
Necromancer II

"Damnit," Alden muttered as he watched the large number of monsters running toward him. Alden stood behind Prince, and controlled his giant puppet, which began smashing the lizards, one by one.

It was however, helping very little. The monsters snarled, and screeched as they grew closer, and Prince went forward.

He began to punch through the monsters, one by one, and he was able to quickly destroy them.

They disappeared everytime he meted out a certain amount of damage to them and with the puppets assistance, he was lessening the large numbers.

"Hmm," The hooded figure said. "That's a problem, I guess I'll have to get serious."

Mist appeared from the ground before him, and slowly shaped itself into a silhouette. A giant monster appeared, a sword equally as big in it's hand. It's skin was greyish, and like an orc, long teeth stuck out of its mouth. It wore a helmet, together with pieces of armour that covered most of its body, besides it's arms. It's eyes glowed green, quite menacingly Alden thought.

The monster roared.

"Go get them, Rampage!" The figure said, his hand pointing to where Alden and Prince where.

The giant growled and began charging toward them. Alden sent his puppet running towards the giant, he conjured a giant mace for the puppet and soon the two giant footmen met.

A large shockwave formed as the weapons hit each other, and Aldens puppets giant mace was broken. Cracks formed all over the puppets hands.

"So strong..." Prince was shook. It made sense, since the strength of Aldens puppet was far more then would be expected.

The puppet ducked an attack and swung it's arms, which smashed into the torso of the giant beast. The beast was sent stumbling backward from the sheer power of the blow. The puppets arm however, was shattered from the force of the punch.

The puppet swung it's only arm, which was headed toward the beast's face, the beast however caught the punch with its right hand.

It countered with a punch. The puppet was shattered to pieces by the single blow.

"Oh sh-" Prince raised his hands, ready to fight. The other monsters had disappeared into the green smoke so this was the only one left.

The monster picked up it's sword which had fallen when it had recieved the punch. It let out a roar before charging toward Alden and Prince.

"He won't be able to take on the monster." Alden thought to himself, as he watched Prince."All it takes is a single punch, and he's pretty much dead."

"Don't worry," Prince said, probably sensing Aldens discomfort."I'm more then fine."

The monster was now a few metres away, and Prince didn't wait for it to arrive. He started forward, toward it. An explosion increased the speed of his movements.

It swung it's sword. Prince ducked. He was fast and agile. His daggers sank into the beast's ankle. It fell to one leg. Prince swung again, this time when the dagger hit its neck, there were explosions.

The monster roared and raised it's hand, trying to swat Prince. He retreated. The monster twisted around, the sword which was in it's arm heading toward Prince jumped into the air, avoiding the attack. Then he raised his daggers, and as he was pulled back to the ground by gravity, he stabbed downwards. Therefore was a bright, yellow and fiery arc left by the daggers trajectory, and the massive explosion turned the monster into green mist. It disappeared with a roar.

"Damn!" The hooded figure grew anxious. "Damn! A sword appeared in his hand. The hood was blown backward as he moved, and Alden realised something. The mysterious hooded person, was actually their teammate, who was also a newcomer in this group.

"What the...Dillon Naicker?" Prince took long heavy breaths out of exhaustion. His face was full of surprise and shock as he watched the guy approach."You're supposed to he in our side. Why the hell are you trying to kill us!"

The sword was heading straight toward Prince, could only raise his daggers and try to block the attack. It sent him flying backward and into the cavern wall.

"He's supposed to be a melee combatant...but..." Alden rechecked Dillon's stats and realised, that for class, it read NECROMANCER.

Alden didn't have any time to be surprised, because, green mist began forming all over the cavern.

"Oh fu-!" Prince sounded pissed.

Alden let out a sigh, he'd have to use it. Something he had developed...no, created over the short break he had after he completed the hidden dungeon mission.

His new puppets, they were some amazing creations, he had to admit.

Alden called for something from within his inventory. And there appeared 4 puppets. Their grey metal surface shone as it reflected light, blue glowing lines could be found at various parts of their body, and their eyes glowed blue.

A grey mist danced around them. The puppets stood a little taller then a human man. These puppets, they were made of moon metal, and from the cores of the shadow wolves. Alden had just been experimenting, but he found that it had turned out marvelous. These shadow puppets could hide their presence and launch secret attacks, and their attacks were enhanced by kion energy.

Additionally, Alden had created spears out of moon metal and shadow wolf claws.

On the other hand, the dungeon was now filled with monsters. All of them had green glowing eyes. There were a few orcs amongst them. Also, the giant from before, the lizards and the shadow bats had reappeared.

"Prince, the Necromancer is yours!" Alden called out."These monsters..."

The shadow moon sword staff appeared in Aldens hand. A maniacal smile appeared on his usually stoic face.

"These bastards are mine."

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