
Essences of Trouble (SI - Self Insert OC) Marvel. OP.

Autor: OnanMaster
Anime y Cómics
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Never Trust sketchy Emails. Mc decides to fill out an interactive CYOA with the Essences of Trouble. Little does he know that some ROB or Alien Space Bat with a few constellations watching decided to throw him with his choices and see how he would fare. ~~~ Disclaimer I do not own anything Except my Ocs. Everything else belongs to Marvel, Disney. ETC. The cover Art is Cirilla by @BigTrav. If you want me to remove it just contact me. This is a wish fulfillment, a bit of a crack fic. There will be a harem? maybe. I'll see how the relationship is between him, his companion, Rogue, and Spider-Gwen. otherwise, he will still have his companion from the Cyoa... English is not my first language. I got no beta readers and no editor so don't expect high-quality content. this is Plot with Smut. don't expect Mc to be sleeping with women in 8 out of 10 chapters. although there will be seggs here and there. (+18 chapter will be marked as such)

10 etiquetas
Chapter 1Status and essences. (spoilers maybe?)

Shadow monarch essence and complete status.

Name: Alucard Hellsinger

Main Class: Player.

Secondary Class: Shadow Monarch. Spider Totem. Tinkerer

Level: 1 After killing enemies, you gain experience. With enough experience, you gain a level. A level increases all of your stats by 1, as well as giving you 5 to spend as you wish.

EXP: 0


▪ Strength: 65 (Increases physical strength, speed, and durability by bettering the user's muscles. Duh)

▪ Agility: 85 (Increases the user's perception of time and thought speed, allowing them to see enemies on your level in slow-motion.)

▪ Endurance: 70 (Increases your health, resistance to status effects and stamina.)

▪ Sense: 100 ( Increases the 5 senses to the point that you can hear other's heartbeat and the sound of cameras from tens of meters away, see in the dark as if it was the day, smell as well as canines, and likely many more. Also gives a sixth sense that allows one to detect others' life energy and mana, to the point that you could fight someone who was invisible, soundless, and had no smell. Can also feel emotions like bloodlust.)

▪ Intelligence: 140 (Increases mana and regeneration of it, as well as the effectiveness of spells.)

Titles: (Certain feats and achievements can give you a title, which gives you boosts depending on the achievement.)

Triumphant over Adversity: Stats increase proportionally to missing health, resulting in a 1% stat increase for every 1% HP missing. (You start out with this title.)

Passive skills:

▪ Gamer's Mind: (Grants immunity to mental impairments, from your own emotions to mind manipulation and more.)

▪ Gamer's body: (Allows your body to work by videogame logic, allowing you to level up, better train with weights strapped to your body, have your body unchanged despite being heavily damaged (Such as punching a hole in you) and not needing to eat and sleep.)

▪ Spider Essence.

▪ HP: 13500 (regen 1%/s) (Short for Health Points/Hit Points, it represents how much damage you can take before dying. All damage done to your body disappear, instead decreasing your HP.)

▪ MP: 114.000 (regen 1%/s) (Standing for Mana Points/Magic Points, it is the cumulative energy within you. It is akin to a "composite" energy, being composed of mana, ki, chakras and other versions of it. It can be used as a substitute for skills that would require another type of energy.)

▪ Consumable Items: (Even items that are normal gain some supernatural properties if you (or those in a party with you) consumes them. Even bread can heal health, and medicines take effect immediately. )

▪ Sleeping: (After sleeping, all negative status effects, as well as all health and mana, wil be restored.)

▪ Skill Creation: (basically create skills and level them up)

▪ Minimap: (a road man showing enemies in red and allies in blue)

▪ Auto-Translation: Translates the language others talk to one you can understand and vice-versa.

▪ The great sorcerer Kandiaru's blessing: (Immune to all poisons, diseases and negative status effects. Also increases longevity to eternal youth.)

Active Skills:

▪ Observe: (Can see the HP, MP, race, gender, status (Continuous and passive effects, from bleeding to immunity to certain powers), emotions and a description of whatever you observe. )

▪ iD create and escape: (You can create instant dungeons at will. They are all time slowed, allowing you to spend a week inside a dungeon while only a day pass on the outside.)

▪ Party: (You can create a party, and invite others into it, allowing them to obtain all of the game mechanics, except Gamer's Mind. Also has several other perks, such as notifying when a party member gets attacked, allowing long distance communicate, making EXP gains shared and more.)

