
My Decision and My Path

[Location: Town of Navia - Kingdom of Tevell]

[5 days have passed]

For a few seconds there was complete silence between us, I could see the surprise and confusion on her face, she didn't know how to respond, she even doubted whether to accept my request but this was what I wanted.

-Zyrus: I can imagine how you must feel, the person you have to protect decides to learn to fight knowing that she could risk his own life in battle.

Celes looked at me with a worried expression in her eyes, not knowing how to respond, I knew she would be thinking that, as a knight she was used to protecting civilians and people who didn't know how to defend themselves, even her previous mistress was a normal girl.....

"Wait a minute.....that's it!"

-Zyrus: You must be thinking that things could end the same as they were, Katelyn, right?

-Celes: Huh!?

At that moment Celes reacted by reminding her of what happened with Katelyn and it was just as she imagined, her eyes got wet, she was scared that this painful moment in her life would happen again. I took Celes's hands that were almost trembling and looked into her eyes.

-Zyrus: Don't worry Celes, I already faced death once and I survived, besides I don't plan to die so easily because I swore to myself that I was going to survive no matter what, but for that I have to learn to defend myself now that possibly you won't always be around to protect me.

I know it sounded like I didn't trust his abilities but you never know what we won't end up facing down the road and I had to be ready for it. I approached Celes and slowly put my hands on her back to bring her closer to me and give her a hug to try to calm her fear, she stirred a little from the sudden hug but it was the best way to make her feel sure of my decision .

-Zyrus: Please trust in me Celes.

After a few seconds I could feel how her head rested on my left shoulder and slowly her hands reached my back. she was no longer trembling and I no longer felt the fear of her, so with a calm and confident voice she answered me.

-Celes: As you wish My Lord, if you are sure of this then I will teach you with the best of my ability.

We slowly separated and looked into each other's eyes, I could see a slight blush on her cheeks and a smile formed on her lips as she wiped her eyes. We both nodded and got up from the bench, it was already getting dark and we had to look for an inn to spend the night, tomorrow I would start my training.

-Celes: I remember seeing an inn around here when I was looking for the Town Hall.

I followed Celes through the almost empty streets looking for an inn that she claims to have seen on her way until we finally arrived, I didn't understand the sign but it had the image of a bed so it must be here, we both entered and there were a few people lining up at the counter so we lined up to wait our turn.

-Zyrus: Tomorrow we will go buy you a new outfit and a better sword, what would be ideal for you?

-Celes: An armor with steel plates and also a steel blade would be ideal, they are a bit expensive so I would settle for something less.

-Zyrus: None of that, we can't skimp on our security costs, if by saving a few coins you are seriously injured then everything will have been a waste.

She gave a slight laugh and nodded as she gave me a detailed look.

-Celes: If you want to learn to use the sword, My Lord, you should buy some protection too, even though her clothes are comfortable, it won't do any good before an edged weapon or claws. although for your physical strength and resistance it should not be anything as heavy as an iron or bronze armor, perhaps a reinforced leather one would suit you.

I inspected myself looking at my arms and my body, of course I didn't have an athlete's body but I was at least in shape, even so she was right I needed protection. After a few minutes it was finally our turn at the inn, the girl who served, had short brown hair and a white bandana on her head, she smiled at us very happily.

-Innkeeper: Welcome! I imagine a room for a couple hehe.

-Celes: eeeeehhhhh!?

-Zyrus: Wh... What!? couple!? no...nothing of that...we...we are...just...partners...!

We were both embarrassed to hear the innkeeper's bold suggestion.

-Innkeeper: Come on, come on, you don't have to be so shy, I just say what I see hehehe.

-Zyrus: I... I would appreciate it if you would save those comments... just give us two rooms please...

Celes was all blushing covering her face with her hands, I was also blushing trying not to make eye contact with the cheeky innkeeper while she looked at us with her mocking smile.

-Innkeeper: Boo...you're not funny, well...it's 30 silver coins for the two rooms.

I paid the stay to the innkeeper and she took us to the second floor where our rooms were, first we went to the room where she left Celes, they entered and lit a candle, I don't know what happened next but she approached her ear and whispered something to her which turned her red again, then she closed the door and led me to my room.

