp, taking some of the pressure off Shisui and Anko who hadn't been able to take anyone down after the fog disappeared. The boys had killed three of the four ninjas who'd pursued them, but looked close to exhaustion.

A group of Kumo ninja was targeting Naruto and Ebisu. Six ninjas that were more than Naruto could handle. Especially the one throwing chakra draining knifes of various shapes and length. He was a step above the rest, his precision uncanny and could rival any of Haku's best shots.

If there hadn't been so many Narutos running around already there was no doubt in her mind that they would've been hit already. Ebisu was doing a great job deflecting them though. He was a lot better at blocking and dodging than offence.

A woman used her katana to strike down three clones with one swift swipe. The frequent pops echoed through the mountain like popping popcorn.

Shisui and Anko had their backs to one another, stopping anyone from coming too close by the use of ninja wire and shuriken throwing. Naruto feared they were already running out of chakra. There was still too many left for them to go empty now.

Genma managed to strike down another ninja. A well-aimed senbon hit a Kumo ninja in the eye, making him keel forward in pain.

The shout distracted one of the ninjas attacking Anko, and Shisui took the opportunity. With lightning speed he threw himself forward and cut her down. He had ventured too far away from Anko though, because the ninjas closed in on them. Taking advantage of their separation from one another.

One of Naruto's clones forced her way through the ninjas. At one point sliding straight between a man's legs to get to her teammates. The clone picked up its remaining shuriken and threw them hard at their opponent's backs. Hitting one square in the neck.

Naruto smiled when her clone popped two minutes later. Knowing at least some of the pressure around Shisui and Anko had been lightened. The Kumo ninjas didn't seem to share her mood though.

"You little brats. Who do you think you are? I'll fucking decapitate you." Shouted the chakra absorbing guy. He came sprinting towards Naruto. Now holding an odd looking knife in his hand while he went for the real Naruto. She dodged the attack, but felt an enormous pull on her chakra, larger than any of his smaller knives had caused so far.

Around her popped fifteen clones at once. All of them affected by what was happening to the real Naruto. Her attacker hummed in approval.

Naruto managed to get away by rolling to the side. But found her way blocked by a large boulder. They had camped by it to shelter the tents from the Northern wind. Now she cursed aloud because it was blocking her path. "I got you now." Said her enemy and came at her faster than Naruto could react.

She'd barely gotten to her feet when she felt his fist connect with her cheek. The force smashed her head hard into the boulder. Disorientating her and causing her to see stars from the impact.

With her vision spinning, Naruto ducked when the knife swung towards her head in a desperate attempt to gain distance. But before she could do much the knife guy was gone as quickly as he had appeared.

Looking confused up she saw Ebisu with his hand outstretched. Her eyes followed his line of sight, and found the knife guy looking wearily at Ebisu's katana. It was lodged into the boulder. Ebisu must have thrown it to save her.

She smiled gratefully, wordlessly thanking him for his quick action, and was about to run back to Ebisu when she felt a stabbing pain in her foot. Looking down she found a kunai pierced straight through it.

It hurt like a bitch, and she gritted her teeth to stop the moan of pain about to break out.

"Naruto!" Shouted Ebisu and ran for her, but his path was quickly blocked off. The woman with the katana was hindering his path.

And Ebisu no longer had his blade.

Naruto bent down and wrenched out the kunai from her foot, groaning at the stabbing pain that ran up her entire leg. "Hold on, Ebisu. I'll-" Naruto shouted, but her words cut off as she straightened up again and stared right into the eyes of the knife guy. He was smiling.

For half a second she realized what was about to happen before it had, but she was not fast enough to prevent most of the damage.

At close hold he struck her with a blade. Naruto had raised her arm on instinct, to block any incoming blow and prevent it from hitting her straight through the head. Naruto screamed when the knife penetrated straight through her arm and lodged into the boulder behind her. Pinning her arm at an awkward angle while shocks of pain shuddered through her.

Looking at the damage she saw that the blade was long, and it was absorbing her chakra. Her foot hurt, and now this too.

The knife guy jumped backwards. Gaining a safe distance between them. And while he jumped another knife flew at her. Naruto was still in too much pain to dodge properly. And this time it went clean through her knee. The stab of pain drowned the crushing sound of her knee cap being split in two.

