

It's been a week since Tomoka began training for her Lightning release. At the start it was rather hard since she had to figure out how to use it without sapping herself. Which she did more than once. Fortunately she figured a few things out.

For starters. After studying her mother's Lightning a bit more she figured how to use lightning release the normal way. It is weaker than her version but the stability and control far surpases hers.

It so happens that the quote on quote normal way of using lightning release is to vibrate the chakra while imagining lightning. The faster the vibration as well as the clearer the image the stronger the lightning.

By learning the normal way she also figured out how to mix the two. This strengthened her lightning release. Her version as of now is stronger than normal lightning release albeit a little less stable. You win some, you lose some. Either way, thanks to her understanding of electricity she has figured clever ways of using it.

One of them is the use of an insulating film of chakra. This allows her to create a large charge inside the insulating chakra. After she can remove the layer of chakra to cause a large discharge of electricity.

The only problem is that once this is done she loses all control over the result. In other words it will hit the first conductive object near it. Be it friend or foe.

Tomoka's mother was extremely happy seeing her daughter's fast progress. All the lightning jutsus she taught her were learnt rather quickly. Not to mention her skill with chakra.

Of course this doesn't mean Tomoka has mastered any of the justus she has been taught. She can use them, yes. However, she has to go through all the hand signs at the moment. Not to mention there is still some wasted chakra in the process. Nothing a few more months of training can't fix though.

Tomoka has also been experimenting with the chakra wires she is able to make. They reminded her of Sunagakure's puppeteers. If she is able to use them in a similar fashion her repertoire of skills would increase. However, there have been many problems in her development of the skill.

Since there are no puppeteers in Konoha, Tomoka had no one to teach her. It was already a miracle that she could make the chakra wires. The current problem she was facing was the stability of the wire. As of now she could make wires half a meter in length. The wires became unstable the longer she made them.

She had tried a few methods that came to mind but none seems to work. First she attempted to use more chakra. This helped but the increase was exponential so it was not an option in the end. Making the wires thicker led to the same result. Over all, Tomoka had grown frustrated and dropped the issue for a later time.

Instead, she decided to take things easier for the time being. She is still a kid, she might as well enjoy some relaxation time and hang out with Nozomi. After the meeting in the park she had only seen her once. She might as well go see her again since she had nothing better to do at the moment.

With a plan in mind Tomoka left for the Uchiha compound accompanied by her father. Her parents had agreed that one of them would always stay at home to watch over her ever since the arm incident. This time it was Nagi's turn as Himiko was busy with a mission.

"Tomoka, when are you going to ask papa to teach you Fuuton? I really want to teach you" Nagi broke the comfortable silence all of a sudden. He had been patiently waiting for Tomoka to ask him about it. However, with each day he grew anxious that perhaps his lovely daughter had no interest in learning wind release.

"Right! I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me dad, how about tomorrow?" Tomoka did almost forget about it. She had been too engrossed in her lightning release training alongside her experimenting and physical training.

"Sure thing, anything for my Tomoka" Breathing a sigh of relief Nagi smiled. Her worries had been for naught.

As they walked Nagi couldn't help but think about how blessed he and Himiko were. Tomoka was bright, skilled, cute and all that without being haughty. She never gave them any trouble, not even when she was a baby.

Him and Himiko are jounin but aside from that they aren't special at all. Neither of them is from a clan, their background being civilians. It was through a lot of effort that they managed to get to where they currently are.

As he continued to think about the past a smile appeared on his face. He really loved his family.

A while later Tomoka and Nagi were walking towards Nozomi's house. They had a bit of trouble entering the Uchiha compound as this was their first time visiting. Thankfully Tomoka had foreseen something like this happening.

The last time Tomoka and Nazomi saw each other Nazomi told Tomoka she could visit her anytime she wanted. Of course Tomoka saw the problem with that statement. Nozomi lives in the Uchiha compound. There is no way they would let Tomoka walts in just like that.

After discussing matters for a while Nozomi made something akin to a letter giving Tomoka permission to enter the compound. Aside from that, Nozomi also went ahead and told people in charge about it.

Like this, as long as Tomoka presented the letter she would let in. That was what just happened. Now she was navigating the place to find Nazomi's house. After a short five minute walk she found it.

At that moment Tomoka's happy expression became blank. In reality she was angry. The house looked run down. Made from wood it was better to call it a shack. One that would fall to pieces at any moment.

Calming herself, Tomoka regained her smile, however this time it was a facade. Nagi for his part also felt odd. The Uchihas were one of the biggest, if not the biggest clan how come Nozomi-chan lived in such a place.

After knocking on the door the pair waited for a minute or so before the door clicked open. At the door Nozomi could be seen with a confused expression. The girl rarely received visits if ever. Before getting to live by herself she had been taken care of by some distant family of hers. She hated them as they never treated her well.

