
1.8 Unreachable

Shu XinYi was trying to convince the players in the BBQ hub that it will surely be a misunderstanding by Mr.Asahi. Akihiko and Ishida were too shocked to involve in anything, especially Ishida. Ishida knew Nomura was someone who will do anything to save himself in a bad situation, So if worse comes, Nomura won't even hesitate to say Ishida's name. Although just him saying won't be enough evidence, everybody around him will be on guard. Akihiko went to Haruto to talk down the situation. "Haruto is right, Mr.Asahi could've easily misunderstood something we will know for sure After we get back, so let's not ruin our night."

The players got back in their original mood, eating meat to their hearts content. "Haruto did you see him put something in your food?" Akihiko asked to make sure.

Haruto:" Ah no, I didn't, I am tired, so I will head back early to sleep." Shu XinYi left after making a tired expression. He wanted to confront Nomura himself but now that Mr.Arai has involved himself he could only sit on the sidelines, but he still wanted to know the outcome as quick as possible.

Shu XinYi entered the hotel and directly went up to the penthouse. He waited for only 20 seconds after ringing the bell when a wet haired, towel on neck, freshly out of the shower Mr.Arai opened the door. Shu XinYi gulped, taking in the view in front of his eyes and tried his hardest to remain sane and formulate a sentence, but he couldn't. Finally, Mr.Arai was the first one to speak, "You must be here about Nomura, right ? The matter is settled, it was just a mistake on Asahi's part. So you don't need to worry, focus on your training and rest early."

Shu XinYi couldn't understand why Mr.Arai would lie to him because clearly Mr.Arai must know the food was drugged. Aah, maybe he and Nomura exchanged something. Exchanged what then? Maybe Mr.Arai likes Nomura that's why even though his sponsored player was nearly drugged, he let him go. But they haven't even met each other before this. Maybe I am overthinking. Shu XinYi didn't argue any further, he didn't even say a single word and just silently returned to his room.

Shu XinYi didn't even talk to Snow and just quietly went to sleep. Snow was really confused, isn't Master in a "relationship" with Akihiko. So why is he so… So sad that Mr.Arai might like someone. Snow was not capable of understanding or feeling emotions as a system, But its Master was. So Snow didn't comment on this and left its Master with his own thoughts.

Mr.Arai on the other hand had already decided not to tell the boy the real situation. Since he would have to answer about the reason, Ishida tried to drug him. He was just a third party, so he decided to just make sure Haruto is safe and nothing like this happens again. He didn't want to tell the beaming boy that his boyfriend, of almost 2 years, was cheating on him and both of them planned to drug him trying to ruin his life, it really was a hard pill to swallow.

Shu XinYi successfully passed the medical test, but he still refused to speak unless necessary. He was still playing the image of yesterday's cold and indifferent Mr.Arai telling him to leave politely. It was like a needle that constantly stabbed his heart. He didn't understand why he was feeling such exaggerated emotions, like a regular teenager going through young love and rejection. He wasn't even rejected, but he was in too much pain to think of it.

Shu XinYi got his test results and wanted to find Asahi to avoid facing Mr.Arai but Asahi was nowhere to be found. He still didn't have the courage to face Mr.Arai so he just sat in the hotel lobby in a daze, Since there was no training today. Shu XinYi didn't notice when someone sat beside him until that person said. "Mr.Arai is a good man, and I have a feeling he really cares for you. Although yesterday's event was a misunderstanding, I still want to apologize"

Shu XinYi looked beside him to find Nomura. He was not surprised, Although Nomura was ruthless when he was doing a job, he was still an 18-year-old boy. Him apologizing meant that he really was sorry to Haruto. Shu XinYi smiled lightly and said in a low voice like he was talking to himself: "Obviously he cares for me, He has invested his money into me, I am a living asset that he cares for." Shu XinYi didn't understand his own fragile heart, even Snow was shocked this was the first time It had seen Its master act so affected by someone, was it just simple attraction?

Nomura heard Haruto say this and raised his eyebrows, making a simple evaluation. He thought for a while and said "I meant what I said, Mr.Arai really cares for you, What you do from here on now is up to you, but I would advise you not to make baseless conclusions." Nomura paused letting this information settle and then continued to lighten the mood: "That aside how do you even cope with being his Sponsor He is so cold and rude, Last night he was looking at me like I have stolen his wife, too scary. Unlike him Mr.Kenjiro is much more gentle with me, Although he looks scary as well, but his prying eyes feel kinda thrilling. Hehe "

Shu XinYi heard the boy go on and on and realized that he was right, He should not make baseless conclusions. Furthermore, the boy apparently liked Mr.Kenjiro, this was an interesting side story. "Mr.Kenjiro huh, I don't think he is that special. Mr.Arai's eyes are way more piercing." Shu XinYi finally got in a playful mood and the boy perfectly matched his pace, saying "Mr.Kenjiro is so mysterious and quiet unlike Mr.Arai who announces to the world that he is cold and distant. The more mysterious a person is, the more exciting it gets to slowly figure them out."

