
Chapter 129

Chapter 129

"Degan received a pass from Albertini in the middle. He didn't choose to pass the ball, but took the ball forward. He rushed up! This is Atlanta's counterattack opportunity. Although I admire Degan's courage, but in At this time, he chose to do it alone, which is still a bit reckless, he should pass the ball and reorganize, he is still not calm!"

This is the narrator of Neutral TV. He may be right. At this time, it is really unwise for Digan to choose to do it alone, but he has to admire Digan's courage.

Football games are originally the kind of sport that makes people excited. People who do not have the courage to challenge a powerful enemy will only be a loser if they have no reason, because they are too rational to even have the idea of ​​​​trying.

If you don't even have the courage to try, then who knows whether this seemingly reckless behavior is an irrational adventure or a shortcut to success?

If Degan fails in this attack, perhaps he will be criticized by a lot of media after the game, and some people will even put all the responsibility for Atlanta's loss on him, and attribute the failure to this uncool behavior. noodle. ?? Stadium Maniac 129

But Degan is not thinking about these things now, he just wants to attack, he just wants to rush forward, and he just wants to use his courage to fight for a championship for Yatra.

After Degan got the ball, no one would have thought that he would continue to dribble, so seeing him pause, Kendra rushed up diagonally, trying to break his ball.

Just when Candela thought he could catch Digan, Digan accelerated sharply and pushed the football forward, leaving Candela in vain.

Seeing that Degan was going to single out Roma's entire defense, the Roma fans at the scene immediately booed hugely. They were angry at Degan's contempt for Roma, and also because of their fear of Degan.

This lunatic, who knows what shocking things he will do on the field.

Candela did not catch Digan, but did not give up. The tenacity of the French veteran and his serious attitude towards the game allowed him to replace De Rossi as the main midfielder in this decisive battle. Assuming this trust, you must not give up easily, and follow up. Even if you can't intercept the ball, you can still put pressure on Digan and buy time for other teammates to return to defense.

At this time, Panucci also rushed forward, and together with Candela, the two of them formed a front and back attack on Digan.

Candela chased Digan and gestured to Panucci.

At this time, Panucci naturally knew what to choose, so he didn't make any response, but rushed up to meet Digan.

Panucci is stuck on the route of Degan, while Candela is stuck on the inside, leaving only one outside for Degan. The positional relationship between the two is to sandwich Degan in the middle. If Degan Breaking through in a straight line, with Panucci in front of him, if he cuts in to the middle of the court, Candela will wait behind, and he can poke the football away with his feet.

What if Degan chooses to go outside?

That means that Degan himself admitted that his dribbling raid had failed. Degan, who was "forced" to the side, either passed directly, or caught a throw-in. The best result was nothing more than a corner kick. , and there is even an ending where nothing can be achieved. As for things like making wonderful moves from the sideline and sliding into the penalty area like a loach, it is really too difficult, as long as there are Roma defensive players stuck position, Degan will return without success.

As for the cross, there is no need to think about it at all. Paccini is struggling to run now, and he has more than enough energy to go forward to meet him. Jimenez has already moved to the other side of the field, and the distance is too far. Can't count on it either.

When Digan, who was dribbling the ball, found Panucci, the Italian veteran was already very close to him, so close that he had no time to make any extraordinary moves.

Candela has been chasing behind. When he saw Digan rushing towards Panucci, he was overjoyed. He also quickened his pace and planned to work together with Panucci to break Digan's ball.

Panucci also slowed down, lowered his center of gravity, and fixed his eyes on the football. If Digan moved the football to the outside, he would turn around and get stuck in the inside. If he wanted to move the football to the inside, he would block it and intercept it. , to provide opportunities for Candela behind, if Digan wants to break through from the center, it will be easier.

Panucci calculated quickly in his heart, at this moment, Digan had already rushed over.

Digan didn't choose to change direction, neither going outside nor breaking inside, he rushed towards Panucci directly.

Panucci was shocked when he saw this, he didn't expect Digan to rush over without slowing down at all, this~~~~~~~?? Stadium Maniac 129

Panucci didn't even have time to dodge. At this moment, he felt as if he was hit head-on by an overloaded heavy truck, and flew out directly.

"Foul! Fuck it's an intentional foul!"

Before the referee Corina blew his whistle, the Roma fans roared in the stands. They didn't care if Digan really fouled or not. They only saw their players being beaten by Digan. The big buffalo crashed and flew, and it seemed to be in a miserable state.

But Collina didn't say anything at all, he was still running forward, didn't even look at Panucci, and didn't even beckon him to stand up, in Collina's view, this was a reasonable collision, Digan When rushing up, his arms didn't open! So this is totally a reasonable collision!