Now she lived alone, it had taken effort but once she proved she could live by herself she left, or rather she was thrown out. Not that it mattered to her, she wanted to leave either way. This rundown shack was given to her and supplies are delivered on monday as she is still a kid.

As she looked at who was at the door Nozomi's eyes brightened. Tomoka is her first and only friend. Even though they had met each other only a week ago she felt like Tomoka was an integral part of her life.

"Tomoka! You came. Oh, and you must be Nagi-san, Tomoka's dad, right? Please come in" Nozomi was all smiles at the moment. To tell the truth this had been a terrible day for her until just now.

As per usual she had been training. After meeting Tomoka her passion for training was reignited. Unlike before she trained in what she had talent. However, today during her training she was interrupted by the usual group of kids that bullied her. None of that mattered now as her friend had come.

The rest of the day was spent in idle chatter for the pair of girls. They also played some games like Uno. Yes, Tomoka had made an Uno deck by hand. Her parents had asked her about it when she was making it and she simply said that she had the idea and made it. Of course that was a big fat lie.

It is because of this that Tomoka has some money to her name. After her parents played with her they thought it was a great game. Of course it is, it is Uno. Not wanting to waste the opportunity and Tomokas genius they went ahead and made a deal for her with an entertainment company.

The end result is a bank account with a lot of money belonging to Tomoka. Of course since she is still a child her parents manage the account. Tomoka doesn't mind, as they don't do anything with it without asking her first.

After that incident Tomoka decided to make more games. After all, she would need a lot of money for her hidden lab and such. She of course wouldn't be making them one after the other. All of this happened a month ago. She was planning to release her next game in about a year. It would be the friendship destroyer, Monopoly.

Some may argue that Uno is also a friendship destroyer and even though they might be right. Only Monopoly could destroy friendships in such a thorough way. After that one she was planning to release jenga or something else, who knows.

The rest of the day was spent like that. Playing games, Laughing at Nagi's bad dad jokes, and overall having a good time. However, Unknown to the other two Tomoka's heart was hurting.

She knew about the Uchiha massacre that would occur. As much as she hated to admit it, she wouldn't be able to stop it. Even if she became strong enough to stop itachi that action would be meaningless. The die were cast and it was a fact that the relationships between the Uchiha clan and the village were tense and sour if not outright destroyed.

Even if she stopped itachi the Uchihas would stage a coup d'etat which would lead to even worse consequences for everyone. However, she promised to herself to at the very least save Nozomi. No matter what, she would not let that girl who became her very first friend die.

The day after Tomoka's visit she could be seen in her backyard with her father. Today she would learn how to use air release or at least that is the plan. To tell the truth Tomoka was quite hyped. Learning her second elemental transformation would increase her repertoire of jutsu by a lot. She could even imagine herself unlocking some kekkei genkai related to them. Of course the chances of that happening is pretty much zero.

"Alright Tomoka, listen closely. Unlike lightning release, air release is sharper. I have been talking with your mom to figure out how to better describe it. So simply put, if Lightning release is a spear, air release is a sword."

With that said Nagi began teaching Tomoka some jutsus he knew while guiding her along. Before that however, he let Tomoka observe his jutsus and how he did things. Tomoka watched without letting even the tiniest detail slip by. Like before she began using her previous life's knowledge to formulate theories.

'There are a few rules that determine the way a fluid moves. For starters, when a fluid is heated it expands causing it's density to drop. For this reason warm fluids flow upwards while cold ones flow downwards.

There is also the fact of pressure differentials. A fluid and matter in general will try and flow towards a vacuum to fill it up. If I go by these rules, I can create wind by either creating a vacuum, pressurizing the air, heating it, or cooling it.

However, I should not forget what happened before with my lightning release. I doubt that normal air release works how I am thinking or at least not entirely. For a matter of fact, some air release jutsus use vacuums and pressurized air. But the way they do so might differ from what I am thinking in a fundamental level'

While thinking about all this Tomoka decided to give it a try. She would try a simple jutsu, Fuuton: air bullet. Doing the hand signs, Tomoka followed her father's guidance. First she took a deep breath while gathering chakra in her lungs. She did this while keeping the image of an air bullet in her mind before expelling the air with as much force as she could.

The end result was satisfactory if barely. From her bouth a mass of air flew towards a wooden dummy before hitting it. The damage was lackluster and would hurt if nothing else. However, that wasn't important. What was important for Tomoka was how her chakra behaved.

She had been right. Even though her chakra did compress the air the way it did felt lacking to her. In her mind's eye she made a visualization of the situation to comprehend it better. The previous jutsu felt like blowing air into a balloon before throwing said balloon.

