

Flitwick waved his wand once he got near Nick causing a silencing charm around them to isolate their conversation. This wasn't strictly necessary but hearing the word "Lumos" over and over while you were talking is plain distracting. "Your choice of wording for the spell was rather on the nose , no? I am not complaining since the results spoke for themselves but it does stoke my curiosity." Flitwick said with a smile. Nick grinned "I have figured out that the intent behind a spell is just as important as it's wording. I wanted to recreate the stars so I held that image in my head and found the best words for what I wanted the spell to do."-

"So the english translation for the spell was literally "throw a thousand lights" whereas the change to the counterspell "Nox" literally changed it to "fading night" creating the spectacle you saw before. I am curious if any of my classmates might try and copy my spell to impress the opposite gender." Nick said with a laugh. Flitwick also chuckled "I am sure it will certainly happen eventually. You are however correct about the intent behind magic being important , though you are underestimating how important." he said helpfully.-

Nick was surprised by this and fell deep into thought since if a charm master like Flitwick said so it should be true. "Now then if it's not too much trouble could I ask you to help your fellow students with the spell for an extra ten points?" Flitwick asked with a smile. Nick shrugged "It's not a problem for me. The members of Slytherin house may feel a bit slighted to be taught by a muggleborn , it shouldn't be too much of an issue though." Nick said with a casual grin.-

Flitwick sighed and shook his head in disappointment "You are referring to that blood purity nonsense. Honestly it is a mindset proven wrong over and over yet these people still foolishly cling to it , rather infuriating." the small man said upset. "That is the definition of insanity after all , doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result." Nick said with a shrug. "Quite , well best get to it most of these students won't teach themselves after all." Flitwick said instantly back to his normal jovial self as he dispelled the isolation spell wordlessly.-

Nick didn't immediately move after the professor started walking back to his stack of books in order to properly overlook the class. He saw that most of the class wasn't having trouble getting their wands to light up so much as the spell was dim or unstable. There were a few such as Ron and Neville who kept making mistakes with the wand movement. Seamus Finnigan however was a nuisance in that rather than light he had somehow ended but setting a sheet of paper on fire. 'Lets start with him.' Nick decided before he walked towards the boy in question.-

"Hey mate can I ask you to try one more time so I can see if I can help you out a bit?" Nick asked with a friendly smile. Seamus nodded and attempted the spell a second time getting similar results as the first. "Your wand movement is wrong , here watch." Nick said and showed Seamus the correct wand movement but slowed down. The boy paid close attention and when Nick was done showing it for the third time he was asked to try it. This time no flame was produced but the light that showed up was flickering and unstable.-

"LUMOS!" Nick cast the spell in front of Seamus "Look at this spell closely , memorize it's appearance and the shadows it cast and once you have it firmly in your head try again." Nick suggested and the boy as well as a few others struggling did as he suggested. Flitwick was grinning so wide one would have thought his face would split when he saw the progress his students made under Nick's instructions. Many who were struggling in the class were following his directions and showing immediate results. Flitwick even noticed that some of the members of Slytherin were paying attention to Nick's words and actions.-

'Natural leader , Albus is right to be cautious of him. If he wanted to he could easily become the next dark lord , on par with Grindelwald even in terms of charisma.' The teacher thought seriously. 'He seems like a good lad though so I have faith he won't end up like those two.' he thought calmly. Once Seamus was mostly set for the spell Nick walked into the center of the room again to observe the entire class for anyone needing help. Neville was having trouble with the spell even though he had paid attention to what Nick said.


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