
Chapter 20 Sensual Italy

Chapter 20 Sensual Italy

In Italy, or not only in Italy, but in the entire football circle, some moralists talk about sex is always two straight lines parallel and intersecting with football, one in the light and the other in the dark. .

With its special charm and economic and social status, football must have a higher pursuit of sex than other fields. Just like the Adriano photo incident that was exposed by the media last season, it is the best proof of this theory. The poor Brazilian was caught in a private villa with a group of girls Happy, and he made Europe full of storms.

Sex, covering family harmony and sex outside of normal relationships, is gradually being exposed by more and more women, gradually breaking free from players' mouths, and turning from underground to aboveground.

In Italy, a large number of prostitutes will publish their phone numbers and other contact information on the Internet, especially those who frequently appear in pornographic programs on satellite TV. Flirting On The Phone.

Players were obviously their favorite targets. In Italy, men played only two roles, one was players and the other was prodigal sons. Players were naturally more popular than prodigal sons.

The most slandered players are models and entertainment show hostesses. Apennines' so-called golden boy and girl match, such as Maldini, Totti and other couples follow this model, but not everyone can go to the end like them. These types of women have experienced indefinite relationships with players, and it is difficult to say whether players play with them or they control players.

To put it simply, in Italy, the most simple and direct way for a woman who desires to be famous is to have a relationship with a star player. If there are scandals, it is basically considered a success. It is best to break the news about the players. The information will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Some of them take the initiative to attack, and some sit on the Diaoyutai, waiting for those players who like to hunt for beauty to take the initiative to post. Generally, it is the latter. The way players pursue women is also very old-fashioned, such as sending a text message saying, "You are so beautiful." ', that's the extreme, they don't want anything else.

Those players who are willing to play the role of stallion after the relationship will be more generous and will throw out tens of thousands of lire. By the way, women should be warned not to tell it, but the players are still talking among themselves, using these things as capital to show off.

Just as there are stamp collectors, there are playboys in football.

At the moment when football is becoming more and more exaggerated, the players suddenly feel like they are superior. They regard themselves as upper-class people, but they like to do some dirty things.

Football and sex are inseparable things for players. Sometimes, their interest in women exceeds their motivation on the football field.

Some players even regard sex as their tonic, as a way to relax. At this time, the role of women is revealed.

Who in Italian football is the best in the women's circle? Which one is the most palatable?

Maldini once said: "There are only a few, no more than five, who are often paid attention to by the paparazzi, Pipo, Popo, and ~~~~~~~"

According to Captain Ma's ranking, Inzaghi is the most sensual in Serie A. In fact, why not in the hearts of fans?

There are no less than five well-known Italian women who have had an affair with Inzaghi. After the 2002 World Cup, it was revealed that Inzaghi and Koko fought for Samantha in Sardinia. In 2003, Inzaghi's 30th birthday celebration went to the disco Hall "fooling around" with a bunch of girls.

Now the 32-year-old Super Pipo, wandering in the women's circle is as colorful as his goals. The oldest single in Milan and the Italian national team, fans nicknamed "Gold Medal Single" and "The Most Loved Single in the Apennines". How does he recall his love and sexual history with many women?

Why can't I find it yet?

In an interview with Gazzetta dello Sport, Pipo, who looks cold and handsome, was surprised. He admitted that like a normal person, he has been hurt too much for love, shed tears for love, and longs for a true love. Facing football and sex Inzaghi's first sentence was "Sex? I think it's better to talk less and do more. It's useless to say it!"

Inzaghi's words are more frank.

Talk less and do more!

Feelings are out of the question!

Some women are with players for vanity, which is obviously what players hate the most. They are very afraid that women are with them for money and fame.

But there are still more and more women who stand up and make themselves famous through their connections with players, and at the same time make the idols in the eyes of fans more humane and vulgar.

Just like investing, when women choose to attack, they will also consider it repeatedly, make a correct assessment, and then maximize their own interests.

Taking advantage of a player's reputation to gain a position, this kind of football world is very common, and it is impossible to tell whether it is right or wrong.

This sort of thing proved a truth in Victoria: Want to be famous? Just find a husband who is handsome and can play football!

After the disbandment of the Spice Girls, Victoria fell into a trough in her career, but she successfully turned around by relying on her marriage with Beckham. Now she and Beckham can be regarded as the most famous couple in Britain. The two changed their hairstyles, clothes and made news in different ways. In 2002, Victoria became the artist with the highest rate of publication in various magazines, topping the "Queen of Topics" list.

In the "Most Hated Celebrity" selection by "Mirror" last year, the hot girl was famous because of her identity as Mrs. Beckham. She has such a high appearance rate all year round. Will the hot girl who likes the camera laugh at home?

