
Third Wheel

Wu Jing blinked, thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him. Seeing the familiar face before him, one that he didn't expect to see here. He called out in surprise, "Teacher Sun?"

Sun Yinghao turned around, hearing his name. He squinted his eyes at them, "What are you both doing here? Don't you both have school tomorrow? Aren't you supposed to be studying you have your finals next week and the Gaokao the next."

Wu Jing rubbed the back of his head, feeling guilty and nervous. He knew Sun Yinghao was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "Teacher Sun, we're just here to have a good time. You know, relax a bit."

Sun Yinghao gave him a hard look, "A good time? Is this your idea of a good time? Watching a violent and bloody sport in a shady and noisy place?"

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