She was screwed. Naruto couldn't feel anything but pain, and when she tried to use her free hand she felt as if it was numb. In a desperate attempt at loosening the knives she tried to lean forward. To use her weight to push the knives out from the boulder she was pinned to.

But it was so painful. Her chakra was seeping out of her and she was losing too much blood. Her knee had given out completely. Her leg entirely useless.

She hadn't even noticed that there were no more clones running about.

Grunting in pain she followed her attacker's movement with furious eyes. Her fear and frustration was winning over, and she could feel the first signs of the Kyūbi coming over her. For a split second it made everything slow down.

Her enemy was standing a few feet away. Smiling so creepily it could rival Orochimaru's blood thirsty grins. He was holding up a set of blades of a design Naruto didn't recognize. And Naruto knew who they would be aimed at.

But despite the imminent threats to her life, she couldn't lose focus on the Kyūbi either. She could feel him trying to break free but for the moment Naruto was still – barely – in control. No matter what happened she could not allow the nine tailed demon fox to go berserk. She had to keep it in check. There was no other option.

The duel focus - the attempt to keep track on both her attacker and the fox at the same time - gave Naruto an idea. It reminded her of the multitasking exercises she had been working with on this mission. Her eyes narrowed in on the knife guy and her good arm stretched out while she focused on the man's hand.

It was a thousand times more difficult to make chakra threads when your chakra was being sucked out of you, and Naruto learned that the brutal way while she tried to focus of the exercise Orochimaru had taught her.

Naruto could actually make a weak chakra thread already. Not nearly enough to control something as intricate as a puppet, but enough to make one single thread that could do simple tasks.

The knife guy readied and aimed another knife. His eyes dancing while he made a show of figuring out which part of her body would be pierced next. He said something to a comrade to drag out the whole event, but Naruto was using most of her concentration on the only thing she could do. The chakra string.

The man suddenly jolted backwards. "Fuck!" He screamed before a furious hiss escaped his mouth. He was bleeding around his right wrist.

Naruto had wrapped the chakra string around his wrist. Tightening it as much as she could to draw blood. Naruto had hoped she could cut his artery, or at the very least make it harder for him to throw a knife. But it hadn't been good enough. Her chakra was shaky at best, and she could feel it slipping away at an alarming pace.

The man stopped his jibes, and before Naruto could think up of a new strategy her other leg was hit. This time her thigh. "Ngh!" Naruto groaned. The blades were long, and this too had run straight through her leg.

With agonizing pain flaring through her, Naruto realized she wouldn't get away from this on her own, and her eyes flew desperately around. Trying to find her friends in the chaos on all sides. Anko and Shisui were the closest, but they were being pressed to the edge of their capabilities.

Gai and Genma were faring better, but they had fewer opponents than anyone else. Only two after they'd taken on two of the ones Shisui and Anko had dealt with earlier.

Naruto found Ebisu last.

Before she could control her reaction she screamed.

He lay still on the ground, and the woman he'd been fighting was walking away, no longer holding her own Katana, but Ebisu's.

Naruto jerked sideways, trying to break free but the blades didn't budge an inch. And next moment Naruto was struck again, this time straight through her upper abdomen. It was pierced through her ribcage. When she attempted to move the blade gnawed into her bones, making a grunt of pain escape her.

Finally she froze. The pain forced her to stay immobile.

In total she'd been pierced through and bolted to the boulder in five separate places. Her right knee felt like it had exploded, and from the gushing blood and the kunai sticking out of her knee cap it wasn't looking good.

The pain was unreal. She'd had worse injuries in the past, but back then her mind had shut down, her body unable to take in the excruciating pain of having bones and muscles ripped apart. Nothing like that happened this time.

Naruto could feel everything.

While heaving after her breath, trying to calm down her racing heart, Naruto could only glare hatefully at her attacker. The guy who just didn't seem to want to fucking die.

Ebisu still lay unmoving on the ground not far away. She could see blood slowly oozing out from underneath him. Something pointy was protruded out from his back, making his vest to bulge out but the garment hid exactly where the damage was. All she knew was that the mat green vest was seeped in blood.

"Ebisu..." Naruto whispered in horror. But he didn't move, he stayed limp like a doll on his stomach.

"Fucking brats." Muttered her attacker. Naruto barely managed to rip her eyes away from Ebisu, noting the team he'd been with was still watching her, but now there was amusement in their eyes. The woman that had struck down Ebisu twirled her stolen katana playfully, before putting it back in its holster.