Panucci was hit by Digan and flew out, and Digan was also uncomfortable. When he was fighting for the top with Max, his ribs were hit by Max, and he is still in pain. He bumped into another solid one, which made his chest tight for a while, and he couldn't help but slow down.

Kendra took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, grabbed Digan's shoulder with one hand, and when he was about to pull back with all his strength, he suddenly felt another huge force pulling him forward. Walk.

Degan's speed only slowed down a little bit, and he started again after he was out of breath. As for Kendra who was holding his shoulder, he didn't pay attention at all, and compared his strength, Degan completely ignored anyone.

After restarting, Degan directly made an inside cut and rushed towards the middle. As for Candela who was on his shoulders, Degan did not struggle. There are too many villains in the football game, and he does not want to suffer. , who knows if Comrade Candela is a kind person.

So everyone saw a person hanging from Digan rushing forward. Although this scene was a bit weird, what was even more weird was that Digan was still able to run, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Candela seemed to be caught It's like flying a kite.

Candela was also taken aback when she found out that she was being led to run forward, and then made a counterattack. When running with Digan, she pushed back Digan's shoulder.

Digan, however, remained motionless and continued to rush forward, like the mighty Iron King Kong.

In the previous league, when Atlanta and Bologna met for the first time, Degan dragged Petrouzi for more than ten meters, knowing that the jersey was torn.

Compared with Petrouzzi, Candela's heavyweight is obviously much worse, dragging him away, Digan said that he has no burden at all.

Candela was also shocked when she saw this, her center of gravity dropped, as if she wanted to bring Digan down, but Digan's body only staggered a little, and then exerted force suddenly, twisting his body, driving his right shoulder There was a tug of war with Candela.

Candela obviously didn't expect Digan's power to be so terrifying, and finally slipped his hand and let go!

Due to his inertia, his body was still rushing forward, this time he lost his center of gravity and fell headfirst.

Collina was planning to blow the whistle when Candela was dragging Digan just now, but just now it was the attacking side that had the advantage, and just waited for Digan to be dragged down before blowing the whistle to stop the game. Gan actually broke free from Candela's shackles and rushed out. Even he, the chief referee, couldn't help shouting hello in his heart.

So he took down the whistle, held it in his hand, raised his hands flat, and ran forward, which meant that the attacking side was in favor and the game continued.

But this way forward, Degan has encountered too many tests, and soon there are players from Rome rushing over, this time it is Candela, and Dakot at the same time. Judging from his appearance, he is planning to come Having avenged his French compatriots, the positions of the two once again formed a front and rear flanking situation against Degan.

Draas didn't choose to evade temporarily this time. He knew that there was no way to retreat, and the restricted area was behind him. Once Digan, a beast, entered the restricted area, things would be a big deal. He had to be stopped here. Notice the sudden sinking of Deegan's left shoulder, which is a signal to break through from the left.

Although this may also be Degan's fake move, just like Irving tricked Ayala in the 1998 World Cup, his shoulders sank to the left first, but he used his right foot to turn the football to the right to complete the breakthrough.

But even if it was a trap, Draas had no other choice. He had to step forward to block it. If Degan was a fake move, he had to find a way to slow down his speed and buy time for Dakot to return to the defense. ?? Stadium Maniac 129

But Degan's move was not a fake move. He flicked the football to the left, which meant he was about to break through from the left.

Draas saw the timing, strode over, and stretched his legs to steal the ball.

Seeing that he was about to touch the football, the football disappeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.

Immediately following Dellas, I heard a burst of cheers from the stands, obviously it couldn't be from the Roma fans, because he didn't make a successful steal.

The Atlanta fans in the stands cheered like crazy, and the corresponding Roma fans all opened their mouths and eyes wide with disbelief.

Just a second ago, they saw Degan jumping forward suddenly, jumping in front of the football with one step, and then he knocked the football behind him to the right side of his body with the heel of his left foot. , Draas stretched his legs over to steal the ball.

After knocking the ball, Digan turned around on the spot with his right foot as a supporting foot, kicked out with his left foot, and flashed past Dellas who hadn't reacted yet.

Many players can do this heel kick, such as Drogba, Carlos, Cristiano Ronaldo and others. Of course, the most classic is the famous Nigerian star Okocha. It is not a difficult move. , but in such a flash, Digan was able to complete such an extraordinary action, which is shocking enough.

Degan, who passed De Las, took another step forward, with long legs, wading the football into the penalty area, and the poor Greek became the best background board for Degan's perfect pass this time.

