
Chapter 119

Chapter 119

The UEFA Champions League final has finally come to an end, and a season of fighting is now a thing of the past.

After returning to the locker room, every AC Milan player rushed to take a photo with the Champions Cup. For a player, the highest honor is naturally the World Cup, but not every player can win the World Cup, so The Champions League became the highest honor most of them could strive for.

In the current AC Milan lineup, many people have won the European championship trophy in 2003 before, but like Digan, Kaka, and Gilardino, it is the first time for them.

Kaka and Degan, the two brothers were shirtless, the Champions League trophy was in the middle of the two of them, Gattuso held the camera and kept pressing the shutter.

"Great job! Rhodes!"?? Stadium Maniac 119

Degan smiled and shook fists with Kaka. Compared with the teammates in the locker room who were jumping, singing, and spraying champagne, they seemed much quieter.

"Here, I finally got something to gain!"

Kaka said with a smile: "If you stay, I can guarantee that you will gain more!"

Digan smiled, he knew that Kaka wanted him to stay, and he always tried every means to persuade him, but~~~~~

"I don't want to think about this matter yet. The UEFA Champions League is over, and my mind is full of the World Cup now!"

In the German World Cup draw group that ended before, both Brazil and Belgium were drawn. Brazil was placed in Group F, Australia, Japan, Croatia, and Belgium were placed in Group H. There is Ukraine, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

"If we meet in the World Cup, I will not show mercy!"

Kaka raised her head and said confidently, "Me too!"

The whole team rested in Paris for a day, and Ancelotti also lifted the ban. Those with family members can stay with their families, and those without family members can also go to Paris to have fun.

Avril Lavigne also followed the wives of AC Milan to Paris. After the game, she went to the hotel where AC Milan was staying in advance. That night, Deegan and Avril Lavigne were extremely crazy, as if a difficult game could not completely release Deagan. , He vented all the remaining experiences on Avril Lavigne.

The next day, after everyone had a late breakfast, they packed their luggage, got on the bus, and headed straight to the airport.

In the city of Milan, a grand reception ceremony has been prepared.

They will sit in an open-top double-decker bus in the urban area of ​​Milan, conduct a float parade, and then have dinner at the mayor's mansion. In the evening, it will be a formal and grand championship celebration in San Siro.

After several hours of flight, the special plane full of AC Milan champion players will land at Milan Airport. From the apron to the outside of the airport, there are dense crowds. Red is the main color here. When the plane is still landing, the players have already seen the turbulent red and black below. Colored crowds.

When Maldini appeared at the door of the cabin with the Champions Cup, there was a huge cheer from the crowd below.

Maldini held up the championship trophy to show the fans, and then walked down the gangway.

At the airport, they were welcomed by the fans and the media. From the gangway to the terminal building, the media followed them around and interviewed every AC Milan player.

And the excited Milan players walked all the way, waving to the enthusiastic fans while answering the reporters' questions until they got on the bus.

The three police motorcycles parked in front of the car sounded their sirens, their lights flashed, and the parade convoy was about to set off! ?? Stadium Maniac 119

The AC Milan players all sat on the top floor of the bus, displaying the trophies in turn, accepting the cheers and worship of the fans on both sides of the road.

Degan is no exception, but his excitement about the championship was completely released yesterday, so he doesn't feel very excited at the moment, he just showed it as if he was on an errand, and handed the trophy to Sergini behind him profound.

The celebration ceremony at the San Siro stadium in the evening is the most solemn. The San Siro, which can accommodate more than 60,000 people, squeezed in more than 80,000 fans this night.

When the AC Milan players came out of the player tunnel, the fans burst into a burst of cheers.

The host of the ceremony introduced the AC Milan players to the fans one by one. Every name can attract cheers, even Digan!

Next was the coach and the players talking. When Degan stood on the stage with a microphone, he didn't speak immediately, but looked at the fans in the audience.

The fans also fell silent. The stadium, which was cheering one after another before, is now so quiet that even a needle can be heard.