The man using her as a dartboard threw another kunai. Naruto tried desperately to move free, but was not successful. Instead she felt a searing pain in her throat. So intense it was as if her neck was on fire. Blood splashed onto her face, and she felt a horrible rush inside her head.

Her eyes bulged outwards and suddenly the Kyūbi was right underneath her skin. Her vision blurred and she almost welcomed the blackness. But some part of her was still conscious and fighting. Because she knew her neck had just been partly cut. That her lungs were being filled with blood, and most likely her voice cord had taken some damage too, because the only sound she could make was a gurgling wheezing.

With a sudden clarity Naruto knew she was dying, but with equal understanding she also knew the Kyūbi could not be allowed out. She felt him battle furiously, his roaring was so loud even while everything else had grown eerily silent.

Only one other sound registered over the fox's shouts. Someone was screaming her name, but from a very vast distance.

Her vision left her, darkness engulfing her, but the immense amount of pain remained throughout it all. The blackness around her didn't feel empty though. It was as if she was floating in nothingness, and she had trouble remembering how she ended up there or how to end the pain.

Yet she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was not alone.

At some point her eyes must have closed, or maybe they had been closed the whole time, because she tried to open them. Hoping things would be clearer. But what met her sight made her want to gasp if it hadn't been so painful.

Her mother was standing in front of her.

Kushina's long red hair was hovering around her head as if she was under water, floating along in this emptiness together with her. She didn't say anything, didn't even blink while she looked back at Naruto.

Slowly Kushina stretched out her arm, but she was just too far away to reach her, and her outstretched fingers stopped to linger in front of Naruto's heart.

Then abruptly she was gone.

Naruto's chest was burning fiercely now. Her chakra was going haywire and the emptiness was growing deeper. Something was breaking free inside her, and all Naruto could do was mentally repeat over and over again to keep the Kyūbi with her.

She swore to herself that if she was to die today, the Kyubi would go with her.

Anko had problems seeing. Dirt mixed with tears clouded her vision. Shisui was attacking in front of her, covering her while she stood momentarily stunned. Anko was too distraught to do anything but watch in horror as Naruto was being bolted to a boulder.

There was so much blood.

Gai was furious too, moving so fast he was difficult to spot as he tried to get to Ebisu and Naruto. But was there even a point anymore? Who could survive something like that?

Without her consent Anko gasped. A sob bursting from her as Naruto's head suddenly slackened.

No… no, no, no… This wasn't happening. It couldn't be.

Shisui suddenly shook her shoulder, his red eyes spinning rapidly. "Shake out of it, Anko! Fight!" He shouted too loudly, her ears started ringing from the volume, but she didn't mind. The distraction was welcome. Watching what had happened to Naruto - to her best friend - had completely immobilized her for too long. Shisui shouldn't fight on his own. She could still help, still survive. If they could just get together all of them, they could have each other's back.

Gai broke free from the group that had been pressing him and Genma away from the area, a green light covering his body while he kicked an enemy so hard in the neck she could see from a distance how his head snapped sideways and broke like a twig.

Anko nodded to Shisui, but the boy had already turned back to the battle. Stopping an incoming sea of shuriken with the kunai he had in his hand. He was shaking all over, but his head was still on the battle, still level headed though Naruto had just… Anko couldn't even think it.

She screamed in fury, going from shocked and panicked to an inferno in less than a millisecond. All she wanted was to rip apart the people in front of her. The fuckers who'd taken Naruto away from her. She wanted them to scream in pain and beg for mercy. To suffer just as much as she was in that moment.

She flew at the closest attacker, all thoughts of tactics and care for her well being wiped clean out of her head.

She got lucky, the Kumo ninja hadn't expected her to be so reckless, and in an attempt to stop her he slashed out too quickly with his kunai, leaving his right ribcage exposed as Anko hit him. She drilled her blade deep into him, feeling some sort of relief when blood gushed out and the man twice her size screamed. He collapsed instantly, and Anko got away just as two ninjas came upon her. She back flipped and was again back to back with Shisui.

The two Kumo ninjas came at the same time, splitting up slightly to take her from two sides. She readied herself for the impact, trying to figure out how to hurt both of them with only one kunai. They would hit simultaneously.

Suddenly a clang rang out through the air. Anko didn't even have time to blink before something shiny shot past. The enemy in front of her was violently stabbed by something and thrown away from her, and the one who'd been up against Shisui was knocked to the ground by a grazing blow.

