
The Malicious Hunter Part Nine

While Aurora and the others dealt with the Draibnu, the battle between Kai, Marfumi, and Hunter continued.

"Hey Kai I think this bastard is starting to track my movements more clearly! Whatever you have up your sleeve, I suggest you hurry it up!" Marfumi shouts as dodges a punch from Hunter and kicks him six times in the face at light speed.

"Haha, yes, that's it! Keep hitting me at that speed; I've almost caught up!" Hunter screams with excitement.

With Hunter laughing hysterically while blood leaks out of his nose, Kai starts to use the accelerate technique to run straight at him.

"If I'm going to execute my plan, I need more openings!"

Kai lunges forward at Hunter with outstanding velocity.

"Confidant little shit aren't ya!" Hunter screams with a smile as he swings his fist at Kai.

To Hunter's surprise, when he swings his fist, it goes straight through Kai, almost like he was intangible.


Hunter suddenly receives a powerful punch to the gut that causes him to vomit blood.

"Oh, so that was an afterimage," Hunter says with a smile.

When Hunter looks down, he sees Kai, who has his fist implanted into his stomach.

"That's one!"

Kai jumps away from Hunter before he can attempt to grab him.

"This is two!"

Kai rushes back in and uppercuts Hunter, and while his guard is down, he jumps up and punches the back of Hunter's head to the ground.

"And that's three!"

"Haha, that's good, but you better stay on your toes, boy!" Hunter remarks.

Suddenly, multiple lightning bolts fall from the sky and head straight for Kai.

"It will take more than that to catch me off guard!" Kai exclaims with determination on his face.

Kai leaps backward, dodging one bolt of lightning, then jumps to the left to dodge another with graceful footwork.

"I still got fifty seconds," Kai thinks to himself as he backflips out of the way of two more thunderbolts.

Simultaneously, Marfumi approaches Hunter from behind and shoots two beams of light through his chest, capturing Hunter's attention.

"If you're going to have me getting these openings for you, it better be worth it," Marfumi remarks.

"Haha yeah, that's the good shit right there!"

Hunter turns around and attempts to punch Marfumi but gets instantly dodged.

"Wait? That punch was actually close to hitting me. Is this bastard really going to catch up to my speed?" Marfumi asks himself as he moves away from Hunter at light speed.


Before Hunter can even realize it, Kai gets next to him with the accelerate technique and punches him two more times in the face.

"Damn, you two are like pests!"

Hunter begins to regenerate, but then Marfumi captures him in a whip made of light and then swings him toward Kai.

"I don't follow orders often, Kai, so make it count already!" Marfumi yells.

"Yes, thank you, Marfumi. I will take your assistance with honor."

Kai quickly moves in and throws one punch that knocks Hunter's jaw off.


"You're pushing it with the orders, damn it!"

Marfumi tugs on the whip made out of light and swings Hunter back around to Kai.

"This is seven!"

Kai jumps up and punches a hole straight through Hunter's body.

"Ahhh!" Hunter screams in pain.

Hunter's body falls to the ground completely dismembered. At the same time, Kai lands on the ground and instantly looks at his bloodied hands.

"That's still not enough!"

Marfumi appears next to Kai with a dissatisfied look in his eyes.

"What's going on with you now, getting a pair of blue balls or something?"

"What?" Kai responds with a confused expression.

"I'm saying that you told me to get as many openings for you as possible, and I'm doing my part. What's going on with you?"

"I apologize; it's just that I'm not getting a good enough build for the attack."

"How much damn buildup do you need? This guy we are fighting is strong as hell and won't die, not to mention he's starting to catch up to light speed. It's either now or never, or we will never beat this asshole!"

Marfumi turns into light particles and races over to Hunter, who has fully regenerated.

"Marfumi, wait, you can't just rush in!" Kai yells.

Marfumi blitzes over to Hunter and kicks him in the head and then hits him with a palm to the face.

"Try to catch up to my speed all you want! I'll always be the fastest!"

Marfumi moves to Hunter's left and punches him six hundred times.

"Faster!" Marfumi screams to himself.

Marfumi gets to the right of Hunter and punches nine hundred times.


Marfumi gets in front of Hunter and smacks him with a flex technique-enhanced kick, sending him flying back.

"Haha, yes, that's right, hit me again with that light speed!" Hunter yells in excitement.

Hunter slams his left hand into the ground, and enlarged tree trunks emerge and start to go after Marfumi.

"Of course!"

Marfumi transforms into a beam of light and begins maneuvering around the tree trunks.

"Haha, finally slowing down, huh!" Hunter screams as he starts sending lightning through the tree trunks to attack Marfumi.

"Lightning has nothing on light, you fool!" Marfumi screams with a cocky smile.

Marfumi zooms past the lightning bolts and blasts a hole in Hunter's face.

"Damn it, if I keep at this speed, I'm going to run out of OGI soon! I need some type of finishing blow!" Marfumi says to himself as he floats over Hunter.

