
Chapter 28: Public Enemy of Milan

Chapter 28: Public Enemy of Milan

"Deegan disdains Basten and thinks the legendary player is exaggerating! "

"Deegan says Basten can't compare to him! "

"Deegan Disdains Legends! "

As if it had been discussed in advance, the biggest headlines on all the newspapers that could be read in Milan City the next day were in this tone. In short, what Degan said in front of the stadium and the apartment made the media collectively scream, It was originally a very common sentence, but it allowed them to interpret countless meanings.

In those articles, without exception, they expressed great indignation at Deegan's words and deeds, as if Deegan was an evil blasphemer, heinous!

In fact, those reporters did not really worship Basten as a god. After all, compared with Maradona for Naples, although Basten left an indelible memory in Milan, he has not yet reached the level that needs to be recognized by people. The point of worship.

But the problem is that the person who said these words is Degan. Compared with the almost perfect Basten, Degan has too many stains on his body. Compared with the two, those words of Degan are hard to hear. It makes people feel uncomfortable.

The reporters were excited, Degan's words and deeds could greatly increase the sales of their newspapers, and the fans of Milan were angry. Basten was their indelible memory, and it was also the pain in their hearts that could never be eliminated.

When Basten's Achilles tendon was injured, some Milan fans were even willing to donate their Achilles tendon, hoping that the elegant tulip shooter could once again soar on the football field.

It is not difficult to see Basten's status in the minds of Milan fans.

In fact, Digan himself did not intend to insult Basten. As for the words in the newspaper, most of them were interpreted by the media themselves, and after interpretation and processing, they became those articles.

However, if Digan had been more honest, reserved, and humble at that time, by the way, he would have expressed his admiration for Basten, and then expressed his sincerity and respect for the Legend of Transcendence. willing to owe.

Milan is the capital of art, and AC Milan has always held high the banner of artistic football, but this does not mean that there are no extreme fan organizations in Milan, just like the "Napolitans" in Naples and the "Unteachables" in Lazio , Milan also has their extremist organization "Red Ghost".

The so-called extreme fans are just a group that is more loyal to their team than ordinary fans. They use their stands as a base and use various slogans, flags, portraits and other decorations to dress themselves up The grandstand makes this place a unique place in the whole stadium.

They are here to cheer for the team, whether it is home or away, they follow the team out. However, with the development of modern football and the impact of international politics, economics and other environments, such fan organizations are also undergoing changes and differentiation. Elements of violence emerged, and out of control.

The Red Devils are now basically a group of naked football hooligans. They have occupied the South Stand of San Siro for a long time, using it as their base camp, insulting their opponents in the stands every game and making racial discrimination remarks. The opponent's extreme fan organization made appointments and fights, and even the club chairman Galliani hated this extreme fan organization.

In the minds of these extreme fans, Basten, who once charged and fought bloody for the team, is enough to be worshipped, but now their idol is actually ignored by Digan, so these extreme fans are angry.

Not only extreme fans, almost all Milan fans are angry!

They all expressed that they wanted to give Digan, a brat who knows nothing about the world, a little bit of color and teach him to be polite.

Digan still didn't know that his words would actually cause an uproar. The next day, he originally wanted to go out to Milanello for training. Yesterday, he had officially decided to date Avril. own lost ground on the football field.

But soon, Digan found that he couldn't even leave the house. Outside the apartment he rented, there were already more than 300 Milan fans gathered. The point is that on such a hot day, the scarves of the Milan Club are wrapped around their necks.

They waved their fists, and some even held up the ignited incendiary flares in their hands. When they saw Degan coming out, the excited fans threw the "weapons" that had been prepared in their hands. . Some people even threw out the burning flares. For a while, the atmosphere at the scene became very tense.

"Go back to Brazil! The city of Milan doesn't welcome your smash!"

"Bastard! You're not even worthy to carry Mark's shoes!"

The reason why these emotional fans didn't rush over and teach Digan face to face is because everyone in this apartment had already called the police when these fans surrounded the door. There are also two groups of heavily armed riot police between Degan and Degan.

Digan was also stunned by the scene in front of him, he still didn't understand what was going on.

Looking at the excited fans and listening to those chaotic slogans, Degan gradually guessed something. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to avoid the thrown debris, but even so, a burning bomb The flare still landed at Digan's feet, scaring the onlookers in the apartment enough.