Shisui shouted something, but Anko was too stunned to catch exactly what he said. She followed the shiny metal thing that had just saved her life to where one of her attackers lay pierced at the end. It took Anko a moment to realize it was a chain.

Slowly Anko followed the large chain back to its source, and hadn't she already been a complete emotional mess she would have been shocked by the sight in front of her.

The chains were coming from Naruto.

She still appeared unconscious, but her arm was moving again. Her left arm which hadn't been pierced was swinging limply from side to side while the one bolted to the rock was trying to make a fist around the blade keeping it in place.

For a moment all Anko could take in was that Naruto was still hanging on, still alive somehow. And then she finally registered what exactly the blonde had done.

There were multiple chains protruding from the side of her ribs. Long, thick glowing chains that had just pierced to death the five ninjas who'd been using her as a pin board not a minute ago. Including the one who'd almost taken down Anko herself, two other Kumo ninja lay bloody and most likely dead on the ground.

"What… what… what is that?" Anko barely registered Shisui's words. Somewhere in her subconsciousness Anko wondered that too, but right now it had dawned on her there were only three ninjas left to defeat. They were just four still able to fight, but the situation had changed drastically in their favor now.

Shisui dragged out the kunai from the last Kumo ninja's chest. Gore and blood followed along, but as the snow had been painted red long ago it was hardly bothering him at this point. Much more pressing was his left arm which ached and his body that felt like lead. He was on the verge of chakra exhaustion, and though he'd only read about it in books so far, he wasn't doubting the explanation of his state.

He stumbled past Anko who was sitting on her knees in front of another Kumo ninja. She and Genma had taken her out while Shisui and Gai had focused on the last male enemy. But now Shisui had only one destination in mind. Naruto.

He dreaded what he'd see when he reached her, knowing, but not wanting to believe what he'd find. She had been moving earlier, but unable to get free she had stayed bolted to the boulder for the remains of the battle. The blonde was now still as a stone. Only the wind was moving her loose messy strands of hair to give off some illusion of activity.

He came up in front of her while Gai bent down and turned Ebisu around. The small whimper from Gai confirmed Shisui's fear.

Shisui forced his limbs to move more fluidly, and with fierce concentration he made himself run the last distance up to Naruto. He was glad he'd deactivated his Sharingan, because the sight in front of him was not something he wanted to ever again recall in perfect clarity.

Naruto's head was tilted forwards. She was leaning limply to one side, her black clothes drenched in her own blood, making the dirt attached to her skin look like bloody mud puddles. It was amazing that such a small person could hold so much liquid in them. The boulder behind her had red stains smeared up the ice covered surface. "Naruto..." He begged, voice small and uneven, wanting her to raise her head, wink at him teasingly and tell him it was a prank. That this was just a feint and that she was fine.

Driven by his slowly growing after shock he hurriedly reached for the kunai sticking out of Naruto's chest. Pulling it out desperately, and forgetting everything he had been taught by his father about field care. Supporting her limp weight against his chest he loosened the kunai that stuck through her upper arm, then the one in her right thigh, before roughly taking out the one that had gone straight though her knee.

As Naruto was released at last she was only held up because Shisui was clutching her to him. His vision was blurry, and he was shaking too much to do more. Now that she was free he wasn't sure what to do anymore. He felt sobs threatening to escape, but he bit his lips together and focused on slowly hoisting Naruto to the ground.

With trembling hands he got her in a laying position. It was awkward because her limbs was not reacting, making it difficult to not twist anything when he put her down.

When he leaned away he noticed Anko had come up next to them. She didn't speak.

The silence was inexpressible. Genma was sitting next to Gai now. And the first sound to cut through the pressing quietness was the strangled sob that finally emerged from Gai.

Anko slowly sat down on Naruto's other side. With a good deal of effort Shisui looked up at Naruto's face. It was no longer hidden behind her hair, making it worse. Her face was grimy and unrecognizable because of the blood. Her hair lay sprawled around her head, making it look like a golden and red halo circling her face. Though it was the worst thing he'd ever seen, Shisui couldn't look away.

Anko stretched out her hand and it was surprisingly steady. Searchingly they found their way to Naruto's neck, and a new layer of blood smeared over Anko's fingers.

