
Strategic Gambits Part two

After Paul states that he has figured out Feltzes's powers, he starts walking toward him with a vicious look in his eyes.

"You said you figured out my powers but I'm having a hard time figuring out how that's possible."

"Every time I formulate a way to attack you, you somehow know what I'm going to do before I do it, and I can't forget to mention those random attacks that I can never see coming. So now that I have narrowed the scope of your abilities down, I can use the information I have so far to my advantage."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

Paul uses the accelerate technique to get in front of Feltzes.

"Dang, I got distracted!"

Paul kicks Feltzes in the stomach, which sends him flying back.

While mid-air, Feltzes looks to where he last saw Paul.

"He's using that sneak and accelerate combination again!"

Before Feltzes lands on the ground, he gets smacked on the left by Paul. While the battle between Feltzes and Paul continues A conversation between Selena and Kage starts in the student stands.

"Aye, Selena I'm kind of confused about how Feltzes's powers work."

When Kage says this Unknown remarks, "Yeah, because you don't know what his powers are, dumbass!"

Kage then proceeds to punch him in the head.

"Well, Kage, if you're confused about how his powers work, I can explain them to you."

"Wait, isn't it against the rules to research our opponents?"

"Yes, it is, but this isn't research; I'm just telling you prior information. It's only against the rules if we search for stuff like this in that new betting app the school has."

"Oh, ok, if you say so."

"Well, the information I have is from when I fought against him in the entrance exam. We were the last two standing, and even though both of us were tired from fighting so long, we still battled for two hours. I ended up winning the fight, but it was definitely the hardest battle I had in my entire life."

"A tough battle for you? Well, come on now, what's his power?"

"Well, Feltzes's power is called future sight—a power that sounds simple, but it is way more than simple. First off, his power doesn't allow him to physically see into the future; what it allows him to do is send information into the past with only a two-minute range. With him being able to get information from the future, he can know key details that can give him advantages in battle.

"But it's only by two minutes."

"With how many battles you've been through, Kage I'm sure you know that a lot of things can change in two minutes."

"Ok, that explains how he's able to predict Paul's attacks, but what about those random attacks like the slashes he used to cut Paul's arms?"

"That's also part of his abilities. His future sight also allows him to send different types of attacks into the past, or if he chooses, he can send an attack into the future."


"Yes, that is the true strength of his powers and the reason why I struggled so much against him. From watching this battle, it seems he has powered up those future sight attacks."

"Woah, what an OP power!"

"Actually, that power would be a terrible one to have for any regular person."

"And why is that?"


"Name a battle that you've once thought about the time."

Everyone looks to where the question came from and sees Aurora sitting in the back of the stands to the right. Kai and Alexander are also sitting next to her.

"Hello, Aurora, nice seeing you here."

"Likewise, Selena, but I want your friend to answer my question."

"Oh me!"

Kage starts to think hard about Aurora's question.

"No, I don't think I've ever thought about the time during battle."

"I thought so. On average a battle between two skilled OGI users takes about five to eight minutes. Now remember I said skilled, which means we are assuming both of the fighters are at a level where they have a good grasp of OGI control, but if one side has a key skill that outweighs the other OGI user's skills, that's where the time of the battle fluctuates. For example, let's say one side has a bigger OGI tank."

"Damn, can you get to the point already? You're about to talk my ear off!"

"Umm, sorry, but it isn't humanly possible for me to talk so much that your ear would come off unless I had a power that would allow me to do so."


Selena covers Kage's mouth with her hand.

"Sorry Kage Aurora is smart, but she can be dense sometimes. I get what you're trying to get at Aurora. Feltzes future sight power requires him to constantly keep up with when things happen in the battle. He has to be able to time his future sight attacks carefully while still focusing on what's going on in the present. Now that I think about it, that might be the reason why he lost to me in the entrance exam."

"I'm glad you understand, Selena. His powers take a lot of focus to use, and from the battle so far, it seems he has mastered his power. Now I wonder how Paul will handle this."

On the battlefield, Feltzes has been trying to deal with Paul's assaults. Feltzes takes another attack from Paul to the back.

"That sneak technique is making it impossible to counter without my powers, but I need to wait for my future self to make a move!"

Feltzes pupils glow green.

"There you are."

