

Luc knelt over the grave as I stood next to him, glancing around the dark yard. Luc's powers as both a vampire and a demon made him ideal for tracking down the girl; being a vampire meant he had a unique tie to the dead and his demonic side would allow him to follow her murderous intent. It was unlikely we could find her without knowing her race, but Luc at least gave me a better chance of finding her before she did anything to Jinx.

Jinx. I frowned as I stared at the vampire, the witch crossing my mind. Jinx would be furious if she knew I had chosen Luc to help me find her. She still deeply blamed him for Evan's death and just as Luc's attraction to me was no secret, it was fairly obvious she had been in love with Evan. Maybe at one point she hoped Luc would take me away from Evan so she could have him, but that was no longer possible. Now all she could do was mourn with me and point all her rage towards the vampire.

"Hmm." I was brought back to the present as the vampire finally stood, his blood red eyes glowing softly. "She was definitely killed by someone, but I think she wanted them to do it."

"It tracks." I agreed. "She definitely wants her adoptive parents to take the fall for her death."

"Indeed. Her rage is completely oriented at them, but there is also worry and fear, likely for the one who killed her." Luc turned away from me, looking into a far off direction. "I don't know where she currently is, but I think I know where she went first."

"Then let's-"

"A moment." Luc insisted, and I watched as the glow in his eyes grew brighter. I gasped as I realized what that meant, and I did my best to look around him, trying to see what he was looking at. In the distance, I saw as a person began to approach us and I felt my power rise as my fear increased. As the figure drew closer, I could tell it was a woman, but her bright blond hair revealed her to not be a vampire.

"Sir, please," she begged, and I finally noticed she was scantily dressed, and covered in bite marks. A Feeder, humans and others alike who were obsessed with having vampires drink from them. Apparently it was akin to sex and they claimed the feeling to be better than the real thing. I glanced back to see Luc's face but his expression remained unchanged. I knew he didn't feed as often as most and Requiem most likely kept his needs met while keeping his favorite son confined.

"Sir," I glanced back to the woman, who almost stood directly in front of us. "Please, dri-"

"No." Luc's voice was calm as he spoke and carried an authority I wasn't used to hearing from him. From the way his voice made my skin crawl, I knew he was pulling more into his demonic power to scare her away. A look of fear came across the woman's face and she quickly ran off, clearly no longer interested in having Luc's attention. The glow in his eyes faded as he dropped his head into his hand, and I gently touched his back.

"Are you-" I barely got the words out before he wrapped his arms around me, holding me much closer than the hug we had shared at the gate. His face nuzzled into my neck as he sighed into my skin, and I realized he was thirsty after all. His refusal of the woman was likely more a matter of pride, and he showed no restraint as he held me close, his voice now causing my skin to shiver.

"You have no idea how long I've dreamed of feeding from you." He whispered, and my heart pounded as I heard the words. No doubt he felt the change, his fangs now gently gliding across my skin. "I don't care if it burns my soul, I want to feel you flowing inside me."

"Luc, we-" My weak protest was betrayed by the desire starting to rise in my body and I barely fought his grip as he caressed my neck, his breathing now dancing along my skin like gentle fingers. I found myself shaking in his embrace and I couldn't help the soft moan as my body pulsed and I wanted his fangs inside me. He hadn't even bitten me, and I felt like melting into a puddle. No wonder the woman was chasing this feeling. "Luc, we-"

"Lin." He whispered my name, the word both soft and desperate and my knees started to shake as I grew weak. Every fiber of body, no, my soul, was telling me to say yes, to let the man holding me pierce my body in a way no one else could. To give me pleasure beyond anything I had ever felt and in that moment, I almost said yes. Only my phone ringing in my pocket saved me and Luc released me suddenly, as if he suddenly realized what he had been doing. The vampire was now refusing to look at me and I coughed to clear my throat as I answered.


"It's Lee, nothing on the girl yet, but something on the parents."

"Give it to me."

"They are hundreds of years old, keep using surgery to stay alive." Lee scoffed, and I could hear him tapping the desk of his computer. "She's also their third adopted child. The previous two also died in suspicious circumstances."

"Huh." I answered, cursing the witch even more. What the fuck had she dragged me into? "Luc said he can't tell where she is right now, but he knows where she went first. We're heading there now."

"Good. I'll call when I have more." I hung up my phone as I looked at the vampire who still refused to look my way. I cleared my throat to get his attention and I took a deep breath as I spoke.

"Let's go to this first location. I still have to get you home before light." I tried to keep my voice neutral despite the pounding in my chest and pleasurable sensation that still ran through my body. I walked up to the vampire, gently touching his arm as I continued. "Maybe then we can talk about… you feeding off me."


"Later, not now." I insisted, smiling at him softly. He chanced a meeting with my eyes, and I could still see the burning desire pulsing behind his uncertainty. It made me want to submit immediately, but I kept my composure, letting my fingers linger as I began to walk past him. I heard as Luc followed behind me and I couldn't help but wonder what I had just promised the vampire behind me.

More than you know Lin ^_~

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Yasmina_Irocreators' thoughts
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