
5. Anomaly

"OK.... come on, get out. Give me some room to manoeuvre. I really like your home....".

The next day, after another night of sleeplessness and reflection. I came to the conclusion. That I need more information than I have. The information I now have in my head and on my hands is not enough for a complete picture and analysis of these creatures.

"All I've learned is that their weapons come from gems that grow anywhere in the body. They also, for some reason, protect humans, even though they themselves are much stronger and possibly more intelligent than any human. I don't understand, why would they, protect humans? ".

I opened another packet of chips, the fifth already, and started gnawing at the fries. Right now, this was my lunch. My breakfast consisted of a packet of crisps with sour cream and herbs, these same grilled chicken flavours, quite a substitute for regular food and help trick the brain if you close your eyes.

"It would be easier for them to kill everyone here and take over the town so they can move on and take over other places. It's possible that they're good-hearted....until you don't touch them, but I just don't believe it. There's no way it's likely that some space race came to Earth and started defending it, just like that. It's stupid, naive and suspicious. And why are they messing around with Greg and Steven anyway? "- I scratched my head. - "Perhaps they have them as pets? ".

I'd been watching their house on the beach for hours, since this morning, trying to steal a moment and sneak inside to take a look. There could be anything inside, from their ship to the human bodies they feed on.... in theory.

-Why have I never heard of creatures like them? - I took my eyes off the binoculars for a few seconds to rest them. - I can't believe none of the tourists have noticed them. Is it possible they have some sort of arrangement with the government? Or is it possible that the whole government, is already enslaved by them..... how I wonder!!!!

I waved my arms and legs before returning to the binoculars. All I could see was Steven fooling around with some package he'd just received. He opens it....o, it's a bag shaped like a cheeseburger! How....original.

Followed by him running inside the house.....a few minutes later I could see a bright light pouring through the windows. So bright that I had to turn away from the binoculars to avoid going blind. When I returned my gaze.....no one else on the beach I could see.

"OK, counting down." - I pulled out a stopwatch and turned it on. - "In five if there's no movement, I'm getting inside the enemy fortress! Hopefully I can find something useful in there."


"Alright, let's go." - I turned off the stopwatch at the ten minute mark, determined to play it safe. - "If anyone's there and they notice me, I'll play dumb, a tourist. I think it'll work."

After packing I started to walk down to the beach, where the lodge was. I did not know what would happen there, so just in case, I took the knife that I had stolen from the shop with me. It was their own fault, they can't place cameras properly.

I tried to stay out of sight of people, especially those who knew Stephen and KO for sure. I didn't want anyone snitching on me for walking suspiciously past his house.

I made my way with relative caution to the house of these creatures as well as Stephen, who also lived here.

"I wonder why he doesn't live with his father? Although if I recall his father's van, I think that's where he lives. What's the point? It's like he's got a car wash, so he's got the money to rent a house, they're weird." - I shrugged and climbed up the stairs.

The beach house itself looked like..... you would not believe, an ordinary house! It was constructed of beige planks, there was a small balcony in front of the house itself with a table, a couple of chairs and a yellow umbrella.

The roof was a device, made of yellow tiles, and there were also a couple of windows, covered with shutters.

"An ordinary house. You wouldn't think there were any fairy tale creatures living here." - I reached for the doorknob with my hand....aha, yes, of course.

Before doing so I put on a pair of rubber gloves, changed my clothes, changed into trainers, put on a mask and covered my face with a hood. I just couldn't help trying to keep myself safe, it would be stupid to break into someone else's house, leaving my fingerprints and traces of my presence here everywhere.


"Ha, what cautious aliens. They've locked the door. But nothing a good old hairpin can't do." - I thought, pulling a barrette out of my hair.

It was high school, I met this guy, David, if memory serves me correctly. The kid was.... weird, there's no other word for it. He kept out of the way of others, though he was quite sociable in conversation, he didn't initiate the conversation himself.

Everyone knew him, but not at the same time. And I was so curious that I went after him, since I wasn't expected home anyway.

And it turned out that the guy liked to sneak around other people's flats. I caught him breaking into his third house in a row at night. And he did it so professionally that I couldn't help but admire his skills.

And because I caught him in the act, I made him teach me the wisdom of his trade..... after I caught up with him and beat him to a broken nose to keep him from yelling. That's when, David showed me a hairpin trick.

After that he was caught in the act and imprisoned along with his own thieving friends. No one knew how he got caught, and neither did I, because I wasn't the one who made the anonymous call and I wasn't the one who turned him in.

"Eh, those were the days....".


"There you go! ". - I naturally tucked the pin back into my hair, a bit of a conspiracy.

Unlocking the door, I stepped inside. Inside, to my deep regret .there was no spaceship or human bodies, it was a simple house, with a rather cosy atmosphere and a good arrangement of furniture.

"Alright, let's start slowly." -I adjusted my gloves and began to search.

The house itself was a one-room house, not counting the bathroom. There were only two floors, and then, the first floor was in mini format, there was a bedroom, I could tell by the size of the bed that it was Stephen's bedroom.

The ground floor had everything. Living room, kitchen and toilet. Nothing out of the ordinary, the usual arrangement..... apart from the huge crystal cooker after the living room.