At this time, someone walked into the apartment under the protection of the riot police and arrived at Digan's side. It was Kaka who had just received the news. anger.

Kaka stood in front of Degan to prevent him from being hurt by those sundries: "Rod! Go back quickly, don't you want to fight with hundreds of people alone?"

Digan didn't move, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Are these people because of what I said yesterday?"

Kaka said dumbfoundedly: "What do you think? Basten has a high status in the hearts of Milan fans. What you said yesterday, they will definitely be angry!"

Was it really because of Deegan's words?

Maybe it's just because the person who said those words was Digan!

If Degan came to the team and behaved like a good baby, even if Degan said those words, the fans would only regard his words as ignorance or the personality of young players.

But Degan is just a careless person. He had conflicts with his teammates in the team. During the game, he pointed at the coach's nose and scolded loudly. , abandoned their goddess Beren.

Even without Degan's words, Degan's image in the minds of Milan fans can already be equated with stinky shit. With those words, it's just that those fans have found a way to vent for themselves. , Degan directly became the public enemy of Milan.

When I thought about it, those fans still regarded him as the savior of the team. When he came to Milan, tens of thousands of fans gathered in the square in front of the Milan City Hall to welcome him together.

But now?

Degan has become a street rat in Milan.

But is everything really Degan's fault?

From the day he came to Milan, he was rejected by Vieri and others. Degan thought about patience, he hoped to be successful in this giant, but his patience was exchanged for the opponent's unscrupulousness, which intensified.

Kaka couldn't bear it anymore, and moved his fists on the training ground and Vieri.

In the US warm-up match that followed, Ancelotti chose to ignore him again, and finally let Gan explode.

What about this matter now?

Degan scored goals for Milan on the field and tried his best for Milan's victory, but he was treated like this. What's wrong with Degan?

"Rod! You still don't want to go out these two days! I'll tell the coach about the team!"

Digan laughed when he heard the words: "Ricardo! Do you mean you want me to escape?"

Kaka was taken aback, knowing that something was going to go wrong, she hurriedly stood in front of Digan: "Rod! I am your brother! I won't allow you to do stupid things!"

Avril Lavigne was also woken up by the fans outside, and walked to the door: "What happened? Rhodes!"

Digan smiled indifferently: "It's nothing, just some clowns!"

Avril Lavigne has a lawless personality, she couldn't help being puzzled when she heard this, she stepped on her feet and looked outside. Driven by the police, those fans were still unwilling to leave, and even had a direct conflict with the police.

"Cool! It's so hot!"

Avril Lavigne is also a heartless master. This kind of scene could only be seen on TV news before, but I didn't expect to see a live performance this time.

The conflict outside became more and more intense, and the police began to beat people with batons. Some fans were overturned to the ground, and then several policemen rushed up and pressed them firmly, followed by handcuffs, and at the same time there was a burst of The sound of car brakes.

Several cars with media logos drove to the side of the road, and a group of reporters carrying cameras, microphones and cameras rushed out of the cars.

With the rioting scene as the background, this group of reporters turned on their phones, held microphones and began to host the news program. This kind of scene is rare. They looked like they were almost peeing.

Avril Lavigne was eye-opening and interested, and even said "Oh! Ah! Damn! That's cool! Knock him on the head! Wow! That's great!"

Such exclamations and comments caused Kaka, who was still worried about how it would end, to be full of black lines.

Digan was amused by Avril's reaction, he forgot to be angry, and enjoyed it with Avril. It would be even better if there was a bench and a bucket of popcorn at this moment.

Originally, Digan and Avril had discussed yesterday that after today's training, they would take a good tour of Milan, but what happened in front of them made both of them completely forget the regret of not being able to go out to play, and turned their interest Moved to enjoy the live broadcast of the riot.

A few reporters broke through the siege and came in front of Digan. They were all as excited as if their wives had given birth to decuplets, and they almost put the microphone in Digan's mouth.

"Digan! Do you have anything to say? In the history of the Milan team for more than 100 years, there has never been a player who was so disgusted by his fans. What do you want to say?"

Digan stretched out his hand to pull those microphones, and replied impatiently: "Get away! You are hindering me from watching the show!"

The reporter was taken aback, watching a play? Turning your head, isn't what happened in front of you a big show?