There was a silence while Shisui held his breath. He still hoped. Still dared to believe. The gasp that escaped Anko was enough to make Shisui jump where he sat. "Naruto!" Anko hissed in a muffled sob, before she extracted her hand as if it had been bitten.

"Is she..?" Shisui asked in a strangled voice.

Anko was crying too hard, her face covered in her bloody hands and unable to respond. Instead she was shaking her head from side to side repeatedly. Shisui's heart sank in his chest and he closed his eyes.

"...I… She..." Said Anko between gasps. Shisui glanced sideways at her, keeping his head down while he tried to stop tears from coming to his eyes.

"What?" Asked Genma and turned towards them.

"Naruto… alive." Sobbed Anko and finally looked up from between her hands. Her face had a grotesque new face paint, but the shine to her eyes lit up her face as if had just been given renewed energy.

Shisui quickly turned back to Naruto, focusing on her chest, waiting for it to show any signs of breathing. His hands were still shaking too much for him to get a grasp of her pulse. His breath shuddered when he saw her chest expand before lowering again. "Oh, thank kami..." Shisui breathed.

And without having a chance at stopping it, tears started pouring down his face. He gladly let them.

Naruto wasn't happy about waking up. Everything felt painful, especially her chest, but groggily she opened her eyes. She stared up into a cloudy sky, grey and boring but moving quickly high above her. It looked like it was the middle of the day…

She tried to move her head to the side, but groaned in pain at the action. Her hand shot up to grasp around her neck, but that hurt too. So to prevent the pain she stayed still, only her breath quickening in response to the stabbing hurts everywhere inside her.

"Naruto?" Whispered a voice right next to her. Using only her eyes she tried to look sideways, but she still couldn't spot the person who'd called her.

Anko came into view, her eyes large and bloodshot. She looked absolutely morbid, and panic rose to the forefront of Naruto's mind. What had happened? It was just then it all came back to her. The ambush, the battle. The fucking pain! And then she remembered Ebisu. Still and pierced through somewhere in his chest.

Naruto opened her mouth, a searing pain shooting down her spine as she did. "Ehhh..." She started saying, having problems forming the words because of the rasping heat that was now making her feel light headed.

"Don't speak! Your throat..." Said Anko and sat down quickly beside her head. She ran a hand softly through Naruto's hair, her eyes looking intent at her face.

"You're alive..." Anko breathed. Her eyes shone and she bent her head down, touching it against the ground next to Naruto. "Thank you. Don't… Don't die." Anko muttered into the gravel.

Naruto tried to use her fingers when realizing that her left hand still felt somewhat okay. Slowly she raised it and tried to touch Anko in an attempt to calm her down. Naruto had never seen that expression on her friend's face before. She hadn't imagined Anko could make such a face. It looked like pure agony.

"Ebisu..." Wheezed Naruto, wincing as a new wave of pain filtered through her throat.

"He died." Anko whispered and raised her head again. Staring sadly down at Naruto. She noticed that the blonde had lifted her left hand, and gently Anko reached out and clutched it in her own.

"I'm sorry. You almost died… I was certain you were dead. If you had died… I'll never… I'm so sorry, Naru." Anko said in a low voice.

Naruto didn't want to use her voice, so instead she nodded as little as she could while still getting the message across. She was already feeling like she was about to pass out again, and the last thing she saw before she fainted again was Anko's miserable face. Her voice was far away but Naruto still caught the words. "Thank you…"

The day was mild and unusually warm for the time of the year. The sun was peeking out, filtering through the leaves and hit Shisui in the face. He was blinded slightly and moved so he wouldn't have the sun straight in his eyes.

He was exhausted, but someone needed to keep guard while everyone else got some rest. They had all more or less fainted after carrying Naruto and Ebisu away from the battlefield and down from the mountain. They needed more coverage, and they had been going on pure paranoia and survival instinct the last distance.

They were in a tree filled area that left them well covered, and as soon as Naruto had been bandaged up and laid inside a sleeping bag they had all slowly started calming down. The exhaustion that had been forced away by the battle returned, and the aftermath of what had gone down finally hit them.

Shisui had woken up hours later with a jolt, only to be told by Anko that Naruto had woken earlier but was now back asleep.

Shisui was worried though. Her knee had been crushed by the attack, and her throat looked like it had been slit over. He was surprised she hadn't drowned on her own blood from such a cut. And even if she survived her extensive injuries until they were back at the base there were slim chances Naruto would be able to continue as a ninja.