They were slowly bickering about "the old gongs". Shu XinYi and Nomura developed a good friendship after this. Nomura also avoided questioning Haruto about Akihiko and his loyalty. Haruto was not wrong to like someone but Akihiko had already been with Ishida many times, moreover Nomura didn't care who was right. Nomura thought Haruto was a pure but not a pushover, he was calm but not docile. He liked this kind of person and was more than happy to look after him, moreover he found someone he could finally talk to about Mr.Kenjiro.

Shu XinYi was in a very good mood after talking with Nomura. The boy really did like Mr.Kenjiro but it seems he doesn't want to confess until later. Although Mr.Kenjiro was someone Shu XinYi didn't trust, he wouldn't blame him for something he didn't do. So he let the matter be. He thought for a while before finally going to Mr.Arai with the medical report.

He had just gotten out of the elevator when he saw Mr.Arai coming out. He was dressed up to go somewhere. Shu XinYi caught eyes with Mr.Arai and said awkwardly "aah seems like you are going out somewhere, I just wanted to give the medical report, I will leave first." he held out the report for Mr.Arai but he just looked at him and said: "I was going out to find you, You are free today right? The shoot location is already set up and your clothes have also arrived, so I wanted to take you there to make yourself familiar and see if the clothes fit well. Do you need to change?"

Shu XinYi pulled his hand back along with the report and smiled, "Yes, yes, let's go. I don't need to change"

Mr.Asahi drove the car while both Mr.Arai and Shu XinYi sat behind. "Show me the report"

Shu XinYi obeyed and watched as Mr.Arai reviewed his report.

"Hmm Good work, keep it up."

Shu XinYi: Is he complementing my medical results?

Asahi who is driving: Mr.Arai is actually capable of complementing ?

The shoot location was not really far. They reached after a 20-minute drive. Shu XinYi walked beside Mr.Arai and did what he told him to do. First he was told to observe some other models who were having their shoot today. So he obediently observed. Then he changed into various clothes, all of which fit him perfectly except for some that needed minor adjustments. Then the hair stylist and makeup artist made themselves familiar with Haruto.

Shu XinYi did everything he was asked. As it was nearing the evening, Mr.Arai, who had gotten lost in time watching the boy, finally recalled Haruto, and they set back towards the hotel. On the way, they stopped at a Chinese restaurant to have dinner.

"You get along well with strangers." Mr.Arai stated.

"Not really, I just tried to be on my best behavior since I will be working with them as someone you represent. The people today were good, so it wasn't a big deal and I even had fun." Shu XinYi said, trying not to gobble down the rice dumplings. He was starving after a long day.

"It's good then that you are comfortable, have you decided the days you want to go?" Mr.Arai said while looking at the boy eating like rabbit.

"Hmm, let's do it next week" Shu XinYi said after some thought.

For the rest of the week, Mr.Arai again became a shut in. Nomura and Shu XinYi maintained a balanced friendship. Not saying too much or too little. Ishida was wary of Nomura, Although he managed to settle the drug situation without getting Ishida involved, Ishida still didn't trust him but since he said that Mr.Arai didn't find anything, he could only believe him. Moreover, Nomura told Ishida that he will get close to Haruto to lower his guard.

"Did you get any projects from your sponsors? You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable with it." Shu XinYi asked Nomura without any hidden intent. Nomura could sense that Haruto was just asking out of conversation, so he honestly answered: "No, Mr.Kenjiro rarely gets involved with us, but I think he will announce a project soon, maybe an ad shoot for their new product launch in country Z or something. Whatever it is, I will be happy to spend more time with Mr.Kenjiro hehe."

Shu XinYi had gotten much better at basketball. His improvisation techniques significantly improved. The team had also managed to find sync and had started developing ways to message each other without words. Shu XinYi used this week to get close to Akihiko diligently showing his "Love and devotion" to him. He missed no chance to spend time with him and even had breakfast and dinner together with him.

Akihiko on the other hand didn't find anything unusual because Haruto was always been like this and had always been sincere to Akihiko. Akihiko did wonder why Haruto was still with him, hasn't he already gotten Mr.Arai then what reason does he have to be with me. He can even play well without me, so he has no use for me, but he is still with me, why could that be? Along the week, Akihiko wondered about this question because he really was confused. So he decided to test Haruto.

