
Presentation time part two

A light-skinned, slim 17-year-old boy with short green hair sits at the rear of the classroom close to the window, wearing a plain gray shirt, long gray slacks with many pockets, and silver chains dangling from his belt and his unique black cloak. As Mr.Mink said, this boy's name is Paul, but the rest of the school calls him the strongest.

Paul gets up and, with his cloak flowing, walks up to the front of the class. As Paul slowly walks up to the board, Kage remarks.

"This guy must think he's so cool with that cape; I don't get why he's so hyped up."

Unknown responds to his bold remark.

"Dude, you realize out of the six of us, he is number one, and since we're the number one class, that makes him the strongest student in the school."

Grava Academy, being the only school in the world to mainly develop OGI users it has created its own ranking system. Grava Academy ranks students based on how powerful each student is in their selected group. When a student signs up for the Grava Academy entrance exam, they are put into one of six groups based on their skillset, with group one being the strongest and group six being the weakest. After a student is given their group, they will have to fight in a battle royale consisting of other students in that group.

Students will fight till there's one person left, and after that, the last six students to fall in the group will be placed in what Grava Academy calls the top classes, while all the rest who signed up get put into the lower classes. What class out of the top six classes the student will be placed in will be based on how long they lasted in the battle royale. If the student went down last in the battle royale, they will be placed in class one, but if they went down second to last in the battle royale, they will be placed in class two.

Principal Nixion wants to reward strength as much as possible, so that's why he made it so that the longer you lasted in the battle royale, the higher your class would be in number. Now, a student's rank in class is based on what group they were put in. For class one, Paul is rank one, Selena is rank two, and Akira is rank three. Kage is rank four. Unknown is ranked five, and last but not least, Wayne is rank six. The higher the class a student is in, the stronger their teacher is, so each class has a better flow of learning.

Kage, knowing how the ranking system works, says to Unknown:

"Yeah, yeah, I know he's at the top of the school ranking system, so what if he is? He doesn't seem all that."

"Yeah, but not only that, he completely won his battle royale without activating level two at all not because he cant but beacuse he felt it wasnt neccscarry. No one has ever seen him activate level two. Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know he's an anime main character, and we still haven't seen his full potential."

"Well, I mean, that's one way to put it, I guess."

As Kage and Unknown converse with each other, they get interrupted by a loud slam from Mr.Mink on the podium at the front.

"Ok, now, class, it's time for Paul's presentation. Let's listen to what he has to say."

Paul stands strong at the podium and, with a low voice, starts his presentation.

"Hello class, my presentation isn't something physical; I will just be telling you about something I feel every OGI user needs in their arsenal to succeed, and that thing is drive."

Suddenly, Paul raises his voice and screams.

"If anyone wants to reach level three, they need to have a reason for them to reach level three. Something has to be deep down in your heart that pushes you forward!"

Paul goes back to talking with a low voice.

"That's the end of my presentation."

As Paul steps down from the podium and walks back to his seat with his hood on, the whole class, including Mr. Mink, looks at him in silent awe. Mr.Mink finally breaks the silence.

"Ok, Paul, good presentation, but it was kind of short and lacked anything. I do feel your passion and having a reason to go on is important, but I will still have to give you a C+."

Paul, with a very modest face, says:

"That's fine with me."

"Ok, class, now that Paul has finished his presentation, there's only one person left to present, and that happens to be Akira. Please come up to the podium!"

"Um, yes, sir."

Akira gets out of her seat nervously and walks slowly to the podium. As she takes her place at the podium, Mr.Mink says:

"Go ahead, Akira." I'm excited to hear what you came up with for your project!"


Akira stands nervously and silently at the podium. As she stands at the podium, the class starts to stare at her, waiting for her to say something. Mr. Mink, watching this, starts to lose his patience and says:

"Miss Akira, did you even do the project and be honest?"

"What...of course I did the project; why wouldn't I?"

"Ok, if that's the case, then show us what you think can help you reach level three. Come on, hurry it up; we don't have all day, you know."

Akira starts to shake.

Oh, umm...right level three...you see.

"Ok, I'm done waiting for you, Selena, if you don't mind."

