
Let the Broken Hearts anthem begin

It's the second round of the Grava Acadamy tournament and the stadium has once again been filled to maximum. With all the teachers including David in the teacher stands and the students in the student stands Mr.Brown starts his announcements.

"Welcome ladies and gents to the second day of the Grava Acadamy tournament!"

The crowd starts to roar with excitement.

"Today should hold even better battles than yesterday!"

On the shuffle screen, a list of names pops up.

"Look to the screens folks because the results are in! These are all the remaining contestants ranked on how popular they are! We got these results based on the votes from fans here and at home!"

The ranking of the last sixteen contestants is 1. Paul, 2. Wayne, 3. Seth, 4. Kai, 5. Aurora, 6.Elias, 7. Kage, 8. Selena, 9. Jason, 10. Liz, 11.Blaze, 12. Damion, 13.Chika, 14. Max, 15.Unknown, 16.Emiko.

"And look at that folks as expected Paul is the most popular fighter but Wayne and Seth are close behind him!"

After the results are shown the student stands erupt with conversation.

"What! Why am I ranked fifteen?"

"Forget that Unknown! There's no way I'm number eight and Wayne's second!"

"Number eight is a perfect place for you Kage! I shouldn't be at fifteen I should at least be top ten!"

Selena cuts into their conversation.

"Hey, you two you should remember these rankings are based on votes from the audience so it's all based on how they enjoyed your battles."

Aurora walks down to the seats Kage, Unknown, and Selena are sitting at.

"Based on what Selena said this ranking is correct. Unknown and Emiko are at the bottom because they're the only level ones left. Their fighting styles aren't that exciting since all you guys have are level-one techniques which are just strong punches and kicks. Everyone from eight to fourteen finished their matches pretty quickly so they didn't get to show off much of their abilities so they were ranked lower. Elias on the other hand was the first person to one-shot somebody which holds more weight to the fans. Kage is seven because he went first round so after all the matches finished mostly everyone forgot about his match. Now Paul is at one because he has more reputation than anyone else here and Wayne is at two because a level zero making it this far is way more exciting than you would think. So what I'm basically saying is this popularity contest is based on what the fans think not skill level so it shouldn't matter."

Aurora looks over to the three of them and notices that Kage has fallen asleep while Unknown is on his phone. Selena is the only one who is paying attention to Aurora is Saying.

"Well, I guess I expected too much."

After everyone reacts to the popularity rankings Mr.Brown starts to make more announcements.

"OK now that we have what the audience thinks of our contestants let's hear from Principal Nixion who has been watching the matches carefully!"

Nixon calmly picks up the mic.

"After watching all the matches in the first round I have three students that have caught my interest. The first one is obviously Paul he's the number one in this school for a reason but it's not his amazing OGI control that stands out the most to me it's his tactical mindset that is truly impressive. He can play to any battle style which makes it almost impossible to build a strategy that he won't be able to counter. Also, his ability to use everything he has at his disposal to win battles is most impressive. It only makes me wonder what level-two power he has that would be enough to make him stronger than he already is. Next, I have Seth. His ability to pull out all his potential in desperate moments and his undeniable drive for victory makes him most impressive. Now for my last pick, I pick Unknown."

Once Unknown's name is announced the entire crowd including Kage who was woken up by Nixion's voice screams "What!"

"I know this must come as a surprise since he was ranked fifteen in the popularity vote but any skilled OGI user would have noticed by now that Unknown is not to be underestimated. It might not look like it but with every attack Unknown receives or dishes out his OGI control becomes better and better. I've never seen a single OGI user who's developed like this but if you compare Unknown's OGI control at the start of his first match to the end of his match you will see a significant difference. He might not have access to level two yet but I guarantee he will be an amazing OGI user in the future and that concludes my top three."

After Nixion announces who his top three are so far in the tournament Mr.Brown starts announcing his first match of the day.

"Ok, folks now that we have all that out of the way let's hurry up and get to the first match of the day!"

The screen shuffles all of the fighters in the second round.

"Oh and there it is folks! Our first match of the day is Liz vs.Blaze! Another battle between two classmates! This should be interesting! The match will start in three minutes so stay tuned!"

In the teacher stands the teachers start to conversate before the match. In the middle of the stands, Mr.Alex asks Mr.Chad a question.

"So Mr.Chad Liz and Blaze are both your students so who do you think will win?"

"Huh, who are you again?"

"It's Mr.Alex!"

"Oh right such a tiring name to remember."

"We've already been through this before you know?"

"Oh right so tir—."

Mr.Chad falls asleep mid-sentence.

"Well, I guess I'm not getting an answer out of him."

On the left side of the stadium, Mrs.Doja is tearing apart her seat with her metal hand.

"This is some damn bullshit! Max is the only one in my class left and you're telling me he's not even in the top ten and Nixion didn't even acknowledge him! Am I a joke or something!"

Mrs.Nova looks at Mrs.Doja tearing apart her chair.

"It's a waste of time to ask such questions because you are a joke. You started this tournament with all your students but after just one round you only have one left while I started with two and still have two this truly shows the difference between our classes."

Mrs.Doja takes her torn-up chair and throws it at Mrs.Nova.

"Shut up!"

"Tch rabid beast"

On the right side of the stand Mr.Mink, Mrs.Iris, Tota, and Arcta are gathered together.

"Hey, Mrs.Iris my class still has five in the tournament while your class only has one student remaining it must be lonely for Chika."

"Hmph don't pity us! Chika will carry us to victory!"

After three minutes passed Mr.Brown started calling the fighters to the battlefield.

"From the left corner, we have Liz!"

Liz walks out of the battlefield while blowing kisses at every boy in the crowd.

"Thank you! Thank you! I will make sure to show off a lot!"

Liz winks at the crowd.

"And from the right corner, we have Blaze!"

Blaze walks out of the right corner of the battlefield while strumming his guitar.

"Yeah! That's what the fuck I'm talking about! That's the correct way to introduce King Blaze!"

Blaze and Liz walks up to Mr.Zane

"Blaze you know nobody calls you King Blaze right?"

"You think that matters to me? The masses won't understand me that's how it's been my entire life but don't worry soon they will all know me as King Blaze!"

In the student stands Dexter suddenly appears next to Kage.

"Ahhhh! Where the hell did you come from?"

"Well, you see I knew that if I sat down here when the match started I would lag out so I triked the lag by sitting here last night."

"Damn, you really wanted to see this match."

Dexter blushes from Kage's statement.

"Well Liz is fighting you know I have to cheer her on since she's my classmate."

"You know Blaze is your classmate too."

"Oh yeah well I'm here for him too I guess."

"Fucking simp."

"Wait what was that?"

"Oh, nothing at all."

On the battlefield, Mr.Zane starts to read the rules to them. At the same time, the two fighters start analyzing each other in their heads.

"To think my second match would be against Blaze. I already know his powers since we are classmates the ability to manipulate sound might be troublesome for me if I'm not careful but If I can just take advantage of his lack of defense I can win!"

"Liz, Liz a strong fighter alright but I also know the weakness of that power of hers so I might be able to win this if I focus on that."

As Mr.Zane starts the countdown Blaze starts to put up rock and roll symbols.

"Let the electricity flow through my body! I will name this single broken hearts anthem!"


Chapter 115 end

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