
Into the Depths of the Unknown

[Location: Abandoned Iron Mine - Kingdom of Tevell]

[A week and 6 days have passed]

After solving the problem that Celes presented us, we entered the mine to kill the monster that lived in the depths, but as soon as we entered the mines, an intense aroma was perceptible in the air, it could be described in many ways, but the one that came closest to her it was "death."

-Celes: This scene, the indisputable aroma of death, that monster has claimed the lives of many soldiers and Hunters.

I was right, how many other groups of Hunters had come before us, Celes took the lead with the lamp hanging from her waist, Leah and Mei were in the middle and Aeryn and I brought up the rear. -Mei: Ughh..., this place is kind of gloomy, right?

-Aeryn: Ye...Yeah, if it weren't for the lamp, this place would be completely dark.


-Zyrus: Leah, everything alright?

-Leah: Ah!? Ye-Yeah, all good.

Leah seemed to act a bit long but I imagine it was the nerves for the place, I felt the same way, the place not very spacious, the heat inside, and the darkness that surrounded us, little by little we advanced passing through the main area digging, going through the tunnels and avoiding any type of distraction.

-Celes: This place seems more and more like a maze, don't get separated or you could end up wandering around this mine forever

Fortunately there was no monster except for the one at the bottom of the mine, the soldiers or the other Hunters must have taken care of those, so the only concern was not to get lost on the way and continue together although I couldn't help but feel something With anxiety, he almost wanted to get out of this place already.

-Celes: Oh no, this is a problem.

After going through the main area and reaching the intermediate area, we ran into an obstacle, there were multiple paths, six in total but four of them were blocked by landslides or with very thick steel bars, there were only two but we did not know if the ones that were available would lead us to our goal.

-Zyrus: What now?

-Mei: We could split up and so some group will find the right path.

-Aeryn: Don't...Don't say that Mei...

-Mei: Just kidding, just kidding hehe.

-Celes: This is bad, either of the two may not take us deeper.

We stayed thinking about which path to take, Leah approached the path on the right while the others decided which path to take, I approached Leah who had noticed her very quiet for a while.

-Zyrus: Is something bothering you?

-Leah: Ah!? Zy-Zyrus..., sorry, I just...I was just thinking about what would be on this path.

-Zyrus: At least the other Hunters could leave some mark to indicate the way

-Leah: Hehe yes, although they could go through one of the blocked paths.

-Zyrus: Possibly, in that case we will have to make our own way.

She agreed and while we waited for a decision from the leader of the expedition out of nowhere the whole place began to shake.

-Mei: Aaahhh! What's going on!?

-Celes: A tremor? everyone be careful!

-Aeryn: Kyaaa!

We didn't know what was causing that tremor, we held onto where we could so as not to fall, earth fell on the upper part of the tunnels, I saw Leah holding on to the beam at the entrance of the tunnel on the right but I saw how much earth fell on her and I looked up, the entrance was about to collapse.

-Zyrus: Watch out!

-Leah: Huh!?

There was no time to get her out of it so I jumped towards her and grabbed her waist into the tunnel on the right and almost at the same time the tunnel entrance collapsed separating us from the rest. After the tremor ended, I realized that I was on top of Leah so I quickly got up before she noticed. It was then that I realized that we were on the other side of the collapse, only seeing the light from the lamp that passed through the holes in the blockade.

-Leah: uhhh...

-Zyrus: Leah, are you okay?

-Leah: Yes... I think so, what happened?

-Zyrus: Well, the collapse separated us from the rest.

-Leah: eh!?

I could hear footsteps from the other side that were approaching the blockade.

-Celes: My Lord!, Leah,! are you both okay?

-Mei: Leah!

-Aeryn: Is anyone hurt?

We heard the voices of the others on the other side, fortunately they were fine too, which relieved me, but now there was the problem of blocking.

-Zyrus: We're fine, fortunately neither of us is hurt.

-Leah: Mei, Aeryn, are you alright?

-Mei: Yes, just my clothes that got dirty but nothing serious.

At least someone maintained their good spirits despite the situation, now it was time to think about what to do in this situation.

-Celes: My Lord, a second, I'll take them out with my Lightning Blade.

-Zyrus: Wait, wait, wait, did you go crazy? And if you cause another landslide?

-Celes: Bu...but then what do we do?

-Zyrus: There is no other option, we will go this way, you continue the other way, hopefully we will run into each other at some point.