Following that image she began thinking. Yes a normal latex balloon would cause a slight increase in pressure to the air inside. However said increase was negligible at best. Her chakra was that balloon. It's job was keeping the air inside. It did its job but the result was still disappointing.

Then how about if she instead made her chakra like a gas tank. By doing that the amount of air she could pressure would be far greater but that leads to another problem. Her lung capacity can't take all that air. Of course she could take that small amount of air and compress it into a small super compressed bullet but that's besides the point.

As she thought about it she came to realize her mistake. She had used her chakra after breathing the air in. She should have been using it even before that. By creating the container first she could breathe in a lot more air fixing the previously mentioned problem.

While Tomoka was lost in thought, Nagi simply observed her. At times like this he wondered if Tomoka was really a child. Normally children would either become excited after using their first jutsu or disheartened by the lack of power of said jutsu. Tomoka would on the other hand stay silent. She would get lost in thought.

Nagi only smiled wryly as he continued observing Tomoka. As he was about to speak he saw her doing hand signs again. The exact same ones for the Air bullet she just used. Maybe he had thought too highly of her or she just didn't show her emotions as much. He thought as he believed that her using the jutsu again was due to frustration but…

"Fuuton: wind bullet" As she said that Tomoka took a deep breath. This time however, she drew in around five times the amount her small lungs should be able to hold. A moment later a compressed wind bullet flew towards the target dummy.


With that the dummy now sported a deep hole with broken wood jutting out of it. A little more and the air bullet would have been able to pierce through. With a satisfied smile Tomoka nodded her head, however, it was followed by loud coughing.

[You know at this point I should know better than to tell a stubborn girl like you to be careful but you should take better care of your body. I live here!]

'Oh shush you, it's just some internal bleeding from burst blood vessels in my lungs, nothing serious' Saying that Tomoka swallowed the blood that had pooled in her mouth. No way in hell would she let her father see it. Only god knows what he would do if he saw it.

"Tomoka, are you okay?" Of course Nagi became worried. However, he was reassured by his cute daughter that she was alright so he dropped it after a while. Like that they continued training for the rest of the day.

A month has gone by since Tomoka almost blew her lungs while practicing the air bullet jutsu. During this time her proficiency with both lightning and air jutsus has increased. At her current rate she should be able to master all the jutsus her parents taught her in a year more or less. However, the girl wasn't satisfied.

'This is so frustrating! Why can't I train everything at the same time!?'

[Because it's not possible? Not to mention that from what I have observed your rate of growth is abnormally fast compared to others.]

'I know that kurama. The thing is that I am an impatient person. When I set my mind to do something I want to spend as much time as possible doing that. However, now that I have to train in air and lightning jutsus, not to mention taijutsu as well as stamina training, my time gets divided. I just don't like that!'

[Well, suck it up Tomoka, it's not like you could separate yourself into multiple bodies. It would be very convenient but it's simply not possible] At that moment Kurama's words were like a gospel from the gods for Tomoka.

'Kurama! You are a fucking genious!'

[I am? Wait, Of course I am. However, praising me will get you nothing, but you can continue if you want.] Ignoring Kurama's shamelessnes Tomoka began explaining.

'You say I can't separate myself into new bodies, but you are wrong. I can and there is a jutsu that does just that! How could I have forgotten about it!'

[Alright, how about you calm down and explain]

'I am talking about the shadow clone jutsu, Kurama. Unlike the clone jutsu which is nothing more than an illusion, the shadow clone has consciousness and can interact with the world. Moreover, when the jutsu is dispelled the memories of the clone are transferred to the user!'

[I see, so with that you could train multiple things at the same time.]

'Precisely, of course there are downsides as well. For starters, each clone takes a portion of my total chakra pool. One clone takes half, two would take two thirds and so on. However, with my current chakra I should be able to make three or four no problem.

Another less important problem would be that clones can't do physical training for me but that does not matter'

[Well, what are you waiting for? Go tell your mother]

What Kurama proposed made Tomoka stop. The shadow clone was considered a dangerous jutsu, taking into account her parents protectiveness of her chances were they would not teach her. Not to mention there is a large probability of them not knowing it. After all, the jutsu required a lot of chakra.

Thinking about these problems Tomoka began thinking about what to do. If she asked her mother then she would be taking a big gamble. After all, if she said no then Tomoka would be closely watched from then on to prevent her from asking someone else.

If she didn't ask her mother then there came a new problem. Who would she ask? Kakashi knows the jutsu but he is currently an ANBU if she isn't mistaken. Naruto doesn't know it yet. Hiruzen is a no go too. Jiraija? Who knows where the pervy sage is.

With a sigh Tomoka realized that her best bet right now would be to just ask her mother and try her best to convince her. She had prepared for a moment like this, she had practiced her ultimate technique to be used against her parents.

