
Enter Velvet Part Four

With Velvet in her "Red Moon Velvet unleashed" transformation, she jumps up onto a broken-down building.

"You boys are in for the ass-whooping of your lives!" She screams as she jumps off the building at an incredible speed.

The second Kage sees Velvet coming, he puts up an energy barrier.

"Unknown now, wh—"

As Kage speaks, Velvet smashes straight through the energy barrier and lands in front of the two boys.

"Wait, all it took was one hit for her to break my barrier?" Kage exclaims with a shocked expression.

Unknown, startstruken by Velvet's sheer speed and strength, instinctively backs away, but when he does, Velvet smiles at him.

"Where are you going?"

Velvet wraps her tail around Unkown's neck.

"Stay there for a moment!"

Velvet gets in Kage's face with the accelerate technique.

"You two were just chatting that tough shit a few seconds ago!"

Velvet raises both of her fists and, with extreme speed, punches Kage in the face a hundred times, and then, while he is still dazed, she uppercuts him in the gut.

As Kage is about to fly back, Velvet catches him by both arms.

"Where do you think you're going, boy?"

Velvet headbutts Kage with enormous force, and as he falls, she kicks him in the rib. Then she picks him up, throws him up, and uses her palm to slam Kage's head into the building next to them.

"You're not as good in a hand-to-hand scenario as I thought, boy!" Velvet shouts as she pushes Kage's head deeper into the building.

"Shut the fuck up, you doggy freak!" Kage screams with a struggling expression on his face.

After hearing Kage's insult, Velvet smiles and smashes his body into the building, causing it to collapse on him.

"That boy just never knew how to shut his mouth."

Velvet looks behind her to see Unknown, who is still being held at the neck by her tail.

"Fuck! This tail is as sharp as a supercharged chainsaw at full power!" Unknown screams as he looks at his neck, which is bleeding all around.

"Oh, is my tail's grip too tight? My bad. In this form, I sometimes forget how to hold back." Velvet says as she lets go of Unknown from a high height with a smile.

"Wait, she's just going to let me go like that?"

As Unknown falls, Velvet rushes to where he's falling, and the second Unknown is in front of her, she slugs him in the chest with great force. The punch sends him spiraling backward, with no sign of stopping.

"Come on, I thought finding out my powers would be more useful to you!" Velvet screams as she chases him down.

Unknown's body hits the ground, bounces off of it like a pebble skipping on water, and then comes to a complete stop.

"My body feels like it's about to give out already! There has to be some way to keep up with this transformation Velvet has undergone. A weakness, maybe?" Unknown says as he breathes heavily.

While Unknown thinks Velvet comes from his left and punches him in the jaw and despite the force behind the punch Unknown stands his ground.

"Was all this power really derived from that dog's regrets?" Wonder what happened to him?" Unknown says in a nervous tone.

"Are you trying to piss me off?"


Velvet swings her tail at Unkowm, leaving a large cut on his chest.

"That tail is too long!"

With her tail, Velvet grabs Unknown's leg and makes him fall.

As Unknown falls, he sees Velvet standing over him.

"Are you serious?"

Velvet slams her foot onto Unknown's ribs, causing them and the ground under to crack.

"Don't ask about Nixie again," Velvet says with a chilling, stern tone.


Unknown rolls away from Velvet and jumps back to his feet.

"Her power is no joke at all! I can't keep up with her strength or speed...."

Velvet jumps up to launch another attack.

"But I have a little plan for you! Charged sense technique!"

Unknown's sense technique gets amped by the charge technique, making all five of his senses three times stronger.

"You may be able to outspeed and outpower me, leaving my charged techniques useless, but there's one you can't avoid!" Unknown remarks with a smile.

Unknown dodges an extremely fast punch from Velvet and grabs her hand.

"What the hell? How did you do that, boy? Wait, why are you gripping my arm so hard?"

Unknown deactivates the charged sense technique and activates the charged flex technique.

"Not much outspeeding and overpowering you can do when you're caught in a trap!"

Unknown pulls his left arm back and hits Velvet with a ferocious uppercut to the stomach.

