
Chapter 72 Brothers Derby

Chapter 72 Brothers Derby

It's brother derby again!

In the past two years, the Wright Brothers Derby has attracted more attention than the Milan Derby. Regarding this, both Kaka and Digan can only express their helplessness.

Originally, it was just a big deal, but after the uncrowned king's stinking mouth and endless hype, it could make the flavor of Huashan Lunjian come out.

In this game, Fiorentina is playing at home. Although in terms of reputation, AC Milan still has a stable lead over Fiorentina, but in the past two years, the strength gap between the two teams has been faintly widening.

On the Fiorentina side, Delava came to be encouraged by Degan because he made up his mind to start a younger team. Judging from the current effect, although the team's lineup has been changed for more than a year, it is very painful. , but the strength has not only not fallen, but has improved a lot, especially in the new season, although apart from AC Milan and Roma, they have not yet played against last season's league champion Inter Milan, but the young guards of Florence I also experienced a feeling of being alone and seeking defeat.

What about AC Milan?

Last season's UEFA Champions League champion may only be regarded as the last afterglow of the Milan dynasty. Those old players who were once proud of Serie A have declined badly. Just look at the first six rounds of this season's league and you will know that they only won one game. Now The gap with the championship group is getting bigger and bigger, the league championship is hopeless, and Ancelotti can only pin his hopes on the Champions League. The club is looking forward to Kaka's madness again.

Entrusting a heavy burden to a player can also be seen from this perspective, how embarrassing AC Milan is now.

Berlusconi tightened his purse strings, and it was basically impossible to sign as big as before. He wanted to tap the potential internally, but Ancelotti was a cautious and conservative person. Otherwise, Antonini, Abate, Donna Dyer, the three best products of Milan's youth training camp, will no longer wear purple and gold jerseys. They want to learn from Fiorentina to acquire young players and train them themselves, but they don't have the same shit luck as Fiorentina. What's important is that they don't have a more rebellious Digan.

The night before the game, Kaka took his family to Florence and stayed in Digan and Irina's other villa in Florence.

After going on vacation together in Bali, the relationship between Digan and his family has eased a lot. Although he and Bosque still have nothing to say, at least they will no longer be as indifferent as before.

Bosque also admits now that he underestimated his youngest son, looking at the development track of Digan's career, it is simply a full-fledged counterattack drama, and he is really determined.

When the two brothers meet, the first priority is to fight FIFA with the controller. Digan has a temper that forgets to fight. On the football field, he is an ever-victorious general, but he really has no talent when playing games. In the card duel, both were abused, but this guy had a particularly strong addiction. Every time the two brothers met, they would have a big fight.

Seeing Kaka controlling AC Milan, a series of pass coordination, and finally Kaka broke into the penalty area of ​​Fiorentina with the ball and scored a goal, Degan could only throw the handle angrily.

Kaka looked at Digan's distraught look, and felt relieved: "Rod! It seems that this is a good sign. Tomorrow's game, we will definitely be the final winners!"

Digan threw the controller aside angrily, leaned against the sofa, and said angrily: "You think well, even if you score a hundred goals in the game, it's useless. Tomorrow's victory will definitely be ours!"

To Degan's surprise, Kaka would refute every time this topic was mentioned before, but today Kaka was rarely silent, with an imperceptible wry smile on his face, obviously preoccupied.

"Ricardo! Do you have something on your mind!?"

Kaka was silent for a long time before saying: "Rod! How do you think if you leave Italy and experience the football atmosphere in other countries?"

Digan was taken aback when he heard the words, and frowned, "Riccardo! Are you planning to leave again?"

Kaka has thought about leaving Milan. Everyone knows that when Degan was still in AC Milan, because he was often treated unfairly by Ancelotti, Kaka, in order to protect his younger brother, was angry and said that he would leave Milan. leave words.

