
Throughout The Years

{AN: IMPORTANT NOTE, before you begin to read further, a warning to those who expect a OP MC from the start, He will definitely be OP when facing the enemy but not ridiculously, His growth will accordingly follow the plot because if I make him too strong the story will become boring, hopefully you guys understand and enjoy the chapter.}

~Rooftop of a random building, New York city

27/03/1941, 11:37pm~

———Bryan's P.O.V———

'*Sighh~* It's been more than two decade since my reincarnation and I have progressed quite well, even though I'm still physically weaker than a super soldier but same cannot be said for my other stats, like regeneration and durability, as anything related to body, mind and soul are interconnected, so they increase simultaneously, whether it's toughness of my organs or the speed at which my brain filter's information to my reaction time, everything improves at the same time. Physical and Mental progress can be noticed quite easily even without checking my status board but soul's progress is hard to notice if not completely unnoticeable for the current me as I don't have any methods to interact with my soul, and now that I think, it's been quite long since I last checked my status board, let's see if anything changed from the last time.'

Bryan:"Status" I muttered even though I don't have to, as only thinking about opening the status will do the job but meh~ who cares.


-Name: Bryan Fury

-Race: Kryptonian

-Titles: Reincarnated, The First and Last of his Kind, Void touched.

-Body: 3

-Mind: 3

-Soul: 3

-Perks: Void touched, Status screen

-Skills: N/A

-Items: Soul bound dimension(growth type)]

'Although it's simple but I really like it because its precise, and only shows useful information and If I want extra details, I just have to mentally or physically click on each option and It will show further details of every option, like If i touch the titles option I will get-



-Reincarnated: As a person who is reborn in a new body, your mind will experience second growth resulting in you getting mental capabilities far beyond a normal human brain can possess.

-The First and Last of his Kind: You are first and last Mutated Kryptonian.

-Void Touched: You have absorbed a bit of void essence resulting in, you getting few perks.~]

'Sooo~ nothing changed other than my stats finally reaching 3 points in each category, which means I can now lift upto 300kg and can run at the maximum speed of 30km/h, and can maintain that pace for three hours straight without any rest, It might sounds weak but it's not because I can beat super soldiers like Captain America quite easily as I have no weak points and by weak points I meant literally, like my eyes are just as tough as my bones but without loosing their original softness and feel, same with my skin and muscles, so yeah I might not be completely invulnerable to bullets but I can survive them with only light injuries-*sighh~* boy, I really need stop with these inner monologue because I'm already feeling like those fanfics MCs explaining readers about their every move.

Bryan: "what am I even doing this late on a rooftop looking over the city like a certain Dark knight"I whispered, underneath the sound of the stormy rainfall.

'Originally, I came here to decide wether to enlist myself in the army or not, but I got lost in my thoughts and forgot about the time, but seriously joining the army will very beneficial for me because It will, not only help me to get in discipline, but It will also help me grow both mentally and emotionally as a person, and that is very important because If I don't, I might develop a god complex like Homelander, The current me is already abusing his powers and has little control over his anger and ego, so if I don't learn to control my ever growing pride, it will led me to my downfall and even If It didn't, I want to be someone who has control over his emotions, but of course I will not act like a pus*y, and let others walk all over me.

Bryan:"Damn, its a hard choice to make! Then, let's flip a coin, and decide wether to join the army or not, if its heads then I will join, and if it's tails then I will not, as simple as that!"I exclaimed and tossed the coin, you know sometimes my genius scares even myself.

Bryan:"So, It's heads huh… well I guess I'm joining the army, can't say I'm exited but it's decided that I will join military, Let's head home before some crazy clown caught me on this roof and start some crazy rivalry." And with that said I left the building and returned to my apartment.