Feltzes uses the acceleration technique to dodge a kick from Paul. After his dodge, Feltzes's pupils glow green once again.

"Oh, a combo move with perfect timing."

Paul, who has fallen forward after missing his attack on Feltzes, gets thrown into the air by a wind-type attack coming from the ground.

"A wind attack, a slash attack, and an explosion attack. I wonder how many more types of attacks he has."

Paul starts to push OGI from his tank to his heart and then to the muscles in his legs.

"Charged flex!"

Paul sees Feltzes jumping up to him from the ground.

"So you chose to pursue. A big mistake."

Feltzes's pupils glow green once again.

"Shit, it's too late!"

With the charged flex technique applied to his legs, Paul kicks Feltzes in the neck. The kick sends Feltzes spiraling to the ground. Feltzes instantly jumps back up, but Paul is already behind him.

"I will admit I got too hasty with my mid-air attack, but you won't catch me this time."

Paul gets slashed multiple times across his body.

"What a troublesome power you have."

Paul grabs some blood leaking from his body and throws it in Feltzes's eyes. As Feltzes tries to rub the blood out of his eyes, Paul once again kicks him in the neck, sending him to the right side of the field. After that, an explosion hits Paul's body.

"Another explosion!"

When the dust clears, Paul sees Feltzes right in front of him.

Feltzes throws two punches and three kicks, but all of his attacks get dodged. Paul hits Feltzes in the chest with his right foot and then hits him in the neck. Then he smacks him in the face with the back of his foot.

"You're not going to beat me in close combat, even with my arms disabled. I thought you knew that, Feltzes."

Paul uses both of his feet to hit Feltzes away. 

"I need to hurry up and end this battle."

Paul rushes at Feltzes, but out of nowhere he hears a loud sound, and when he does, he stops moving.

"Is that a sound attack? It hurts."

Paul gets hit by another slash attack across his body. At the same time, Feltzes kicks Paul in the face with the flex technique applied to his leg muscles. As Paul spits up blood, he starts to think to himself.

"His battle style has changed; he's attacking more instead of waiting for those strange attacks to come in. This is my opportunity."

Paul rolls to the other side of the battlefield and stands up. Then he falls to his knees while breathing heavily.

"Oh, it seems you're tired as well. Who knew the level-one demon had low stamina? I have no more attacks set in the past, which means I have to rely on my future self, but I would have seen an attack by now. Maybe I do win this fight with this last attack."

Feltzes rushes at Paul while he's down, and the very second he gets in front of him, every OGI user in Grava City feels a surge of OGI exuding from the field.

In the announcer's room, where Nixion is, Mr.Brown has a shocked expression on his face.

"Nixon, do you feel that?"

Mr.Brown looks over to Nixion, who has a solemn expression on his face.

"This match is over."

On the battlefield, Paul balls up his fist and hits Feltzes with a charged flex technique uppercut. The attack sends Feltzes into the wall, completely knocking him out.

"That's it! Paul, the level one demon, is the winner!"

As the crowd goes wild with excitement, Paul stands up and rips off his shirt.

"After you continued predicting my attacks, I finally figured out that you can see into the future, so when I saw that you were predicting my attacks less and going on the offensive, I knew you were running low on OGI, so I used the opportunity to lead you into a false sense of security by pretending to be down for the count, a strategy I can thank my classmate Wayne for. I healed the nerves in my arms with the recover technique a while ago, but I kept that a secret from you so I could gain a new advantage. I put all my strategies together for that last punch so I could knock you out, but I didn't know how I was going to avoid you predicting my attack, so I just took the gamble, and it won me the match."

In the student stands, Selena comments on the fight.

"I think the reason Feltzes wasn't able to get information from the future on Paul's next move like he has done other times is because Paul's gamble was the right move. Feltzes can only send attacks and send information within a 2-minute range. Once out of that range, he can't do anything. So since Paul hit him with a knock-out attack, that completely leaves this moment in time out of Feltzes's range because he can't use his powers if he's knocked out."

Kage looks at Selena with a confused look on his face.

"This is all so damn confusing."

On the battlefield, Feltzes is being taken away on a stretcher. Paul takes a knee after losing an excessive amount of blood.

"You were a tough opponent, Feltzes. Your powers made me rethink every aspect of my fighting style. I hope we can fight again in the future when you have matured some more."

Chapter 108 end 

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