
Severus snape

"you finished that spell in a single try?"

"GAH! "hermione shouted, being caught off guard, while she immersed in her homework, in the Hogwarts library.

All the students looked up from their homeworks, to the commotion, scowling at being interrupted. Hermione saw this and flushed. She shrunk back into her seat from the embarrassment.

"shhhhhh..." I whisper shouted, smiling:"this is a library Hermione. Keep your voice down."

"but you are the reason-" she stopped herself sighing. She then smiled wistfully and replied:"it's good to see you Harry. "

"ooh. Sounds like drama." Harry said excitedly:"trouble in paradise?"

Hermione took a sigh and replied:"gryffindor is not the easiest house to get along with. They break rules like its Tuesday, not do their homeworks, and are completely repulsively LOUD. But I try my best."

I cringed inside due to prick of guilt. After all I was the one to push her into the gryffindor madness wasn't I? This version of Neville probably didn't even need her help. I forced a smile on my face and replied:"I'm sure you will get along just fine... With a short adjustment period."

She smiled back:"I hope so. So what do YOU have next?"

"potions in the dungeons."

Hermione snapped her head back to my face with a sorry expression:"potions?? Oh you are so, so dead."

Ever since coming to Hogwarts I had been dreading the encounter with this person. Potion master Severus snape. The man that had tormented cannon Harry (noble reason or no) throughout his years in Hogwarts. If there was a single thing that terrified him more than knowing he will torment me, was how he will torment me.

At least if it was cannon I knew what to expect. But this wasn't cannon. I had no idea how this version of snape was gonna be. He had no reason to torment me since I wasn't the child of prophecy. He also had no reason love me since he didn't have cannon snape's guilt as it wasn't his fault that lily had died. This snape could be nice to me, or be a dick to me or be worse to me. And that terrified me.

"c'mon the potion master can't be that bad right?" I asked hopefully.

Hermione looked at me and smiled:"oh yes you are right....."


I took a gulp as Hermione's words echoed through my mind:'....he is worse! '

In front of me stood the potions master inspecting my potion with his resting scowl expression. I tried to calm my drumming heart but failed miserably as snape came uncomfortably close to me, his scrutinizing eyes boring over my potion.

I looked at the abomination of a potion I had prepared and gulped again. In place of sea foam green as described in the potion making book, mine was pond scum green, and a deep green vapour was wafting off of my potion, that wasn't described ANYWHERE in the potions book. And those bubbles on top of my potion wasn't ever a good sign, was it?

I tried to get a read on the potions professor. But the former death eaters eyes bled not a sliver of his true intentions. I finally looked away from him and took a deep breath. I can't have done any worse than cannon Harry did. And HE didn't get any SIGNIFICANT punishment. So whatever he threw at me I'm gonna take like a man! So I took a deep breath and awaited my judgement and his punishment to befall me.

Snape finally looked up from my potion into my face and scowled. Okay! Here it comes. Snape finally uttered:"barely..... Passable."

Wait! What??!

He turned around and moved to the next potion without a single word more and leaving me completely confused. What just happened?

That's when I took a look around. All around me were pots with pitch black smoke emanating, half melted pots, and students whose face looked like it went through a chimney.

Am I... Better than everyone else?

"psst. Psst. Harry! " Terry interrupted me from my narcissistic monologue snapping me back to reality:"are we supposed to pour in mackelzier's solution before or after the potion turns red?"

"afterwards. But you should be really careful when adding it because-"

"ahem" said a voice from behind. Oh fucking hell! Not AGAIN!

With a sneering face he asked: "Mr potter, just because your potion is... BARELY acceptable, you thought you could use that as I license to talk in MY class? "

There was no room for jokes or any funny quips. I wasn't dealing with Mcgonall here. This was Severus snape. I had to deal with him with utmost respect.:"no sir, I was simply clarifying a classmates doubt, sir."

Snape's expression changed to one of mock surprise:"DID you now? My, my if you are so knowledgeable about first year potion arts maybe you should teach them. I mean, what would, a state appointed teacher, like I would know about potion arts after all. Am I right?"

Terry suddenly spoke up trying to defend me:"sir he was just-"

Snape turned his cold eyes at Terry cutting him off:"do you remember me giving you permission to talk?"

Terry went quiet, his head looking down. Snape turned his cold expression back at me.

"YOUR NEW AND IMPROVED POTIONS PROFESSOR EVERYONE." he shouted to the entire class, causing the whole class to focus on us. He then looked at me and smiled:"now, 'professor', why don't you instruct your students on how to make... I don't know, hmmm... A sleeping potion."

I looked at the potions master, trying my best to push down my burning desire knock down his front teeth and replied in a monotone voice:"sir, I don't know how to make a sleeping potion, sir."

Snape smiled in condescension:" that's fine. Must be out of touch. Let's forget practical portion for a bit. How about theory then. Mr potter what do you add to a boil cure potion to increase it's stability?"

I sighed, anger slowly breaking through my mental defenses.:"I don't know, SIR."

"Hmm, that was an easy one as well. Then, how about this. What, is a common side effect of using hippogriff feathers in potions?"

I gritted my teeth as I replied:"I don't know know... SIR."

"you know what, I'm feeling generous. Simplest of simple. What ingredient is known as a potion makers best friend?"




I don't know sir."

The entire class watched us with wide eyes, not even one daring to take a breath. Snape looked at my downwards cast head and smirked:"10 points from Ravenclaw. Remember this the next time you want to cause a commotion in my class POTTER! "

He then turned around and walked towards the next student to grade his potion. Meanwhile my mind was screaming in an inner turmoil.

Don't do it!

DON'T do it!

DO NOT do it!


"sir, what's a battery?"

Snape stopped in his tracks and turned around with an annoyed expression on his face.:"excuse me?"

I smiled and replied:"I asked sir, what... is... a... battery?"

His annoyance tuned into a scowl as he said:"and how am I supposed to know what this... 'Battery'... Is! "

I smiled as I replied :"Its a muggle invention sir. And a fairly common one as well. Even children know about it, sir. But I guess I was setting the bar too high. How about a bib or maybe, a pacifier."

Snape's scowl turned into a sneer:"may I remind you potter that we are wizards, not muggles. Or has the fumes from your sub-par potion retarded your brain capacity as well?"

"oh no sir I am well aware." I replied feigning ingnorance:"but sir, I always assumed, the other half, in half bloods were muggles. That was why I asked YOU those questions. But it was so rude of me to assume. So what WAS the other half for you?"





"BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I bellowed with laughter while scrubbing the floors of the potion class with a brush smaller than a tooth brush. You should have seen snape's face when I said it. I almost thought he was gonna whip out his wand and Avada Kedavra me right there.

Thankfully he just took 30 points off ravenclaw and gave me a productive way to spend my afternoon. Scrub his entire classroom, without magic.

No that wasn't sarcasm. It really was productive. It gave me a lot of time to contemplate things. I finally formed a barely working plan for this year. If everything goes well, which I doubt it would, then I might just survive this year. cameo time was over. It was time to get into the plot. It was time to prepare for cannon.

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