"Of course, sir."

In the back middle of the classroom, Selena, sitting in her seat, starts to glow intensely. Selena responds to Mr.Minks's request with a very calm voice.

"Mr. Mink, sir, Akira didn't do her project because the entire time she was busy playing some strange battle royale."

"It's not just some strange battle royale!" It's the greatest battle royale of all ti—." 

Before Akira could finish her sentence, Mr.Mink yelled.


Akira turns back to Mr.Mink nervously and says:

"Oh umm, Mr.Mink I know it looks bad, but hear me out."

Mr. Mink, silently fuming with anger, says:

"Akira, sit down. I'll make sure I think of a punishment fitting for you."

With tears in her eyes, Akira walks slowly and silently to her seat. Mr.Mink starts to calm down and announces to the class.

"Ok, that is it for the presentations, and all the presentations I heard today were great except for the ones I never heard."

Mr.Mink looks at Akira, sitting on the right side of the classroom. As Mr.Mink glances at Akira, she flinches and looks away, trying to avoid eye contact. Mr.Mink shakes his head in disappointment and continues talking.

"Now with this, I end the class for today. Tomorrow we will go over the different level one techniques.

After Mr.Mink ends the class, Kage gets up and says:

"Let's go!! The first project is out of the way; now it's time for some relaxation. Aye Unknown you want to come over to my house and watch some anime?"

"Yeah, dude, of course let's go."

Kage and Unknown rush out of the classroom in excitement. Everyone else leaves the classroom, but before Akira can leave the class, Mr.Mink exclaims:

"Akira!! Make sure you come on time tomorrow or your punishment will get worse."

Akira looks at Mr.Mink nervously and says:

"Oh right, I'll make sure to do that bye-bye now."

"Akira runs out of the room in a panic."

Mr. Mink shakes his head in disappointment.

As class one finishes up their class, on the other side of Grava City, in a bright blue building, is the Grava City police department. In the Grava City police department, Nest sits inside a black-and-white integration room with a table and two chairs in the middle of it. As Nest sits alone with his right eye patched up in the integration room, Luthor, the detective who arrested him, walks in with a bag of hot food.

"Hello, there Nest How was your day? Want some food? I got hamburgers and French fries."

"Hehe, are you really trying to butter me up with fast food? Hahaha"

As Nest laughs hysterically at Luthor's attempt to offer him food, Luthor gets up, slams his hand on the table, and screams.

"You think this is some joke, damn it!"

"Hehe, would you just shut up and tell me what you want?"

"tch, fine I want you to tell me who that boss you were referring to was."

"I have no idea who you're referring to, sir; maybe you should go ask Burgus."

Nest starts to shrug his shoulders in relaxation.

Luthor starts to grit his teeth in anger and exclaims:

"You bastard, do you realize how many problems you caused with your kidnapping spree?"

Nest starts to yawn.

"Don't care." Go complain to someone who cares, please."

"You little bi—"

Before Luthor could scream at Nest, a male police officer walked in.

"Luthor, sir, we have someone who says they are from the frinstoin police department, and they need to talk to the person we are currently investigating."

"What right now?"

Luthor looks back and sees a stern-looking 5'8 woman with tanned skin, black and red hair, and black nails wearing a long-sleeved black buttoned blouse, a long-back skirt, and black high heels, as well as black glasses. The woman enters the room.

Luthor right I'm from the frinstoin Police Department, and I need to integrate that person you're talking to alone.

As the woman speaks to Luthor, Nest starts to sweat aggressively. Luthor crosses his arms.

"Are you sure I was never told about someone from another department coming in for this case?"

The woman pulls out an ID that says official Frinstoin police department with a picture of her face on it.

"This is my official ID now. If you don't mind, may I speak to the criminal?"

Luthor snatches the woman's ID and looks at it closer.

"Tch, you're legit fine. Go ahead and integrate him, but I will be waiting outside this door."

"Fine with me; just please leave the room."

Luthor leaves the room and closes the door behind him. The woman takes a seat in front of Nest and says ominously:

"Hello Nest, it's been a while."

Chapter 13 end

Who the fuck is this???

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts
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