It was just that he was appeased by Galliani in the end, but in the past two seasons, AC Milan's competitiveness in the domestic league has become weaker and weaker. Although it has won two European Champions Cups in a row, the king of Europe sounds good. , but in fact, it is just a pearl for embellishment, and the domestic league is the foundation.

In addition, Berlusconi is unwilling to increase investment in the team. This summer, Kaka was linked with Manchester City in the Premier League.

Probably because of the appearance of Degan, many changes have taken place in the football world in this world. Manchester City was acquired by the Abu Dhabi consortium of the United Arab Emirates in advance, and they bought stars on a large scale this summer. Kaka was the most shining star in European football last season. , Of course, also entered the acquisition list of the Manchester City team.

During the summer transfer period, Manchester City also sent two important officials, CEO Gary Cook and Chief Marketing Operations Officer Paul Aldridge to Italy to discuss Kaka's transfer with Milan.

With the support of the deep-pocketed Abu Dhabi United Group, Manchester City has become the richest club in the Premier League. After the completion of the acquisition, Sheikh Mansour from the Middle East declared that he would recruit at least one emperor superstar within a year.

During the summer transfer period, all the big-name players in Europe had scandals with Manchester City, and Kaka was no exception.

There is no doubt about Manchester City's sincerity, and Kaka's transfer fee is not a problem for them. The key to the problem at that time was Kaka's own attitude and Milan's position.

Manchester City, which is hungry for talents, is willing to offer Kaka a super high salary of 200,000 pounds. This salary is the best in the world. In addition, Robinho, who transferred from Real Madrid to Manchester City in the summer, has been lobbying Kaka to come to Manchester City to join him. Fight alongside.

However, Real Madrid and Chelsea have been chasing Kaka frantically in the past, and Milan's official "Kaka is not for sale" caliber has never loosened.

In addition, Kaka also said that money is not enough to change his mind. In the summer, Kaka made it clear in an interview with Sky Italia that if a situation arises, he may leave Milan.

"For me, the passion, fun and feeling of playing football are the most important. The money is second. I like life in Milan very much. If I leave here one day, it will be because of my goals and the club. The goals of the club have deviated, as long as I am consistent with the goals of the club, I will not go, money is not decisive."

However, at that time Manchester City's acquisition of Kaka seemed determined. Their offer of 100 million pounds was shocking enough. In order to strike while the iron was hot, Manchester City then raised the offer to AC Milan, and the conditions for Kaka were also improved.

At that time, the "Sun" disclosed that if the transfer fee, total wages and other figures are added, Manchester City's total offer will reach 243 million pounds. In terms of transfer fees, the price has increased from 100 million pounds to 108 million pounds, and the other 108 million pounds will be Kaka's total salary before tax during the contract period. If taxes are deducted, Kaka can get 13.28 million pounds a year, which is also That's £255,000 a week. In addition, Manchester City's offer also includes 27 million pounds for the signing fee and all intermediaries.

At that time, AC Milan had been inclined to sell Kaka, and the sky-high price made it difficult for them to refuse. Kaka himself publicly stated that he hoped to stay in Milan, but the "Sun" revealed that there were more complicated inside stories.

AC Milan's official response said: "We are considering Manchester City's offer."

But a few days later, Milan released the latest news: This is not important anymore, the important thing is that Kaka is still with us!

Just when everyone thought that Kaka's transfer to Manchester City was irreversible, Milan unexpectedly retained the head star. With Manchester City announcing their abandonment of the acquisition of Kaka, the biggest transfer bubble in football history has completely burst.

Just half an hour after AC Milan reached an agreement with Manchester City on Kaka's transfer, the incident suddenly took a huge turn. Milan boss Berlusconi stopped the sky-high transfer that would break the world record. Announced: "I am very pleased to inform you that Kaka will continue to stay at Milan. He is not for sale at the club."

Manchester City later confirmed that they have given up their efforts to introduce Kaka. The protagonist Kaka also issued a statement: "I have never considered money or anything else. I will continue to walk with my heart as always. I will never and will never ask for an increase in salary at this club. I look forward to it." Go forward with AC Milan."