Susanna, this is a name that fans will not ignore. At the beginning of 1997, at a party arranged by the Brazilian Football Association, Ronaldo met Suzanne, a model with a blond shawl and a charming smile.

Suzanne was just a small model, part-time actress and host at that time. When Ronaldo took her to appear in social occasions and public welfare activities, her popularity also increased significantly.

In that radiant summer in France, this beautiful woman in a sexy summer dress and the Brazilian national flag became the most beautiful focus in front of the TV cameras. The combination of her and Ronaldo's "golden boy and jade girl" is very enviable.

After the World Cup, due to various reasons such as the defeat of the Brazilian team in the final, the couple finally broke up, but Suzanne has already become famous and her acting career is bright.

There are even more extraordinary women who like to achieve greater success at the smallest cost. For example, in 2003, the Italian female star Sabrina claimed: "As long as the Roma team wins the championship, I will undress in front of the Roma fans." celebrate."

Obviously her figure is not as strong as Jordan's boba, but her "devotion" is stronger than Jordan's. As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of men all over the world glowed green. Sabrina became famous overnight, and a half-naked postcard sold 300,000 copies in one day.

The same naked body, those women who run naked on the court at every turn are far behind in terms of skills. I guess Sabrina will curl her lips: "I am most annoyed by those who run naked, they have no technical content at all."

Just a word, Sabrina doesn't even need to make any sacrifices to gain a great reputation, which can be regarded as a lot of money.

Of course, there are also Cinderella stories in the football world, such as the ugly duckling in England. If Wayne Rooney had chosen boxing instead of football, Colleen might still be doing housework in a hut in Liverpool at this time.

But Rooney chose football, which also turned childhood sweetheart Colleen from a fat girl with freckles into a millionaire overnight, and became the object of pursuit by the British tabloids.

It may be that the feeling of becoming famous overnight made Colleen dizzy. She can appear in front of the camera wearing a bikini regardless of her bloated figure, or go shopping in the supermarket and be treated as a thief. Is fame good or bad? Only she knows.

In foreign football circles, there are sensuality and sensuality. Naturally, China dare not lag behind. Zhang Chu Ge was the runner-up in the Super Girls Shenyang Division in 2006, but people seem to be more concerned about her other identity-the wife of international footballer Wang Liang .

Some say they are the Beckhams and Spice Girls of China, others say they are a combination of Beauty and the Beast. Although Gege is very low-key and avoids her relationship with Wang Liang, it is undeniable that since the media reported Zhang Chuge's status as the wife of the international player, her SMS votes among the super girls have skyrocketed, which has also allowed her to win won the runner-up in Shenyang Division. Although she withdrew from the Super Girls finals due to illness, this incident has been talked about for a long time. This can be regarded as an alternative contribution made by Chinese football to the poor fans in 2006.

In terms of popularity, Roman Prince Totti's love life is obviously the most eye-catching. There were at least five beauties in the old prince's life, including Roman godmother Ferili, famous movie star Akuri, and Daying Zaghi. Romantic Samantha, sexy star Mossetti and now Brassey.

In the end, only Brassie was able to stay with him for the rest of his life. Although Brassie gave up her TV job in order to marry Totti, this made her a popular person in the eyes of publishers, and she continued to fly to the world with contracts. In the hands of Brassie, he has now become a well-known graphic model.

Ashley Cole's beautiful wife Cheryl Tweedy is the lead singer of the famous British girl group "Singing Girl". With a charming singing voice and a beautiful face, Cheryl enjoys the treatment of being a star among the British people. She is sexy. She even showed her face frequently in various selections in recent years and occupied the first place unceremoniously.

In the "Sexiest Football Player's Wife" event organized by the famous British adult magazine "FHM", Cheryl beat Liverpool star Steven Gerrard's talented girlfriend Alex Calann to take the top spot in one fell swoop. I have earned enough face.

In the 1990s, Karen Mbu was indeed a well-known name in international football, and his wife Adriana was originally a famous underwear model. But being with Kalumbu made Adriana stand out even more.

The two are one black and one white, one ugly and one beautiful, and the resulting visual effect is blood-spitting. Although she knows nothing about football, a husband who plays football makes this actress, who is famous all over the world for her breasts, more attractive.

Those who are familiar with the Italian football circle must have heard about the romantic affairs of the beauty Lodo. This sexy actress loves the football circle. Both Zanetti and Coco have worshiped under her pomegranate skirt.

At that time, the media analyzed that Luodo and Keke were just acting on the occasion, and Luodo just wanted to use Keke's popularity to improve himself. As expected, the story between Luodo and him came to an end as Keke celebrated the New Year with Wang Xiaoer at the stadium.