"Mommy, could you teach me the shadow clone jutsu pretty please?" That's right, her ultimate technique is the puppy eyes using her adorable figure no one could resist.

"No" Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.

"I promise to be a good girl and only use it when you are around, please" Tomoka wouldn't give up so easily.

"No means no" Fine then tomoka would need to use her smarts to win then.

"If you don't teach me I won't talk to you for a month!" With a cute pout Tomoka looked away.

"Honey don't be like that, it's for your own good" While saying that Himiko crouched to be at the same eye level as Tomoka.

'All according to plan time for the next move' "But if you are around it should be fine!"

"I said no, that jutsu is too dangerous" her begging had failed again. It was time to use her last resort. This weapon would deal as much damage to herself as it would deal to her mother. TACTICAL NUKE, INCOMING!

"I will let you dress me up and hug me as much as you want from now on" That's right, Tomoka had been playing hard to get these last few years to prepare this card.

"T-that is playing dirty" It seems like the attack was working, just a little more and she would win.

"Please *chu*" With a pec on the cheek Tomoka had finally played all her cards, if after this her mother still refused she would be doomed.

"F-fine, but you need to keep your words Tomoka or mama will get very angry" YES! YES! Tomoka had won the battle!

[Playing your own mother like that, Where is your honor!?]

'All is fair in love and war!'

[This is neither you manipulative twerp]

'Oh shush, you just jelly I don't act all cute for you'


'That's what I thought'

After an extensive explanation of the shadow clone jutsu, Tomoka was ready to try it. Unfortunately for her, Himiko spent the next two hours drilling into her skull how dangerous the jutsu is. Himiko would have kept going for the rest of the day if she wasn't stopped by Tomoka's cute pout.

"Alright mom, as promised I will make a single clone and stop immediately if I feel something out of place" With that said Tomoka carefully made the hand signs while kneading her chakra in the correct pattern. A few seconds later she was done. Taking a deep breath Tomoka concentrated and.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu" With a last push Tomoka completed the jutsu. Her figure got obscured by a smoke cloud for a moment before revealing her figure once more. To her side a perfect copy of herself stood there. Or that is what should have happened.

Instead of a perfect clone of the four year old girl there stood nothing, the jutsu had simply failed. Both Himiko and Tomoka were surprised by this outcome. Neither expected the jutsu to fail. Himiko believed her daughter was a prodigy, a genius in her mind there was no jutsu she couldn't learn.

Tomoka was frozen solid. She couldn't believe she had failed the jutsu. She could not believe she could not perform a jutsu that someone as brain dead as Naruto could perform with ease. Something was not right and she would find out what no matter how long it took her.

Disregarding Himiko's previous warnings, Tomoka did the hand singing once again. This time she did so with astonishing speed finishing in a single second. Like before she kneaded her chakra with absolute focus. Finally she once again used the activation words for the jutsu.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu" Unlike before every single bit of her focus was concentrated on her chakra flow and the construction of the clone. She could feel how her chakra formed a humanoid shape. How said shape slowly solidified. Then it happened.

Tomo felt how a thin film of her chakra formed around the rest. She could deduce the job of this film. If her chakra was water then this film was its container. Her senses were strained to the limit as she continued to study what was going on.

It is worth mentioning that all of this was happening in a single second. Tomoka could tell that the film felt different from her normal chakra. It was a chakra transformation, a non-elemental one. As the film began solidifying it ruptured. The remaining chakra flew back into her body and the jutsu failed once again.

"Tomoka! What are you doing!? Are you okay!?" A second later Himiko tackle-hugged Tomoka before checking her body. A mixture of anger and worry could be clearly seen on her face.

"Mom, I'm fine. I have a lot of chakra and since the jutsu failed I only ended up using a tiny bit of it" Even though Tomoka seemed calm she was panicking. She had completely forgotten about Himiko's presence and now she would pay for it.

"I don't care missy. That was reckless and you need to be punished. One week without training" All was lost, life was not worth living any more. Those were Tomoka's thoughts as she heard her mother's words.

[Did I just hear something like glass shattering?] Looking around Kurama saw Tomoka's mental self crumbling. The eyes of the girl were empty and lifeless.

[Oi! Get a hold of yourself! It's only a week!] The thing that actually worried Kurama was the scary thing she was mumbling.

'So much time wasted. I should just get rid of all obstacles and be done with it. Maybe genocide is an option. Peace would grace this world as long as no life remains' This continued for a few seconds before Tomoka snapped out of it.

"I understand mom. Sorry for worrying you" With that said, Tomoka left for her room. Even though she was not allowed to train she could still plan and think about things.

'Alright Kurama, time to think. Why did I fail?'