Suddenly, flames shoot out of the hole in Hunter's head and hit Marfumi directly, leaving burns on his body.

"Dang it, I can't afford to be distracted right now!"

As Marfumi and Hunter go back and forth, Kai stands on the sidelines with an agitated expression on his face.

"I don't get it. I should've been able to build it up by now. What's going on with me? I should be leading the charge against him!" Kai says to himself as he clenches his fist.

Kai removes the red headband from his forward and looks at the back of it. When he looks at it, he sees six black symbols in the form of a fist.

When Kai stares at these symbols, his mind starts to wander to a long time ago, when he was eleven years old.

In the Snachro Zone on a decent-sized island, there was a dojo, which was named the Namka dojo. This dojo trained people in the way of Namka, which is martial arts with the application of OGI.

Kai lived here with his father, Ryuji, the greatest martial artist ever.

A young Kai was standing in front of a tree outside the dojo's back. Kai inhales sharply and then kicks the tree with enormous force.

"Ahhh, my leg!" the young Kai screamed, grabbing his leg.

As Kai rolled on the ground in pain, he heard a voice in the background.

"I've been watching you do the same thing for the last two weeks without learning a single thing. Can I ask what you're doing?"

Kai opens his eyes and sees a light-skinned man with gray long hair. He's wearing a blue and black GI with a fist symbol on it, as well as a red headband.

"Oh, father!" Kai screams as he jumps up.

"Good, your leg isn't broken," Ryuji remarks as he massages his long gray beard.

"Well, Father, I was just training to be able to cut down a tree with a kick!"

"Hmm, you know you aren't ready for such advanced moves yet."

"But Father, with all due respect, when will I ever be ready if I don't at least try?" Kai screams as he takes a focused stance.

"Hmm, I see. Since you want to learn so badly, I'll teach you."

"Wait, Father, really!"

"Yes, but first I must break this down in a special way so you'll understand."


Suddenly Ryuji turns around and kicks Kai directly in the stomach.


Ryuji then swiftly kicks Kai's left calf with enormous force the second he gets up.

"Ahhh, that hurts!"

"Muay Thai"

Ryuji then quickly punches Kai in the chest.


Ryuji then gets behind Kai and puts him in a strong headlock.

"Father, please stop. I concede! I concede!" Kai screams while gasping for air.


Ryuji drops Kai to his knees, allowing him to breathe.

"Father, what are you doing? You're going to kill me. Did I disappoint you?" Kai screams with tears in his eyes.

Ryuji walks up to Kai and grabs him by the arm.

"Please, not again!" Kai exclaims with fear.

Ryuji throws Kai over his shoulder, then tosses him to the ground.

"Ouch, my back!"


As he walks to the tree, Ryuji lets go of Kai's arms and puts his arms behind his back.

"Those five fighting styles and many more are the foundation of martial arts! With each style learned by a person, they gain a new scope of what their body is truly capable of. Now tell me, Kai, what is the purpose of the Namka style?"

After hearing his father's question, Kai gets up onto his feet and dusts himself off.

"The Namka style's purpose is to perform every fighting style in tandem with OGI Sensei, sir!" Kai shouts with a focused expression.

"Yes, by your definition, you can't just be good at OGI or all the martial arts; you must let everything you've learned flow!"

Suddenly Ryuji gets into a strong fighting stance. As Kai watched in awe, Ryuji started to apply the flex technique all across his body. Ryuji stares at the tree with such a powerful, focused expression that it's almost like he and the tree are the only things to exist in the universe.

"Your different martial arts must flow together like water, and so must your OGI! Everything must flow together perfectly! They begin as two separate beings but must end up as one! One who has evolved!"

Ryuji stands on his left foot and, within a blink of an eye, hits the tree while turning around.

"Now, Kai, do you understand?" Ryuji asks as the tree slides to the ground after a kick so perfect that the tree looks like it's been cut by a sword.

"Yes, sensei Father!"


"I already told you it's ok to call me dad while training."

Ryuji helps Kai get off the ground, then points to his red headband.

"Do you see this? It's the Namka headband passed down throughout our family, and under it each possessor of this headband drew the Namka symbol. I am the sixth possessor of this headband, and I've already left my mark on it."

"Yes, Father, I know all about it! It's been passed down for six generations; people say it has the experience of each bearer engraved in it!"

"Yes, that is true. My father passed it down to me, and I will pass it down to you when the time is right, along with 7x Punch, a level two power passed down for six generations."

"Yes, Father, I'm ready!"

"No, you're not, but one day you will be, and you'll know when you're ready to leave your mark on this headband as well," Ryuji says with a stoic expression.

After remembering this moment in his life, Kai's mind returns to the present, and he looks up and sees Marfumi still going at it with Hunter.


With no words, Kai puts back on his headband and tightens it.

