
Stairway to Heaven

To create the golem he decided to use two of his, or rather of his yakuza's Transmuter Stones.

Any wizard could only create one stone at a time but he could lend it to someone else and he never red a rule stating multiple wizards could not gift the same creature theirs. If it worked they would be able to switch between the different effects at will. That being extra speed, better vision, advantage on constitution and damage resistances. The special one time effects worked by gauging their eyes out, not pretty, but it did the job.

As for their names, he called them the knights of Azuth. Nobody would attack an apparent holy knight for quick profit right? He also hoped that by serving a well known lawful neutral entity he could get faster access to resources like spells and components. In the end he managed to create three knights.

They kneeled before him as he raised the large shimmering blade over their heads and placed it on their shoulders one by one. "I, the Archwizard Argentarius, your creator, grant you my children the title of knights of Azuth! May you serve our cause till the end of times! Arise my first, Arthur."

The golem rose to its feet in absolute silence as it could hover and fly. Arthur was 6 feet tall and built like an agile human fighter, parts of his bronze skin could be seen between the slits of his heavy armour. His face covered by an intricately adorned helmet. "You are the Lord Commander of this order of knights." He simply nodded. Argentarius had no yet found a way to make them talk. "Hou Yi, my second. I hope to see the day when you become the greatest archer in the realms." Hou Yi was a bit smaller at 5.5 feet. He wore lose clothing and animal skins. On his back was a long bow and a giant quiver full of Olympic Bronze arrows.

"Arminius you are the third. Hold your head up high and become a barbarian your eponym would be proud off." He was the tallest at 6.3 feet, held a heavy battle axe and wore medium armour including breastplate, guards and a winged helmet.

It was a moonlit night, the sky was clear and star shone down onto the earth. The light illuminated a ring of standing stone. Many hooded figures milled about, only one breathtakingly beautiful woman with dark skin stood still and gazed at the full moon.

"Finally the time has come. Ni get the bloody fog machine working again! I swear I'm going to leave you behind!" He was not taking any chances. If the lofty staircase didn't like magic fog then he would just give it normal one.

Everything else had been settled in the last half year since crafting the knights of Azuth. He spent a few a days as Tom with his family. It all felt like roll playing himself, after deliberating a while and talking with his parents and sister, he decided that 'Tom' would go out of the country to work for a few years. His simulacrum would take calls and make visits for him. Depending on how long it would take to return and who he would be, he would decide whether to let go or not.

They still had not been discovered by any government and were done with the construction of all eleven hideouts. He had left enough gold, gems and materials with his creations that they would be able to create an underground civilisation. Simulacren of himself had been placed in great numbers in every base, he also created many more guardians inside the labyrinths to guard his treasure.

Some of his True Polymorph experiments had even gotten free reign on their future if he did not return. He always despised wizards who gave their golems and such the order to guard for all eternity only to be slain by some stupid adventurer party after a millennia of suffering.

No his children were free to do as they wished, if he did not return within 10 years. Going on a trip into the multiverse was bound to be dangerous, clones or no clones. If he ended up trapped in some jar or diamond, how would he regret thinking of his lost and lone creations awaiting his return for all eternity. For his party he would take the knights and 3 of his yakuza. He imagined four wizards travelling with three knights of Azuth would not arouse to many questions or hostility, at least from non-evil factions.

As for the ritual to summon the Infinite Staircase, well he thought long and hard about any spell to heighten his chances for success with a charisma skill check. Polymorphing into the Queen of drow was a must because of her high charisma and talent for the finer arts.

Next he had Yon cast Bless via Wish, then Enhance Ability to give advantage and finally Fortunes Favour. This spell was something form Wildemount and considered dunamancy. Space-time magic was very powerful, yet he could only cast it via Wish. If he travelled to Wildemount one day, he would make sure to get every spell including Reality Break and Ravenous Void.

The last line of defence was obviously Wish, which allowed him to at least try the hole thing again. It did however not guaranty success.

In the quit of the night only the low hum of the power generator could be heard. All present stood in a circle around Argentarius, who had his hand raised up high towards the moon.

The key to attracting the Staircase was the creation of something new, so he had not spend a single second on thinking about what he was going to sing.

In the tranquil and mystical darkness inspiration struck him.

"Celestial staircase lar- mime lira. An ni am a creater -o things. Túl ar laste- ana mime lira. An ni dispise i lonlime ló. Túl ar anne- me companime. An ni dispise i endless cúma.

Infinite staircase lar- mime lira. An ni am an artisan limited bime mime world. Túl ar tír- mime creations. An ni mel ilya things inquisitive. Túl ar join me. An ni mel ilya worlds."

The mists covering the ground started to churn and rise. Light seemed to reflect shapes inside as the distinct hum of something answering the song could be heard.

Argentarius, still gazing onto the moon and starry sky, was approached by the others waiting nervously. "Master, the stairs have appeared." Ichi reminded him. "I can't believe that actually worked." Murmured Argentarius. He was so out of it that he lost concentration on his Polymorph and turned into his normal old wizard persona. In his dreamlike state he wondered onto the translucent steps, just barely visible inside the fog.

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