[Maybe you are just inept]

'Kurama there are worse places than a sewer I can think of, you know'

[I was just joking, relax] The giant fox had cold sweat running down his spine. Knowing Tomoka he didn't doubt she would make her mental landscape into hell itself just to prove her point.

Tomoka could be seen sitting cross legged on her bed. Right now she was thinking about why she had failed. Had it something to do with her body? Maybe her weird eyes had a hand in it. The thing is she didn't have much to go by at the moment. In theory she should be able to use the jutsu but an unknown variable had reared its ugly face.

'Okay for starters I will compare Naruto to other shinobi. He is able to use the jutsu with enough proficiency to use it, skipping almost all hand signs. He also can make a lot of clones thanks to his vast chakra reserves. However, he is a dumb as that couldn't use the simpler jutsus like the normal clone jutsu.

I believe a reason for this was stated in the anime but I can't properly remember what it is! So frustrating. Anyway, if I were to compare myself to Naruto there are a lot of things I have that he doesn't for starters parents… yeah that was mean even if it's only in my thoughts. Anyway, I have this weird body, my Kinegan and who knows what else…

Alright it may be easier to think what I have in common with him. We are both Uzumaki even though my situation is a bit different. Aside from that we both have Kurama who is the reason for our vast chakra reserves. What do you think Kurama?'

[Hmmm well me and Naruto's Kurama are different. Remember I am completely made up of Yin chakra and Naruto's part of me is made of Yang chakra] Kurama's statement woke up lost memories from Tomoka's mind.

'That's it! That's what I had forgotten! The reason why naruto couldn't use the clone jutsu was because that jutsu is yin based. Naruto's chakra had been heavily influenced by Yang Kurama so his chakra was heavily Yang charged. If we apply that situation to me…'

[It would mean your chakra is heavily Yin charged.]

'Correct! The shadow clone jutsu is a Yang based technique so if we follow that logic my Yin loaded chakra is incompatible with the technique. Now that I know about this flaw I can think about a way to fix it.'

[But? I can clearly feel that you are not sure about it]

'Well, the simplest way to fix the problem would be to increase my Yang charge in my chakra but it's not that easy. Yin is produced by the mind and soul, Yang is produced by the body. What this means is that a stronger body produces more Yang chakra. However, you have seen my training there is no way for me to increase it even further.'

[Yeah, I am actually amazed that you haven't torn your body to shreds.]

'Yeah, now that I think of it, naruto had an abnormal healing rate. It's not to the point that he would heal in combat but his injuries would heal faster. That healing factor was also attributed to his Yang charged chakra.

If we apply a similar logic to me it would mean that my mind and soul should be stronger. Now that I think about it I believe it is. My thoughts flow faster and my perception is also sharper. However, refuse to believe that all is gains, there is no free meal in this world.'

[Yeah there must be some kind of drawback from it. After all, imbalance in Yin and Yang can't be good]

'Says the fox that is currently a hundred percent Yin. Anyway, if I think about my past and everything that is going on with me I can make an educated guess. Kurama haven't you noticed that the speed at which I am gaining physical strength is normal'

[I wouldn't call your growth rate normal but I can guess what you are hinting at. To tell the truth I am also surprised I thought that with your crazy training and that weird healing and adapting factor you would become a monster in no time.]

'Yup, I thought the same but it's not like that. My growth rate is the same as if someone without the healing or adapting factor did my training. My guess is that the heavy Yin charged chakra is stunting my physical growth while improving my mental capacity.

Wait! If we apply the same concept to Naruto then…'

[That would explain why he is such a dumb ass. I mean I haven't met the guy but from what you have told me he sounds like a complete moron]

'I see. I guess I should thank Minato for sealing you inside of me instead of the other Kurama. Even though with my adaptability and healing I would become a complete monster in terms of physical capabilities I don't want to become a dumb ass.

Well Naruto should wisen up when he becomes older. I mean he did become Hokage after all. That would lead me to believe that the downsides subside as one grows up. It would make sense. The brain is part of the body so the Yang side should also improve it. If we flip the script then The Yin side improves the soul which should in time improve the body'

[Well you solved the mystery about that but what are you going to do about the Shadow clone jutsu]

'I don't know'

One week later and Tomoka is still unable to perform the shadow clone jutsu. Even though she had figured out the reason behind her failure she could not find a solution. No matter what she tried, her Yang chakra was completely inadequate to hold her vast amounts of Yin chakra.

'Kurama, I give up. You can laugh if you want but this is just a waste of time at this point.' Tomoka was currently on her bed doing nothing at all. Tomorrow her punishment of one week without training would be over.

[I would laugh but I have done so enough for the past week. Anyway, what are you planning to do now? I mean there must be a benefit of having so much Yin chakra] To tell the truth Kurama was feeling a bit bad for Tomoka not that he would admit it.