▪ Arise: (Extracts a fallen enemies shadow, creating a copy of them. You are guaranteed to succeed in extracting a shadow. If certain conditions are met (like the shadow not wishing to die), the shadow will start out stronger.)

▪ Shadow Storage: Shadow Army. (Can store shadows in an actual shadow (Be it yours or someone else's), allowing you to summon certain beings at any time. Killing the shadows will merely incapacitate them.)

▪ Shadow Swap: (Swaps places with a summoned shadow. Has no cooldown.)

▪ Shadow Preservation: (you are able to preserve your shadows in storage and monitor them by perceiving their senses.)

▪ Domain of the Monarch: (This allows the user to spread their shadow over an area of a few dozen meters squared. Any summoned shadow will gain 50% increase in all stat.)

▪ Ruler's Authority: (You are able to move and control objects via telekinesis. This is an incredibly versatile skill and it costs no mana at all to use.)


▪ This is a shop where you can sell items obtained from slain enemies for gold, and buy several items like healing potions, mana potions, weapons, armor and several others.

▪ You can buy anything from any universe you have been in, but as a start, you only have the ability to buy things from the world of Solo Leveling for now.

▪ You can also use any other money you have to purchase in this shop.


▪ Limitless inventory space. Cannot hold anything living. Items are kept in stasis, keeping them eternally as fresh as when it was stored.

▪ You can automatically teleport things within it and summon from it on thought. You can also equip items directly from it.

Item equip function:

▪ You have two sets of equipment sections. One which you actually wear, one where you can "equip" an item without actually wearing it, gaining all the effects it would have (From status effects to simply blocking attacks), without actually wearing them.

Auto-loot function: (Will automatically loot any being you killed.)

Relationship system: (Shows your relationships.)

▪ Affection meter:

Symbiote:100* locked

Cirilla: 60 (crush)

▪ Loyalty meter:

Symbionte: 100 *locked

Cirilla: 100

▪ Obedience meter:

Symbiote:100 *locked

Cirilla: 100

Crafting System:

▪ Allows you to craft objects instantly and more effectively as long as you have the resources needed.

Tinkerers Essence.

Daily Quest:

▪ 100 push ups.

▪ 100 sit ups.

▪ 10km rum.

▪ Rewards: Full recovery. 3 stat points you can put in whatever stat you want. Random thing. (Creates a random junk item, like pens and umbrellas. They, however, seem to come somewhat in handy eventually)

▪ You are able to double it every day and thus get other rewards. Reward: Full recovery. 3 stat points to all your stats. Random thing. Random Box.

▪ You also have the penalty quest if you don't do the quest:

Survive for 4 hours in the worm place. ( However, if you succeed in killing all the worms, you won't receive the penalty any longer. )

Gacha function: (Every month, you receive 1 gacha, which you can exchange into one of the below. )

▪ Blessed Box: Gives you something you want.

▪ Cursed Box: Gives you something you need.

▪ Random Box: Gives you something useful randomly from the multiverse (be it living or non living)


Demon King's longsword

Orb of Avarice

Kamish's Wrath

Endless Flask of Holy Water of Life

Cup of Reincarnation

Rune of Stealth

Rune of Dragon's Fear

Summoning card.


Spider essence:

Essence of the Spider:

• You now have the same supernatural condition as most Spider-heroes,

from superhuman strength to superhuman equilibrium and a

regenerative healing factor. This also grants you the ability of Wall

Crawling and organic web shooters. You will find that you are the most

physically powerful Spider-hero in existence (that is not enhanced by

something like Symbiotes or the Power Cosmic), from your strength to

your speed and agility. You do however have complete control over your

body and any powers you have. This means you don't have to worry

about accidentally tearing the door handle off or punching a hole straight

through someone. This works subconsciously, so you won't have to

actively try to control yourself. You can even control your sense of pain

and discomfort.

• You also have the epitome ability of a Spider hero; The Spider Sense.

Think of this as the ultimate Spider-sense, combining all Spider-senses in

the omniverse, then taking away the drawbacks and then enhancing

everything good about it further. Your brain intakes and responses to

stimuli at an accelerated rate, acting as a precognitive ability to sense

potential or immediate danger. This awareness works subconsciously,

and is capable of parsing your surroundings, identifying and critically

evaluating a potential threat, thus alerting you of dangers you cannot

readily notice at first, allowing you to effectively dodge and counter

incoming attacks in combat, including projectiles aimed at you even from

a blind spot. Provided with your extraordinary speed and wall-crawling,

the Spider-Sense is sufficiently well-linked to your superhuman

kinesthetics and reflexes, and it permits you to evade all manner of

spontaneous dangers by an instinctual exercise of your reflexes. It also

gives you omnipresent detection to your surroundings, which is how you

can web swing without looking where you shoots your webs with ease,

and without doing the mental arithmetic that some spider-men have to.