-Zyrus: What did you say to her?

-Innkeeper: huh? oh, I just told her that she should take the initiative.

-Zyrus: Se...Seriously, stop it already.

This girl was very daring and did not mince words, but she was getting the wrong idea of us and at this point I was very tired and I did not feel like explaining to her so I let her think what she wanted, we finally arrived to my room and seeing it was not very different from the one I saw in the capital, she lit a candle and smiled at me.

-Innkeeper: Well, this is your room, rest well valued client and.....(Whisper) if you don't act soon, someone else could take it from you hehe.

-Zyrus: Ugh... just go away, okay?

The girl left the room with her mocking smile and closing the door, I dropped my suitcase, took off my clothes, put on the pajamas that were on the table and fell exhausted on the bed, when I felt the softness I didn't want to do anything else, I extinguished the candle and fell asleep.

"I need to get stronger if I want to survive"

-????: You've done well so far.

"You again, so I didn't imagine it"

-????: Of course not, it's just that in the mind things aren't always clear.

"You are in my mind?"

-????: That's irrelevant for now, but I must congratulate you, you've come a long way on your own"

"I don't know, without Celes I would not have reached this town safely"

-????: But it was you who decided to have her by your side or am I wrong?

"I think so, but what do you want from me?"

-????: Just knowing how you are, all these sudden changes must have completely altered your senses

"In that you are right, since I arrived in this world I have not been doing anything more than acting almost out of survival instinct"

-????: In that case, why don't you take a break, you're in a safe place, you have money and someone who cares about you, from now on you should take things easy, reorganize your ideas and priorities.

"that I should take things easy? but I...."

-????: Don't worry, Gainsworth won't go anywhere and your world will still be there when you return, if you act rashly you could seriously hurt yourself or worse. just relax and focus on your training, you want to get strong right? Well you won't if you run out after every break.

"Yes.....you're right, I need to relax, I don't have to worry about the guards at the moment and Celes will help me train, this will give me time to think about what I should do next"

-????: That's right, good luck Zyrus.

The next morning I woke up feeling very relaxed, as if the worries that were weighing on me had disappeared. I think I could already confirm that what happened that day was not my imagination, but who was that being that spoke to my mind. I decided not to think too much about it and got ready to go out, after getting dressed I felt someone knock on the door.

-Celes: My Lord, are you already awake?

It was Celes, she was already awake and ready, I opened the door and saw her with the same clothes as yesterday, that long torn skirt, the short leather boots already stained and damaged, and my jacket.

-Zyrus: Yes, I'm ready, let's eat something and then go shopping.

She agreed and together we went down the stairs of the inn, we asked the innkeeper for locations and she pointed out where to eat and where to buy the equipment we would need, we went to a restaurant to have breakfast and then we went to the blacksmith shop to buy, when we entered we saw a large place full of displays of all kinds of weapons and armor and there were quite a few people looking at the displays. in the background was an old man with a gray beard and a red bandana on his head, he was wearing a leather apron and had several black spots on his body.

-Blacksmith: Good morning, how can I help you.

The old blacksmith who rested his head on his right hand greeted us without changing position.

-Zyrus: Good morning, we want to buy a few pieces of armor and some swords.

The blacksmith looked at both of us closely, especially at Celes.

-Blacksmith: I guess they are for the girl, even because of that strange outfit I can see in her eyes the experience of a skilled swordswoman.

-Celes: huh?....yes, that's right.

Just seeing her once, the blacksmith realized how experienced Celes already is in combat, without a doubt this old man knows what he is talking about.

-Blacksmith: Well give me a second. Hey Liz! Come here a moment!

In the corridor next to the inn, in the background, a few steps were heard running towards where we were, from him appears a happy young girl with long black hair who had a bow where her neck reached, she dressed similarly to the blacksmith, only that her bandana was blue and also had black spots on the body.

-Liz: Here I am Master Theobald, what do you need?

-Theobald: This is my apprentice Lisbeth Fallon but they call her Liz,

-Liz: Nice to meet you, I'm Lisbeth Fallon, I'm the apprentice of Master Theobald Jaegar

(Theobald Jaegar -Master Blacksmith- 69 Years)

(Lisbeth Fallon/Liz -Blacksmith's Apprentice- 20 Years)

-Theobald: Hey Liz, I did't call you to chat, help this young lady to arm herself accordingly.