"Let's see how you feel about a charged-up flex technique punch!"

The punch from Unknown launches her so hard that, when she hits the ground, her body drags into the dirt.

"You stupid boy, that won't work twice!"

Velvet stands up, but as she does, she throws up blood.

"Damn, I think he broke something!"

After his punch, Unknown stumbles onto the ground.

"I did massive damage, but I don't think I got enough in me to beat her! What should I do now?" Unknown asks as Velvet starts walking toward him.

As Velvet gets closer, both Unknown and her hear a scream.


Kage releases a huge burst of energy from his body to destroy all the rubble on top of him.

"Well, I think that's my answer right there," Unknown says with a relieved expression.

Kage rushes from the destroyed area straight to Velvet.

"That new power of yours can suck my dick! I'm going to obliterate you, stupid bitch!"

Kage jumps up, and with energy jet speeds to the front of Velvet.

Velvet hurls a punch at Kage, but he catches it.

"Energy shot!"

Kage releases a focused shockwave of energy from his right hand, which hits Velvet's right hand.

Velvet backs away from Kage and realizes that her right hand is completely broken.


Kage hits Velvet with multiple energy beams at once, completely cutting her sentence off.

"Stop calling me boy, damn it!"

Kage kicks Velvet in the head with the back of his heel with the flex technique applied.

"You will be called a boy until you prove you're not one!"

Velvet uses her tail to stab a hole through Kage's shoulder.

"Ahh fuck!"

Velvet raises Kage into the air with her tail, using the hole she just made in his shoulder.

"You will die here, boy, and let me do my job!"

As Velvet holds Kage captive, Unknown runs up behind her with the charged accelerate technique and transfers to the charged flex technique.

"You forgot that this is a two-on-one?"

Unknown punches Velvet in the back with the charged flex technique applied.

"Damn you!"

Kage looks at Velvet's tail in his shoulder and puts his hand to it.

"Energy cutter!"

Kage releases sharp slashes of energy from his palm, cutting Velvet's tail in half, which frees him from her grasp.

"Ahhh, that's my tail, boy!" Velvet screams in pain.

"Yeah, finally got that annoying ass tail out of here!" Kage screams with a cocky smile.

"You'll die for—"

As Velvet speaks, Unknown runs from behind her and, at her left side, hits her with a powerful right hook to the jaw.

"Now Kage!

"You don't gotta tell me twice!"

Kage gets on her right and kicks her in the stomach. Then Unknown sweeps her by the leg and follows that up with a spinning kick to her head.

Kage uses an energy beam to blast her toward Unknown, and then Unknown punches her back in Kage's direction.

"Ain't so tough now, huh?" Kage asks with an arrogant tone.

Kage pulls his arm far back and punches Velvet in the ribs.


Kage then punches her chin, causing her to stand upright.

"All you, buddy!"

Once Kage gives Unknown the single, he jumps up and kicks Velvet to the ground.


"Ahh! You boys are starting to piss me off more and more," Velvet exclaims as she falls.

Once Velvet hits the ground, she starts hearing a dog bark play over and over again in her head.

"Oh, this is the part where I experience grievances of the dead person I absorbed once my transformation is almost up," Velvet says to herself as her mind fades into a dream-like state.

Velvet's mind takes her to twenty years ago, when she was a young girl living on an island in the Smachro Zone.

It was a dark, rainy day, and the young Velvet was getting pulled into a white van by strange individuals.

"Ahhh, please don't!"

"Shut up, girl; you'll be going somewhere for a long time. Don't worry!" one of the shady men screamed.

As these memories flood through her mind, Velvet reminisces.

"Oh, right, this was when I was getting kidnapped and I was too hopeless to do anything," she thinks with a slow tone.

As the young Velvet got thrown into the van, a small brown dog ran up to the shady men with an angry expression.

"Ruff! Ruff!"

"Nixie!" the young Velvet screams.

"Ruff! Ruff!"

Nixie runs toward one of the kidnappers and starts biting his legs.

"Damn, dog! Fuck off!" Don't you see I'm busy?"

The kidnapper kicks the dog to the side.

"Nixie no!"