Furthermore, your Spider-Sense outwardly possesses a directional

component and can guide you to or away from concealed danger and

disguised enemies. This awareness is so powerful that, even when

separated from your physical form, your body will still react. Your sense

is also honed to the point that it can go into overdrive, where all

surrounding voices and sounds are drowned out, allowing you to focus,

being able to hear the heartbeats of everyone in the room. You can even

sense that whatever threat is upon you will eventually hurt someone

else. You are therefore able to sense danger coming towards others,

mainly the ones you care about, but the precognitive ability can range

from a few seconds to more than a few minutes before the threat

happens. A threat can even trigger the sense even when you are asleep

or stunned. Your spider-sense can even warn you of observers or

cameras when you need to hide from them. The sense also gives you a

psychological awareness of your environment as a whole, allowing you

to traverse across any environment without fear, even when blinded or

in extremely dark conditions. You can ascertain non-threatening

information, such as detecting the concealed presence of loved ones. It

also allows you to see through objects, locate enemies, and discern

structural weaknesses. Any other effect or ability of the Spider-sense you

want, you now have, while any drawbacks or negatives with the spidersense are nonexistent with you.

• You may optionally receive any of the abilities Jessica Drew has:

o Closed Metabolism:

▪ A metabolism which rapidly creates powerful immunities to

all forms of toxins, poisons, and drugs, after an initial

exposure that will only make you dizzy for a short amount of

time. The only exception being alcohol, which still affects

you. Your body is also totally immune to radiation.

o Pheromones secretion:

▪ Unlike Jessica Drew, you can consciously control the

pheromones you secrete, which can be used to create fear,

attraction and/or repulsion, desire, lust, sleepiness and


o Gliding:

▪ The ability to glide through the air, which means you can't

fly, only glide.

o Venom Blasts:

▪ Your body possesses an inordinate amount of bio-electricity

that you know how to channel and discharge through your

hands, in controlled bursts. These energy projections vary in

power; they mostly affect the nervous system in humans.

You can regulate them, from simply a stun, to potent

enough to kill an average-sized man in the same way that a

lightning bolt could kill him.

o Longevity:

▪ Your regenerative healing factor also now extends your

lifespans and slows your aging.

• You may optionally receive any of the abilities Miguel O'Hara has:

o Accelerated decoys:

▪ Makes you able to move so fast that you can leave behind a

body double for enemies to attack.

o Telepathy:

▪ You are able to communicate with others on a telepathic


o Accelerated Vision:

▪ Your visual acuity is now considerably beyond that of a

normal human. You can see objects at much greater

distances, with perfect clarity, relative to an ordinary

human. You also possess this same level of clarity at night,

enabling you to see in near-complete darkness. You can

even see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic

spectrum, enabling you to see a person's body heat. The

flicker-fusion horizon (the speed at which some objects

appear as a blur) in your eyes is superior to other people.

What appears as a blur to most people, you can see

perfectly. It also acts as a type of early warning, not the

degree of a spider-sense but you are able to see attacks

coming from far away. Your vision also gives you the ability

to see energy waves.

▪ You don't have to deal with any hypersensitivity coming

from this, nor will you be extremely sensitive to light.

o Talons and Fangs:

▪ You have retractable elongated canine teeth that secrete a

paralyzing, though non-toxic, venom. You can change the

effect of this venom, making it go from paralyzing to deadly

or turn it into an aphrodisiac. You also possesses short,

retractable talons at the tips of your fingers and toes. The

talons are razor sharp and, coupled with your great

strength, are able to rend materials as durable as cinder

block. Neither the fangs nor the talons are in the way,

considering you can retract both of them.

o Spinnerets:

▪ Both of your forearms contain a set of spinnerets that

release a very strong and sticky web-like substance from the

back of your wrists. These webs are organic and are

chemically identical to real spider silk.

• You may optionally receive any of the abilities Miles Morales has:

o Venom Blast:

▪ Your are now able to generate and manipulate a form of

bio-electricity that your body produces, and can utilize the

energy for multiple purposes.

▪ Venom Beam:

▪ You can channel your bio-electricity outward as

a direct burst of electrostatic energy to knock

away enemies in a stunning/concussive


▪ Venom Punch:

▪ You can enhance the power of your punches by

infusing your fists with bio-electricity.

