
Chapter 11

Over the past two days, Eleanor had spent most of her time either in her room or by her Father's side. While she knew people would see her as weak for hiding, she didn't care. It was better than seeing their pitying looks, or haughty looks in Margrite's case. She knew there wasn't much she could do if Michael decided to break off the engagement. When she was with her Father, he kept fretting over her, and telling her that Lord Kent wouldn't break off the engagement. Though Eleanor could hear the uncertainty in his voice, and wondered if he was really saying this to soothe her anxiety or his own.

"My lady, it's lovely outside today. Why don't you go for a stroll in the garden."

Eleanor looked up from the book she was reading, to see Clara's concerned face. 'A stroll through the garden doesn't sound like a bad idea.' Eleanor nodded her head which garnered a smile from Clara. They headed to the garden. Eleanor soaked in the fresh air and the smell of the blooming flowers. She wandered over to look at the tulips that were in full bloom. There were many different colors: pink, red, white, yellow, orange, and purple. They were her favorites, and she was delighted to see them in full bloom. As she bent down to smell them, she noticed Margrite approaching. It appeared that she was also on a stroll when she noticed Eleanor.

"Hello, Eleanor."

Eleanor stood up and nodded at Margrite.

"I see you've finally decided to come out from your room. Why have you been hiding? Is it because you're afraid to face the truth of the matter? There's no doubt that Lord Kent is going to break the engagement. Why wouldn't he? He's been offered a princess, which is a much better choice than you. I know you realize that."

Margrite laughed at her. She'd said all this with both Clara and her own attendant present.

"You really are a burden on your family. If you weren't broken, you'd have already found a husband, and wouldn't be in this mess. You truly are a disgrace to this family's name; I'm anticipating the day that I can move you somewhere far from my sight."

Before anyone could say anything, the steward approached them, "Lady Eleanor. Lady Margrite. Lady Eleanor, Lord Elliott has returned and needs to urgently speak with you."

Eleanor smiled at his words.

"Did he not ask for me?" asked Margrite, furiously.

"No, my lady," responded the steward.

"But I'm his wife!"

"I apologize, my lady, but he only asked for Lady Eleanor."

"Ugh!" fumed Margrite, who turned and gave Eleanor a glare before storming away.

"My lady, please come with me," said the steward, after watching Margrite's ridiculous behavior.

Eleanor nodded and followed the steward to her Father's office. Once in the office, she found both her Father and brother waiting for her.

"Ellie!" exclaimed Elliott, who came and hugged her.

When they separated from the hug, Elliott pulled out a letter from his breast pocket. He handed it to Eleanor, while saying, "Lord Kent wanted me to deliver this to you myself. He says it should explain everything."

Eleanor took the letter from her brother, broke the seal, and started reading:

'Dear Eleanor,

By the time you receive this, I'm certain you will have heard some of the rumors that have come from the capitol, and I want you to hear the truth from me and not anyone else. When I arrived at the capitol, I had an audience with the king. During this audience, the king granted me the title of Duke and additional lands in the west to add to what I already have. In addition, he offered one of the princesses' hands in marriage, which I politely declined. When he asked why, I informed him of our betrothal, and the fact that you have been patiently waiting for me to return for over the past two years. The king said he understood and gave me permission to leave after the celebration has ended.

After my audience with the king, the rumor of the king offering me one of the Princesses' hands in marriage started to spread. I do not know where it came from, whether it was from the king, the princesses, or someone else. Your brother became aware of the rumor and confronted me. By that time, I was already setting some things into motion: I have sent a letter to my brother, Lucas, explaining things to him and requesting that he bring you, Eleanor, to our land. As soon as the celebration is done, I will quickly return home and I will marry you. I have sent this letter with your brother, because I do not want it to fall into anyone else's hands before you get to read it.

I look forward to our marriage, my future Duchess of Kent.

Duke Michael Kent'

Relief rushed through Eleanor as she finished reading the letter. She looked up with a bright smile on her face, and quickly handed the letter to Elliott and her Father for them to read over.

When they finished reading the letter, Lord Valen turned to Elliott asking, "When did you speak with him?"

"A week ago. It took some time to get out of the capitol. His messenger to his brother should have made it already, it was one of his trusted men who was sent to deliver it."

"Then that means they will probably be arriving in the next three days."

Elliott nodded.

"I think we should keep this news quiet for now, I don't want people coming and trying to swarm Eleanor with the hope of meeting her, now that Lord Kent is a Duke."

"I agree, Father."

"Eleanor, I shall speak with Clara and have her help you pack. Please bear with the rumors a little longer, soon you shall be unreproachable, and one of the most honorable women in the land. A Duchess, my darling Eleanor is to be a Duchess."

Eleanor saw the excitement in her Father's eyes. She stood there quietly, though still smiling. 'He's coming for me! He didn't abandon me! Plus, I'm to be a Duchess. This is so unexpected…'

"We shall have a banquet tonight, celebrating your return, Elliott. I shall invite as many of the vassals as I can, though it is rather last minute. Now, both of you should go rest. There's a lot to be done before Eleanor leaves."

Elliott and Eleanor left their Father, who had called the steward in to get tonight's banquet ready.

"Ellie, I've missed you…" said Elliott quietly.

She looked at her brother with a smile, he'd changed in the past two years. While he was still exuberant, he'd also mellowed out a bit. Plus, he looked older and more mature. Eleanor approached him and kissed him on the cheek. 'I'm just glad that you made it home safe.'

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