'For starters, even though having a week to relax and unwind is nice, I want to regain the lost time' That's right. Aside from her experimentation regarding the shadow clone jutsu, Tomoka didn't train at all.

For the last week Tomoka had spent her time with her parents or Nozomi in leisure activities. The thing is that she got so bored at one point she even played some games with some random kids in the nearby park. Though her favorite time was spent with Nozomi. The little Uchiha's cute smile made her feel weird in an odd but good way.

[So you are going to redouble your efforts in torturing yourself, got it] Kurama was still wondering how Tomoka could go through her own training. To make matters worse, Tomoka had planned an even more extreme training as of late.

Aside from the usual training she did she was now planning to add weights. However, if that had been it Kurama wouldn't be as worried and surprised. Her plan was to buy weights inscribed with fuinjutsu to further increase their weight. She had actually already bought them discreetly by asking an older kid to buy them for her.

'It's training Kurama not torture. Anyway, now that you mentioned it, Yin chakra of course has its uses. For example genjutsu so I guess I should learn to use them. The problem is that neither of my parents know genjutsu so they will need to find someone else to teach me.'

[What about the Uchiha, they specialize in genjutsu, though I don't like them, Nozomi is okay.]

'The uchiha use their sharingan for their genjutsu. As I don't have that dojutsu there is no way for me to learn from them properly'

In the end Tomoka decided to go back to her other project while she waited for the day to be over. Since she wasn't allowed to train she instead spent some of her time designing things for her use. As of now she had filled a notebook with many designs of different mechanisms and technologies she could use.

Inside things like modern smoke bombs, granades, armors and weapons could be found. Unfortunately she didn't possess the skill nor the materials required to make the more complex stuff like energy weaponry.

She might be able to build something like a pipe gun but she refused to do so for a few reasons. First and most important, why the fuck would she make a gun in this world! Even though it might be useful against weaker opponents, it would most likely be useless against the strong ones. Second, the damned thing might blow up in her hands. Third, she didn't want something like a gun to corrupt this world.

In the end she could still make other things. For example, there is no geneva convention in this world. As such, say hello to all the war crimes Tomoka would commit in the future. She would not use Biological weapons as they were out of her knowledge and they are way too hard to control in her opinion. Nuclear weapons were too destructive for her liking. That left her with her favorite form of banned weaponry. Chemical weapons.

Mustard gas, white phosphorus, chlorine and cyanide gas. How about some acids? She had a selection of acids to choose from like: sulfuric acid, chlorhydric acid and much more! Not enough for your liking? How about other illegal stuff like land mines?

[You are not planning to actually use all of that scary stuff are you]

'Dear Kurama, all is fair in love and war. If someone, no matter who, dares hurt those I want to protect they should be ready to suffer unimaginable pain' Tomoka's grin widened to the point it looked demonic. A small glint of madness and insanity residing within her eyes.

Today was a strange day for Tomoka. Even though yesterday she had been pumped up for her return to training today she felt odd. There was this uneasy feeling telling her to do something as soon as she woke up. She disregarded it as an anxious response she was having towards going back to training.

In the morning she began with her usual routine of exercise right after breakfast. However, the strange feeling wouldn't go away. Instead it grew stronger by the second. It felt like she was forgetting something important but for the life of her she couldn't remember what.

In the end she decided to go out for a walk. Today was one of those very rare days when she was left alone. Her Mother had gone on a mission yesterday. Her father on the other hand had been called for god knows what reason.

As she walked alone through the streets the strange feeling would lessen and strengthen seemingly at random. Sometimes she would be about to take a random turn until suddenly the feeling would flare up with a vengeance. At other times it would lessen to the point she could barely feel it.

This continued until she reached a crossroad in which no matter what direction she chose the feeling would flare up. Right or left, both were wrong just like forward or even backwards. Perhaps down? A dumb question that lead to the same thing, wrong. Then up.

Just as she looked upwards time seemed to slow down. She saw a ninja jumping right over head. That in itself wasn't strange, what was strange is the fact that the ninja wasn't from Konoha. To make things even weirder the ninja carried a bag that made the strange feeling flare up like never before.

Without wasting a second Tomoka ran into an alleyway before jumping onto the roof. Her instincts were screaming for her to detain the ninja she just saw. Following her instincts Tomoka chased the ninja as her rational mind attempted to understand what was going on.

'Disregarding that weird feeling, what is important now is understanding the situation. From what I can see the ninja in front of me is probably from Kumogakure, taking into account the color scheme.

Second is the direction we are run towards and from. Once again, disregarding the change of directions and taking into account the overall direction it seems we are moving towards the southern wall right opposite would be the Hyuga clan.