He fisted his hands and put his head between his knees. Forcing the picture of a dead Naruto, just like the one he'd freed from the boulder, out of his head for the umpteenth time.

At least she was still alive. They needed to keep her that way until their sensei returned. Where the hell were they? Why hadn't they come when Anko sent the signal? Where they dead too? What the hell were they to do now? How were they going to transport Naruto in her condition?

The fact that she hadn't bled out was a miracle, especially considering what Shisui so stupidly had done. He hadn't been in a right state of mind when he ripped out the kunai from Naruto's body. It had probably caused unnecessary harm to her, making her lose more blood. He gritted his teeth in fury at his own stupidity. His own panic and weakness.

Shisui peeked from the corner of his eye to where Naruto was laying tucked into Genma's sleeping bag. She looked peaceful now. Anko must have woken sometime while the others were asleep and washed Naruto's face more thoroughly. The only blood stains he could see where the ones dried up on the sleeping bag.

And poor Ebisu… What would Choza say? This was the second mission in a row he'd lost a team member, and this time it was his own student. And Ebisu's family… They would be devastated. Gai looked broken and Genma had been sobbing quietly until he fell asleep. At least Naruto was, for the time being, alive.

Again he reached out and put his finger underneath her nose, feeling a small puff of air touch his finger. He'd been doing it every third minute since his watch started. Just to make sure she was still breathing.

As he turned back to stare ahead, wondering how long it was until he could wake Gai for his turn to keep watch, Shisui caught a movement to his right. He was standing before he'd fully registered that he had moved at all. His tantō ready in his hand while his Sharingan flared back to life. He didn't know exactly what activated it yet, there was a burning in his eyes whenever they did, and he guessed adrenaline played some part of it. At least in his current state.

He waited for a new movement, but everything was still and calm again. Maybe it was just the wind… He shouted when the next sound was heard, making the three still functional children jump as if they'd been awake the whole time. Quickly they were all on their feet, their eyes staring wildly in the direction Shisui was standing towards.

"A dog got into the bath house, but the owner didn't want to get wet." The slithery voice of Shisui's sensei drifted up to them. It was the password they had discussed before parting ways. Shisui was still on high alert, though some of the tension in his shoulders slowly ebbed out.

"Sensei..." Anko said in pure relief. Her arms falling to her side while she sagged where she stood.

Orochimaru came into view. His eyes narrowed and consented as he took in their location. Choza was right on his heel, limping slightly while he walked. It took Shisui less than a second to see the two men had been in a battle of their own.

Orochimaru's usually spotless appearance was now muddied and scratched. Choza had dropped the vest he usually wore, and had wrapped his right arm in tight bandages.

"What happened?" Asked Orochimaru harshly and looked down to the ground. Shisui followed his gaze and first now spotted the snake slithering around Orochimaru's feet. It was Hebimei. They must have been far away for them to take a whole day to reach them.

Anko explained what had happened. Once she finished speaking Orochimaru bent down next to Naruto, opening the sleeping bag to check her over. They had wrapped her up in bandages the best they could, but Shisui still had grimaced when he spotted the blue and yellow bruises visible without the cover of her sleeping bag.

Choza had his face in his hands. The news of Ebisu was hitting him hard.

Not sure what he could do, seeing as Anko was standing for the explanations, Shisui sat back down. Without his consent he drifted off, the sound of low murmurs on all sides as sleep took him.

The second time Naruto woke up it was dark. She remembered more quickly what had happened this time. Slowly she raised her arm, testing out how well it had healed while she had been asleep. It hurt, but she was pretty sure the bone had regrown at least. She tried to turn her head, and was pleased when there was less pain then before.

Holding her breath Naruto sat up, hissing as her ribs stung in protest. So that injury wasn't all that great yet.

By the time she was sitting she was biting her lip so hard it bled, but once she could lean her weight slightly forward, the stinging subsided and she gulped air as if she'd ran ten miles in under a second. It was so dark Naruto wasn't able to see much, but she could see the outline of two people sleeping on each side of her. Taking a closer look she found out it was Anko and Shisui, and she couldn't help but smile in gratitude that they had survived.

"Your healing ability is truly remarkable… I'm not sure even Kushina would have survived that." Said a low voice from the darkness in front of her. Naruto raised her head slowly, not wanting to strain anything unnecessarily, and saw Orochimaru step closer.

"What?" Naruto asked confused.

