
Word of Enoch

Eve's heart—shaped face and large eyes were apparent even though she resembled a black mannequin, bowing to him, she drifted and stayed by his side, and then she sat daintily on his shoulders, and she folded both hands on her stomach.

Rowan's current size was distracting, and he pushed his worries aside, he had an idea how to go about managing his size, but that would have to wait for the time.

Rowan entered his Mental Space and his Palace of Ice had grown, if it was the size of a two-story building before, now it was five. There were now more decorations on the walls of his palace that showed his journey.

He saw himself as a small child awakening in a room full of bodies, he saw himself killing his first demon, fighting the abominations, falling into the world of Jarkarr, all his stories were being drawn out in the walls of his Palace and his perception swept through all of them.

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