▪ Energy-Thread Generation:

▪ You can produce threads of bio-electricity from

your hands. Said spinnerets carry the same

tensile prehensility of web fluid, allowing you to

swing from place to place or yank and flail

around your opponents. You can also send a

debilitating electric shock which disrupts their

nervous systems.

▪ Lateral Repulsion:

▪ By projecting a controlled Venom Blast, you are

able to launch yourself in the air with greater

force than when jumping or web-swinging.

o Spider-Camouflage:

▪ You are able to, blend into your surroundings, including your

clothing, allowing you to sneak up on your enemies or flee

from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of


o Immortality:

▪ The OZ formula Miles Morales received (and the Peter

Parker of his world) bestows a form of immortality that

prevents those infused with it from being permanently killed

nor age beyond physical maturity. You now have this power

yourself. This also enhances your regeneration factor


• Optionially, you may choose to receive the skill and experience of Peter

Parker, the one true spider-man. This also gives you mastery over the

Way of the Spider, a martial art created by Peter to take full advantage of

his abilities..

• Optionally, you may choose to become a Totemic avatar of a SpiderTotem. This will enhance all your spider related powers even further, and

granting you several additional abilities, while also connecting you to the

Web of Life. The extent of your enhancement and the abilities you gain

from this depends on what Spider-Totem you choose or create.

• You have the ability to give Spider powers to others, and can give them

any spider abilities you have. So if you have Venom Blast, you can give

them this. You may also take this power away at will.

• Optionally, you may receive Peter Parker's Genius Intellect, while also

giving you a natural talent for science.

• Like Peter Parker, you now have Indomitable willpower. No one will

break your will.

• You get your very own personal Spider suit. It can have the abilities of

any non-symbiose Spider Suit of your choice, from the Iron Spider Armor

in the comics to the Iron Spider Armor in the MCU or the Spider Man

2099 suit. You can also choose the appearance of the suit, from the MCU

Integrated Suit to the Advanced Suit from the PS4 game, or one of your

own design.

• Optionally, you may receive your very own Symbiote bonded to you,

taking the appearance of you choice. It can be anything from fully

sentient to non-sentient, but as default it is semi-sentient, with it's very

existence being to serve you as best it can. It will be irrevocably loyal to

you, and it comes without the common weaknesses of Symbiotes, like

fire and vibrations. It has all the generic abilities of a symbiote, and starts

out with the same level of power as Toxin (which is superior to both

Carnage and Venom combined, being the strongest and most dangerous

member of the klyntar race outside of Knull and All-black), but can reach

the level of All-Black the Necrosword (+Knull's Armor) and Venom the

End in time. It won't influence your actions and decisions, but can help

you in cases where you are nervous and afraid by calming your nerves

and fears.

o You can gift Symbiotes to others, which will have the same level of

sentience and intelligence as your Symbiote, but will not be as

strong as your symbiote. Think more Venom and Carnage levels

instead of Toxin (not at the enhanced levels of either).

o You are also able to create offshoots of your symbiote, which will

turn the ones that are bonded to the offshoots into your loyal

minions who sees you as their king (similar to Web of Shadows).

This also allows you to gain the biological abilities of others by

giving them an offshoot then reabsorbing it.

o Optionally, you may have your Symbiote start at the same level of

power as All-Black and/or Venom the End, without the need for

God Blood and whatever Venom the End needs to function.

• Optionally, may get the same inexplicable force of attraction that Peter

Parker has, making people you find attractive and desirable become

interested in you and even fall in love with you. And unlike Peter Parker,

you will find that your love life will be a happy one. Unless you do

something stupid like sacrificing your One True Love to the Devil so that

he may resurrect your old aunt who has maybe ten years left to live.

Both of these effects can be toggled at will. This may optionally make

you more attractive to fit the Comic Book Pretty look.

• By taking this Essence, you will lose your fear of Heights, Falling and of

insects and spider, of you have any fear of them.

• Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as

your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship

between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can

choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This

can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably

loyal to you.

o Mary Jane Watson.

o Felicia Hardy.

o Felicia Hardy (Clone from TRN199).

o Gwen Stacy (Normal).

o Gwen Stacy (Spider-Gwen).

o Michelle Jones.

o Natasha Romanoff.

o Wanda Maximoff.

o Susan Storm.

o She-Hulk.

o Cindy Moon (Silk).

o Jessica Drew.

o Julia Carpenter.

o Silver Sable.

o Jean Grey.

o Emma Frost.

o Rogue.

o Kitty Pride.

o Red Sonja.

o Ava Ayala (White Tiger).

o Jessica Jones.

o Elizabeth Toomes.

o Elizabeth Brant.

o Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel).

o Any other character from any media with a Spider Hero.

• Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into any

world with a Spider Hero. This can be any universe, like the Comics,

MCU, a fanfic or a world made perfectly for yourself. You can either

simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing

character or someone new.

Essence of the tinker:

Essence of the Tinker of Fiction.

• You are now a Worm kind of Tinker, without the Shard nonsense. But

unlike a normal Tinker that has a certain specialty or focus, you don't

have something so minuscule. No, what you have, is the ability to create

any kind of technology from anywhere. You only have to think "I want to

create X" and you will find your power feeding you the knowledge of

how to make it. So say you want to make the Iron Man Armor MK L, your

power will not only show you exactly how you make it, but will also guide

you in creating it, sometime entering a fugue state during the process. It

will also guide you so that anything you create fit whomever or whatever

you create it for, or anything similar that allows you to actually use the

technology how you intended.

• Not only that, you are able to use technology from somewhere else to

improve upon almost anything you build. So say you want to build the

Iron Man Armor MK L, then starts thinking about how Argent Energy

from Doom might be able to not only increase the energy it can use, but

also increase the power of the weapons. If you think about this, then

your power will help you merge the technology in the way you want it.

• The only drawback is that you have to know about the technology to

create it. So if you don't know about the Human Replica Droids from Star

Wars, you won't be able to make them until you find out about it. But

you only have to know about it's existence, not how it's made or

anything else about it. No piece of technology or anything from the hard

sciences are beyond you, from Time travel to super soldier programs to

Father Boxes to cloning. As long as you know about any piece of

technology from somewhere, you can make it. No, this doesn't work for

things you imagine or make up yourself. It has to come from somewhere


• If you wish to fix flaws in the original design, your power will help you by

feeding you the solution and helping you change the design so that

whatever you don't want to happen won't happen. Say you want to

make your own Cortana AI, but want to prevent your AI from

experiencing Rampancy, your power will feed you the perfect solution to

make this not happen. Or say you want Otto Octavius's robot arms, bur

don't want the neural interface to fuck up your mind and brain, then

your power will help you fix that by providing the optimal solution. But

for your power to help you fix any flaws or problems with anything you

create, you have to know about the problem.

• You are able to create machines that will can help you in creating your

tinkertech. This can be drones that will automatically create large

constructs you upload the blueprints for, or it can be entire factories that

can mass produce anything you want. Any machine yiu create to help

you tinker will be bale to conjure anything they need to create the

technology, from metals to plants and anything else.

• You have the ability to control whether your designs are easily

reproducible or completely blackboxed, or anything in between. You can

also make it so that some can understand and study your tech while

others cannot. You can both give and take away the ability to understand

your tech should you want to, and this can be done anytime.

• You are able to conjure anything you need for your tinkertech, but

anything you conjure can only be used for whatever you are creating.

And it can only be in parts, as you cannot conjure finished pieces.

• Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as

your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship

between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can

choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This

can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably

loyal to you.

o Hannah/Miss Militia.

o Dragon.

o Victoria Dallon.

o Crystal Pelham.

o Sarah Pelham.

o Amy Dallon.

o Carol Dallon.

o Taylor Hebert.

o Lisa Wilbourn.

o Marissa Newland.

o Contessa.

o Alexandria.

o Jessica and Nessa Biermann.

o Sophia Hess.

o Emma Barnes.

o Madison Clements

o Any other character from the world of Worm.

• Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into

Worm. This can be any universe, like a fanfic or a world made perfectly

for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the

body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence companion 1(100):

Essence of the Elder Blood.

• You may remake your body however you want, even turning it into any

of the different species from the Witcher universe.(Aspect chosen Cirilla)

• You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene,

smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. This

is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even

retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a

shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not

smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the

effect only around you and those close to you, making people around

you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while

bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or

maybe some other way.

• You have now become an active carrier of the Elder Blood, granting you

the ability to manipulate and control both time and space. This starts out

allowing you to simply teleport in short, controlled burst, or travel across

dimensions in the local multiverse. But in time you will find yourself

increasing in power and completely master both time and space to

unprecedented levels. You will never have this power go out of control

or do something you don't want it to, such as becoming unpredictable,

uncontrollable and creating extremely dangerous explosions.

