
Two sisters forced apart

Akira walks to Mr.Zane and Emiko. Mr.Zane starts to read the rules off to the two of them.

"Emiko, I have something to tell you!"

"Oh, what? You going to tell me we shouldn't fight! Your so fucking soft, I don't know what he sees in you."

Akira flinches after hearing Emiko's words.

"Three! Two! One!"



"Father used his money to force us to fight each other. He wants me to crush you so you'll give up on finding level three."


The second Mr.Zane starts the match Emiko punches Akira in the face.

"No duh! What are the chances that me and you would be put up against each other in the final match of the day? It's either we are lucky or it's set up, and to be honest, I'd put nothing past our father!"

Emiko rushes at Akira and punches her five times. Akira defends against all her attacks and jumps away.

"But if you know what should we do?"

"Why the fuck are you asking me such a dumb question?"

Emiko uses the accelerate technique to get in front of Akira and attempts to smack her in the head. Akira uses her right arm to block the kick and then uses her left hand to grab Emiko and throw her to the other side of the battlefield.

"What do you mean Emiko? We can't let Father get what he wants!"

"Yeah, he won't because I will destroy you in this match and he'll be forced to watch!"

Emiko runs back to Akira.

"Come on, Emiko, we can't be fighting each other like this; we have to work together!"

Emiko throws a punch at Akira but her punch gets caught.

"Ha work together! Do you think you have the right to ask to work with me? It's all your fault! I couldn't have a childhood because you existed! I don't care what that old bastard says; I'm going to do what I want, and I won't let him get in the way of that. Now go down already, you stuck-up bitch!"

Emiko punches Akira in the face but Akira uses the flex technique to block it. Emiko starts throwing an onslaught of attacks at Akira but can't seem to land an attack. As she's dodging the oncoming attacks Akira starts to think to herself.

"I can't get through to her. Does her hate for me go that deep?"

Akira starts to remember her past with Emiko. Seventeen years ago, Emiko was born to her mother, Sandra, who was at the time the richest woman on the planet, until she entrusted all her money to Chris Sato, the father of Emiko. She ended up divorcing Chris two years after this, but since she signed a deal stating "all fortune gained by the couple would belong to Chris Sato," she was forced to leave Chris with nothing of her own.

At the time, Sandra was 5'6 with light skin and black hair. She wore a long, furry pink dress with pink high heels to match. On the day of Emiko's birth, Chris and Sandra were fully prepared. They had Sandra in the hospital bed hours before her birth. While in the hospital bed, Sandra started talking to Chris, who was sitting next to her.

"Isn't this great, Chris? We will be having our first daughter soon."

"Yes, it is, and now that we are married, my net worth has doubled, but it still wasn't enough to become the number one richest man on the planet."

"Could we not talk about that right now? It's our child's day of birth; let's enjoy it. These moments don't happen often."

"Yeah, you're right."

While he is saying that Chris is thinking something completely different.

"Yes, it will be nice to have a child. The world might not look like it right now, but another war between zones could happen again. It doesn't matter how many years past, humans will always be humans, and with my blood in that child, it's a guarantee that she will be strong, and then with my training, they will be on a different level! If the world ever goes to shit they will instantly turn to the powerful for help, and today a key piece in any type of negotiation will be born."


As Chris was thinking, Sandra started screaming in pain.

"The baby is coming!"

Chris stands up with a calm expression.

"I will go and grab the doctor."

A few hours later the baby was safely delivered.

"I'm going to name her Emiko."

Sandra hands Emiko to Chris.

"Yes, there she is, my next venture for power!"

Chris pulls out an "OGI scanner." An OGI scanner is a device created by Seth's father, Ronald, the greatest inventor of all time. This device can test the amount of OGI a person has. The design is like a phone with two small antennas on top of it. The device is mainly used to see how much OGI an OGI user has at their disposal, but it can also be used to test the potential OGI capacity of future OGI users.

"Now let's see how far you are going to break my expectations."

Chris puts the antennas on Emiko's head, and when he gets the results his face becomes sour.


Chris throws the baby back onto Sandra's lap, which causes it to start crying.

"Chris! What is wrong with you? She was just born; she's fragile!"

Chris starts walking toward the door with an angry expression on his face.

"Where are you going, Chris!"

"That girl's potential is so bad; she might as well be in the negatives. That can't be my blood, and if it is, you really are only useful for your money."

Chris walks out of the hospital with nothing on his mind but disappointment. Later that day, Chris found himself in a shady area of Grava City. It was late at night, and the place was pitch black, with only a single light making it possible to see. The place was broken down, and it only had a small stand with a short man with a hood on to cover his face. Chris walks up to the stand with six huge bags of money in his hand.

"I can't believe I have to turn to the underworld to fix this problem."

"Well, if you want to illegally get a powerful daughter, you came to the right place! I have a girl right here who was just born a few hours ago."

The mysterious man pulls out a baby from the cart next to him.

"Now, do you have my money?"

"I do. Six billion dollars right here, but first I need to see how much potential this girl has."

