
Let the storm begin part one

On March 8th, 2017, the world officially entered a new era. While Zone News covered multiple stories, they got a video of the missing Luthor. Luthor's first words on the camera were, "I know how to get to level three." The entire world was shaken by these words. 

As Kage, Unknown, Tota, Akira, Selena, and Mr.Mink watched the video from the hotel, the rest of the world was watching as well. At Grava Academy, every class had the broadcast playing. People on the street gathered around TVs all around the world. The government even had the broadcast playing in their secret bases.

Exploiter is in an unknown bar, drinking a cup of alcohol while watching the broadcast. Ketsu takes a seat next to her.

"So, do you think this video will be factual?"

Exploiter takes a sip of her drink.

"If Nisugi really has slipped up, then his next move will shake the world."

"Hehe, of course you would say something like that."

In the deep woods of an area in the Moro zone, Paul is sitting on a tree branch, watching the broadcast on his phone. When he hears what Luthor says, Paul instantly becomes interested.

"Level three? Could this be the true way I find it?"

In Grava City, Wayne is exercising in his at-home gym. The gym has gym equipment scattered all across the floor. Wayne has become ten times more buff than he was a month ago. He also now has a huge scar on the right side of his forehead, which he got from his battle with Hunter. He's been doing pull-ups for the past five minutes.


Lex flies into the room and flies onto Wayne's head.

"What do you need, Lex?"



Wayne lets go of the bar and runs into the living room. When he goes into the room, he sees Luthor on the TV.

"I know how to get to level three."

After Wayne hears this, he sits down on his couch, and Lex sits on his neck.


"I have no idea, Lex, but depending on what this man says, I think it will be time to return to school."

At the top of Grava Academy, Principal Nixion is watching the broadcast on his laptop. Nixon turns around and looks out of the window.

"Here comes the storm."

With everyone watching Luthor's broadcast, the video starts playing. With him looking barely alive, Luthor presses buttons on his keyboard.

"Now I'm going to get straight to the point since I don't have much time left. Level three isn't as the scientists say. Level three cannot be reached within us like levels one and two."

As Luthor's video plays on the TV, in an unknown base, Nisugi is watching the broadcast. The room is full of men working on computers. Nisugi grits her teeth and slams her first onto a table.

"Get this damn video off the air now, damn it!"

"Yes, mam!"

In the video, Luthor pulls up pictures of eight daggers with strange writing on them.

"These daggers are currently classified as level three daggers. These are the keys to level three. These daggers are scattered across the planet, and when they're all gathered together, the location of a door made out of light will be revealed. Once each dagger is put into the door, level three will be behind it."

As Luthor spoke, everyone watching the broadcast's eyes opened wide.

"I know this might come as a surprise to everyone since scientists have told us for years that level three can be found within OGi users."

Luthor pulls up many pictures of research notes and displays them on the screen.

"These are years upon years of research notes on these daggers. I don't know who gathered this information or what this information is based on, but after reading it over and over again, I can tell this research was taken seriously."

Luthor takes the images off of the screen.

"The daggers are scattered around the planet in the most inconvenient places, according to the research, but believe it or not, this information I just told you should be the least of your worries."

The video of Luthor starts to glitch.

"There are people out there who are hunting down these daggers. They are a powerful force that could destroy the world. Dangerous people gathered from all across the world, but that's not even what's most worrisome because this group wants to—"

The video of Luthor completely shuts off, and the world is left with many questions. What group was Luthor referring to, what do they want, and most importantly, was anything Luthor said even believable?

The TV changed back to Linda, and she continued her script.

"It seems that the video we received somehow got corrupted. Our people are working our hardest to try to recover the video, but it looks like the video is completely gone."

As soon as the broadcast ended in the hotel, Mr.Mink got a call from Nixion. Mr.Mink answers the phone.

"Hello, principal I'm guessing you saw the broadcast since you're calling me."


Mr. Mink's expression became serious after hearing Nixion's tone.

"Yes, I know the storm we were talking about seems to be coming to the forefront."

"When will you be returning?"

"I will be coming back tomorrow, but I'm guessing that I should probably come back today."

"Yes, and when you arrive, we will be having a staff meeting."

"Alright, but one more thing."


"What Luthor said on the TV is 100% true, and I have proof."

Mr.Mink turns around and looks at the dagger in Selena's pocket.

"OK, Mr.Mink, we will talk about it in person."


Mr.Mink hangs up the phone and walks over to Selena.

"Hey, Selena, give me that dagger for safekeeping."