-Liz: Ahh!? Y...Yes Master! over here please.

-Celes: Huh? My Lord?...

-Zyrus: Go, leave me the sword.

She nodded, handed me the sword and I walked the girl down the same corridor she came from, then the Blacksmith looked at me and the sword.

-Theobald: On the other hand I can say that you have not been in a fight in your life.

-Zyrus: Hehe...yes...but...but now she's going to help me train to use the sword.

-Theobald: I see ..... give me that thing you have.

The blacksmith pointed to the sword that I was carrying and I handed it over to him, he proceeded to unsheath it and observe it in detail.

-Theobald: Let's see.....uh....I see...., this is a piece of garbage, you can't call this a weapon, the blade is unbalanced and has no sharp edge on the blade for the most part, this is more of a decoration for some nobleman's mansion. Where did you get it from?

-Zyrus: Well...so...someone...gave it to me.

-Theobald: Well, someone wanted to play a joke on you or wanted you dead because this certainly wouldn't last a long time in real combat, you're lucky that girl has a lot of skill.

I knew it, I knew that I wouldn't have gotten this far without Celes, so now I wanted to change things, I didn't want to depend on her whenever we came across danger.

-Zyrus: I know, but now I want to become stronger so she doesn't have to worry about me.

-Theobald: Really? ok then have these.

The blacksmith crouched down under his counter and he pulled out two wooden swords and handed them to me.

-Theobald: If you train using a real one without preparing your body you could end up tearing a muscle and that would end your training.

-Zyrus: Th...thank you.

-Theobald: Now I think you'll need some protection if I'm not mistaken, help yourself we have pieces of reinforced leather that would come in handy for a novice like you.

I was right, I looked at the wooden swords and thought about what the "voice" told me, I should take it easy, I left the swords on the counter and looked for the leather pieces where the blacksmith pointed out to me, after a while I got a leather breastplate that only protected the body, a pair of fingerless leather gloves, and a pair of leather boots to change my worn-out sneakers that weren't designed to withstand this kind of environment.

-Theobald: One second, let me see those things.

The blacksmith approached me pointing to my sneakers and then taking one.

-Zyrus: What about them?

-Theobald: I have seen many leather works but this is undoubtedly the strangest I have seen, boy I have a friend who makes leather pieces for me and I am sure that he will be interested in these, what do you say, if in exchange for the sword for decoration and these strange shoes you take the wooden swords and the leather equipment

-Zyrus: Sure, sounds good to me.

I saw no reason to refuse, that sword only brought back bad memories and my sneakers, although old and worn out, seemed to interest the blacksmith so it seemed like a good deal to me. The old blacksmith took the other sneaker and took it away, after a while footsteps were heard coming from the corridor next to the inn, Celes appeared wearing a totally different outfit.

-Celes: I'm back.

-Zyrus: But wow...

She was wearing completely new armor, a steel breastplate that exposed her belly and shoulders, steel gauntlets that reached to her elbows, long boots covered in steel plates, and a plate belt with a skirt that covered it the back of her legs up to the knees and a thinner one that covered her crotch that also reached her knees but showing something of her thigh. Under each of those pieces of armor she wore was a black cloth that stood out and covered her body a little more. Also on her belt you could see that she was carrying another sword.

-Zyrus: Wow Celes, you look completely different, I almost didn't recognize you if it wasn't for your red hair

-Celes: Thank you very much My Lord, it really feels very comfortable to wear armor again, it is flexible and I have no problem moving freely, you also look good with those pieces of leather oh and here is your jacket, thanks for lending it to me.

-Zyrus: Ah my darling, back where you belong, well, the boots and gloves are comfortable and the leather breastplate doesn't get in the way at all.

She gave me back my jacket and without thinking I put it back, finally Celes already looked like a true knight with that armor, after that I told her about what I talked to the blacksmith and the deal we made, we also talked with the Blacksmith and his apprentice that they were interested and we told them only what they needed to know.

-Theobald: I see, that explains a lot of things and how you were able to handle that garbage.

-Liz: The steel blade that Celes carries, I made it under the tutelage of my master so you can be sure that it is of very good quality.