"Of course, I'm the best at what I do; take a look."

Chris pulls out the same OGI scanner from before and puts it on the baby's head.

"Wait, these numbers are amazing, and they keep going up!"

The OGI scanner blows up.

"The potential must have been so great that the device overloaded!"

Chris puts the bags of money on the stand.

"I will take her."

The man smiles after hearing Chris's excitement.

Chris takes the baby and looks at it closely.

"I will name her Akira."

After this moment, Akira and Emiko we're forced to grow up together. Chris constantly trained Akira after Sandra left him, but for Emiko, she was always locked in her room and not allowed to show her face around the house.

On a day in the middle of the summer when the two girls were eleven, Akira and Emiko were roaming Grava City after Chris finally permitted them.

"Come on, Emiko can't you smile for once? We finally got you out of that stupid house!"

"Tch, why did you drag me out here, and how did you even convince Father to let me out?"

"Well, I've been doing pretty well with my training lately, so he let me ask for one request, and this is what I asked for."

"You chose to hang out with me?"

"Yeah, of course! We barely get to talk, so what better way to spend my time?"

As the two of them are walking, Akira senses something. She looks to her left and sees a glimmer.

"Emiko, watch out!"

Akira throws her arm in front of Emiko's face, and a sniper bullet bounces off of it.


Everyone surrounding the two girls runs away in fear after hearing the gunshot.

"Come on, Emiko, we have to go!"

"Wait but what was that?"

Akira grabs Emiko by the arm and starts running. The two of them rush back to the mansion.

When they get inside they both fall to the ground.

"Akira what was that? Did a bullet hit you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine Emiko but I need to hurry up and go tell Father."

Akira rushes to the top of the mansion, where her father's office is.

"Father someone tried to shoot Emiko while we were out!"

When she walks into the room Chris is sitting at his desk with a stern expression on his face.

"Tried? So you're telling me they failed?"

"Wait Father what are you talking about?"

Chris slams his fist on his desk.

"I offered him a billion dollars to shoot one measly girl in the head, and he fails."

When she hears these words Akira's face turns to shock.

"Wait Father don't tell me."

"Smart girl, I wanted to have Emiko assassinated."

"But why!"

"Just think about it. The daughter of the third-richest person in the world was assassinated in broad daylight. Most people assume it was over money. It would have been a perfect way to get rid of her and bring more attention to me, which in turn opens more ways to gain power."


"Listen, Akira, that girl is a waste of space. The only reason she's still here is because I'm trying to find a way to make something out of that failure, but she pushed it the other day. She said she wanted to go to Grava Academy and hunt for level three."

"Yeah and so what!"

"You don't see the issue with that, Akira! If a mistake like that one starts believing she can be something, it will be a stain on my status since she has my blood. That's why I kept her in her room so she wouldn't grow up with wants such as reaching level three, but now that she has them, there's no choice but to send her to hell early."

"Father that's mean!"

"You need to realize, Akira, that you are the only child of mine that matters; the other one is deadweight with someone like you around, so it's better for her to just die."

While the two of them were talking, they had no idea that Emiko was behind the door, listening. With tears in her eyes, Emiko runs to her room.

A few months later, after that day, Akira walked into Emiko's room after not seeing her in a while.

"Hey Emiko it has been a while since I saw you, and I just wanted to tell you I have reached a new le—"

When she walks into the room, she sees Emiko standing over her bed with a huge knife with blood on it and blood spilling from her neck.

"Emiko what are you doing?"

Emiko starts to laugh hysterically, almost like she has lost her mind.

"I couldn't do it! After all this suffering, I can't even do something as simple as put a knife through my neck."

"Emiko, please stop talking like that. Let's just talk it out."

"Oh well, if it isn't all perfect, long time no speak! So what is it this time, Akira? You came here to show how much my father loves you! Or maybe you want to lead me into another sniper bullet!"

"Please Emiko le—"

"Shut the fuck up! Thanks to you, I have nothing, and now I can't even end this pitiful life of mine!"

Tears of pure sadness slide down Akira's face.

"But Emiko, you have me!"

"You? Don't make me laugh! I hate you! I hate you with every fiber of my being, and if I have to keep seeing you, I might kill you!"

Emiko throws the knife at Akira, which she dodges easily.

"Get out!"

Akira ran out of Emiko's room, crying nonstop. After that day, Akira was never the same. She stopped applying herself to her father's training; she started watching more and more TV and has cried herself to sleep ever since.

Akira returns to reality after remembering her past with Emiko. The crowd has gotten bored after watching Akira dodge Emiko's attacks for ten minutes straight. Akira looks up and sees Emiko once again running towards her.

With a face full of emptiness, Akira says, "I can't bring myself to hit her after what I've done to her."

Akira takes Emiko's punch head-on. The punch sends Akira flying back into the wall.

"How do you like that stupid bitch not so perfect anymore?"

Akira gets up.

"Hey, Mr.Zane."

Mr.Zane looks over to Akira when she calls his name.

"I forfeit the match."

Chapter 113 end

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