
The mirror

Nick purposefully didn't look at the mirror itself but rather the decorated metallic frame around it that had letters in the english language written on it. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi". Nick read the words out loud before scoffing and reversing and correcting them. "I show not your face but your hearts desire. The mirror of erised , a cruel and powerful artifact that has driven many to madness." Nick said with a chilling coldness. Harry could tell that something was wrong as Nick didn't seem angry at the mirror but rather at something over in the corner of the room as he glared at that spot.-

"DIFFINDO!" Nick said sending the cutting charm straight at Dumbledore but the old man simply dropped his disillusionment spell and side stepped the spell calmly. He could tell that his spell was ineffective against Nick and didn't want to escalate the boys anger further. "Try to remain coolheaded young man." Dumbledore said calmly despite having a wand pointed at him still. Harry looked stunned and confused to see that Dumbledore himself was here and that Nick had attacked him seemingly out of nowhere.-

"You brought this cursed thing into a school full of children and then had the nerve to purposefully lead one of them to it. Why don't you tell Harry here what effects this mirror had on people?" Nick said coldly while glaring daggers at the old wizard. "What is he talking about professor? What is happening right now?" Harry asked Dumbledore confused and hopeful that the man had a good explanation. 'He's the greatest wizard in the world so he must have a good answer right?' Harry thought while looking at Dumbledore hopefully. Unlike Harry was expecting however the old wizard refused to meet his gaze and had a look of guilt.-

"You won't do it? Fine , I'll tell him myself so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong." Nick said with a scoff at the man's "caught in the cookie jar" act. "According to the story a nobleman with great wealth commissioned an artifact from a fae to protect his great wealth from thieves. The nobleman however never intended to pay the fae for their efforts and thought to trick them into giving the artifact to them for free. They failed however to account for the fact that the fae saw through their treachery." He paused for a moment.-

"The fae were spiteful creatures however and so created a mirror that could serve as a secure vault for any treasure but came with a cruel trick. The mirror showed the objects of ones most heartfelt wish but only those who wouldn't use the treasures within could take them from within it. The nobleman proudly stored the entirety of his fortune within the mirror and mocked the fae for being tricked but the fae merely laughed at the nobleman and vanished with the wind. It was only when the nobleman sought to remove some of his fortune that he realized what the fae had done." Nick paused again.-

"The nobleman could see his great fortune within the mirror but couldn't touch a single coin of it but without it couldn't hire someone to fix the fae's trickery. Nor could he afford food or water to survive but rather than understanding his plight the nobleman wasted away in front of the mirror until he eventually died as the object of his hearts desire was always within sight and yet he could not tear himself away from it to save himself. That very same mirror went on to claim countless more victims until it was sealed away for the safety of the world." Nick explained seriously.-

Harry had a look of horror on his face when he looked at the mirror now after understanding why Nick was so angry about it. "The good professor here not only brought such a thing to a school of children but also lured one of them to it , you Harry. Or will you deny this and say that Harry's illogical and out of character actions and your presence here are merely a coincidence professor?" Nick asked Dumbledore coldly.-

"You don't understand..." Dumbledore started but Nick stopped him "No I understand perfectly , you are trying to make him into the hero the world thinks he is but I refuse. Heroes always die needless deaths and I won't allow him to take that path because of anyone other than by his own choice. Understood?" Nick said while flaring his magic at the old man alongside some of his spiritual energy in his eyes for added effect. The older wizard looked slightly shaken by this but eventually sighed in defeat and nodded before leaving with his head hung down in shame.


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