It was unexpected that a suspenseful drama came to an abrupt end at the moment of finalizing the decision. What was the reason that made Kaka decide to stay at the last moment?

At that time, the media broke the news, claiming that Robinho played a double role in this transfer. On the one hand, he is the current head of Manchester City, and he hopes that Kaka will create a better future with him. On the other hand, Kaka is Robbie's good friend. When he was in Sao Paulo, the impoverished Robbie was supported by Kaka for "living expenses". He hopes that Kaka will have a bright future.

But before the negotiation, Robbie made a mysterious phone call to Kaka, and it is unknown what the two talked about. But after this call, Kaka's attitude towards the transfer suddenly changed 180 degrees.

According to Italian media analysis, Kaka learned a lot about the Manchester City team that he didn't know during the call. He also realized that if he transferred to Manchester City, he would face far more difficulties than he imagined, which had a great impact on Kaka's decision.

Originally, Kaka had doubts about joining Manchester City. After all, Manchester City, which can only be on the verge of relegation in recent seasons, can only be regarded as an upstart and not a wealthy family. That's why Kaka proposed many harsh terms to Manchester City, such as It is required to continue to invest in large-scale purchases, and if you can't make it to the Champions League, you can leave at a low price at any time, etc.

Being told that Manchester City's environment is bad, it must have deducted a lot of points from Kaka's impression of Manchester City, and finally made up his mind to reject Manchester City.

In addition to being betrayed by the "inner ghost", Milan and Kaka were also unhappy with Manchester City's way of buying Kaka at a sky-high price this time. This is also one of the main reasons why they failed to acquire Kaka as they wished.

It is reported that both the Milan club and the Kaka team felt that Manchester City was too high-profile this time. From the beginning, they were afraid that the world would not know. Success or failure, the image of Kaka and Milan will be damaged.

At least after the breakdown of this negotiation, Kaka is no longer so perfect in the hearts of Milan fans, and Milan is tantamount to telling the world that as long as they have money, anyone can poach my pillar. In fact, it makes the negotiating opponent unhappy.

What made Manchester City even more embarrassing was that after announcing the failure of Kaka's transfer, Robinho suddenly disappeared mysteriously. unknown.

Since Manchester City made an offer, Kaka and Robbie have kept in touch every day. There is no doubt that Robbie is quite suspected of "killing the lord with righteousness" this time.

"I've seen a lot of reports these days, I've felt a lot of doubt and speculation, my dad made some bad decisions, but I have to say, never had an argument with anyone. Someone said that I want to renew the contract and raise the salary. It's not true either. I'm fine now, people here love me, that's enough," Kaka said in an interview.

"I have always believed that Kaka is a player full of charisma. He rejected the biggest investment from the planet. We are not sorry to lose such a huge sum of money. Milan is a team that never needs to rely on selling players. Profitable club." Berlusconi's afterthought.

"Such a transfer must be agreed at all levels, which is difficult. We voluntarily gave up. Our negotiations only involved the initial part of the transfer, and Kaka himself was not involved at all." Manchester City Executive Chairman Cu gram.

Is the Kaka farce really over?

Well, this farce participation can come to an end, at least temporarily. After a lot of hype, this transfer that was very likely to happen was finally declared aborted.

Perhaps the happiest ones are the Milan fans. Of course, Berlusconi and other Milan leaders are at least superficially excited. They can declare Kaka not for sale in a high-profile manner.

However, who can know the real situation?

Don't forget that Benisconi is a businessman after all, and Manchester City's bullies regard football and stars as a good game tool. The transfer is indeed temporarily bankrupt, but are many people, including Kaka, really that happy?

It is said that the weekly salary offered by Manchester City is as high as 200,000 pounds. It is difficult for any star to refuse this amount. Even if Kaka does not leave, his manager, his father and many relatives will let him go and encourage him to surrender. chance?

Because it means huge profits, many people can get a piece of it.

What about the Milan executives?