-Theobald: Good and since you are going to need a decent sword when you advance in your training, take this one,

The blacksmith hands me a bronze sword, it was comfortable in my hand and lighter than the other badly made sword, I could use this one without problems.

-Zyrus: I appreciate it, now tell me how much I owe you for everything.

-Theobald: Well...let's see...with the girl's full armor and the swords...let's say it's about 8 pieces of gold

-Zyrus: Wait, what? That's almost all the money we have.

-Celes: Wait, I can use the Hunter discount, look, here is my license.

Celes took out her Hunter's license and showed it to the blacksmith who gave her a good eye.

-Theobald: F rank huh? are you sure it's not fake?

-Liz: Master!

-Theobald: All right, all right...it will be 6 gold pieces and it's the most I'll lower it.

I almost had a heart attack, luckily Celes remembered the discount that the Hunter's license gives, that really saved us money and we still had money to live on, so I paid for everything. I wasn't going to skimp on expenses but I didn't want to stay poor either and Celes looked great in that armor, we thanked both Liz and the blacksmith for their kindness and help, we said goodbye and left the shop now better equipped.

-Zyrus: How do you feel now Celes.

-Celes: I feel better prepared My Lord, thank you for this armor and this sword is very light and easy to handle, I already feel that I can finally fight with my full potential, now if you feel prepared we can start your training right now.

-Zyrus: No problem, I was thinking the same thing.

Now more optimistic about our new equipment, I could start with my training better prepared. together we left the town and headed to a clear plain near a tree, we left our things near the tree I was preparing for my first day of training.

-Celes: Very well My Lord, I'll ask you again, are you sure you want to learn to fight with the sword?

She looked at me seriously and apparently she still wanted to make me give up learning to fight, but I had already made up my mind and I was not going to back down now.

-Zyrus: Yes, please I want to learn to defend myself, I know you're strong and even more so now that you're better prepared, but I don't want to be scared or feel weak when we face greater danger.

Then she closed her eyes thinking about what I told her and after a few seconds she looked at me and smiled.

-Celes: So be it then, but let me warn you that I won't make it easy, if you really want to take this path, you must learn not only to attack but also to endure the pain.

-Zyrus: I wouldn't expect less.

I understood what she meant and agreed, I knew that this path would not be easy but I don't want to sit down and do anything either, if it was someone I paid to protect me, this would be different, but Celes of her own free will decided to become my Knight and protect me, how could I stay calm knowing that.

-Celes: Okay, so let's start with the basics.

I spent several hours training with Celes, first exercise to stretch the muscles then repeat sequences swinging the wooden sword, we went on to do meditation, she says it is important to train both body and mind and just as she said, she was very strict in everything, she didn't let me stray or make a mistake, every time I did she would hit me on her leg or arm with the wooden sword.

"Damn, she doesn't hold back, I understand that she doesn't make it easy for me but she doesn't have to be so rude either"

This was the first time that Celes acted so cold and serious towards me but I couldn't complain either since I was the one who accepted this training, after finishing this session of the training, Celes finally let me rest and at the end I fell to the ground on my back, relaxing my body into the soft grass as I tried to catch my breath.

-Zyrus: (gasping) ugh...I'm exhausted

-Celes: Not bad for the first session, My Lord.

-Zyrus: When you said you weren't going to make it easy for me, you weren't kidding.

She sat next to me supporting her hands on the ground and looking at the sky.

-Celes: It is important that you learn that in real combat you risk your life, we never know what we are going to face and that is why we must be as well prepared as possible.

I thought about what she said and also remembered what that "voice" spoke to me in my mind.

-Zyrus: I was thinking Celes, since I left the castle I have been non-stop trying to return to my world as soon as possible without thinking about the consequences of acting so carelessly.

I sat down after resting a bit and looked at the sky while she looked at me confused.

-Zyrus: Since we don't know what we'll run into along the way, from now on I want to take things more calmly, we'll go one step at a time, that's why I decided to extend our stay in this town a bit more and that's why we have to keep a low profile in case word gets out about me.

She smiled at me and nodded knowing what I meant, after a while we began to feel hungry so we got up and returned to town to eat something before continuing with the training.

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