
The Determination of a Sister (2)

"I forgot to write for the past couple of days because of my exams, so I'm sorry future me if you're reading this. During my exams a new volume of the manga that convinced me to write a diary was released. In it the main character's sister read his diary and started searching for ways to go to the world where her brother, whom she loved as a man, was and how to get to him. She started searching through countless books and asked everyone who seemed involved in any supernatural event, but all her efforts were to no avail. But she didn't give up, she spent almost a decade searching until she finally found a lead. The lead that she found was a book that seemed like someone's diary, in this diary it told the writer's life and how he discovered a passage to another world."

Reading this Evie started getting her hopes up and wanted to start searching right away for her brother. She knew that almost all that is fiction, but she didn't care, she wanted to see her brother once more, she wanted to confess her love for him, she wanted to drown him in her love, she truly loved her brother.

"After I read the manga, I thought to myself maybe that book truly exists. If it truly exists then I will start to search for it. I will work harder than anyone else, I will learn as much as I can, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, I will learn anything that has a relation with traveling to another world."

Evie flipped a couple pages reading them without missing a letter because that was the only thing her brother left that could allow her to find him. Until she reached a page in which he stated his progress on his search for a book or a way to another world.

"It's been 6 months since deciding my goal. During those months I became less motivated and started to think about dropping all that and thinking that it's not possible, but whenever I see my sister running to me to hug me and tell me about any random thing, I start to think of how sad she would be when I reincarnate, how devastated my parents would be. Those were the things that kept me going, those were what allowed me to continue my search. I already have a PhD in a lot of fields, but they still can't help me in my search for a way."

Evie read a couple more pages in which Enzo documented his daily life without mention on his progress.

"I've been at this for years now, I want to give, I want to stop, my life has become like a robot, I just keep studying and studying and studying to no end. I want to stop, why can't the answer just fall on my lap. I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to break everything, but I can't, I can't worry my family about me, they've given me so much that I can't repay ever."

Evie noticed that the pages were wrinkled, like there was water that had dried up. Her heart ached as she could clearly tell that her brother was crying while writing this page, all for her and her parents sake.

"I can't, I give up, this book doesn't exist, I searched everywhere and I still can't find it. Heh....hahahaha

I'm going crazy, I keep everything bottled up in front of my family. Everyday I keep smiling. Everyday I keep saying I'm okay and I'm happy. Who am I kidding. Who the F*ck am I bloody kidding. With all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years, I can be considered the smartest man to ever live, but what did that title give me? Nothing, I'm not even a step closer to my goal.

Heh honestly with all of that info in my brain, I can probably make a way to another world myself.....THAT'S IT. HAHAH YES, YES THAT'S IT. I CAN MAKE A WAY MYSELF. WHY SEARCH FOR A WAY WHEN I CAN CREAT IT MYSELF. YES, YES, YES. I FINALLY HAVE AN IDEA ON WHAT TO DO."

As Evie kept reading the diary, she felt sadder the more she read. How did she never notice her brother was suffering? Why didn't she see that he was always stressed? Her heart ached more and more. Nevertheless, she kept reading hoping to find a clue, as grieving in what has passed has no meaning.

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