Regardless of the surface, everything seemed to be over, Kaka did not leave, so he couldn't wait to show his loyalty with the Milan jersey, Berlusconi and others were very happy to form an alliance with "not for sale", how grandiose everything seemed It's hard to hide hypocrisy.

In fact, if this deal is really successful, it is not as bad as people say. If Manchester City is really willing to spend so much money to be taken advantage of, and Kaka's salary can be satisfied, then this is a big deal. A happy transaction, why not do it?

Stop talking about not for sale, this is definitely the worst joke ever.

What was the situation of Shevchenko at the beginning? Even if Milan didn't care about the rubles of Abramovich, it was difficult for Shevchenko himself and lobbying from all sides to keep him unmoved.

As a result, AC Milan made a lot of money, but unfortunately Shevchenko was smoothed out on the cold bench in London.

Perhaps there was only one real reason why the deal fell through, and that was a big disagreement between the two parties on the price. Milan hopes to make a fortune again. If it is more than 100 million, Berlusconi would be a fool not to sell Kaka. Probably the chiefs felt that Kaka was not worth that much money at the last moment, and Milan felt that their self-esteem was affected. Inflicted a lot of harm, and rejected the other party in a fit of anger.

As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, if Kaka himself and Milan were really so determined from the beginning, many redundant things would not have happened at all, and money might still be behind it. Loyalty does exist, and it is precious because it is rare. An obvious contrast, why is there so little transfer rumor for Maldini?

When there were scandals between Kaka and Mancheng, Degan also called Kaka. He had 10,000 objections to Kaka's transfer to Manchester City.

Although there is no problem with Kaka's style of honoring the Premier League, and the economic benefits are very considerable, this is a risky behavior after all.

Fortunately, the last deal failed!

But now that Kaka said that he was going to leave, Degan couldn't help but feel anxious: "Still British?"

Kaka shook his head: "No! It's Real Madrid!"

real Madrid!

Degan's eyes widened in an instant. In his previous life, Kaka might have just moved to Real Madrid, but what was the final result?

Unsuitable tactical style and lingering injuries, Kaka gradually sank, and the former chasing boy became an uncle who wasted years on the bench. If Kaka hadn't returned to Milan later, Kaka would never have been able to participate in the World Cup in Brazil. is a dream now.

Digan wanted to dissuade him, but he couldn't say anything.

Real Madrid is a sacred place for countless players. Although in recent years, in domestic and foreign competitions, Real Madrid has nothing to achieve except for the league championship last season, but the Galaxy The attractiveness of the battleship has not diminished at all.

Kaka continued: "Rod! I want to stay in Milan, but the current Milan makes me feel very disappointed. I can't stand some people not doing anything!"

Degan knew who Kaka was referring to. Kaka had always hoped that AC Milan could increase investment and improve competitiveness, but Berlusconi let him down after promising him time and time again.

Looking at this season, you can see the signings of AC Milan, a free Emerson, and a Pato who can't play until January. Apart from that, there is nothing.

"Maybe it's not a good idea to go out!" Degan still couldn't help pouring cold water on Kaka, "Ricardo! Real Madrid is not peaceful now!"

Since Calderon won the presidential election, Real Madrid's policy has also changed three times a day. Sometimes it saves the cost of signings, and sometimes it wants to buy stars, but the results are not necessarily good. Although they won the league championship last season , But Real Madrid fans didn't buy it. What they wanted was not the league championship, but the European championship.

It is said that Florentino is preparing to make a comeback again. If Kaka goes to Real Madrid at this time, who will be responsible for this achievement? Everyone knows that Florentino is a narrow-minded person. On the opponent's side, it turned out that he had just won the election and kicked Redondo out,

What about Kaka?

Once Kaka transfers to Real Madrid, but the head of Real Madrid has changed, how will Kaka be treated then?

Kaka smiled: "You don't think this is a good idea!?"

Digan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "At least it's like this now, Ricardo! I hope you can take this matter seriously!"