First, there was the usual part of the house with all the human stuff, and then there was the second part, not so human anymore. It was as if they were artificially connected or the house was just an extension of the place.

There was a mini-cave with many crystals sprouting right out of its walls. In the middle of the cave there was a crystal panel, very flat and beautiful. Behind it, there was a door, a white door with five holes that formed a circle, in the middle of which was the so familiar star.

"Aha, there's the side I'm looking for." - I decided to investigate this part closely.

The crystals that sprouted from the walls were impossible to collect. I tried to pick them out with a knife, but the blade broke immediately. Brute force also tried, but it didn't work.

The crystal panel also defied force. Not a single scratch was received when I tried to harm it in any way with the remains of the knife. The knife broke down permanently.

About the door, guess what I say, nothing to say either.

On closer inspection, I saw that the holes had stones in them, which I could not see unless I looked closely. Sil door, similarly, did not budge.

"I wonder what's behind it? Perhaps it's their headquarters or a warehouse with weapons, or perhaps a ship. I don't know what's in there, but I'll keep a note of that door."

Since the success in exploring the space part had failed, I decided to explore the human part. To examine their environment, see if I could find anything.

Naturally the first thing I tried to find was some sort of diary that one of them might have kept. I searched all the rooms, even the bathroom, but found nothing, then put everything back where it belonged.

I looked around the living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, space area but never found anything except a little clue in a child's drawing.

"So, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, are those their names? ". - I sprinkled the drawing and looked at it. - "Looking at it I can tell it's pretty old, so it's authentic. The kid probably drew it, so they've been here a long time, at least since he was a kid.

The drawing showed several figures holding hands and smiling with sticks. The drawing was of no use except as a small progression.

There was also another portrait in the room. It depicted a woman with curly pink hair and a dress to match her hair. The most distinctive thing was that there was a jewel where her navel should be.

-Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst.... that's your name. - I pinned the drawing back on the fridge and looked around again. - I don't think I'm going to find anything else in here. We need to get out of here.

Before I left, I checked again to make sure everything was in place and there was no sign of my presence. After a thorough check, I went out and locked the door.

"Basically, I didn't learn anything except their names. Their names, peculiar. Decided to mimic the gems? I've heard of some Chinese gangs giving their members animal names for their deeds. Maybe it's the same thing here.... we should visit the library. Seems it's time to learn more about geology and gemstones."

-But still....ha, I didn't go wrong with the stones. I grinned and went back to my hotel room. - But I'm still worried about that millipede creature and the fact that their gems are growing out of their bodies. It's either skinheads or really aliens.

I changed my clothes and headed to the library. Need to read a couple of books on gems, see if I can find something to latch on to. Any little details that might help me in my investigation.



The next day I went to the town library, looking for some information on gemstones. I knew I probably wouldn't get shit, but I tried. I found books in the library about geology and gemstones, very old books though, but there was enough information in them.

-And it's useless, maybe I'm just bullshitting, because none of this has anything to do with aliens. - I flipped through the book in front of me. - Garnet, it's crystals. Pearls are extracted from sea shells. Amethyst, mostly found in mountain cavities or gyods, they have nothing to do with anything!

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

"And I'm stumped. Apparently I'll have to start again....but from where? ".


Meanwhile, at the beach house.

-Grenade, grab him! Can't let him get out of here!

-I know! This reanimated breakfast is very powerful for someone who has lost almost all his powers!

Underneath the temple in the room with the lava well, the gems are fighting a monster that looks like. No, being breakfast! Steven has deliberately made a delicious breakfast for everyone when a dangerous entity, an evil mist, has been infested in him!

-I'm sorry guys! I didn't mean for it to end like this! - shouted Steven, fighting off the waffle hands.

-It's okay Steven, it's not your fault! - Shouted Amethyst. - I should have given you more attention, then none of this would have happened!


All three restrained the revived breakfast and slowly led it towards the well. Cornered, he had no other option, so his waffle body was enveloped in lava in the blink of an eye!

-Yes! We did it, folks!

-Fuh, who knew this creature could capture organic fibres. Next time we'll have to burn these things faster. - Pearl wiped the invisible sweat off her face.

At the last gasp of its new body, the Creature exclaimed and died....but no one ever noticed.

That after its death, a small part of it emerged from the body. In the form of a black mist. It flew out of the beach hut and headed out on the waves of wind into the city, in search of a new place of abode.


-Reboot, reboot, we'll have to start again, but with what? - I stopped rocking in my chair and wondered. - I don't know! Gotta think of something.....what's that?

I could see a dark cloud of something slowly falling towards my face. Thinking it was dust, I decided to ignore it.... and very wrongly so.

-I guess I'll just keep observing for now before I draw any conclusions. - I got up and collected my books. -After all, I'm just human, I still need to protect such a fragile and weak self, from monsters like them.

My hand reached for the last book.... when a dark thing, in the form of mist, fell on it. I tried to drop it, but it was as if the thing had sucked!

-Shoo! Kash! Get off me! - I started ripping it off.

But instead of pulling away, this mist went up on me! It was near my face in a flash before flying into my nostrils.....after nothing.

-....and what? -I touched my face. - Am I, like, supposed to die now or.....


That was the last thing I heard before I collapsed unconscious right onto the floor. The next day, I woke up and found something new in my body.


Even.... fascinating in its own way.

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