Wait a second! Kumogakure being involved with the Hyuga clan? Now I remember! This is probably the Hyuga incident, meaning the one in that bag is most likely Hinata!'

With that realization Tomoka engaged what she called her battle mode. In an instant her eyes became a bright pink with an extra pair of pupils. Her chakra became riled up as it gained speed inside her body increasing her physical capabilities to their limit. In an instant her hands began weaving hand signs as she used an original jutsu of her's.

"air release: Lower wind resistance"

As the jutsu took effect a cloud of chakra was released from Tomoka's body forming a bubble around her. This bubble of chakra function was to drastically reduce wind resistance around Tomoka allowing her to gain speed with ease.

In an instant Tomoka gained speed akin to that of a jounin level ninja. The only problem was the drastic strain on her body and chakra. Keeping up at this speed for more than five minutes was impossible for her but at the moment it would suffice.

In a moment she had managed to close the distance towards the kumo-nin. Unfortunately and as expected her opponent sensed her releasing a barrage of shuriken towards her. Tomoka grimaced, she had wanted to close the distance a little more before using her next card.

Not seeing any other option she took action. Her hands weaved new seals as she prepared an experimental jutsu she had been working on. The inspiration for this jutsu was the third and fourth raikage's lightning armor. Unfortunately for her, recreating the jutsu was far to difictul. What she was going to use is an incomplete version, with a nasty backlash.

"lightning release: Lightning rush"

In an instant Tomoka felt like she had been struck by lightning as her muscles spasmed due to the large discharge of electricity coursing through her body. This was the backlash she hadn't been able to fix just yet. Ignoring the pain, Tomoka rushed forward leaving behind a trail of electricity.

A split second, that's all she needed to close the gap of thirty meters between her and the kumo-nin. Taking advantage of the insane inertia her body was under she punched her opponent in the gut as he hadn't turned around yet after throwing his shurikens.


As Tomoka's fist slammed into the Kumo-nin's torso all the electricity coursing through her body was discharged into her opponent's body. At the moment tomoka was in insane amounts of pain as her body had been burned from the inside out thanks to her own technique. However, she knew it wasn't over yet.

To be expected, the Kumo-nin survived her attack by using the substitution jutsu. She realized this as soon as it happened thanks to her kinegan. She saw how her opponent's chakra suddenly dropped drastically just before her attack connected.

Looking around she saw the enemy ninja standing ten meters away from her weaving hand signs. The sack he had been carrying lay next to him.

"Earth release: Rock bullets"

The next instant a flurry of rocks were launched towards Tomoka who was still under the backlash of her jutsu. Her body was numb, her nerves unable to garner any response from her muscles. She knew this would happen. This state would last for at least two to three seconds after using her incomplete lightning rush.

Not seeing any other way. Tomoka made multiple chakra wires inside her own muscles using them to move her body like a puppet. The result was barely acceptable. Multiple rocks impacted her limbs as she had used them to protect her torso and head.

The important thing is that she was still alive albeit very injured. Not seeing any other option she opted to use another incomplete jutsu of her's. One she would rather not use at all. Unlike the last one that was in a barely usable state. This one is a complete wild card.

Each time she had attempted to use the jutsu she had felt a weird interference. Every time she had canceled the jutsu before it could go out of control. The amount of chakra it used was at least ten times higher than her Lightning rush. If she messed up she would become fried.


Screaming that atop her lungs Tomoka weaved the hand signs as fast as she could. This technique used a total of a hundred hand signs. The worst part was that the hand signs needed to be completed in two seconds or less.

[Oi! You can't seriously be thinking of using that! You said it yourself! If you fail you will die for sure!]

'I know! but I am too high on the adrenalin to care!'

"Lightning release: Static field"

Again she felt the strange interference but she couldn't stop now. If she tried to stop the jutsu now she would be giving her opponent the perfect window to kill her. Not to mention, what is the worst that could happen? She had survived certain death once, doing so for a second time was no biggy.

The instant the jutsu took effect her hair stood up as a ten meter sphere around her was charged with insane amounts of static. Now the only thing tomoka needed to do was put the final touches in the technique.

With a pulse of her chakra Tomoka released the static surrounding her. The result was a wide net of electricity flying in all directions. However, she didn't want to cause any collateral damage. For this reason she controlled whatever electricity she could, guiding it towards her foe.

Her blue lightning coursed all around her as it was being directed. However, Tomoka, who stood in the middle of all that electricity, was having a really bad time. She could feel how her flesh burned. She was sure she would be hospitalized for a long time after this.

However, at that moment she felt something inside her break. Not something in her body but more like inside her soul. A connection she didn't know existed inside her was forcefully torn open. From within a powerful energy she felt familiar and yet foreign came rushing towards her.