-Celes: Okay, be careful, let's go

The fact that Celes did not object to my decision shows the confidence she has in me to deal with this problem, I imagine that overcoming her challenge had something to do with it.

-Aeryn: Bu...But they don't have light.

-Zyrus: Don't worry, I've got you covered.

-Mei: Well... if Leah is with Zyrus, we know she'll be safe, come on Aeryn.

Aeryn nodded, still worried, and the three of them went through the only tunnel they had cleared, now it was time to move on our own on this side, I saw Leah somewhat scared clinging to my jacket, it was not surprising given the situation we reached now alone It should light up the place.

-Zyrus: Let's see if I remember it correctly...it was "burning fire from my body, manifest in my hand now" [Flame!]

In that a flame began to be created in my left palm that began to illuminate our surroundings.

-Leah: Wow Zyrus, I didn't know you could also use magic.

-Zyrus: Well it's not a big deal but it helps me for this kind of situation.

I could see the change in Leah when she saw how the fire in my hand drove away the darkness around us.

-Zyrus: Are you afraid of the dark?

-Leah: huh? uh... just a little.

-Zyrus: Does that explain why you were so quiet before, why did you accept this expedition knowing that you are a little afraid of the dark?

-Leah: It's just that Mei and Aeryn looked so excited about this that I couldn't say no to them, I thought that if I kept focused on the light of the lamp and not around me I could get over it but in the end I couldn't.

-Zyrus: Well, in that case let's finish this quickly to get to the surface.

She nodded and we continued down the tunnel, we didn't know if this path would take us with Celes and the others but it was the only one and at the moment there was no other option and as we progressed the tunnel sloped more and more and it was even difficult to see beyond the light that my flame generated and finally we reached our first obstacle.

-Zyrus: Geez, this is going to be a problem.

-Leah: This looks bad.

In front of us the floor had collapsed into pieces, there was only a thin line of path on the wall that led to the other end of the tunnel which did not give us much confidence.

-Zyrus: It seems there is no other way.

-Leah: Are we going to cross there?

-Zyrus: There is no other way forward I'm afraid.

Leah did not seem very enthusiastic about crossing this thin path but we had no other, to move forward we had to go through here.

-Zyrus: I'll go first, you follow me behind.

I approached the wall where there was more space and with my body very close to the wall and the hand where the flame was extended to keep the floor illuminated. I started to cross one step at a time, as I went along little bits of the floor fell into the void behind me and I tried not to look down.

-Zyrus: Come on Leah, it's safe here.

Leah: Al... Alright, here I go.

Slowly and nervously Leah began to follow me down the same path, she kept her eyes closed and her head raised so as not to look down, fortunately we managed to cross to the other side without any difficulties but I could see in Leah's expression how stressful this moment was for her. .

-Leah: (gasping) We...we did it...

-Zyrus: It wasn't so bad, come on, we must continue.

As we advanced we managed to see an exit from the tunnel with a light that we were both happy to see, we accelerated our pace to cross and finally realized that this exit led us to a wooden bridge made by the miners. I extinguished the flame in my hand and we observed the place, from the top there was a hole that illuminated the entire cavern and very far to our left there was another bridge but it was below which some people appeared on the same side as us, they were Celes and the others.

-Zyrus: Hey! Celes! up here!

The girls looked everywhere until they finally saw us waving for their attention.

-Celes: Oh! My Lord, Leah, are you alright?

-Mei: Leah, we're glad to see you!.

-Aeryn: We were worried about you!.

-Leah: We're fine and you!?

Apparently the path they took led them to an excavation area that had more roads blocked but they managed to clear a road whose blockage was not as thick as the others, in the end both roads did not lead to the same place but since we are separated by two bridges Suspended in the air it was impossible for us to meet, after finding out about our situation we decided that the best option would be to continue on our respective paths, sooner or later we would end up meeting at some point.

-Celes: Understood, be careful and don't do anything dangerous!.

-Zyrus: You too, we'll see each other on the other side!.

After saying goodbye, we continued on our way entering another tunnel once again, I cast the Flame spell again to illuminate the area but this path was narrower than before so we had to be more careful, the further we advanced the darker the place became until I felt Leah grab my jacket by the side of my right arm.

-Zyrus: Are you okay?

-Leah: Ye...Yeah...it's just the small space and the darkness makes me feel a little uncomfortable, it doesn't bother you right?

-Zyrus: Of course not.