———3rd person P.O.V———

-" The World War II " lasted only about 6 years but the damage it did cannot be taken lightly, millions died on both side, and many scared for life whether Mentally, Emotionally or Physically, during that period of time, many young men and women enlisted their names in the army to serve their respective countries, and among them, one purple eyed, with black hair and 6 feet four inches tall with a ripped physique young man also joined the army, he stood out from the rest of his camp mates from the start, and like his seniors, he was also trained for six months, he completed all the courses and training with a record breaking time and became known throughout the military training camps across the country, after completing his training he requested his superior to send him to the frontline, and even though reluctant his superiors accepted his request and send him to the frontline, and after the young man joined the frontline, he fought many brutal battles and small skirmishes, saved many lives, but reaped even more, made some friends, and lost few, after fighting in the frontline for more than a year, he was given his first solo mission, it was a mission about assassinating an important member of enemy nation, although the mission was really hard or outright impossible, and very few believed that the young man had capabilities to complete the mission, but those were very few, but against all odds he not only manage to complete the mission but also exceeded the mission's requirement by not only assassinating the target but also few others Important Nazi officials who was coincidentally there for a meeting, and that was the start of his many solo missions which lasted till the end of the war. He did many assassination, spying and information gathering type missions for the allied forces, and on one of these missions he had the opportunity to meet America's greatest a*s-Captain America, their first meeting wasn't ideal as Captain's personality was too bright for the young man's taste, but as they interacted with each other on many different missions, they developed respect and a unique friendship for each other, but that didn't last for long as the young man was deployed to a mission across the world and Captain started dealing with Hydra with his newly formed team "The Howling Commandos" and soon after that, Captain sacrificed his life to stop the Red skull from destroying many cities and massacring millions of innocent lives, and when the people heard about Captain's bravery and sacrifice they fought against Nazi's with renewed vigour and army's recruitment number that year was highest ever recorded, fortunately the war didn't last much longer and ended later that year. The young man also retired from the military and applied for a loan to start a business from the bank, and with all the achievements he made and the contributions he had in the war, his loan request was approved without any problem.




~Lux nightclub, New York City

12:29Am, May-1950~

———Bryan's P.O.V———

'Leaning on the backrest of my chair and massaging my forehead, I shot one last glance over the file laying on top of my desk, and cursed the stubborn women who can't stop pestering me about joining her secret musketeer's group. Peggy Carter, I met this women during one of my missions, and the meeting didn't go well, the women was too aggressive for my taste and to tell the truth I never liked her even in my previous life, so me joining the SSR, the SHIELD or whatever it's called currently, is nearly impossible, and not to mention after participating in the war, I'm mentally worn down, and just want to enjoy few peaceful decades before doing anything relatively stressful.

Adjusting my sitting posture to a more comfortable position on my ultra comfy chair, my thoughts drifted to that day, the day I formed the so called core, it was the most painful experience of my life, a experience I wasn't prepared to deal with, it was so painful that if I hadn't joined the army, and didn't suffered from many injuries and developed slight pain tolerance during that period, then I would've definitely died on that day, but as the saying goes "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" and in my case it's quite literal because in just five years, I have become more than 100 times stronger and surviving that painful experience also sharpen my will and made it much stronger and unwavering. My core, which is not a new organ, the core can be developed in any organ and I chose my heart, forming the core meant that my heart had evolve and develop new capabilities, and after that evolution I finally started absorbing other energies, the first one I chose was obviously the most used energy across the multiple plane of existence, and that was "MANA" and absorbing mana was definitely the best choice because It helped me to finally access my soul and mind scape, and through the soul's scape I finally manage to open the portal gate of my pocket dimension. The dimension itself wasn't that big, and the only building inside, was the mansion, but it was more than enough. The mansion has a master bedroom with a wardrobe filled with Kryptonian clothes and it also has many other smaller rooms, a underground training facility that has a gravity chamber filled with super compressed weights and other facilities that can help me learn and control my ever growing strength.'

Bryan:"Status" I muttered.


-Name: Bryan Fury

-Race: Kryptonian

-Titles: Reincarnated, The First and Last of his Kind, Void touched

-Body: 50

-Mind: 50

-Soul: 50


-Perks: Void touched, Status screen

-Skills: Kryptonian Psychology(lvl N/A),

CQC (lvl9), Marksmanship(lvl6), Stealth(lvl3)

-Items: Soul bound dimension(growth type)~]

' ohh! the skill menu got updated, and now I have 4 skills, at least 4 skills important enough to be shown on my status screen, other than that my stats reached 50 in each categories and I also unlocked Energy stats after forming my core, one thing to notice is that the increase in strength has changed after the stats crossed 10 points, before 1 point in stats means 100 kg plus in strength, 10Km/h in speed, 1 hour plus in stamina, now 1 point equals 1 ton plus in strength same with my durability , but the speed increase remained the same, now 50 in stats means, I can lift up to 50 ton and can also endure the same amount pressure without any problems, My current speed is now 500km/h and with my Kryptonian abilities started to develop, It won't be long before I can start sun basking in space and further speed up my growth.

{AN: Writing this much information continuously is really hard, but it's worth it because from next chapter I can finally start interacting with plot}

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