
The Third Reich Chapter 11: Armour-piercing incendiary

   Ordinary bullets, using a copper sheath with a core made of steel or lead, are mainly used to kill the enemy's living targets.

   At the same time, in addition to ordinary bullets, European countries with highly developed industries have also developed a series of special bullets simultaneously.

For example, the Mauser 98 rifle uses 7.92 mm bullets. In addition to the most common steel core bullets, there are also some special types of bullets, including SmE semi-armor-piercing bullets, SmK armor-piercing bullets, SmK(G) armor-piercing bullets, PmK armor-piercing incendiary bullets, SmKL armor-piercing tracer, SMKB combustion test projectile, etc.

   Cyric didn't have time to think about it. Hearing that the system could summon special types of ammunition, he immediately made a decision: "Five PmK armor-piercing incendiary bombs!"

   "The redemption system is activated."

   With the sound, Cyrek felt his chest, where the blood medal was originally hung, suddenly became hot, and after that, there was something more on the chest!

   reached out and touched it, sure enough, it was five bullets!

   "Boom boom!" Almost at the same time, the wheeled armored vehicle on the opposite side was already firing!

   This is an armored vehicle modified with a wheeled truck! Even the tires are narrow and thicker than bicycle tires.

   The engine compartment in the front, the cockpit, and the cargo bucket in the back are all welded with armor.

   At this time, just above the cargo hopper behind, inside a small circular turret, a Maxim heavy machine gun, spit out flames toward this side!

   This is a terrible murder weapon!

   In Rhodesia, South and Central Africa, the British troops of more than 50 men repelled dozens of assaults by more than 5,000 Metabilis with only 4 Maxine heavy machine guns, killing more than 3,000 people!

   In the battle on the Somme, the MG08 Maxine heavy machine gun equipped by the German army killed 60,000 British troops in one day! It became the largest death toll in the First World War.

   The sound of heavy machine gun shooting is terrifying! And the 11.43mm machine gun bullets fired at the crowd here, and in an instant, a large swath fell!

   opened fire on unarmed civilians, this is simply a human tragedy! At this time, Ludendorff, who was lying on the side, was cursing in his heart. Although he was very brave, he knew that his flesh and blood could not withstand heavy machine guns!

   Makeqin's heavy machine gun is roaring, wherever he goes, there are ghosts crying and howling!

A stormtrooper was hit and a bullet pierced into his stomach. In an instant, his stomach was torn open. The intestines inside flowed out. He screamed and rolled around on the ground, the intestines running everywhere. Both.

   A man participating in the parade who had no time to evade had one leg broken. He was lying on the ground, shaking, not knowing what he was talking about.

   Hitler's huge parade, in front of a Maxim heavy machine gun, is about to collapse! This is the difference between the chaos and the army!

After two steps, Cyric picked up a Mauser rifle from the side of a stormtrooper next to him. The submachine gun used pistol bullets, which did not have much power. Against armored vehicles, he could only use a rifle!

   Skillfully turned on the trigger, Cyric quickly stuffed the PmK armour-piercing incendiary in.

   Now, the team marching to Berlin is about to collapse. Only Cyrek can save this team!

   Five armor-piercing incendiary rounds!

   Cyric crouched on the ground. He was holding a Mauser 98 rifle and aimed at the armored vehicle that was shooting in front. The skull logo on it was so clear. Then, he pulled the trigger.


   The **** of the rifle passed a recoil on the shoulder, and with this recoil, a mushroom headed bullet flew out!

   PmK armor-piercing incendiary bomb, looks very special, the warhead in front is like a mushroom! The diameter of the rear part is gradually reduced to only half of the front part! In almost an instant, the bullet had already flown to the engine compartment of the armored vehicle on the opposite side!

   The curved tip on the front is made of special steel alloy, which is quite hard! Ordinary bullets cannot penetrate this layer of steel, but now, this armor-piercing bullet is easily torn apart!

  Almost at the same time, the tail of the mushroom, inside the diameter of the reduced section, burned quickly!

  The white fire light suddenly appeared. At first it was just a small spark, and then it became a raging fire!

  White phosphorus is an excellent burning agent! No matter where the splash falls, it will bring intense burning!

   And now, the armor-piercing projectile that pierced the steel plate of the engine in front of it penetrated into the engine, and in an instant, the gasoline burned with it!

   The sound of Makeqin's heavy machine gun stopped abruptly.

   The hatch at the back of the armored car opened, and several soldiers from the Liberty Corps ran out of it. One of them was still screaming and his body was full of fire.

   "Destroy an armored car, merit +2."

   The sound in his head made Cyric very happy. Now, he pulled the bolt, continued to aim at the second armored car, and calmly pulled the trigger.

   One, two, three, four! The four armored vehicles in front were all blown up!

   Especially, one of the armored vehicles directly ignited a fire, and the people inside did not escape, all were burned to death!

   Just now, in the roar of the Maxim heavy machine gun, the parade here collapsed almost instantly! Although there were people from Scherner in front of them, many people in the back began to flee in embarrassment.

   And at this moment, the situation changed abruptly! Cyric took four shots and killed four wheeled armored vehicles! Those burning armored vehicles immediately boosted the morale here!

   Five bullets, the last one is left! Cyric took a breath and aimed at a leader of the Liberty Legion who was clamoring over here with a gun.

   "Bang!" With the gunshot, the revenge bullet flew over and passed through the body of the officer!

   I saw that officer, under the impact of the bullet, fell over backwards! And just in the process of overturning, his chest lit a flame!

   The bullet directly penetrated his body! The white phosphorus burning agent behind the bullet stuck to the wound, and the place where the wound was located burned violently!

  The flames are constantly expanding, sizzling, and the skin is burnt to oily!

   White phosphorus, once it gets on it, it can't be extinguished! Burn out the skin and burn the fat, burn out the fat and burn the bones! The best way is to shoot immediately to get rid of this hapless guy and relieve his pain!

Humph! Cyric made a sound in his mouth. The tragic situation on the other side could not arouse his sympathy. This is the battlefield! When these guys aimed their guns at this side just now, did they have sympathy?

   Fighting is cruel!

   "Cyric, great!" There was a voice in his ear. Cyric turned his head and saw Hitler's approving gaze lying on the ground.

   "Boom!" Just then, a more violent explosion sounded.

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