Kai then gets down into a running position and takes off.

As Kai runs into battle, he sees Hunter knock away Marfumi with a kick to the stomach.

"I'm pushing my OGI to the limit; this is going to get annoying quickly!" Marfumi says as he lands on his feet.

As Marfumi tries to think of a way to beat Hunter, he notices Kai rushing straight at him.

"It seems someone has finally woken up!" Marfumi screams when he sees the ferocious look in Kai's eyes.

"Haha! Only a crazy bastard would come directly at me like this! I love it! Hunter screams with a crazed look in his eyes.

Kai dodges multiple tree roots attacking from the ground, then weaves out of the way of flames coming from Hunter's mouth.

Then, when in front of him, Kai turns around and kicks Hunter directly in the stomach, causing Hunter to throw up.


Kai follows up his kick by turning back around and kicking Hunter directly in the calf, breaking his guard down even more.

As Kai unleashes his onslaught of attacks, the words of his father play in his mind.

"Your different martial arts must flow together like water, and so does your OGI! Everything must flow together perfectly!"

Kai then takes a strong stance and punches Hunter directly in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.


Kai then jumps behind Hunter and begins choking him with his right arm. While in this position, Kai lifts Hunter up, and with his muscles pulsating, he slams him onto the ground.

"Ahhh!" Hunter shouts in pain.

"In the beginning, they start as separate beings, but by the end, they must become one! One who has evolved!" Ryuji screams in the back of Kai's mind.


Kai hits Hunter with a powerful kick to the back, forcing him onto his feet. Once Hunter is on his feet, Kai kicks him five more times, forcing his back to one of the destroyed buildings.

"Haha yeah, now that's what I'm talking about!"

As Hunter laughs, Kai rushes over to him at full speed.

"Haha! Yeah, go ahead and give me a challenge," Hunter yells ecstatically.

Hunter starts morphing his arms into tentacles, but instantly all of them get sliced apart.

"What! It's that light-speed kid again!" Hunter screams while grinding his teeth.

"Don't say I didn't do anything for you, Kai, so you better not waste it!" Marfumi screams as he turns back into light particles.

"Yes, thank you, Marfumi. I will end this with honor!" Kai shouts with a focused expression.

Kai gets directly in front of Hunter and starts punching him over and over again at high velocity with no remorse.

In the Tamaka fighting style, the 7x punch is a power passed down for generations. It gives the user the power to cycle through seven levels of punching power, with each punch being more powerful than the last.

"Thirty-eight! Thirty-nine! Forty!" Kai counts to himself.

The 7x punch, however, has one additional feature.

"Forty-eight!" Kai screams as he continues punching Hunter to a pulp.

This move can only be used once the user has gone through the 7x punch cycle seven times perfectly, and once they reach that threshold and reach the forty-ninth punch, they release the move called...

Kai jumps back from Hunter swiftly and pulls his arm back so fast the movement isn't even visible.

"I have only 0.5 seconds to perform this move properly!" Kai screams with a focused expression on his face.

As Kai swings his fist at Hunter, his fist first turns a bright red, then, while in motion, turns into a dazzling black, and at the very last second it turns a deep dark red.

"Crimson Vaccaum Punch!"

Kai slams his fist onto Hunter's chest one last time, instantly destroying every trace of him.

After pushing his OGI to the limit, Kai falls to the ground exhausted.

"Thank you, Father," Kai says to himself while breathing heavily.

Marfumi appears next to Kai with an impressed expression.

"Wow, was that really what you were going for? That shit packs a punch!"

"Do you think he's dead?" Kai inquires while still breathing heavily.

"It's hard to say I can't even feel his presence anymore; he has to be gone."

After Marfumi says this, a single drop of Hunter's blood rises from the ground, instantly regenerating his entire body.

You've got to be kidding me," Marfumi says with an agitated expression.

"But I put my all into that punch!" Kai shouts while being unable to get up.

"Haha, oh my, that felt so good! I almost fucking died! Yes! Yes! Yes! Do it again, damn it! Do it again!" Hunter hollers, with a devious smile on his face, as he itches his neck so hard that it starts bleeding.

"Damn, well, you don't look like you're in the right shape to continue this battle, so I'll handle him. I wish I had more time to replenish though, but whatever," Marfumi says with a confident expression.

As Marfumi starts walking toward Hunter, everyone in the area hears a loud guitar.

"Well, it looks like there's not much rock and roll mentality left on this battlefield!"

From the sky, Blaze, with guitar in hand, slams down in between Hunter and his two allies so hard that the ground beneath him cracks.

"King Blaze has entered the building, motherfuckers, so make some fucking noise!" Blaze screams as he strums his guitar.

"Great another bastard I can tear to shreds!" Hunter screams with an excited smile.

Blaze flings up his guitar and puts it on his back.

"Hey, Kai!"


"I just want to ask who's the dishonorable one now!"

Chapter 166 end

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