It is reported that the sexy actress has now found a third boyfriend who plays football, Lazio's Mauri, and it seems that the main force of the Blue Eagles has also become a potential stock in her eyes.

But when it comes to Italy today, the most eye-catching is the multinational combination of Digan and Belen. Last season, Belen took the initiative to show love, which made poor Borriello's career and love collapse. Digan's scandal made her succeed in becoming a supermodel, and she jumped from an unknown little model to a top supermodel.

Especially after Digan and Avril's love affair in Sicily, Beren's magnanimity won her a lot of popularity.

With Degan's transfer to AC Milan, Belen became the female anchorwoman of the TV station in one fell swoop, successfully squeezed out Vieri's old lover Canalis, and became the sexy goddess of Italy today.

At the very beginning, Digan really didn't pay attention to Beren's popularity. In his view, it was just a normal manifestation of women's vanity, and it was no big deal.

But now holding the magazine in his hand, Degan couldn't bear it any longer. On the cover of the magazine, the naked woman sitting in a seductive pose was his girlfriend, Beren. Rodriguez!

"damn it!"

Digan directly threw the magazine aside. He didn't mind that Belen went out to work, and he didn't mind that Belen told some vulgar jokes on TV shows, and he didn't mind that Belen kept using his reputation to climb up.

However, as a man with a Chinese soul, Degan absolutely cannot allow Beren to use his body as an exhibit to satisfy the sexual desires of those salty men.

Digan thought about it and immediately dialed Belen's number, but after the call was connected, it was her assistant.

"Where is she?"

"Rodriguez is filming a TV show, and it will be over in about half an hour."

Digan's face was gloomy, and he said, "I'll ask him to come over and answer the phone immediately!"

The assistant wondered for a while: "Rod! I'm afraid it won't work, she is working now, and this show is very important to her!"

When Digan saw that an assistant was pushing back and forth, he immediately became angry: "Okay! Let her do those damn jobs!"

After Digan finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He originally thought that Beren would call soon, but after waiting for a long time, he knew that Digan was asleep and Belen didn't call. He waited for Belen to remember to call back. It was already the next night.

Digan was watching that TV program that was said to be very important to Belem, that is, a group of people were thrown on a deserted island, talking some boring words, and playing some boring games.

"I'm Deegan!"

"Hey! Rhodes! It's me! Did you have anything to do with me yesterday? Is it about you going to the concert of that Canadian crazy woman? You want to explain it to me, no! There's no need for that, Rhodes! You know I've always believed in you!"

Digan was watching TV, and his face suddenly changed. On the TV screen, a person that Digan was very familiar with suddenly appeared, that Italian paparazzi king Corona who had been beaten into a pig's head by him.

In the picture, Corona is showing courteousness to Beren, with the humble face of a great eunuch in the Qing Dynasty, but Beren seems to enjoy it very much, as if he has really become a queen.

Digan was about to speak, when he suddenly saw on the TV, that Corona hugged and kissed Beren, rubbing his hands on Beren's chest unrulyly.

Degana felt as if he had swallowed ten thousand flies. Although Vieri excluded him from the team and Degan was angry, he did not feel disgusted with Vieri because of this. Rona was completely different, a villain who lived by spying on other people's privacy, and Digan didn't have the slightest affection for him.

It is impossible for Belem not to know about the feud between Digan and this Corona, but now he is flirting with the entire Italian TV audience and Corona on the TV show, which is simply slapping Digan in the face.

"Hey! Rod! Are you listening?"

Digan sneered and said, "Of course! I'm listening, and I'm still taking the time to support your TV show. You never told me that you have to flirt with other men on TV!"

Belen was stunned for a moment, obviously flustered inside, and quickly explained: "No! Rhodes! Listen to me, it was all arranged by the director, it's just an entertainment program!"

At this time, the screen on the TV changed to an interview with Belen, but Belen's words completely ignited Degan's anger: "I think the feeling is very good now, I feel as if I am still single! "

single! ?

What is that old man?

"That's a good sentence, you feel like you are single, do you enjoy that Corona compliment, okay! Ms. Rodriguez, now you don't have to feel, you are indeed single, we are done. "

After Digan finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He felt that he had been betrayed. Yes, he was betrayed. Although he had taken a step, but now that they had talked openly and honestly, they decided to forget about that bad relationship. Things, everything should return to calm, but what is this now?

Beren isn't just flirting with the paparazzi he hates the most on TV, dancing face to face, kissing, petting, he's almost fucking wild.

Belen's phone call came again, Degan opened the window directly, and threw the phone out. Degan no longer wanted to have any contact with that woman, before putting on the green hat.

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