"I've been monitoring the speed of your healing. Remarkable… I've never seen anything like it. It's as if your skin is regenerating itself." Orochimaru explained further and sat down on a rock close to where Naruto was. She preferred that he'd stayed further away.

"So you're an Uzumaki." He continued casually.

"What?" Naruto asked surprised, her eyes bulging as the words Orochimaru spoke started making more sense in her head. What had happened after she blacked out? She couldn't remember properly. For a moment Naruto had seen her mother, but now she realized that must have been a dream. Maybe the Kyūbi..?

"What happened? I don't remember what happened after my throat got hurt." Naruto said in a low voice. She grimaced at the memory and guessed her vocal cord had been slit. It would be a few more days until Naruto would attempt raising her volume. Still, hadn't it been for the kyūbi she'd be mute for the rest of her life. Or more likely dead.

"Well… That's the question of the day isn't it? According to Anko you used a technique she hadn't seen before. A technique that shot copper like chains from your chest. I've only seen one other person do that, and her name is Uzumaki Kushina and she lives in Konoha." Orochimaru explained while Naruto's eyes widened in shock.

"I did what?" She whispered confused. What was going on? She had used her mother's chains right before she went back in time. During the fight for the Kyūbi's chakra Naruto had with the help of her mother's chakra used the chains. But she had been under the impression she'd used up all of Kushina's chakra. That there was too little left to use. And anyway, the chains had only been created deep within her seal, not a physical manifestation in the real world.

"I see you're confused… So you didn't know then. What did your parents look like Naruto? Was either of them a red head?" Orochimaru asked curiously, leaning forwards while Naruto tried to wrap her head around what had happened.

"My mum..." Naruto trailed off, not really registered that she'd answered Orochimaru without a second thought.

"And your father was blonde I take it?" Orochimaru added.

Naruto nodded.

"Hmmm… Well, your mother must have been an Uzumaki. I guess your father could have been one too, though it's unusual to find blonde Uzumaki. You being the only example I've met so far. They scattered around the world after Uzushiogakure fell. There's hardly anyone who knows where they all are anymore. Most had to change their family name since they are still being hunted down." Explained Orochimaru more to himself than to Naruto.

"You don't have a family name, correct?" Orochimaru asked her briskly. Naruto nodded again.

"So your parent was probably still afraid of being captured. It might have been why your family was attacked in the first place. People with Uzumaki genes are quite popular on the black market." He stated with a confirming nod. Naruto guessed he'd just clarified something to himself more than her. Still, the information was making her feel nauseous.

"And how would you know that?" She whispered accusingly, still not daring to raise her volume.

"Because I've checked it out. I've done more S-rank missions than I can keep count on. Do you believe I have never encountered the black market while on duty, Naruto?" Snapped Orochimaru back. He was the worst nurse Naruto could imagine. His bedside manners were just awful.

"So the Uzumaki chains… That explains a lot really. I already suspected you had healing abilities. Maybe some sensor skills too, though not nearly as potent as the healing. Especially after the report about your leg during stage one and also some earlier reports told me you were not entirely what you appeared to be." Orochimaru mused, falling back into his habit of talking to himself.

"How long have you kept track of me, Orochimaru?" Asked Naruto coldly. His words had sent a chill down her spine, and she was now furious.

"Oh… Since Jiraiya took you into the village. I was curious. You survived a very large waterfall, seemingly without much injury either." Orochimaru replied with a wicked grin. Naruto wondered if the sannin was trying to be freaky, or if he honestly had no idea just how unsettling his smile made him appear.

"So Shisui and I are on your team because of your curiosity then." Hissed Naruto, the pieces finally falling into place. "I guess that's what you would have used my blood sample for as well? To satisfy your curiosity." Naruto muttered angrily.

"Of course. But you intrigue me too, Naruto. Not often have I seen such a dimwitted person grow so rapidly in strength. Your intuitive, and have unheard of chakra reserves for an eight year old. Of course I had to have you on my team." Orochimaru confessed without showing any remorse. If anything he looked to be enjoying their conversation more for every passing minute.

"That explains it. I was wondering what the chances of me ending up with you as a sensei was and realized it wasn't a coincidence. I wish you hadn't." Naruto said stonily back to him, confirming everything she said with her serious tone.

"I know. I'm not a fan of your personality either, but I'm compromising for the sake of research. As you've already noticed; I do like my experiments." He said and laughed low in the back of his throat. Naruto shivered at the sound. Shisui turned in his sleep, but she noted he was a lot calmer then he usually was when dreaming.

