
The talk

~Bryan's house, Forks, Washington~


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


"Quite the name you have, but I have to ask, why did you come here, I don't think I ever threatened the earth" I questioned her, even though I already know why she's here

"Well, I'll be honest with you, just your mere presence is enough to threaten the safety of the planet, even if you don't want to harm the people now, same could not be said about the future, and this concern me" Ancient one said, expressing her concern, and truthfully I can't really blame her

"But I can say the same thing about you, You are protecting the Earth today, but you could also destroy it tomorrow, just because you say You are protecting the world doesn't give you rights,

to question me" I replied back, and narrowed my eyes, even though I understand her plight, doesn't mean I have to make this easy on her.

"Relax Mr Fury, I didn't come here to fight you, and although I don't want to do this, but I have no choice, your involvement has made the future uncertain" Ancient tried explain herself but yeah, with that amount of hidden magical equipment and enchantments, its hard to believe this lady has come here for peace talk

"Yeah, about that, I would have believed you if you hadn't come here while being prepared, like a soldier heading towards his last battle" I answered, completely serious because I have read many fanfics where Ancient one tried her best to kill the Protagonist

" Mr Fury, as a sorcerer, I can't walk in a situation where I know I can loose my life without being prepared, it goes against the profession" Ancient one further explained, and well even the noobs know the difference between a prepared mage and an unprepared one.

"Ok, say I believe you and ignore all red flags, you have given me, what do you truly want from me, lady? I already told you that I have no intention to harm the people or the planet, and if you're going to say that I somehow loose control over my powers, and accidentally destroy something, then don't because I trained more than half a century, to not stumble and cause earthquakes" I said, and relaxed a little, but still not completely dropping my guard, even though I already adapted to the Mana or the magical energy, and built a resistance toward it, I haven't really had the opportunity to test it"

"~Sigh~…Ok Mr Bryan I will believe you, but I still want to know, will you protect this planet from the future enemies" Ancient deeply sighed and questioned me again

" Why are you so fixed on the future, lady, is it related to that pendent you're wearing around your neck, cause I can feel some serious time fluctuations around it" I questioned her, and I'm telling the truth, I can really see the time fluctuations, that surrounded the pendent or the Time-Stone

"What!!!~ahem~ I mean what did you say" Ancient one exclaimed, breaking her calm expression for the first time, well I guess, being able to physically see and I interact with space-time, can even surprise the "old future seeing sorcerer"

" Well I really can" I said, coating my arm with the energy from my core and squeezing the space itself, making the ancient one show a curious expression.

" you truly can see the time..huh, so how does the time looks through you eyes" Questioned the Ancient one, and completely Ignored about everything that she came here to do

" Well, how should I explain this? Hmm, Let's start from the basics, there are infinite number of Universe in this reality, are you aware of that" I questioned her, while rubbing my chin

"Yes, I'm aware of the multiverse" Ancient quickly replied

"Now Imagine each universe, as a huge hall, a really really huge hall, and to prevent such huge hall from collapsing you need an equally massive pillar to hold it, and that massive pillar is the timeline or more specifically the main time line, I said main timeline because a Universe can have an infinite number of parallel timeline, but those timeline truly doesn't exist because they represent, what people could have done differently, Don't confuse them with multiverse, because You can can interact with the You from other universe but can't interact with the parallel version of yourself. One thing else, main timeline are almost impossible to change, unless you are an universal/multiversal being" I tried to explain her, but I guess I totally failed

" And what if you had the physical representation of the universe's time itself, can the main time line be affected with it?" Ancient questioned again and I guess I'm wrong she did understand a little

"Are you talking about that pendent, if yes, then I guess you can possibly change the main timeline" I replied with a shrug, she stood silently for few seconds before opening a portal to leave

" Mr Fury, it was nice meeting you but I have to leave as I have to further think about what you said" Ancient one said and tried enter the portal but I stopped her because I still have something I want to ask

"Before you leave, can we spar a little, I have never fought a mage, so I think it will be a good learning experience, and you can also gauge my strength to prepare for those "If" scenarios" I offered her

{ AN: here you go, btw no chapter tomorrow because I have completed my personal 10k words milestone}

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