"Now Milan fans are being beaten by the police. Don't you think it's just a show? Don't you persuade the police to protect the fans?"

Digan looked the reporters up and down, and said, "Are these people fans? Don't be ridiculous, calling them football hooligans is more appropriate!"

Kaka was completely helpless when he heard that. If he had a brain at this time, he should take the opportunity to explain that he didn't mean to look down on Basten, and then praised Basten as a great player. My idol Yun Yun.

Ease the conflict with the fans!

But Digan actually said such a sentence, which simply added fuel to the fire.

When the fans outside were expelled, Degan went to the team to train as if nothing had happened, but the training ground was not peaceful. There were more fans gathered here, but they looked much more civilized. , just holding anti-Degan slogans and protesting loudly.

Ancelotti was also tormented by this incident. He had no choice but to temporarily close the training ground after discussing with the management of the training ground to prevent fans from entering.

However, when the reporter broadcast Degan's words that Milan fans were football hooligans, the riots caused by these events became even bigger. Things, there is a bullet in the envelope!

When such a situation occurs, the gaffe is obviously serious.

The Milan police dispatched, found Degan, and proposed to him that out of consideration for his safety, he would be protected 24 hours a day.

Degan was a little surprised by this. He didn't pay much attention to it at first. He thought it was just a protest from the fans. Let them vent. Just let them vent.

Who knew that things would turn out to be so big, he didn't care, but if Avril Lavigne was by his side, he would have no way to explain things apart.

After persuading Avril, Avril could only reluctantly leave Italy and return to the United States.

The appearance of the bullet threat letter was a turning point. Those media reporters did not expect that Degan's words could cause such a big response after their hype. In their view, this is completely beyond the scope of football. beyond their control.

Those extremely inflammatory articles no longer appear in the media, and there is no longer hype about Degan ignoring Basten's news.

On the contrary, there have been many comments advising fans not to continue to cause trouble and condemning those extremely radical fans. Berlusconi's television stations have begun to pay attention to this sudden incident of fan riots.

Even the mayor of Milan strongly condemned these violent incidents: "Milan is a beautiful city, the capital of art, and football is a beautiful sport. Such dirty violence is absolutely not allowed to tarnish this beautiful city and this beautiful city." We have obtained the information and evidence of at least 200 football hooligans involved in the riots, and the arrests are in progress!"

The mayor of Milan had no choice but to make such tough remarks, because Belgium had already sent diplomatic remarks to Italy, severely condemning Italy's public security order and asking the Italian government to protect the personal safety of Belgian citizen Digan in Italy.

This matter is getting bigger and bigger, and the entire Italian media is paying attention to this matter, just like paying attention to national events.

For a while, Degan's name appeared in all the Italian media, including those well-known national media were talking about him. If Degan was famous before because of his terrifying scoring efficiency, then he is famous now because of him. The ability to cause trouble.

With a few words, the lungs of countless people exploded. I really don't know whether I should gloat or be jealous of this ability.

The Milan police dispatched a large number of police forces, arrested many radical fans who participated in riots on the street, and threw them into a detention center to pick up soap. Some serious football hooligans may even face a minimum one-year ban. During the suspension period, they will be prohibited from entering any stadium to watch the game, and they are even strictly prohibited from approaching the radius of the stadium.

In addition, some more moderate fan organizations took to the streets, calling on everyone to express their protests in a more suitable way, instead of using the current disorderly violence.

For everything that happened, Degan seemed to stay out of it, training as usual every day, but the process of his coming to Milan was not unusual at all.

Every time Degan got out of the car, the fans around Milanello immediately booed hugely. Although no one threw things at them anymore, the dislike for this guy who spoke wildly was not at all. No relief.

Reporters will also focus their cameras on Digan one after another, and some reporters even plan to rush to interview.

If the police hadn't got out of the car in time and helped Degan block these people, Degan would be late for training every day.

Because someone issued a death threat to Degan, Degan had to enter the training base under the protection of the police every day, and those reporters and fans were turned away by the police and the security guards at the training base. For these policemen, Degan Protection, but paid for.

No one incited them, and the fans of Milan quickly quieted down, but this silence was only temporary, and it will soon be Milan's first home game of the season. It is conceivable what will happen to those crazy fans Welcome him.

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