She felt how the energy ate at the lightning that coursed and destroyed her body. To make matters even stranger she felt how the energy fixed the damage that had been done. Not only that but it also empowered her.

Right now she could see her lightning moving towards the kumo-nin in slow motion. It was a surreal experience. Lost in the sensation, Tomoka moved. With a light gate she stepped forward, red lightning following her as she did so.

Concentrating all of her static field jutsu around her as she walked. A moment later she stood in front of her opponent. Everything felt surreal, like a strange dream. Disregarding the feeling, Tomoka pushed her palm forward. Red and blue lightning rushed through her arm entering the poor enemy ninja.

The effect was instant, the discharge of electricity cause a vapor explosion in the ninja's torso blasting him away. Tomoka saw in slow motion how the kumo-nin flew away with a gaping hole in his stomach. However, that didn't last long.

Time seemed to slowly but surely speed up once more around Tomoka as a heavy feeling of exhaustion settled upon her. The dream-like state faded as her senses came back. Tomoka instantly realized what the problem was.

"Out of chakra huh" That's all she could say before blacking out.

Today has been an extremely stressful day for Hiruzen. These last few days he had to deal with the kumo envoys for the peace talks. Said envoys headed by the head ninja of kumogakure had constantly made unreasonable demands. Hiruzen and the council were stuck and the peace talks had not advanced in the least.

Now he has received worrying news. That very same head ninja and a few of the other envoys had kidnapped the hyuga princes. To make matters worse, none of them survived the encounter. Most of them were killed by hyuga clan members. However, the worst part of it all was the death of the head ninja by the hands of a four year old kid named Tomoka!

Hiruzen groaned as he took a sip from his tea trying to shoo away the horrible headache this event had caused him. To begin with, how did Tomoka get involved? Why did she get involved? No one knew the answer.

The kid lay unconscious in Konoha's main hospital. Her body is riddled with scars in the shape of Lichtenberg figures. Once again that kid's body is a mystery. When Hiruzen went to visit he could visibly see how the scars became lighter by the second. By the time he left they were barely visible. However, that was besides the point.

Somehow, the kid had managed to kill the head ninja with a lightning release jutsu, or at least that's what the autopsy stated. Hiruzen had seen the corpse, it was gruesome to say the least. His mind wondered how such a young kid could pull off something like that. The image of the Kyuubi appeared for a split second in his mind but he discarded it. The beast was sealed.

Anyway, none of that is the problem, or rather not the main problem. The real problem are the remaining envoys. How was he supposed to break the news that some of their numbers were killed? The thing is that this incident is more than enough for Konoha to call for war. He would not allow that. Too many lives had already been lost.

A new headache appeared as Hiruzen thought about his old friend Danzo. His vision and Danzo's were like water and oil. Knowing the man Hiruzen was sure he would try and push for war again. Now that both Danzo and Tomoka were in his mind an even more potent headache appeared.

The fact that Tomoka was also a jinchuriki is unknown to the council and by extent Danzo. He had made sure to hide the information, making the few ninja that accompanied him that fateful day keep their lips shut. He knew that it was a risk but he believed it was the right decision. Even more so with how abnormal Tomoka is.

Back then Hiruzen had spotted the glint of greed in Danzo's eyes when it was mentioned that Naruto became the new jinchuriki. He had subtly insisted for him to become the guardian of the kid. Hiruzen did not doubt for a second that Danzo planned to make the kid into a weapon.

In the end the best he could do was put Naruto into an orphanage. As for Tomoka, he did not nor would ever reveal her as a jinchuuriki unless absolutely necessary. The girl already proved to be extremely skilled. Not to mention that she might possess a new never seen kekkei genkai. That was enough to attract Danzo. Hiruzen didn't even want to think what Danzo would do if he realized that she is also a jinchuriki.

Now the girl is in the spotlight after she killed the head ninja of Kumo. A full fledged jounin killed by a four year old girl. Even Hiruzen was having a hard time convincing himself. Even though he knew that the head ninja wasn't the most skilled of jounin he was still a jounin nonetheless.

"I am to old for this"

With a sigh Hiruzen reclined on his chair looking at the sealing. One problem after the other would appear on his desk before he could fix the previous one. He was tired of playing these political games all the time. Especially against his cunning rival. In Hiruzen's mind, Danzo is a necessary evil for Konoha. Disregarding the man's warmongering tendencies his cunning and intelligence gathering skills were crucial for konoha.

"Whatever, I just need to deal with one thing at a time. First and foremost, I need to find a way to prevent war"

With that said Hiruzen went back to his work. Thinking about any possible problems that might surface during the talks and the best way to approach them. He knew that tonight would be a very, very long night.

"I really want to retire"

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