Selena looks over to Mr.Mink and starts thinking to herself.

"This dagger is one of those daggers Luthor was talking about, and with this, I'm one step closer to level three. Mr.Mink is still somehow blocking me from reading his mind. Can I really trust him? Tch! I can't beat him anyway."

Selena hands Mr.Mink the dagger, and Mr.Mink puts it in his pocket.

"Change of plans were leaving today! Everyone, go back to your hotel room and pack your stuff. I'm going to call the private jet in."

After hearing what Mr.Mink says, Kage, Unknown, and Tota look at each other. Unknown starts off the conversation by asking, "Hey, Tota. I know this might be sudden, but do you want to come to the Grava Zone with us?

Kage jumps after hearing what Unknown asked.

"Wait, are you serious, Unknown?"

"Yes, I am! We've done so much together in such a short time, and I don't know if I want to say goodbye yet."

"Oh, I see what you're saying."

"Yeah, but it's up to you, Tota."

Kage and Unknown look over to Tota and see that he's crying.

"Woah, Tota, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just that this is the first time in my entire life that I've been genuinely happy."

Tota started to think about his parents and Arvin.

"I've been through many struggles, and I've never been able to deal with them myself. Even now, when I'm free, I still feel like I can't do anything on my own. So for now, I want to stay in the Snachro zone and work on being a journalist I can be proud of."



While Kage laughs, he pulls out his phone.

"Mr.Mink bought you a phone, right?"

"Umm yes"

"Let me put my number in it."

"Umm OK"

"I know you said you want to work on your journalism, but there's nothing wrong with keeping in contact."

Kage hands Tota back his phone and smiles. Tota wipes his tears and says, "Thank you, Kage and Unknown, for being my friends."

All three of them start laughing together one last time before class one goes back to the Grava Zone.

While class one prepares to return to the Grava zone, at an unknown base, Nisugi is outside, waiting. She is currently on the phone, talking to somebody.

"Yes, sir, I saw the broadcast, but we were able to stop it before he started talking about us."

The other person on the line says something that makes Nisugi freeze.

"Wait, you said your... Yes, sir, I will do just that."

Nisugi hangs up the phone, and at the same time, a car pulls up.

"Finally, he has arrived."

The back door of the huge car opened, and Nubuki walked out.

"Dominator, welcome to L.T.O.! We are having a little situation happening right now, but you will meet the other feared legends soon."


"Oh, I guess you haven't heard yet. You have been named the feared legend Dominator."

"Oh, I'm a feared legend, the opposite of what I want to be."

"Oh, you don't want to be a feared legend."

"I want to rule the underworld, so having the spotlight of a feared legend isn't the most desirable thing for me, so please just call me Nubuki."

Nisugi turns around and starts walking into the base.

"Don't worry, we at L.T.O. will make sure that dream of yours comes true."

The driver reverses the car and leaves.

"So, Nisugi, I have one question."


"Where are my men?"

"Don't worry, they're located in a safe place."

Somewhere in the Snachro zone, another base is located, and in the middle building, a bunch of people in hazmat suits are gathered together. They're all chatting about Luthor's broadcast.

"Is that really true?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. This operation did seem kind of crazy."

"What is L.T.O.'s next move?"

On the right side of the room, Jasper, Spatina, and Brock are gathered together.

"There are too many damn women gathered in this room!"

"Shut up, Spatina; nobody wants to hear your whining!"

"Oh, what is it, Brock? Are you mad I'm talking about one of your future hoes?"

"You want to say that again, pussy!"

As Brock and Spatina argue, Jasper is sitting on a box, thinking to himself.

"Is this really the reality of our lives right now? I thought that after Nubuki became leader, we would be undefeated, but look at us now, forced to work under this L.T.O. And these two! It's been years since Des's death, but these two still act this way. Get over it already!"

Jasper looks up and notices that Spatina and Brock are in each other's faces.

"For fucks sake! Would you two dumbasss sit the fuck down?"

All of a sudden, Spatina and Brock are separated by something unknown.

"What the hell was that?"

All three of them look over to their left and see a 5'6 young boy with blond hair. He is wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Under the jacket is a red shirt with white stripes on it.

"You all shouldn't be fighting at a time like this, you know?"

Brock asks, "Who the hell are you, kid?"

"Oh, who am I, you ask? Don't worry, but you should know that the world will soon be thrown into chaos."

His red eyes start to glow through his blonde hair.

"And I plan to bask in it!"

Chapter 82 end

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