She wasn't sure what to say to that reply, and instead she fell silent.

Orochimaru chuckled again at Naruto's reluctance to speak. "This certainly was a profitable mission for my students wasn't it? Shisui activated his Sharingan, Anko mastered direct summoning and you gained your chakra chains." He said tauntingly.

"Can you leave me be? I want to sleep some more, and your presence keeps me on edge." Naruto muttered and looked away from the snake sannin. Orochimaru nodded and got back up to his feet.

"Sure, you should gather up as much strength as you can. Though with this speed of recovery I'd be surprised if you couldn't walk on your own by tomorrow morning. So as soon as possible you will try to recollect what happened when you released the chakra chains. They are a powerful weapon that's been sought after for a very long time, it would be a waste if you didn't learn how to use them properly." Orochimaru told her in a matter of fact tone.

The blonde rolled her eyes. No way in hell was she revisiting that scenario anytime soon. For all she knew it was her mother's chakra releasing again. At least that would explain the strange image she'd seen before blacking out.

"No way. This is just not possible..." Muttered Anko, staring bewildered at Naruto who was bending her knee with some trepidation.

"Your knee was crushed… I bandaged it up myself." Added Shisui in disbelief. Naruto was standing and walking, though a little clumsily, but she already looked close to healed. That wasn't completely true though, Naruto still had problems with her ribs, and the knee was very sore and stiff. She wouldn't be doing a lot of jumping today that was for sure.

"I heal quickly." Naruto muttered and waved her hand as if that explained everything.

"Uh..." Genma stuttered, if anything looking more shocked than anyone else.

"What the hell? You shouldn't be able to walk. Or talk. What the hell are you?" Anko cried, her expression telling Naruto she was freaking out at this turn of event.

"My body heals fast, dattebayo…Things sort of just works out like that. K- My body tries to repair itself whenever I'm injured. It went into overdrive so the worse parts were healed right away." Naruto tried to explain while covering up 'Kyuubi'with 'My body' instead.

"So… What? Is it a bloodline?" Asked Genma, a hint of interest seeping into his sceptic tone.


"Yes." Answered Orochimaru. "Those chains is a manifestation of a very rare type of chakra that can be classified as a kekai genkai. It has only ever occurred in a few Uzumaki. Not everyone inherits it, but Naruto has. Which makes her an Uzumaki."

"Uzumaki? Like Kushina-sensei?" Asked Shisui surprised. He hadn't met Ensui's sensei much, but according to his friend she was a capable ninja who had a dangerous addiction to ramen.

"Yes. Incidentally she's the only other Uzumaki known to currently possess chakra chains." Orochimaru supplied while Naruto was trying to bend down. But winced and quickly straightened up again.

"So you're a Uzumaki then? Uzuamki Naruto?" Asked Anko with some amusement in her voice. "Did you even know what the hell you were doing?" She added as an afterthought.

Naruto shook her head from side to side. "I have no idea. I don't even remember that it happened, dattebayo." She answered with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"You took out six of the remaining nine ninjas with one blow. It was terrifying. Especially now that I know that it was only pure luck that you didn't pierce through us with those chains." Interjected Genma. He had his right arm in a cast and was forced to use his left arm to get his vest on. It was going slowly, but he clumsily managed in the end.

"Well… Yeah. It was lucky." Naruto muttered and frowned. It could have ended a lot worse. If Naruto had killed any of her friends…

"We'll discuss how to train your chains with Uzumaki-san once we get back to Konoha. For now I just want you to try to recollect as much as possible. Your life was on the line, so it must have been something there that triggered the chains." Orochimaru said.

"Kushina?" Asked Naruto, her interest peeked at the aspect of training with her mother.

"Who else? She's been able to use them since she was a little girl. But from what I've seen her chains has a different appearance than yours. Shisui saw yours with his sharingan and I trust he got it down accurately. He says yours looked like copper while Kushina's chains are golden. What sort of difference that makes I'm not sure, but I'll be checking the moment we return to Konoha."

Naruto nodded, growing more and more excited at the aspect of having an excuse to talk with Kushina.

Though she was nervous what Orochimaru would do next, she wasn't sure if there was anything that could prove who she was related to, but if he found something odd she doubted he'd stay silent about it.




To be continued...

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