Duckett, who was killed at this time, originally planned to stretch out his foot and poke the football away before Degan, but at this time, as long as he stretched out his foot, as long as Degan fell down, it would be a foul, a penalty kick and a red card. , everything is indispensable, he can only brake urgently, and at the same time raise his hands to indicate that he has not fouled.

Digan didn't bother to use this method to win the game. He was a strong man, and even if he won, he had to be upright.

At this time, Degan was getting closer and closer to the goal.

In front of Digan is Ferrari, and on the left is Delas, who has come back to his senses. He also retreated from the wing to the center, followed by Dacourt and Candra who was chasing him. It can be said that Degan has been surrounded by Roma players at this moment, and it is impossible to escape.

But Degan didn't want to escape at all. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the sense of accomplishment. At this critical moment, Degan's thick lines were perfectly interpreted. He continued to dribble forward without any intention of shooting. mean.

Digan is in danger!

This is probably the thought in the minds of many people. Seeing that there are players from Roma all around and an Atlanta player in the middle, Degan can be said to have reached the end of the road.

Dacourt strode forward, and he would never allow Degan to treat Rome's defense as nothing in front of him.

Degan, who was in a quick assault, suddenly stepped on the ball, fixed the football, and then made an emergency stop.

Duckett was completely unprepared and bumped into it without any suspense. Then he leaned back, with his legs forward, and fell on his back.


The Roma fans in the stands shouted loudly, reminding the referee Collina.

But it's a pity that Corina still didn't express anything, because he saw very clearly just now that Duckett ran into it by himself, and he deserved it.

However, Degan's stop gave others an opportunity. Ferrari stepped up from the side and blocked the football. Degan just planned to kick the football, but the football hit Ferrari's foot. up, bounced up and flew in another direction.

Many Roma fans were relieved to see this scene. In their opinion, they were guarded anyway. It's a pity that their relaxation can only be temporary, because football is only temporarily out of Degan's control. When the football flew out, Digan had already followed him.

Only flying can describe Degan's terrifying instant explosive power. He almost stepped in front of the flying football, but he didn't have a chance to hit the goal, because Chivu was also there, and goalkeeper Zotti was also at the same time. He rushed out, intending to pull out his teeth and snatch the football, so he stepped over and turned around, with his back to the goal, protecting the football.

The football is protected, but how is he going to shoot? With his back to the goal, the football is still in the air, and the height is actually not high. If he forcibly barbs, the football will have to fly directly into the sky, jump up and hit it with his heel? That is more difficult!

Chivu, who was planning to clear the siege, did not dare to lift his foot when he saw Digan protecting the football with his body, but when he saw that Digan had just rushed over and was still on his feet, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and stretched out his hand, He grabbed Degan's jersey very covertly and pulled it down hard.

Digan couldn't stand firmly, and fell to the ground while leaning back.

"This is a fucking foul!"

Mandolini was the first to rush to the sidelines emotionally and roared loudly towards the court.

At this moment, Chivu, who was pulling people, quickly raised his hands up, indicating that he was innocent. Digan fell to the ground because he was not on his feet, and it had nothing to do with him.

Although Collina didn't see clearly whether Chivu had fouled, he saw clearly that Degan's jersey had an obvious deformation, so he immediately picked up the whistle and put it in his mouth.

But Degan didn't want to use a penalty kick to end the game at this time. Chivu fouled, that's for sure. If he fell a little more exaggeratedly, raised his hand and wailed, the penalty kick is sure. , but this is definitely not the result he wanted.

Digan, who was lying on the ground, was looking up at the sky. He could see the football still in the air. In addition, there was a shadow above his head. It was the Roman goalkeeper Zotti, who was going to jump over him to catch the ball.

Oh shit!

Today, I will let you see why I am worth 70 million euros, but you are just a bunch of little smashers!

Victory over Rome with a penalty kick, even if you win the Coppa Italia trophy, the Romans will definitely have countless bullshit waiting to spray after the game.

They will say that Atlanta's championship is not worthy of the name and is stolen.

It's as if they were double-killed by Atlanta at home and away in the league before.

Digan didn't want to give them a chance to talk, if they wanted to win, they had to win thoroughly and beautifully, and if the Romans wanted to talk about it, they wouldn't give them a chance at all.

Thinking of this, Digan was about to lie down on the ground. Suddenly, he put one hand on the ground, raised his right leg, and poked the football with his toes from below. The football bypassed the stunned Zotie and flew away. past.

It wasn't just that Zotie didn't respond to this sudden change, everyone was frightened by the scene they saw with their own eyes. Digan actually kicked a barb suddenly after falling to the ground, which completely surprised them. expected.

The football was clicked by Degan, and then sent up a distance, directly bypassed Zotti, and then fell into the goal of Rome while the audience was stunned.

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