"Come on, boys. Don't worry about that mut; let's just go."

"Ruff! Ruff!" Nixie screams with a defiant expression.

"Nah fuck that dogs are smarter than you think, and I don't feel like dealing with it!" another kidnapper remarks with an infuriated expression.

The kidnapper walked up to the dog and, with no mercy, stomped on its head, much to the distress of the young Velvet.

"No, please stop!" she shouted.

Despite her screams, the kidnapper stomped on the dog's head countless more times with no remorse.

"Nixie!" the young Velvet screams as she tries to jump out of the truck to help him.

The kidnapper stomped on Nixie's head one more time with a smile, causing it to take its last breath.

"Shit! This is why beasts are so much better; at least they're not as annoying as dogs," the kidnapper remarks as he walks away with Nixie's blood on his shoe.

The kidnappers throw the young Velvet back into the truck, but as she sees blood slowly leak out of Nixie's head, something is welded up inside her.

Velvet's mind returns to the battle at hand, and when she opens her eyes, she notices tears going down her face.

"That's right; after that, I unlocked level one for the first time and killed all those bastards. Then I took Nixie's head for safekeeping; how cruel life can be."

Velvet looks around and sees kage and Unknown trying to stomp her out.

"Fuck that bullshit!" Velvet screams as she spins on the ground to force the two boys to back away from her.

Kage and Unknown land safely next to each other.

"You got it ready, Kage!"

"Hell yeah!" Kage screams as he slams his hand on the ground.

Velvet looks up and sees an energy pillar coming down to hit her.

While she's distracted, Unknown gets in front of her and hits her with another punch to the jaw.

"We're ending this battle here! You'll pay for killing Eldrick!" Unknown screams with an angered expression.

"Boy, shut the hell up!"

Velvet regrows her tail and punches Unknown in the chest; at the same time, Unknown punches her in the face.

Velvet swings her tail at Unknown, but he dodges it by a hair. Unknown kicks her in the thigh, followed by a headbutt.

"Is that all you got, boy?" Velvet asks as blood floods into her eyes.

Velvet grabs Unknown by the throat and slams him to the ground.

"Maybe that is all I have, but this is the end of the line for you!" Unknown screams as he rolls away.

"Energy pillar!"

Velvet looks back up and sees the energy pillar from earlier, which is right on top of her.

"Shit, I don't have enough time to dodge!"

The energy pillar slams directly onto Velvet and blows up on impact, causing an explosion so grand people miles away can see.

"There it is!" Kage screams with an excited expression.

Unknown lands next to Kage, and when both of them see the aftermath of the explosion, Velvet is still standing.

"Damn, she doesn't ever quit," Kage screams with a frustrated expression.

Unknown looks over to Kage and nods his head. When Kage sees this, he nods his head.

Kage and Unknown start to rush toward Velvet at full speed with the accelerate technique.

Velvet starts to swing her tail wildly to defend herself, but Kage and Unknown gracefully dodge each attack with ease.

"You're ready, unknown!"

"I was born ready!"

Kage and Unknown reach Velvet and jump over her.

"You know what's crazy? My greatest regret is that my dog's biggest regret is being too weak to protect me. Life is such a sad reality." Velvet says in her head as she feels her defeat approaching.

"Rahhh!" Kage and Unknown scream out at the same time, with faces of pure focus.

Kage pulls back his left arm while Unknown pulls back his right arm, and at the same time, they punch Velvet in the face with the flex technique applied, completely knocking her out.

When Velvet's back hits the ground, the dog chain she had before rises out of her chest, and her transformation disappears.

When Kage and Unknown see this, both of them look at each other.

"Let's go!" they both scream together while fist-bumping.

Unknown turns his attention to the left, where Eldrick's body lies. Once he sees the casualty caused in their battle against Velvet, his expression turns sad.

"Hey Unknown I know his death is sad, but we got to keep moving; there's more fighting to do as long as the cities overrun. Plus, if we go out there and do a good job, I'm sure it would make Eldrick happy."

When Unknown sees Kage's reassuring expression, he smiles happily.

"Yeah, let's go kick some ass!"

Chapter 156 end

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