• Another bonus of the Elder Blood is that it makes you an incredibly

powerful Source. A Source is a person born with a natural affinity for

magical abilities, alongside an enormous amount of magical power.

Usually, a Source would find it rather difficult to control their magical

power, but you don't have that problem. You may also teach other

Sources to control and command their immense powers without any


o Even if you are a male, you may have the activated version of the

Elder Blood.

o You may optionally receive the incredibly green eyes and ashenwhite hair that comes with it.

• Optionally, you may receive the training of a sorcerer. You will equal

Yennefer and Triss in both knowledge and skill when it comes to magic.

This also gives you the knowledge of how to create the Elixir of

immortality that the Sorcerers use to live forever.

• Optionally, you may become a Witcher, receiving the enhancements and

training of a Witcher. You will have the physical prowess, knowledge, skill

and experience of Geralt in his prime. You can opt out of the sterile part

of the deal if you want.

• Optionally, you may become a Master Swordsman, surpassing the

combined talent, skill and experience of Geralt, Ciri and Bonhart.

• You can at any time make any world you are in go through a Conjunction

of the Spheres, filling the world of with hundreds of creatures of all

shapes and sizes, as well as magic.

• Optionally, you may receive your very own sword. It will fit you perfectly,

being the perfect weight, size and balance to feel like an extension of

yourself. But the greatest benefit of this sword is that it is a perfect alloy

of silver and steel, making it just as effective against men as it is against

monsters. It will also never blunt, break or shatter. It is also enchanted

with a near unique effect. It will grow stronger with you, always growing

just as strong as you are. It is also incredibly good at channeling magic

and other similar powers you have. Not only that, but each blow that hits

a combatant increases both the damage the sword does and your speed

by 10% while in combat. The increase is lost over time. (sword chosen Zirael from end game Witcher 3)

• Optionally, you may receive a Djinn, capable of granting even the most

far-fetched wishes. Yours is not limited by three wishes, and can never

escape it's bottle prison, giving you access to infinite wishes. A mage can

also draw on its energy, using it to cast spells without having to call on

Power from traditional sources, being a lot safer option.

• Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as

your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship

between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can

choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This

can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably

loyal to you.

o Cirilla "Ciri" Fiona Elen Riannon.

o Yennefer of Vengerberg.

o Triss Merigold.

o Shani.

o Priscilla.

o Enid an Gleanna/Francesca Findabair.

o Keira Metz.

o Anna Henrietta.

o Sylvia Anna.

o Corinne Tilly.

o Fringilla Vigo.

o Saskia/Saesenthessis.

o Sile de Tansarville.

o Vivienne de Tabris.

o Queen Calanthe.

o Any other character from the Witcher universe.

• Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the

world of the Witcher, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate

universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can

either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing

character or someone new.

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Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Rob was a high-level hacker and wanted by many government organizations because he leaked the secrets of many countries. So he didn't dare to come out of his hiding much. Since he was alone, he lived a difficult life, which that he found the joy and the excitement of life in only two things: The rule of the Internet, and the anime world. One day he came across an interesting advertisement on his personal computer that turned his life upside down. [Ding!] [The art publishing system is being prepared...] [The system is ready!] From that time onwards his goal became to draw One Piece manga in the pirates' world! And make the great era of pirates even more chaotic! ¶¶¶¶¶ Author: BlackStar_BH (Me) ¶¶¶¶¶ Note: Needless to say, this book has the same idea as "Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!" But here it applies to the world of One Piece, I was inspired by the idea and I wanted to apply it to the world of One Piece, and I hope it succeeds, of course, there will be a conspiracy and I will make sure to improve the story according to the readers opinions. ¶¶¶¶¶ As for publishing chapters, it would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives, whether it is 4 chapters a day or 2 chapters or 1 chapter or 0 chapters... It all depends on the readers' enthusiasm for this interesting book. ¶¶¶¶¶ I don't own One Piece nor do I own its characters, all I own is the protagonist, after all, this is just a fanfic without any profit, just for fun. I don't own Bleach, Attack on titan, Hunter X Hunter, Naruto, and I don't own their characters. ¶¶¶¶¶ EXTRA TAGS: #ATTACKONTITAN #HUNTERXHUNTER ¶¶¶¶¶ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BlackStar_BH (+30 Chapters ahead Webnovel.) My Ko-fi: (New) https://ko-fi.com/blackstar_bh (+30 Chapters ahead Webnovel.)

BlackStar_BH · Anime y Cómics
881 Chs