"Has Mr.Arai been treating you well, If he is abusing his power in any way you should tell me" Akihiko asked.

"No, no he treats me fairly and has even organized good projects for me making sure that I don't get over worked moreover he even helped me prepare that surprise for yo-" Shu XinYi covered his face utilizing his acting talents and shook his head like he really didn't want to say this.

Akihiko was listening to Haruto who had been looking at him with beaming eyes full of love. Akihiko's heartbeat had quickened without him knowing, and he couldn't say anything. Haruto shook his head and awkwardly laughed saying : "Ahaha Ah I meant that umm Ahem Mr.Arai is not unfair to me nothing else, uh I will take my leave now I have an appointment with Mr.Arai and his team. So um, have a good day." Shu XinYi said this and dashed like an embarrassed puppy.

Akihiko saw as Haruto's face turned red with embarrassment, and he ran off. His heart was beating even faster, he didn't understand what was happening. The one who truly loved and supported him was Ishida and The one who used him and manipulated him was Haruto then why was his heart beating for Haruto? Akihiko went to Ishida's room and after entering he said "You love me right? You will stay with me through my ups and downs, right?"

Ishida didn't even think before curving his fox eyes and answering : "Yes I love you very dearly, no matter what happens I'll stay with you alright" He hugged Akihiko while thinking, I have to get rid op

f him soon, he is becoming too clingy if he wasn't very good at basketball I would've already dumped his ass, Ishida thought.

Akihiko hugged him back, he was reassured, Ishida was the one that deserved his love. Haruto must have a reason to do this, he must. Shu XinYi meanwhile was having a good laugh at seeing Nomura visibly shaking as he was asking to sit with Mr.Kenjiro in the buffet dinning area.

It was hilarious but Mr.Kenjiro unexpectedly agreed and even smiled at him. Nomura looked at Haruto with a look that said Heh I got strong game no. Shu XinYi just laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

Shu XinYi had gone today for the shoot, it was one hour long and Although it was tiring he had a lot of fun free posing for the clothes. The designer was very impressed by his physique, saying things like these clothes were made to suit on you and Shu XinYi thought yeah I mean you did size them for me. The director even gave the clothing articles that he wore today to Shu XinYi saying that these were made for him, and they only needed them for the phostoshoot so Shu XinYi kept them. The only thing offset was that Mr.Arai had not come with him today, instead Asahi accompanied all day today offering him different fruits at every interval. A secretary even does this for the boss? Shu XinYi ate some fruits and rejected some.

The next day, Mr.Arai did come with him to see his progress. Yesterday the designer had showered him with complements about Haruto on the phone, saying he had a perfect eye and that the boy was precious like a piece of Art meant to be seen but not touched by others. So he came with him to see what all the fuss was about.

Mr.Arai watched as the boy went straight to the dressing room and came out wearing new clothes. He went straight to the platform and started to pose very naturally. The boy's black bangs were messily held up by a clip in one of the poses, accentuating his whole face. Pose after pose, he displayed the clothes like a natural.

Every piece of clothing he wore became something worth watching. Like the night with a full moon. Everything about the boy was so arrogant, like he was on top of the world, yet calm as if him being above everyone didn't bother him at all. Truly like an art piece that could be admired by all but reached by none. But the boy was very carefree as he smiled at Mr.Arai and waved at him, anticipating a compliment like his words really mattered to him.

Mr.Arai was looking at the boy the whole time, and his interest had turned into infatuation without him knowing. Mr.Arai walked to him and said with a smile: "You did a fantastic job today I'm impressed, If you have anything to ask me, do so today." Shu XinYi nodded and ran back to change in his clothes.

While he was in the car, Shu XinYi said "Umm Mr.Arai I do have something to ask from you, you can just say no." Shu XinYi looked at Mr.Arai to determine the situation. Mr.Arai was really looking forward to the boy's request, during all this time the boy hadn't complained once or requested anything he just obediently did what he was told, so he said "Go on what do you want, if I can, I will surely arrange it for you"

Shu XinYi smiled and said, "You don't need to get me anything, You just have to use your words. The thing is I wanted to book a table for two in the Starlight restaurant, But it only gives booking passes to its VIP'S, so I was wondering if you can get me booking passes for two for the 3rd next month. You know the restaurant, right?"

Of course Mr.Arai knew, this restaurant was famous for couples and many had their proposals here, but why is the boy going there and with whom? Akihiko that cheating bastard? Does he love him so much, even using his request for him? He was actually angry at Akihiko right now. Haruto loved him so much, but he still cheated him, going as far as to drug him. If it was me… If it was me, I would really care for him and treasure him and show him exactly how much I love him and how much love he deserves. Akihiko doesn't even deserve to love the boy, much less deserve the boy's love.

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