
Chapter 65: Imperial Hijackers

The day had broken, the carts riding in from up on the hills and down toward the Imperial Castle and then further down toward the research centers were already on the way.

A snap resounded followed by the sounds of chewing.

"Mmf. Mfmf mfmfmf!"

"Eat and then speak, Silver."

Silver mask, one of the underground sewer rebels was staring down at the carriage with a spyglass telescope while chowing down on the cookies Jim's lovely missus had baked and packed for them.

Silver gulped and shook his head.

"There is no one celebrating the carriage. I thought there'll be crowds around since the sire said they do it for shows."

Ogre, another of the group, waved his hands and sighed.

"You know the sire likes to exaggerate. No one has enough time to come and celebrate some random scientists and wizards who likely lick stones."

"They do?" Wolf asked. "That's shocking. How is that allowed."

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