
Son Of The Earth 2

[> High Tier Spell – Quake Blade <]

Terran summoned another spell, effortlessly calling upon the magic without the need for any casting.

As Razor-sharp earth blades erupted from the ground, causing the Tier 7 Orcs stationed there to sense the imminent threat of their own demise.

However, Terran’s attention was focused elsewhere, He had his sights set on the last two Tier 6 Orcs, the shamans responsible for restricting the surrounding space.

The moment these shamans felt Alec’s gaze upon them, they desperately wished for the ground to swallow them whole.

But they knew they couldn’t budge from their positions, as it would undo the spell they were maintaining.

With a smirk, Terran sent two of the razor-sharp Quake Blades hurtling toward them, reaching them with such velocity that an explosion echoed through the air.

Before the shamans could react, they were impaled by the blades, and slumped to there death.

“Bulls eye!” Terran exclaimed.

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