"It's just a little awkward and embarrassing"

We walked through the tunnel for about 5 minutes without finding another exit, the only thing there were barrels, boxes and abandoned mining equipment, I was only worried that the others had no problem, in the end we reached a dead end, there were two paths but they were blocked by the landslide.

-Zyrus: End of the road.

-Leah: Wh... What? so, what can we do now?

-Zyrus: Shall we go back?

Before Leah could give me an answer, the tunnel began to shake again, causing us to instinctively hold onto each other while everything around us began to shake and dust fell on us.

-Leah: Ahhhh! again!?

-Zyrus: Hold on!

We tried to get closer to the wall to support ourselves, but unexpectedly the floor below us began to crack until it finally gave way and we fell into the depths, but the fall was something similar to a slide in the sand that forced us to the deepest part. until we finally fell rolling to the bottom of the slide.

-Zyrus: Ugh.....

-Leah: That...hurt...Zyrus, are you okay?

-Zyrus: Yes....just a little bit of dust inside my clothes.

When we got up we couldn't believe our eyes, below us there was a whole sparkling lake that illuminated the entire cavern and everything around it had a light blue glow.

-Leah: What a beautiful place.

-Zyrus: And to think that this place would be below us.

We approached the lake to see it more clearly and seeing it was something wonderful, the water was so crystalline that you could see the bottom and it seemed so pure that it seemed that no one else had been here before.

-Zyrus: Do you think it is safe to drink this water?

-Leah: Well there's only one way to find out.

-Zyrus: H-Hey wait!

Leah crouched down and with her hands she scooped up some water from the lake and drank it without thinking.

-Leah: It's delicious.

-Zyrus: Really? let me try.

Just like Leah, I bent down and with my hands I took a little water from the lake and drank it, I couldn't believe the sensation that passed through my mouth, it was delicious, fresh and I felt a whole relaxing sensation throughout my body, drinking this Pure water was something I had never felt before.

-Zyrus: I don't believe it, this is incredible.

-Leah: And this place is also incredible, maybe it's a good place to rest, I'm sure the others are fine.

I agreed with what she proposed in that we sat down near the lake to rest, I took out of my bag some bread that I had brought and we drank lake water, I just hoped that nothing had happened to the others after the last tremor.

-Leah: You know...you looked really cool before...when you said you would protect us...

-Zyrus: huh? ah...that, yes, I think I said it without thinking.

She looked at me a little blushing while she smiled at me and I also looked a bit blushing away from how embarrassing it was to say it in front of everyone.

-Zyrus: The truth was something embarrassing now that I remember it, I think I just got carried away for the moment hehe.

-Leah: I think it was something incredible and honestly since then I feel safer with you.

That made my heart flutter, I looked at her and she continued with that smile looking at me, making me nervous, I knew where this would lead if it continued and for the good of both of us I couldn't let it go so I quickly got up to cut the moment and walk a bit. .

-Zyrus: O-Okay, we must continue, there must be an exit here.

-Leah: Y-Yes, we must continue, the others must be worried too.

We began to look for a way out of the cavern separating to cover more ground, despite the spaciousness of the cavern we managed to find a small hole in the floor of the wall, it was a bit stressful but we could crawl through.

-Zyrus: It seems the only way out at the moment.

-Leah: It seems so but will it take us to an exit?

-Zyrus: I'll go first and see where it leads, I'll let you know if it leads to an exit.

-Leah: Be careful.

I lowered my chest to the ground and began to crawl through the hole in the ground, it was a bit dark and I couldn't see anything at the bottom, the path seemed very long since I think I was crawling for about 2 minutes until I began to hear voices from the other side, the closer I got the louder they were heard but I couldn't distinguish them until I finally bumped into something at the end, it wasn't rock from the wall it was wood I think a box was blocking the way.

-Zyrus: It's heavy, I think with a little magic I can move it.

When Celes taught me about magic, I learned various magic useful for different occasions, Flame was one of them and another one that she taught me was to move very heavy objects for me so I put my hand on the box and prepared the spell.

-Zyrus: *Earthly strength guide your power through my hand* [Impact!]

A very heavy sensation passed through my body to my hand that was released with a shock wave that forcefully pushed the box that was blocking my path, immediately I heard the voices altered by the sound of the box crashing against the wall which raised a curtain of dust.

-Zyrus: (Coughing) ugh..I think I got some dust in my mouth.

-????: My Lord!?

As I came out of the hole, I could see the voice, clearer and more recognizable, and as the curtain of dust dissipated, I could see Celes and the other girls who were in the same place with weapons in hand.