These AC Milan fans are also very responsible at the moment, they hate Degan, because Degan's character is completely incompatible with the noble Milan, but it is this Degan who made them hate for a whole season, But in the most critical game, they used a hat trick to bring them the championship trophy. At this time, they didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Degan finally spoke: "At this moment of celebrating the victory, I stand on the stage, which may disappoint you very much, okay! Thank you! Thank you for booing me throughout the season! Don't feel sorry , really! That's your freedom, you can call me a hooligan and tell me to get out, and I can call you bastards and tell you to shut up! Okay! It's over now! I wish you happiness! Enjoy the joy of being a champion Bar!"

After Digan finished speaking, he turned around and handed the microphone to Kaka, and walked aside!

After hearing what Digan said, the Milan fans in the stands felt more complicated. Why did Digan say these words? Is he planning to leave?

They seem to be happy. Degan is finally going to leave. The water mouse that ruined Milan's noble image is leaving. They have been fighting for a season and are finally going to win. They should be happy!

But for some reason, they couldn't be happier!

Without the super center who helped AC Milan attack the city on the court, will they still be able to enjoy this purest happiness next season?

The faces of Berlusconi and Galliani also turned gloomy. On such a happy day, Digan insisted on saying such disappointing words.

"Adrian! Time to talk to Digan!"

Galliani frowned. He still doesn't know whether Berlusconi's final decision is to let Ancelotti stay or to let Degan stay.

It was Berlusconi's intention to renew the contract with Ancelotti before, but now listening to the Prime Minister, it seems that he does not intend to give up Digan.

"Mr. Prime Minister! I think Carol and Rhodes are very difficult to coexist in the same team!"

Berlusconi raised his eyebrows and looked at Galliani: "Why? Didn't they cooperate well during this time?"

It fits well! ?

If they really cooperated well, the two of them wouldn't even say a word in the team! ?? Stadium Maniac 119

To put it bluntly, during this period of time, it was a compromise and patience between the two people. Now that the champion has been won, will Digan continue to compromise with his personality?

"Mr. Prime Minister! I have to say that it is really difficult. Although Digan has not yet submitted a transfer application, I think it is because the World Cup is coming soon. I have heard before that Delaware from Florence is here. Already in private contact with Degan's agent, Mendes!"

"Fiorentina!" Berlusconi snorted coldly, "Do they also want to take players away from Milan? And their private contact is a violation of the rules. Isn't he afraid that we will sue UEFA? Adrian! Don't you Do you think the European champion is not as good as a fallen Viola? Go talk to Digan, AC Milan is the most suitable stage for him, I think he will stay!"


against the rules! ?

Galliani is really helpless, if you want to talk about violations, AC Milan has really done a lot of violations in recent years.

Moreover, Delavar came not only to think about it, but to take practical actions. Before the start of the Champions League final, he made an offer to AC Milan, 35 million euros, which happened to be the price of Degan's liquidated damages.

But Galliani refused. Even if he really wanted to sell Degan, he would have to wait until after the end of the World Cup. At that time, Degan's value would definitely rise sharply. No one would think that Degan would lose in the World Cup. level.

The World Cup is undoubtedly the best opportunity to double a person's worth. Even if Digan cannot be kept, he must persuade Digan not to accept the buyout of the contract by the other party and strive for greater benefits for AC Milan.

It's just that since Berlusconi has said that he wants to keep Digan, Galliani is not easy to refute: "Mr. Prime Minister, I will do my best to keep Digan, but it is best to talk to Coach Ancelotti about this ! You know their relationship!"

Berlusconi waved his hand impatiently: "There is no need for this. What kind of players are needed is a problem that the club should consider. This is Italy, not England. Ancelotti can only choose to accept it. If he is not willing, then leave. Alright! The current AC Milan, just find someone casually, and we can all win the championship!"

It can be seen that a Champions League champion has made Berlusconi a little carried away. He really thought that the current AC Milan can also dominate Europe?

All right! All right! Just let the old man continue to live in fantasy!

The celebration ended, and then the team announced its disbandment. Immediately after, Degan was going to report to the Belgian national team. He had already won the highest honor at the club, and it was the national team's turn.

World Cup! In his previous life, that was Degan's ultimate dream!

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