Kaka did not continue this topic: "I just have some ideas, and I haven't made a final decision yet, but Rhodes! No matter what, this will not affect tomorrow's game. I will definitely win the game!"

Digan laughed and said, "Then you have to fight for it with your real skills!"

That night, Degan couldn't get to the Bosque couple's room, and Simone knew that Degan had something to do with Bosque, so she went out.

"Is there something wrong? Rhodes!" Bosque was also a little surprised that Degan came to him. In his memory, since Degan went to Atlanta to play football, the father and son had never talked alone.

"Yes! I have something I want to ask! About Ricardo!"

Bosque smiled and lit a cigarette: "Okay! Tell me!"

"Does Ricciardo want to move to Real Madrid!?"

Bosque was taken aback, and frowned, "Did Ricardo tell you?"

Degan knew from Bosque's expression that there was indeed such a thing, and this matter might be operated by Bosque behind the scenes. It cannot be said that there is nothing wrong with Bosque. After all, if Kaka transfers to Real Madrid Financially well-paid: "Yes! He asked for my advice, though!"

"Oh! what did you say?"

Degan didn't hide: "I don't think it's a good idea to transfer now!"

"Why?" Bosque looked dissatisfied.

Bosque is very enthusiastic about Kaka's transfer to Real Madrid. He hopes to operate Kaka to Real Madrid, the most successful club in world football, to make his career go further. Of course, this deal, He can also get more generous rewards.

Degan couldn't help showing a trace of boredom in his eyes. It cannot be said that Bosque is a greedy person, but it is difficult for Degan to accept Kaka's transfer for money.

"Ricciardo is already at the heart of AC Milan, there is no need for him to take risks, Spanish and Italian football are two completely different styles, and do you think Ricardo has a place in Real Madrid? In the same position , They already have van der Vaart, and Guti, once Ricardo can't open the situation in Real Madrid, have you thought about the consequences!?"

Bosque frowned and said, "Don't you think Ricardo is inferior to the Dutch and Spaniards?"

"At least until Ricardo plays for Real Madrid and has a good performance, he is indeed inferior to van der Vaart and Guti! There is also a question, if Ricardo transfers, do you think it will be good for him? How much damage has been caused to the image of the team, the previous soap opera with Manchester City has made many people feel dissatisfied!"

Although the deal with Manchester City could not be completed in the end, Kaka also expressed his loyalty to AC Milan fans at the first time, but once the cracks appear, it is not so easy to make up.

Kaka used to be the prince of San Siro, but in several games this season, some fans have expressed their dissatisfaction by holding up banknotes to lure Kaka's head in the stands.

Bosque's frown deepened. Although Degan's way of speaking made him dissatisfied, he had to admit that what Degan said was not unreasonable.

Bosque also knew that he was a little impatient. He hoped that Kaka would achieve greater success. In this regard, his attitude towards his two sons was completely different. Put it on Kaka's body, that's because Kaka is obedient.

"Rod! I admit that what you said makes sense, but you also have to admit that moving to Real Madrid will bring Ricardo's career to a higher level. Now AC Milan is too tired. Berlusconi The chairman is unwilling to pay, which will cause Ricardo to suffer unnecessary losses!"

Of course, Degan is well aware of the plight of AC Milan. Taking the annual salary as an example, Degan's current annual salary after tax in Florence is 7 million euros, while Kaka's is only 5 million euros. You must know that AC Milan is a wealthy team. The rewards that the core gets are really unreasonable.

Digan also knew that this summer, Bosque had discussed with Galliani about raising Kaka's salary, but Galliani refused. After all, Kaka has just signed a one-year contract. At that time, the AC Milan Club, which was implementing a monetary tightening policy, obviously couldn't easily agree to raise Kaka's salary.

But Bosque only considers the problem from the perspective of economic interests, so what about Kaka's career?

Digan didn't know what to say anymore. On this issue, he could give Kaka advice, but Kaka himself made the final decision.

never mind! Everything is left to Kaka to decide!

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