-Zyrus: Celes!? are they all here?

-Celes: My Lord! Are you okay?

-Mei: And Leah? Where is she?

-Leah: Here I am (Coughing) I'm sorry, when I heard a noise I couldn't help but worry and I came.

-Aeryn: They're fine, what a relief.

Finally we had reunited with our companions or so we thought since now we were divided by a huge fence with thick steel bars.

-Zyrus: Well at least we know we're all fine.

-Mei: When they started to shake again, we thought something could have happened to them.

-Leah: And it happened, we fell from the tunnel where the floor gave way but we arrived at a beautiful cavern with a sparkling lake.

While Leah was talking to her friends about the lake we found, I approached Celes to analyze the situation.

-Celes: We are still separated by this fence.

-Zyrus: Yes, but I feel that we are closer, something tells me that these paths lead to the deepest zone.

-Celes: I see, if you're right we'll end up meeting right in the monster's nest.

-Zyrus: That's right, so we must be careful when we arrive and not alert the monster until we are all there.

She agreed and after giving them some supplies we separated once more, she activated the Flame spell again to illuminate our path and we continued along the other path that led below.

-Leah: I'm glad to know that the others were fine and have had no problems.

-Zyrus: Me too, now we are closer to the end so we must hold on a little longer.

Apparently we ended up arriving at a supply area since there were a lot of boxes, barrels and more mining equipment but unfortunately nothing that was in the place was of use to us, after passing this area we arrived at a corridor where apparently it was where they were transported the minerals they obtained but what caught our attention the most was a strong stench that came from the opposite side.

-Leah: What a horrible smell, it smells like a... a...

-Zyrus: Putrefaction, there is no doubt, the monster's nest is close.

We covered our nacires to resist the stench of death but as we got closer we saw the origin of the smell, corpses of the Hunters who had come before and who failed to flee, there were traces of blood behind them that shows that they tried to escape. flee with serious injuries to their bodies.

-Leah: Wh-How horrible, to die in a place like that... I just... I-I don't want to...

-Zyrus: Don't worry, I won't let it happen, I promise.

I took Leah's hand to calm his fear, anyone would panic seeing this scene, I would too but I had to stay strong for both of us.

-Leah: Zy-Zyrus...thank you...

She smiled at me blushing while she held my hand tightly, I promised her that I would protect them and Celes, she had to keep my promise, she would not allow any of them to end up like this.

-Zyrus: There....that must be the nest.

After passing through the corridor we arrived at a huge area where the tunnel rail was destroyed, we were about 30 meters above the ground, from the top you could see a weak light that illuminated the monster's nest almost nothing, we observed the entire area , many corpses and weapons scattered everywhere, some fresher than others.

-Zyrus: Those must have been the previous group that came before us.

-Leah: Zy-Zyrus...

Leah's hand began to shake when she saw the corpses until she finally hid and supported her face behind my back, seeing this reminded me of the incident in the forest and although I didn't know any of them, I felt a pain of sadness in my chest.

-Zyrus: If you're not in a position to fight you can stay here, I already told you, we'll all get out of here together.

"Maybe I need that elixir sooner than I thought, due to the ravages of the other battles that monster must be very strong"

Suddenly I saw a light coming out of a tunnel that was at the height of the nest, Celes and the others came out of it, who apparently also realized where they were, Celes began to look everywhere, apparently looking for me, I made signs with the flame what was in my hand to get their attention until they finally saw me and were happy.

-Zyrus: Wait for me here Leah, I'll meet with the others.

-Leah: B-But I...

I jumped to join the others avoiding alerting the monster that must be hiding in the caverns further down.

-Celes: My Lord, is everything alright?

-Mei: What happens with Leah, why not come down?

-Zyrus: She's not...she's not fit to fight, apparently seeing all this was too much for her.

-Aeryn: Leah...

Before we could agree, a tremor interrupted our meeting, this time it was heavy footsteps that came from the deep cave and that approached slowly and despite how dark it was, you could see some imposing red eyes coming out of that cavern.

-Celes: Here it comes, be careful!

The four of us drew our weapons and prepared to face whatever came out. Slowly but intimidatingly a large gray four-legged beast began to appear, several wounds on its body, some large horns of which the one on the left was broken, drooling saliva and blood, but above all several weapons stuck into its back, as soon as his whole being made presence before us, he let out a mighty roar that shook the whole place.

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