
Tournament (7)

Yoriichi P.O.V

Both Kin and Chino made their way to the arena. I wished Chino good luck and to kick his ass since I didn't like Kin much.

He beat his previous opponents to death and every time Genkai Sensei had to step up to stop him. He is the bloodthirsty character that every story has. I wish Chino could bring him down a peg.

All that said he was good with his Ketsurgyan. He could control the iron rich water just as good as Chino.

"Begin" announced Genkai Sensei

Both of them activated their Ketsurgyan.

Their eyes glowed bright red sclera with dark red irises, and white pupils shaped as horizontal rectangles.

"So the little bitch is going to fight me Eh? I never liked you much. I will beat you so badly that uncle Oyashiro will have trouble recognising your face." said Kin arrogantly

"Is that so? We will see about who beats who." replied Chino confidently.

"You should have taught your son some manners Mirai." said En Oyashiro Chinoike, Chino's father

"This kid is quite troublesome. Just last week, he beat a servant to death. Even after I give him punishments he doesn't learn from it." said Mirai Chinoike, The Chinoike clanhead with exasperation.

Both Chino and Kin removed the lids from their gourds.

Iron rich water started flowing around them.

Kin formed spears out of this red coloured water and fired them towards Chino who just formed a shield to defend against it.

They formed different things out of the water and attacked each other.

Kin got irritated by not getting any success in the match so far.

'Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water style: Giant waterfall jutsu)'

He released a lot of water from his mouth not as much as Hisame since he didn't have that much chakra.

He then slit his wrists to let the blood drop and mixed it with the water and turned it into red colour.

"You are done for." said kin as he formed huge snakes formed out of the red water which headed towards Chino who just calmly watched it.

When the snakes were just about to hit Chino, she just raised a finger and they stopped right in front of her and turned towards Kin.

"How!!?" asked Kin in shock

"It's simple my mastery over Ketsurgyan is much better than you. I just took control of your iron water and mixed it with mine to have complete control over it."

"Now let me teach you some humility." Chino said as the snakes made out of red water help Kin in place.

Chino calmly walked to her and innocently smiled before hitting him in the face. She slapped him right and left.

"Who is a bitch now? You are such an idiot to think that you could beat me. Your brain's so minute that if a hungry cannibal cracked your head open, there wouldn't be enough to cover a small water biscuit." She said it to him while slapping him.

'Emotional Damage' I thought (Yoriichi)

She continued to beat him. She didn't let him even give up.

"Now you know how the contestants that you beat mercilessly feel. You would say sorry to the previous contestants you beat if you want the beating to stop."

"I am sorry." Kin said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you, a little more louder" Chino said

"I AM SORRY!!" kin managed to shout just barely the full sentence with all the beating he had gotten.

Chino released him as Kin fell unconscious.

"That was a good battle Chino." I shouted

We both high fived each other and wished Itsuki good luck for his match.

"The next match is between Itsuki Kenda and Fumiko Kurama."

Both of them went to the stage.

"It should be another easy win for the Kurama girl." said the Uchiha clanhead

The Nara clan head said "I don't think so. The Itsuki kid has an advantage against her. He has an Aburame bloodline which means his insects can break him out of the Genjutsu."

"But her Genjutsu is stronger than that. I don't think the insects could help him break out of that Genjutsu." countered the Uchiha clanhead.

"Yes maybe, but he has another strong point against her." the Nara clan head said

"Let the match begin." Genkai Sensei announced

Fumiko said "Sleep" but Itsuki remained unaffected by it.

Fumiko was surprised by this and started weaving hand signs for a jutsu.

'Genjutsu: Endless Night'

But Itsuki still remained unaffected by it.

Fumiko was shocked by this and asked "How did you remain unaffected by it? I used one of the strongest Genjutsu I know."

"I don't know what you are saying since I have my little friends playing in my ears. Can you please write it to me?" Itsuki said while showing some insects gathered in his ears.

Everyone in the crowd including me said "Ewwww" at the same time. Some weak minded ones even puked at that.

"So that's what you meant?" asked the Uchiha clanhead to Nara clanhead.

"Well not exactly. He could have used the insects's buzzing sound to disturb her sound based Genjutsu." Nara clan head said awkwardly not expecting Itsuki to use such a weird method to counter Fumiko's Genjutsu.

Fumiko seemed depressed by it and just gave up.

"Winner is Itsuki Kenda" announced Genkai Sensei but Itsuki remained standing in the arena. After some time he asked Genkai Sensei "Can we begin to fight Genkai Sensei?"

Everyone in the crowd laughed at that.

Genkai Sensei announced the semifinals match ups.

The match ups were like this.

Yoriichi Uzumaki Vs Kiyoshi Watanabe

Itsuki Kenda Vs Chino Chinoike

"This tournament is so fun and refreshing from all the paperwork. We should do it again someday." said Hashirama

"Maybe we should do this tournament between kids from different villages too in the future." said the Kazekage


Author Notes

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